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Programme for a performance of Shakespeare's The Tempest in the Cloister Court on Sunday 10th June and Monday 11th June 1956 at 8.30pm

Coal Invoice

John Stockdale & Son invoice to Rev Dr French for 35 chaldrons of duck coals on 27th July 1831 and 35 chaldrons of blyth coals on 11th August 1831. Totaly of £84, dedivated 3s 10d, final total £80 10s. Below letter from John Stockdale & Sons to Dr French acknowledging the invoice.

John Stockdale & Son

Newspaper subscription bill

Bill from Thomas Kennedy to Rev. Dr. Turner for £4 19s 9d for 52 weeks of the Evening Mail.

Kennedy, Thomas

Plate and silver bill

Paid £22 17s 6d for two pairs of silver candlesticks and received Messrs Brookes and Wakefield's plate money. The balance of money received out of the treasury by E.R. Raynes.

Raynes, E. R.


Programme for a performance of Britten's Saint Nicolas in the College Chapel on Monday 10th March 1958 at 8.30pm. The Jesus Singers, orchestra and boys of the Chapel Choir were conducted by Peter Fletcher

Saint Nicolas - Wilfred Brown
The Boy Nicolas - Anthony Tilley
The Pickled Boys - Kenneth Marshall, Richard Howes, Anthony Tilley

(The orchestra included Philip Ledger playing the piano)


Programme for Aristophanes, Thesmophpriazusae (The Judgment of Women) and John Blow, Venus and Adonis, performed in the Cloisters at Jesus College during May Week on 9th June 1958. The music was played by the College Orchestra conducted by John Turner

Ironmongers bill

Paid £59 19s 9d to Edward Headly and Son for iron fence around the new square, 1 extra post, 1 iron gate of fixing same, fencing of post Jesus terrace, repairing old fence. Signed Edward Headly and Son

Edward Headly and Son

Letter to the Bursar

Sending earlier letters about College's gift of land to the Vicarage in 1912.

Jones, T K

Burial certificate

Certificate detailing oath by Elizabeth Bottomly of St. Botolph's parish, Cambridge that Hannah Clee of St. Botolph's parish, Cambridge was not buried in anything other than wool. Signed by witnesses J. Cheetham and the mark of Mary Smith. Also signed by James Whiskin, Justice of the Peace for Cambridge.


Programmes for performances of Chester Miracle Plays in the College Chapel on Thursday 29th November, Friday 30th November and Sunday 2nd December 1956 at 8.30pm. No performers are listed. The programme includes The Fall of Lucifer, Adam and Eve, Abraham and Isaac, The Nativity, Herod and the Magi and Oblation of the Shepherd and Magi, interspersed with carols and motets

Letters of Certification and Pension Payments

  • JCCA/JCAD/2/2/9/1758/1
  • Item
  • 15 January 1758 - 14 October 1758 (15 Jan, 5 Apr, 6 Jul, 14 Oct)
  • Part of College Archives

Proves that Ann Badcock, widow of Rev. Mr John Badcock is still living. Signed by Thomas Casburn, Church Warden. Also signed by Ann Badcock confirming receipt of pension of £2 from Mr Huten. January receipt also signed by H. Lushington, curate.

Badcock, Widow Ann

Gas Rental Receipt

Receipt dated October 11 1833, Cambridge. Received of the Rev Master & Fellows of Jesus College the sum of £15 as by account to Septembeer 29 1833 for the Gas Company. Signed Thomas Frend Curtis, collector.

The Gas Company

Gas Rental Invoice

  • JCCA/JCAD/2/2/9/1833/35/1
  • Item
  • 20th September 1832 - 25th March 1833
  • Part of College Archives

Invoice from Cambridge, to the Revd Master & Fellows of Jesus College, dues(?) to the Gas Company. Rental of gas from 20th September 1832 to 25th March 1833 by contract. Total of £15.

The Gas Company

Royal Charter Permitting College Foundation

Licence granted by Henry VII to John [Alcock], Bishop of Ely, to expel the prioress and nuns from the convent of St Radegund . . . and to found a college for a Master, six Fellows and a certain number of scholars . . . To be called the College of the Blessed Virgin Mary, St John the Evangelist and the Glorius Virgin St Radegund, and to hold in free alms all the lands and possessions of the former priory; with incomplete Great Seal

Steward's Abstract

Steward's Abstract 1833, to the bursar Dr French.

Christmas 1832, Coll: Sol & Stips (£48 17s 2d), Fellows (£18 15s 10d), Corn Money (£3 3s 3d) Sch. Com. (£4 19s 2d). Total of £75 15s 5d. Printing rate (£8 17s), Lamps & Court (£8 19s 6d), Chamber Rents (£136 15s), Coals (£18 15s), Master & Fellows (£18 8s 6d).

