Summary of tithe rent payments for lands in the parish of Hundon. Includes name of landowners, name of occupiers, name and description of land and premises, amount of original payment, and amount of payment for 1858. Organized alphabetically by last name of landowner. Landowners, in order of appearance here transcribed: William Bean, George Baldry, Alfred Brigg, Joseph Boneham, Thomas Castbolt, William Chapman, William Choat, John Connell, Matilda Crown, Susan Deeks, John Deeks, George Deeks, Charles Deeks, Sarah Deeks, John Payne Elives, Samuel Eagle, Joseph Eagle, Elizabeth Eagle, Edmund Elsden, Feoffees of Rogerland Charity, James Fenton, Noah Forsten, Temple Frere, John Gibbons, Simon Golding, William Golding, John Goodchild, Samuel Goodchild, William Goodchild, Samuel Gooch, George Green, John Green, John Hale, Mary Halls, Matthew Halls, Frederick Hinsch, Willam Ives, Jesus College Cambridge, Richard Webb Jupp, John Mansfield, Isaac Mansfield, Robert Marsh, George Medcalf, Thomas Nock, Parish Officers, John Peacock, David Potter, Robert Potter, John Price, H. Robinson Trustees of viz: Rt. Hon Earl Powis and Honi. Robert H. Clive, Thomas Rogers, Elizabeth Ruce, Thomas Rutter, Abraham Savage, Charles Savage, George Savage, Josiah Savage, Joseph Smith, Mary Smith, James Sparks, Thomas Edward Spackman, James Stiff, Rev. William Syer, Francis Territt, Ann Catherine Territt, Charles Taylor, Henry Tevenson, Edward Rose Turner, John Vernon Trustees of viz:- Frederick Andrew Esq. and Rev Joshua Rowley, Samuel Ware, Ann Webb, Hannah Wesshop, William Whiting, Rev. Robert Stoddard (Glebe).
Occupiers, in order of appearance here transcribed: James Boneham & another, George Baldry & another, James Shearman, Alfred Brigg, Jabez Pettit, George Rogers, Thomas Castbolt & other, William Chapman, William Choat & other, Sarah Deeks, George Sarms, Hannah Crown & other, Susan Deeks & other, John Deeks, David Potter, Joseph Bowers, William Midson & others, Charles Deeks & others, Sarah Deeks, Charles Deeks, Samuel Eagle, William Cuthbert, John Moore, Joseph Eagle & other, John Deeks, Edmund Elsden, William Golding and James Silverstone, Daniel Potter, Hannah Crown, Dennis Taylor, Mark Halls & other, John Fitch, Henry Hammond, Thomas Rockett, Thomas Bruce, Richard Mingy, John Goodchild & other, John Taylor, William Goodchild & other, Robert Rumball, George Green & other, John Green, Samuel Eagle, Sarah Deeks & other, David Potter, Samuel Eagle, WIlliam Ives, Robert French Cuthbert, Robert Sheppard and Morris Bird, Henry Hammond, Andrew Wade, John Mansfield, Isaac Mansfield, THomas Nock & another, Ann Childs, Thomas Nock, Catherine Wilkin & another, Samuel Goody, David Potter, Thomas Rogers & another, Walter Price, James Wing Dennis, Joshua Rogers & another, Elizabeth Ruce & another, James Golding & another, Abraham Savage, Thomas Orris & another, George Savage, Josiah Savage, George Smith, William Bradman, Robert Ford, James Stiff & other,William Syer, Charles Deeks, John Flower & other, Henry Swires, Samuel Coe, John Murrills, Charles Taylor, Thomas Rogers, Thomas and William Jolly, Thomas Rogers, William Golding, Sir Robert Harland (late), Matthew Deeks, Ralph Unwin, Samuel Howe, Sarah Deeks, John Snell, William Leech, Hannah Crown & others, William Brown & others, Samuel Ware, Samuel Goodchild, Henry Reveth & another, Charles Savage & other, William Whiting & others, Thomas Nunn & another, Rev. Robert Stoddard & others.
Part of College Archives
Part of College Archives
Memorandum -
Cuthbert paid his rent due at Michaelmas 1848 on the 16th of February 1849. The amount was £525 0s 0d.
(Following section is unclear but breaks down the amount of tax included in that £525 0s 0d payment).
1848 -
June 26th - Quit Rents; £0 3s 5p
1849 -
January 23 - J. Hall
January 29 - Rents; £1 9s 9d
February 6 - [Illegible - name], Limel £0 15s 5d
February 7 – Rogers, Thatcher; £0 19s 6d
Webb, Bricklayer; £6 3s 8d
[Illegible – name], Thatcher; £1 5s 3d
February 10 – Knock, Carpenter; £2 19s 6d
[Illegible – name]l Blacksmith; £0 7s 0d
[Total=] £15 7s 6d