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JCPP/Hurford/1/3/31 · Item · 19-21 October
Part of Personal Papers

Handwritten manuscripts of three lectures as part of "Three lecture recitals" given by Peter Hurford at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology on the 19th, 20th and 21st of October.

Hurford, Peter (1919-1930) ), British organist and composer
Degree Day
JCPP/Hurford/1/3/10 · Item · 21st November 2007
Part of Personal Papers

Typewritten copy with pen markings of a paper titled: "Degree Day".
Speech given by Peter Hurford the 21st of November 2007 at the University of Herts [Hertfordshire?] for the Award of Music Doctorate.
2 pages.

Hurford, Peter (1919-1930) ), British organist and composer
Blundell's Music School
JCPP/Hurford/1/3/9 · Item · 6th October 2007
Part of Personal Papers

Typewritten copy with pen markings of a paper titled: "Blundell's Music School".
Speech given by Peter Hurford the 6th of October 2007. 3 pages.
Also: typewritten page with: Specification of organ in chapel built by Hele Plymouth.

Hurford, Peter (1919-1930) ), British organist and composer
JCPP/Hurford/2/3/1 · Item · 2004
Part of Personal Papers

An all-faiths hymn (or anthem) for Blundell's as it celebrates its 400th year - with acknowledgements to the arts of the 1940s. Words by George Wallace Briggs (1875-1959). For voices (soprano, alto, tenor, bass) and organ in E major.
Two copies. One has some pencil markings by Peter Hurford.

Hurford, Peter (1919-1930) ), British organist and composer
A ditty for Karen
JCPP/Hurford/1/1/65 · Item · June/July 2000
Part of Personal Papers

"A ditty for Karen". Song for voice and piano in D major. Lyrics and music by Peter Hurford.

Hurford, Peter (1919-1930) ), British organist and composer
JCPP/Hurford/2/2/3 · Item · 21st to 27th of March 1996
Part of Personal Papers

Film Schedule for the programme "Great Reputations" on J. S. Bach. There are also some photocopies of J. S. Bach organ scores.

Hurford, Peter (1919-1930) ), British organist and composer
Music Moves...
JCPP/Hurford/2/2/6 · Item · August 1996
Part of Personal Papers

"Music Moves...", Guest Editorial from Peter Hurford for the journal Organists' Review, published in August 1996, page 172.

Hurford, Peter (1919-1930) ), British organist and composer
Oxford Easy Anthems
JCPP/Hurford/1/1/83 · Item · Ash Wednesday 1995
Part of Personal Papers

"When I lie within my bed..." [incipit]. Oxford Easy Anthems E 164 for voices (soprano, alto, tenor, bass) and organ or piano in E major.
There is one loose page with some additional bars and a photocopy with the last page of the manuscript that includes an alternative ending for the last two bars.

Hurford, Peter (1919-1930) ), British organist and composer
A man and an organ
JCPP/Hurford/2/1/5 · Item · 15th November 1993
Part of Personal Papers

A man and an organ. Videocassette taped on the 15th of November 1993.

Hurford, Peter (1919-1930) ), British organist and composer
JCPP/Hurford/2/1/2 · Item · November 1990
Part of Personal Papers

Trumpet Voluntary. Music for Organ & Brass. Peter Hurford and Michael Laird Brass Ensemble. CD.
Photocopy of the booklet.

CD tracks:

  1. Prelude from Te Deum (Charpentier)
  2. Trumpet Tune and Air (Purcell)
  3. Ach, bleib' bli uns, BWV 649 (Bach)
  4. Meine Seele erhebet den Herren, BWV 648 (Bach)
  5. Si c'est pour ôter la vie (Dandrieu)
    6-8. Sonata (Purcell)
  6. Wo soll ich fliehen hin, BWV 646 (Bach)
  7. Kommst du nun, Jesu, BWV 650 (Bach)
  8. Trumpet Voluntary (The Prince of Denmark's March) (Clarke)
  9. Jesu, joy of man's desiring, from Cantata 147 (Bach)
  10. Canzona I (Frescobaldi)
  11. Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme, BWV 645 (Bach)
  12. Wer nur den lieben Gott, BWV 647 (Bach)
  13. Nun danket alle Gott, BWV 647 (Bach)
    17-20. Suite (from The Voluntarys, op. 6 nos 5 & 6) (Stanley)
  14. Sheep may safely graze, from Cantata 208 (Bach)
  15. Minuet from Music for the Royal Fireworks (Handel)
Hurford, Peter (1919-1930) ), British organist and composer
JCPP/Hurford/2/2/1 · Item · 1983-1990
Part of Personal Papers

Drafts of the book "Making Music on the Organ", published in 1990 by Oxford University Press.

