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College Archives J. Carter Jonas & Sons
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Specification of Work

Specification of work required to be carried out at Nos. 5 and 6 Park Street to improve the drains and prevent flooding

J. Carter Jonas & Sons

18 Station Road

  • JCCA/JCAD/3/CAM/STA/18/2/1
  • Item
  • 29th August 1944 - 27th March 1946
  • Part of College Archives

Consists of 2 letters from J. Carter Jonas & Sons (Land Agents) to the Bursar: (1) stating that Miss Kett had been granted an abatement in the rent of £5 owing to war conditions and asking this be extended as conditions were worse than during the war and much inconvenience had been experienced owing to the houses on both sides having been requisitioned; (2) presenting an account from Mr F. Andrews for work done and giving details about tree roots causing drains to be blocked at 18 Station Road

J. Carter Jonas & Sons

9 New Square

2 letters:

(1) 29 December 1933 from J. Carter Jonas & Sons to the Bursar advising him to accept the offer of £29 against the original claim of £31 17s. 6d. for dilapidations and stating that Mrs Haddock was living in the property with no formal agreement and asking if they should contact her and re let on the usual College terms.

(2) 10 January 1935 – from the Bursar to H. M. Inspector of Taxes confirming that on the expiry of the lease on No. 9 at Ladyday 1934 the property was let to Mr W. E. Haddock.

J. Carter Jonas & Sons

Specification of Dilapidations

Specification of dilapidations of No. 8 Park Street in accordance with the repairing covenant of lease as on termination

J. Carter Jonas & Sons

Specification of Work

Specification of work for Nos. 29 to 40 Lower Park Street

J. Carter Jonas & Sons


"Dear Sir, We beg to acknowledge receipt of the following cheques for which we are much obliged:- Mr. William Sindall £753 11s 10d [and] Messrs. Coulson & Lofts £139 8s 6d. [W]e are forwarding them to the Contractors and will send you the receipted accounts in due course. We are , Yours faithfully, ..."

J. Carter Jonas & Sons


Two invoices for £51 17s 11d and £700 respectively.

J. Carter Jonas & Sons

Repairs at West Wratting Valley Farm

Series of receipts outlining repair works carried out at the Valley Farm in West Wratting. 1) Authorisation to execute the work (repairing pumps, fixing frame and leaving premises in good order) to Mr Brand from J. Carter Jonas (13th December 1919); 2) Receipt for repairing pumps, fixing frame and work as required (3p) by H.T. Smith, (22nd March 1920). 3) Receipt for oak field gates and oak parts for a total of 21p, work carried out by Apperley, Beard & Co. (29th June 1920).

Brand, W.A.


Invoice for allotment rents for £26 0s 7d (£4 0s 0d remuneration), £8 5s 0d (16s 6d), £4 6s 3d (8s 6d) and extra remuneration of £2 0s 0d. Total £38 11s 10d minus £7 5s 0d. Notice of receipt for £31 6s 10d.

J. Carter Jonas & Sons

Letter and Invoice

Letter attached to invoice by brass pin. "We have no inspected the works of repair carried out by Hunt. we find these quite satisfactory and enclose Certificate for the amount of his account." Work totaling £38 7s 6d was done at Steeple Morden. Fleck's Lane Farm.

J. Carter Jonas & Sons

Specification of Work

Specification of repairs and painting at:
63 King Street
41 and 42 Park Street
13-15 and 20-22 Jesus Lane
1-9 New Court

J. Carter Jonas & Sons


Item regards the 2nd installment, £650, is due by the college for works at Jesus Lane (erection of new garage, etc.).

Note at bottom says, "The above amount includes a sum of £115 due to D. Mackay for constructional steelwork:"

J. Carter Jonas & Sons

Bomb Damage

Letter to the Bursar giving a report of damage to properties after a bomb had fallen in the vicinity on the night of 27th July 1942.
1-10 and 16 Park Street - broken glass and slates
13-15 Park Street and 20 Jesus Lane - no damage
8 Portugal Place - damaged slates, many holes in the tiled roof, stucco damaged, attic ceiling damaged and wall plaster loosened

J. Carter Jonas & Sons

College insurance for small fire

Correspondence concerning a building recently damaged by fire. The building was insured under Policy 7346138 and the matter to be settled once the repair by Rattee & Kett is complete

J. Carter Jonas & Sons

Surveyors' Invoice

Invoice for surveying and works done at 6 Malcolm Street. Invoice for interviewing tenants about what rooms were vacant due to the war, and ascertaining the associated loss in income for the College. Invoice for negotiating lease of Valley Farm in West Wratting to Mr. E. F. Oakey for 7 years beginning on 10th October 1915, and obtaining price estimate for necessary sanitary work from Messrs Howlett Bros. Invoice for inspecting fire damage to premises in St. Tibbs Row occupied by Messrs Barrett and Son Ltd. Obtaining price estimate for repair work from Messrs Redding and Son. Total £16.0.6.

