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Archival description
Come live with me
Come live with me
Ha'nacker Mill
Ha'nacker Mill
76., 8 lines
76., 8 lines
The Church's one foundation
The Church's one foundation
Untitled [Agnus Dei]
Untitled [Agnus Dei]
For thee, O dear country
For thee, O dear country
Fugue (in organo pleno)
Fugue (in organo pleno)
Choir recording
Choir recording
FRCO fugue (incomplete) and Song 34 (incomplete)
FRCO fugue (incomplete) and Song 34 (incomplete)
Fugue in E minor (Chromatique!) and fragment of FRCO fugue for String Trio
Fugue in E minor (Chromatique!) and fragment of FRCO fugue for String Trio
Agnus Dei
Agnus Dei
I will lift up mine eyes
I will lift up mine eyes
Ascendit Deus
Ascendit Deus
Five short chorale preludes
Five short chorale preludes
Diocesan Choirs Festival 1958
Diocesan Choirs Festival 1958
Litany to the Holy Spirit
Litany to the Holy Spirit
J. S. Bach: Präludium, Trio und Fuge B-Dur
J. S. Bach: Präludium, Trio und Fuge B-Dur
Suite "Laudate Dominum"
Suite "Laudate Dominum"
Diocesan Choirs Festival 1960
Diocesan Choirs Festival 1960
Five Verses on a melody from the Paderborn Gesangbuch
Five Verses on a melody from the Paderborn Gesangbuch
Bach Organ Trio-Sonatas (1/3) [Broadcast concert]
Bach Organ Trio-Sonatas (1/3) [Broadcast concert]
Five verses
Five verses
Festival Te Deum Op. 10
Festival Te Deum Op. 10
Noël Nouvelet
Noël Nouvelet
Three Short Anthems
Three Short Anthems
The organs of St Albans Abbey
The organs of St Albans Abbey
Two Dialogues
Two Dialogues
Two Dialogues
Two Dialogues
Diocesan Choirs Festival 1964
Diocesan Choirs Festival 1964
Diocesan Choirs Festival 1966
Diocesan Choirs Festival 1966
Diocesan Choirs Festival 1968
Diocesan Choirs Festival 1968
Fanfare on "Old 100th"
Fanfare on "Old 100th"
Diocesan Choirs Festival 1970
Diocesan Choirs Festival 1970
Diocesan Choirs Festival 1970
Diocesan Choirs Festival 1970
Carols from St. Albans
Carols from St. Albans
Magdalen, cease from sobs and sighs
Magdalen, cease from sobs and sighs
Bethlehem, of noblest cities
Bethlehem, of noblest cities
"Truly the Lord is in this place" and "Through Christ Jesus". Sentences from the series III Order for Holy Communion
"Truly the Lord is in this place" and "Through Christ Jesus". Sentences from the series III Order for Holy Communion
Diocesan Choirs Festival 1972
Diocesan Choirs Festival 1972
Two Sentences
Two Sentences
The Responses set for 4-6-part boys' voices
The Responses set for 4-6-part boys' voices