Hurford, Peter (1919-1930) ), British organist and composer
Notes on the French Manner
JCPP/Hurford/1/3/1 · Item · c. 1980
Part of Personal Papers

Typewritten text "Notes on the 'Maniere Francaise'", and another copy of it titled "Notes on the 'French Manner'".

Hurford, Peter (1919-1930) ), British organist and composer
JCPP/Hurford/2/2/1/7 · Item · c. 1987-9
Part of Personal Papers

Handwritten Index and other annotations of Making Music on the Organ. [Published by Oxford University Press in 1990].

Hurford, Peter (1919-1930) ), British organist and composer
JCPP/Hurford/2/2/1/9 · Item · c. 1987-9
Part of Personal Papers

Letters between Peter Hurford and the editors of Oxford University Press regarding the proofs of Making Music on the Organ [Published by Oxford University Press in 1990], and Organ Illustrations made by Peter Hurford.

Hurford, Peter (1919-1930) ), British organist and composer
JCPP/Hurford/2/2/1/8 · Item · c. 1987-9
Part of Personal Papers

Handwritten musical illustrations for incorporation into text of Making Music on the Organ. [Published by Oxford University Press in 1990].

Hurford, Peter (1919-1930) ), British organist and composer
Drafts and notes
JCPP/Hurford/1/3/2 · Item · c. 1980
Part of Personal Papers

Drafts and notes written by Peter Hurford [unidentified sources], photocopy of a couple of articles.

Hurford, Peter (1919-1930) ), British organist and composer
JCPP/Hurford/2/3/20 · Item · 1988
Part of Personal Papers

Variations on "Tempus adest floridum". In A major (metronome marking: ca. 96 beats per minute) (pages 14-15).
Piece included in the book: "Pedals only : 13 Studien zeitgenossischer Komponisten =​ Pedals only : 13 studies by contemporary composers". Published by Universal Edition, Vienna.


  • Helmut Bornefeld: Holzschuh-Polka
  • Bengt Hambraeus: Pedalexercitium pro organo
  • Thomas Daniel Schlee: Etüde für Orgelpedal solo
  • Pierre Cogen: Psalmodie
  • Martin Haselböck: Stampede
  • Peter Hurford: Variations on "Tempus adest floridum"
  • Xavier Darasse: Pedal-Exercitium
  • Jean Guillou: Impromptu
  • Gerd Zacher: "Wenn der Fuß spräche: ich bin keine Hand..." (Pedalskizze)
  • Joseph Rreveyron: Fantaisie-Choral sur l'hymne de Saint Jean
  • Theo Brandmüller: "...und die Sonne ist verschwunden..." (Drei Nachtmärsche für Pedal solo)
  • Oskar Gottlieb Blarr: Roncalli-Nashorn "Else"
  • Lionel Rogg: Contrepointes. Etude pour le pédalier
Hurford, Peter (1919-1930) ), British organist and composer
JCPP/Hurford/2/2/4 · Item · February 1987
Part of Personal Papers

Typewritten article entitled "Since singing is so good a thing...", commissioned the Former Choristers' Association of the Cathedral and Abbey Church of Saint Alban.


  • Typewritten article
  • Letter by Reverend P.C. Moore commissioning the article (11th February 1987)
  • Peter Hurford's letter of response (26th February 1987)
Hurford, Peter (1919-1930) ), British organist and composer
JCPP/Hurford/2/2/1/5 · Item · 1986
Part of Personal Papers

Making Music on the Organ. Final draft (after rewrite of summer 1986).
[Published by Oxford University Press in 1990].

