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Grim family
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Gift with warranty

Master Geoffrey Grim to Alan Edward in free marriage with his niece, Matilda, and to the descendants of the said Matilda, land lying between the land formerly held by Ralph the Deaf (Surdus) and the land of Henry de Berthun (Barking?) in Holy Trinity parish next Garvin Cross. Rent: 2 pairs of gloves. Witnesses: Robert Seman, Alphin, son of priest, Warin, his son, Geoffrey Potechin, Symon, servant of Master Geoffrey Grim, Geoffrey, son of William, John, son of Cecily, John Elyoth et multis aliis.

Grim, Master Geoffrey

Confirmation of exchange

Walter, son of William and Alice de St Edmunds, confirms the exchange (169b-c) of a messuage for 1 acre in the fields, lying between the land of Master John Grim and that of Hugh, son of Absalon. Witnesses: Hervey, son of Eustace, Robert Saman, Adam, son of Eustace, Walter Corde, Hervey, son of Martin, Michael and John, his sons, Geoffrey, son of Ralph, Ralph, son of Henry, Thomas, son of Joachim, Richard, son of Yvo et multis aliis.

de St Edmunds family

Grant of a rent in free alms in exchange for tithe and right of sepulture

Hervey, son of Eustace, to the nuns a rent of 12d p.a. to be paid by Absolon, the son of the priest, out of land next the lane leading from St Edward's church to St John's church, to recompense them for any loss which may accrue to All Saints' church out of the common land on which is situated the Hospital of St John, and in return the said Hospital is to have the right to bury where it will, saving to the same Hospital its free chantry in perpetuity. Witnesses: Lord (Dominus) E(ustace), Bishop of Ely, R. Barre, archdeacon of Ely, William, prior of Barnwell, H., parson of the church of Bodekesham (Bottisham), Master (magister) John Grim, Master Geoffrey Grim, Master John de Malketon, Fulk, son of Theobald, Robert Picott, William de Trumpiton, Baldwin Blancgemon, Robert Seman, Maurice Russ et multis aliis.

Hervey son of Eustace (fl 1200-1231)

Grant of a rent in free alms in exchange for tithe and right of sepulture

Maurice Russ to the nuns a rent of 12d out of land in St John's parish in the tenure on Simon, son of Reginald, next the land of Goding de Cesterton, to recompense them for any loss which may accrue to All Saints' church out of the common land on which is situated the Hospital of St John, and in return the said Hospital is to have the right to bury where it will, saving to the same Hospital its free chantry in perpetuity. Witnesses: Lord (Dominus) E(ustace), Bishop of Ely, R. Barre, archdeacon of Ely, William, prior of Barnwell, H., parson of the church of Bodekesham (Bottisham), Master (magister) John Grim, Master Geoffrey Grim, Master John de Malketon, Fulk, son of Theobald, Robert Picott, William de Trumpiton, Baldwin Blancgemon, Robert Seman, Maurice Russ et multis aliis.

Russ, Maurice

Gift with warranty (indenture)

Prioress Constancia and the nuns to Robert, son of Walter Wymund and his wife, Margaret, land in St Peter's parish reaching from the highway to the land of Roger (Robert?) de St Edmund's, between that of Jordan le Natter and Roger Slipper. Rent: 12d. Witnesses: Roger de Wykes, mayor of Cambridge, Peter de Wilburham, Walter G(ri?)m, William Elyott, John Portehors, bailiffs, William Tuyllet, Nicholas Childman, Robert Hubert, Richard, son of Laurence, Thomas, son of Hervey, Roger Warin et aliis.

Constancia, Prioress

Gift in free alms with warranty

Warin Grim (son of Absalon) to the nuns 2 acres in Cambridge fields between the land of William le Fater and Bernard Shepherd (pastor). Witnesses: Robert Seman, Adam, son of Eustace, Peter, chaplain, Bartholomew Noble, Eustace, son of Hervey, Robert de St Edmunds, John de Berton, Ralph Wombe, Walter Chrocheman et multis aliis.

