Gift with warranty (counterpart of indenture), fragmentary.
- JCMR/Gray 1- . . . 383/Gray 22...29, 50-78/68
- Item
- 16 November 1291-15 November 1292 ('___ Anno regni reg[is] E. vicesimo')
Prioress Elena and the nuns to Roger Beston and Juliana, his wife, a messuage with houses, in length 10 perches, and in width 4 perches. Term: in perpetuity to them and the heirs of their bodies. Rent: 10s. John But, Mayor of Cambridge, ___ Tuillet, John Martin, John Goldring et multis aliis.
Elena (fl 1284-1299 - very beg. of 14c) Prioress of St Radegund