Lady Day 1833, Coll Sol & Stips (£49 4s 6d), Fellows (£16 10s 9d), Corn money (£3 14s 9d), Sch. Com. (£4 18s 4d). Total of £74 8s 4d. Printing rate (£8 17s), Lamps & Court (£9 1s), Chamber rents (£146), Coals (£23 5d), Coals (£23, 5d). Master & Fellows (£11 7s 5d). Total of £198 5s 10d.

Midsummer 1833, Coll Sol & Stips (£49 11s 10d), Fellows, (£16 13s 8d), Cash money, (£3 3s 3d), Sch. Com. (£3 12s, 6d). Total of £73 1s 3d. Printing rate (£9), Lamps & Court (£9 13s), Chamber Rents (£104, 10s), Coals (£11 2s 11d). Master & Fellows (£19 17s 4d). Total of £154 3s 3d).

Michaelmas 1833, Col Sol & Stips (£47 3s 2d), Fellows (£19 19s 7d). Total of £67 2s 9d). Printing rate (£13 7s), Lamps & Court (£9 11s 6d), Taxes (£54 2s 6d), Chamber Rent (£93 5s) , Masters & Fellows (£23 5s 6d). Total of £193 11s 6d.


Freshmen 1896

A photograph and list of names as follows:

R.W. Bell; J. Goss; M.M. Haldane; E.M. Thomson; J.C. Flood; Randhir Singh [actually Sindhar]; L.E. Faber; S.A. Shackle; P.J. Spalding; P.C. Swayne; B.D. Nairne; A.B. Clarke; D.M.[actually M.D.] Manduell; E.M. Ewbank [actually Ewbanke]; P.N. [actually J.S.M.] Sutherland; W. De P. Nicholson; N.G. Harry; B.H. Neill; E.B.T. Lee; F.P. [actually W.R.] Gourley; K.E. [actually H.E.] Graham; F. Bell; J.R. Wood; H.B. Orton; H.C. Beasley. Absent T.W.M. [actually F.W.M.] Palmer.


Played by Victor Magee. Coloured drawing of the costume; the actor's measurements and notes about the costume; and a pencil sketch of the costume with notes


Played by Gerald Studdert-Kennedy. Colour sketch of the costume; the actor's measurements; notes about the costume; and a pencil sketch of the costume with black and white fabric swatches

Land Tax Receipt

Received of Jeus College by payment of Mrs Poulter the sum of 18s for half years land tac due Mick day last. Paid by cash settled. Signed Mrs Poulter, John Price collector.

Poulter, Mrs.

Freshmen 1906

A photograph labelled 1907. However, it is probably of 1906 freshmen. The list of names is as follows:

G.E. Sanderson; V.S. Brown: H.G. Head; N.U. Cunningham; H.S. Kutnow; W.A.T. Kidel; H.P. Hill; B.W. Holloway; G. Bradstock; B. Milburn; W.R. Batty; J.C. Boot; H.R. Browne; J.R. Davey; R.G.D. Minnes; M.T. Clegg; J.H. Allen; M.G. Thomas; F.G. Wood; E.C. Starling; J.R. Mitchelson; G. Ribeero; B.W. Pigg; W.J.J. Thornton; W. Pain; A.E. Glover; E.U. Lovell; B.W. Vann; N. Moore; H.N. Dew; H. Farrell; G.M. Brown; A.K. Gray; K.E. Maclean; J. Manifold.

Wallpapering Bill

Bill for shaving wallpaper in Hughes Keeping Room; preparing, sizing, and papering walls of bedrooms in L3 and B4; preparing and sizing walls of Mr Morgan's WC with own paper; stripping walls in sitting room and bedroom of L5 and lining them with new paper. Total cost £8 7s.

John Swan and Son

Water Statements and Receipts

Bill for cost of time of man examining and testing 5 hydrants, and of raising the hydrant, including materials. Total cost £1 8s 6d. Bill for water in lodge, 2 WCs, garden, and arrears, costing £2 12s 10d. Separate bill for water in 74 sets of rooms, 4 WCs, and 5 hydrants, costing £13 16s 6d.
Tucked inside, two bills for water supply in the quarter ending on 6th Oct 1874, one for the amount of £12 14s, the other for £12 11s 6d, with less charged for the cost of the hydrant carried forward. Also a receipt for £1 8s 6d for repairs [to the hydrant] as per statement. All signed off by W.L. Dickson, collector.

Cambridge University and Town Water Works Company

Deighton receipt for examination papers

Receipt from J & J. J. Deighton, booksellers for examination papers. Includes costs for paper, blotting paper, pens, and ink. Total cost: £2 3s 9d.

J. & J. J. Deighton

Ironmongers Bill

Bill from Edward Beales & Co., wholesalers, retailers, ironmongers, iron and brass founders, iron merchants, whitesmiths, and bell hangers, for 1 weighing machine and 2 weights, costing £3 4d. Signed by E. Beales.

Edward Beales & Co.