Grim, Warin

Gift in free alms with warranty

William de St Edmunds, with the consent of his wife, Alice, and his son, Walter, to the nuns 1 acre in Cambridge fields, lying between land formerly of Master (Magister) John Grim and than formerly of Hugh, son of Absalon. Witnesses: Hervey, son of Eustace, Robert Saman, Adam ___st' (Adam sn of Eustace?), Walter Corde, Hervey, son of Martin, Michael and John, his sons, Geoffrey, son of Ralph, Ralph, son of Henry, Thomas, son of Michael, John, son of Azo, Richard, son of Yvo et multis aliis.

de St Edmunds family

Mortgage (Indenture)

  • JCMR/Gray 1- . . . 383/Gray 274-360, 378/332
  • Item
  • 25 March 1201 ("de Pascha cuius anni ciclus est quinque primum post obitum Hugonis de Chartuse episcopi Lincoln', usque ad novem annos". Hugh of Lincoln died on 16 Nov. 1200: he took the vows in the monastery of the Grande Chartreuse (Gray, p. 136).)
  • Part of Records of the Priory of St Mary and St Radegund

Nicholas Sarrant to Orgar, son of Roger, 4 acres of land, 2 1/2 acres at the Claipittes between lands of the Prior of Barnwell, and 1 1/2 acres abutting on Grenecroft, where the man was hanged. Term: 9 years from Easter 1201; if principal not paid by then land to remain to Orgar. Consideration: 50s, which Orgar has given him to acquire his lands. Rent: Orgar to deduct 6d from Nicholas Sarrant's debt for every year he holds the land. Witnesses: Bernard Grim, Hervey Grim, William, his brother, Richard de Bernewell, Henry Frost, Robert Frost, Apsalon, son of Roger, William, son of Richard, Apsalon, son of Wymund, John de Welle, William, son of Roger, Ralph, his brother, Roger Parleben, Seba et multis aliis hominibus.

Sarant, Nicholas

Grant of rents in free alms

Warin Grin (Grim?), son of Apsolon, of Cambridge, for his soul and those of his parents and ancestors, to the nuns of St Radegund all his rents in Cambridge, viz. 6s from Peter Maxton for stalls; 12s 14d from land opposite the last, formerly of Stephen de Scales; 4s 6d from Robert de St Edmunds in Milne Street; 7s from Thomas Wulward in Milne Street; 3s from Geoffrey Glover in the market place; 2s 6d from Bernard, the shepherd, near Grenecroft; 6s from the wife of Godfrey Baker for life and after her death to revert to the nuns; 5s from William Carter, next the last; 1d from Reginald Scherwynd for land next the churchyard of St John. Witnesses: Robert Seman, Adam, son of Eustace, Eustace, son of Hervey, Ralph, son of Henry, Thomas, son of Joachim, Richard, son of Yvo, Anger Russ (Ruffus?), Childman, John de Berton, Geoffrey, son of Ralph, John, his son, William Pilate et aliis.

Grin, Warin

Grant of the Countess Constance

  • JCMR/Gray 1- . . . 383/Gray 1-10/3a
  • Item
  • August 1153-October 1154 (The grant includes prayers for the soul of Eustace and the good estate of King Stephen, so must be between Eustace's death in Aug. 1153 and Stephen's death in Oct. 1154.)
  • Part of Records of the Priory of St Mary and St Radegund

Grant of exemption from hagable and langable within and without the borough of Cambridge, also fishery and waters which belong to the said borough, as they were held by herself and her late husband Eustace, for the soul of the said Count Eustace, of all her ancestors, also for the soul of Queen Matilda, and for the good estate of King Stephen. Witnessed by N[igel], bishop of Ely, G[eoffrey] de Waterville, [Roger le Equaham?] with his brother Rodbertus (Robert), Radulf vicecomitus (Ralph the sheriff), Alexander pincerna (the butler), Eustace de Bans, William Monachus (le Moyne) of Shelford, Rodbertus (Robert) Grim, Gilbert son of Dunning, Herbert, Hervey son of Warin.

