JCMR/Add./Add. Deeds 1-83/Add. Deeds 71-83/Add. Deeds 74
Part of Records of the Priory of St Mary and St Radegund
William le Compere (Cumpere) to Agnes, widow of Nicholas le Moyne of Shelford and her assigns or legatees and their heirs 7 roods of land in Shelford, viz.: 2 roods lying next to his courtyard between his house and the house of Hugh Viellator (Vidler) abutting on the road; 5 roods lying outside the court in a croft; and any right the donor has or can claim in these lands. Rent: 12d. Gersuma: 6s 8d. Witnesses: Ralph de Hoylond, Gilbert de Tudenham, Thomas de Tudeham, John le Moyne (Monachus), John de Shelford, Walter Chaplain (capellanus), Peter le Buf, Stephan Clerk, et multis aliis.
Cumpere, William le