Played by Janet Ellis. Colour sketch of the costume; the actor's measurements; notes about the costume; notes about alterations and a pencil sketch of the costume with green and white fabric swatches


Played by Bill Keith. Coloured drawing of the costume; the actor's measurements; and a pencil sketch of the costume with notes

Brick and tile maker bill

Bill for pipes made by William Bird, brick and tile maker, between December 21st 1878 and July 22nd 1879, paid by Mr Deeks for Hundon. Signed by William Bird and on the back by Mr Deeks.

Deeks, Charles

Trinity College Rent Receipt

Dated October 12th 1832, received of the master of Jesus College, 4d for one years rent due to Trinity College in Cambridge at St Michaelmas last past. Signed William Cattey.

Cattey, William

Bookbinder's bill

Payment of £1 4s 3d to John P. Gray for bookbinding done for the college chapel. Includes payments for binding four music books in rough calf, one almanac, and one almanac on board. Signed by J. P. Gray.

John P. Gray, Bookbinders

Freshmen 1907

The photograph is labelled 1908 but has been struck through and replaced with 1907. However, identification of M.E.H. Schiff and J.H. Allen from other college photographs, suggests that it is 1907. A list of names of 1907 freshmen is included on the previous page, although the listing is an incorrect record of the photograph. An attempt has been made to identify the freshmen in the correct order (date unknown), and this has been included as a handwritten note. The names included on the album list are:

G.E. Sanderson; V.S. Brown: H.G. Head; N.U. Cunningham; H.S. Kutnow; W.A.T. Kidel; H.P. Hill; B.W. Holloway; G. Bradstock; B. Milburn; W.R. Batty; J.C. Boot; H.R. Bowne; J.R. Davey; R.G.D. Minnes; M.T. Clegg; J.H. Allen; M.G. Thomas; F.G. Wood; E.C. Starling; J.R. Mitchelson; G. Ribeero; B.W. Pigg; W.J.J. Thornton; W. Pain; A.E. Glover; E.U. Lovell; B.W. Vann; N. Moore; H.B. Dew; H. Farrell; G.M. Brown; A.K. Gray; K.E. Maclean; J. Manifold.

The names inlcuded on the handwritten list are:

Cunningham; Allen; Clegg; Ruck-Keene; Sanderson; Moore; Kutnow; Ribeiro; Currie; Hay; Glover; Thowling [?]; Brown; Hales; Carroll [?]; Hill; Mitchelson; Goodwin; Gordon-Wood; Davey; Brown; Starling; Armstrong; de Vann; Rowsell; Grey; Dew; Farrell; Kirkpatrick; Head; Schiff; Lovell; McClean; Wood.

Special Quotation for Wines and Spirits

Special quotation for red wines, white wines, burgundy, claret, port and brandy with price listings per dozen sent by Morel Bros, Coblett & Sons (Wine, Spirit, Cigar and Tobacco merchants, 22-24 Buckingham Palace Road, London) to the Steward of Jesus College (by post, with envelope dated 2nd November)

Morel Bros. & Cobbett & Son, Wine, Spirit, Cigar and Tobacco Merchants

Bookbinder's bill

Payment of 8s 9d to Robert Hymn for bookbinding services. Includes payments for binding and repairing five volumes of royal music books in cloth for the chapel. Signed by Robert Hymn.

Flynn, Robert

Chimney Sweeping Invoice

Receipt received of Rev Dr French to Robert Press for sweeping College kitchen chimneys, cleaning the oven, sweeping the hall chimney, sweeping the porter and combination room chimneys, sweeping the servants hall chimney. Signed Mr Willis(?). Total of £1 8s. Paid to Robert Press.

Press, Robert

Land Rent Receipt

Dated 5th November 1833, received of the Master and Fellows of Jesus College the sum of 2s and 6d for one year, land rent due to the Master and Fellows of Clare Hall at Michaelmas last. Signed William Webb.

Webb, William

Freshmen 1908

A photograph and list of names as follows:

H.C. Lunn; G.E. Seon: W.B.H. King; E.J. Bradley; F.M. Windley; C.A. Skinner; G. Davy; F.A. Woodward; J.H. Bailey; C.A.E. Chadleigh; G. Hutchinson; C.S. Owston; O.C. Hawkins; C.E.O. Finch; G. Monks; K.L. Pennell; H.N. Goodchild; C.H. Mosse; E.G. Jaquet; O.W. Darch; C.C. Johnson; A.J. Wright; A.H. Holman; H.D.B. Harford; R.A. Lloyd Barrow; F.L. Grille; P.D. Ravenscroft; J.S.C. Reid; H.R. Bailey; B.E. Kenworthy Browne; R.J. Hearn; O.E. Stout; C.L. Ferguson; Baron E. Biedermann; A.E.J. Walker; G.B. Stafford; R. Manning.


Played by Tony Gibbs. Coloured drawing of the costume; the actor's measurements; and a pencil sketch of the costume with notes


Played by Charles Channon. Colour sketch of the costume; the actor's measurements and notes about the costume; and a pencil sketch of the costume with blue and white fabric swatches

Results 1 to 50 of 662