Constance (c 1126-post 1174) Countess of Toulouse from 1154

Confirmation of grant by Eustace, Bishop of Ely

John confirms the grant of his predecessor Eustace, Bishop of Ely (1198-1220) to the nuns of St Mary and St Radegund all of his land between the nunnery and 'Grenecroft'. The benefactor had seen the original charter of Eustace in the nuns' possession. Witnesses: Thomas de Heyden: (Heydon?), Magister Robert de Iwareby (Ewerby), Magister G. Grim (?), Simon de Insul[a] (of the Isle [of Ely]), Warin de Saham (Soham?), Richard de Chewelle (knight, tenant at Hatfield, Herts. - Miller, p. 194), Mattheus [Cristien] Senesc[hal] Elien[sis] (Matthew Christien, John de Fountains' steward), Henry Dunning[ton?] (Donnington) Et Multis Aliis

Fontibus, John de

Gift with warranty to William Sausintune

Matilda (Maud) gives to William Sausintune, formerly her servant, moiety of her land in the Jewry between the land of Warin le Cachepol and land which was of Simon le Tailor. Rent of 5s annually and 4s gersuma, and services as required. Witnesses: Robert Sam[an], Geoffrey, son of Radulf, John and Laurence, sons of above, Hugh, son of Martin, Nicholas and John, sons of above, Albert le Marcant, Geoffrey de Ely, Bartholomew le Noble, Sym[on] Godelote, John Avivechild, John, son of Henry de Bertown, William Pilate et multis aliis.

Grim, Matilda

Confirmation of gift to nuns of St Mary and St Radegund

Fulk Crocheman confirms the gift made with his sister Sybil of lands formerly held of him by Brito the Jew, dimentions 47 ft wide on the street front, and in the middle 39 ft, length 204 ft from the street to the end of his. Witnesses: Baldwin Blang[ernon?], Bernard Grim, Albric Ruffus (Russ?), Absalon, son of William, Walter, his brother, Robert Seman, Hervey Grim, William, his brother, Michael, son of Ordgar, Adam Weriail, Stephan, son of Selid, Roger Parleben, Andrew Caret[er], Richard Grisillung, Reginald, son of Osbert, Robert Walter, Richard, son of Nicholas, Richard de Malket; et multis aliis.

Crocheman, Fulk (1st half of 13c)

Counterpart of gift with warranty by nuns to Bartholomew le Noble

Bartholomew le Noble thas received from Prioress Letitia and the nuns the messuage which was of Symon le Blund, between the land of said Bartholomew and the land of Andrew de Winepol, extending from the highway to the land of Bernard Grim and Richard Bullokesprest. Rent: 2s; gersuma 5 1/2 marks. Witnesses: Hervey son of Eustace, Robert Saman, Adam son of Eustace, Geoffrey son of Ralph, John and Lawrence, his sons, Ralph son of Henry, Hervey son of Martin, Michael and John, his sons, Reginald de Fordham, William Pilate et multis aliis.

le Noble family

Gift in free alms with warranty

Alberic, son of Eustace of Madingley, for the souls of himself, his father, his ancestors, his wife Mabil and his heirs, to the nuns of St Radegund 2 acres of his land lying in Madingley fields, of which 4 selions abut on Leford Havedlong between the land of Maurice Russ (Ruffus) of Cambridge and the land of Henry de Berton, formerly belonging to Eustace the Smith; 1 selion abuts on the road to the meadow, lying between the land of Reginald Carpenter and the land of the aforesaid Alberic, and 1 selion abuts on Bernoldsdich, lying between the land of John de Senigey and the land of Walter Blancpain. Witnesses: William de Burdeley, William, his son, Roger Sprot, Hervey Grim, William, his brother, Maurice Russ (Ruffus), Allard __garius, Hervey, son of Eustace, Robert Seman, Adam Weriel, John Crocheman, Richard Atgate (de Porta), Bartholomew Tailur, Geoffrey Potekin, Henry, son of Elias, Geoffrey, son of Eustace, Warin, son of Tangar (or Targar), Astin, son of Eustace, John, son of Robert, Richard, his son, Eustace Smith (faber), John of Seningey, Walter de Coteham et multis aliis.

Hervey son of Eustace (fl 1200-1231)