J. Carter Jonas & Sons

Fire Insurance Bill

Received of Jesus College the sum of £2 17s 9d as a deposit on a proposed insurance of £3700 with the Sun Fire Office. Signed off by J. Carter Jonas, agent.

Sun Fire Office

Rifle Range

Plan referred to in report dated 10th March 1898. Plan includes dimensions in acres, roods and perches, and shows the University Football ground and Cranmer and Herschel Road

J. Carter Jonas & Sons


Plan showing Nos. 39-44 New Square and the system of drainage to Willow Walk

J. Carter Jonas & Sons

Proposed Bathroom

Colour plans for a proposed new bathroom showing the section, elevation, ground floor, and chamber plan. 1/4 scale.

J. Carter Jonas & Sons

Bath Rooms (Jesus Lane), 1908

Map of Nos. 19-26 and 33 and 34 Jesus Lane giving the following information about bathrooms which were on the first floor level:
Nos. 19-22 - bathroom plan approved on 14th May 1908
Nos. 23 and 24 - bathroom lately erected
Nos. 33 and 34 - bathroom plan approved 20th March 1908

J. Carter Jonas & Sons

Agreement for Hire of Land

Parties: (1) Jesus College, (2) Colonel Louis Tebbutt (tenant of 4 Salisbury Villas). Agreement for the hire of land situated between Salisbury Villas and Tenison Avenue

J. Carter Jonas & Sons

Proposed New Garage, c. 1922

Plan of the proposed new garage located behind Nos. 19-22 Jesus Lane. Shows the position of the Crown Inn which was to be pulled down to be converted into a shop, showroom, and office. Also the location of cottages behind Nos. 23 and 24 Jesus Lane which were to be pulled down. Includes manuscript additions

J. Carter Jonas & Sons

Proposed Garage

Plan showing the site of the proposed new garage, petrol store, offices, and shop in the area behind 19-22 Jesus Lane and west of No. 19 on the position of the former Crown Inn

J. Carter Jonas & Sons

Specification of Work

Ingleside, Pikes Walk; 1/5 and 15 Park Street; 16, 18 and 20 Fitzroy Street; and 1/9 New Court. Specification of proposed repairs and painting

J. Carter Jonas & Sons

Station Building Estate

A map of the area to the east of the station from Mill Road at the top of the map to Cherry Hinton Road at the bottom. On it are areas shaded light pink and marked as 'sites for factories', an area shaded green marked as 'site reserved by Cambridge Corporation for public recreation ground' and areas shaded dark pink but these aren't labelled

J. Carter Jonas & Sons

Dilapidated Wall - 23, 24, 25 New Square

Plan showing Nos. 23, 24 and 25 New Square with a portion of dilapidated wall between Nos. 24 and 25 marked in red. Scale: 1/500.

J. Carter Jonas & Sons

Specification of Work

Number 2 Pike's Walk. Repairs and painting required

J. Carter Jonas & Sons

Report and Valuation

Numbers 40 & 42 Hobson Street. Includes description of property; state of repair; valuation; repairing covenants; Landlord and Tenant Act; and Fire Insurance

J. Carter Jonas & Sons

Change of Tenants, 16 Park Street, 1941

Letter to the Bursar informing him that they had sent a form of Surrender to Captain John Bennett and were arranging for Mr Storey to sign a quarterly tenancy agreement

J. Carter Jonas & Sons

Rent on Nos. 23 and 26 Lower Park Street

Letter to the Bursar recommending that the rent on these two properties is not reduced as it would mean a proportional reduction in rent on neighbouring properties

J. Carter Jonas & Sons

Dilapidations, 1929

Specification of dilapidations at 57 Jesus Lane on the termination of the lease.

J. Carter Jonas & Sons

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