- JCMR/Gray 1- . . . 383/Gray 274-360, 378/305
- Item
- 20 March 1219 ("Acc Anno Gracie Mo Cco xix tercio decimo Kalend April".)
Prior Laurence and the convent of Barnwell undertakes to pay to the Prioress and the nuns a rent of 9s, as an amicable composition for tithes of a water mill, belonging in fee to William de Mortuomarus and situated in Cambridge. Witnesses: Master (Magister) William de Banks, Master Walter de Tynnton, Master Richard de Normanry, Master Geoffrey de Hechham, Master Thomas de Tyrintus, Antony, dean of Cambridge, Master William Hospit, Master Richard de Waveton, Humphrey, chaplain of St John's, Humphey, chaplain of St Botulph, Hervey, son of Eustace, Robert Seman, Hervey, clerk et aliis.
Barnwell, Prior Laurence of