Hurford, Peter (1919-1930) ), British organist and composer
JCPP/Hurford/2/2/1/4 · Item · Summer 1986
Part of Personal Papers

Making Music on the Organ. Book manuscript. Original draft from summer 1986.
[Published by Oxford University Press in 1990].

Hurford, Peter (1919-1930) ), British organist and composer
JCPP/Hurford/1/3/6 · Item · October 1985
Part of Personal Papers

Handwritten lecture for the National Archive of Recorded Sound, October 1985.
Typewritten programme of the music played during this lecture.
Printed copy of another part of the lecture.

Hurford, Peter (1919-1930) ), British organist and composer
JCPP/Hurford/2/2/1/3 · Item · 1984
Part of Personal Papers

Typewritten full draft from 1984 of Making Music on the Organ. [Published by Oxford University Press in 1990]. Letter from Peter Hurford to the editor.

Hurford, Peter (1919-1930) ), British organist and composer
JCPP/Hurford/2/2/1/2 · Item · July 1984
Part of Personal Papers

Typewritten draft from July 1984 of Making Music on the Organ. [Published by Oxford University Press in 1990].

Hurford, Peter (1919-1930) ), British organist and composer
JCPP/Hurford/1/3/3 · Item · September 1983
Part of Personal Papers

Handwritten manuscript of paper "Some personal thoughts on musical organs" and a photocopy with some ink markings. This article is condensed from his talk at the meeting of BIOS [British Institute of Organ Studies] at the Royal College of Organists.

Hurford, Peter (1919-1930) ), British organist and composer
JCPP/Hurford/2/2/1/1 · Item · c. 1983
Part of Personal Papers

Typewritten draft from c. 1983 of Making Music on the Organ. [Published by Oxford University Press in 1990].
Letters from and to Peter Hurford about the manuscript.

Hurford, Peter (1919-1930) ), British organist and composer
The Maturing Organist
JCPP/Hurford/2/2/7 · Item · December 1982
Part of Personal Papers

"The Maturing Organist", article reprinted from The Musical Times, December 1982.

Hurford, Peter (1919-1930) ), British organist and composer
BBC Scripts for Bach Series
JCPP/Hurford/2/2/2 · Item · 1980-1982
Part of Personal Papers

Handwritten and typewritten scripts for BBC Bach series (1980-1982?).

Hurford, Peter (1919-1930) ), British organist and composer
JCPP/Hurford/1/3/8 · Item · 24th January 1981
Part of Personal Papers

Handwritten and typewritten manuscripts of speeches as "The President's Address to the Royal College of Organists", between January 1981 and July 1982. Printed version of the speech from July 1982 published in The Musical Times.

Hurford, Peter (1919-1930) ), British organist and composer
Christ hath a garden
JCPP/Hurford/2/3/4 · Item · 1980
Part of Personal Papers

"Christ hath a garden", anthem for soprano, alto, tenor, bass unaccompanied. Words by Robert Bridges, after Isaac Watts. In C minor. Published by Basil Ramsey, publisher of music.

Hurford, Peter (1919-1930) ), British organist and composer
The organ and the organist
JCPP/Hurford/1/3/16 · Item · 20th July 1978
Part of Personal Papers

Typewritten copy of a paper for a TV programme presented by Peter Hurford and titled: "The organ and the organist".
9 pages.

Hurford, Peter (1919-1930) ), British organist and composer
Talk for BBC
JCPP/Hurford/1/3/36 · Item · 1978
Part of Personal Papers

Typewritten talk with pencil markings for the BBC in 1978.

Hurford, Peter (1919-1930) ), British organist and composer
The Holy Eucharist
JCPP/Hurford/2/3/17 · Item · 1976-78
Part of Personal Papers

The Holy Eucharist (Rite Two). A Musical Setting of the Common Texts (ICET). For choir, congregation and organ.
I: Gloria in excelsis. In F major (metronome marking: dotted minim = 54). II: Kyrie Eleison (unaccompanied). In D minor. III: Kyrie Eleison (accompanied). In D minor (metronome marking: minim = 48). IV: The Nicene Creed. In F major. V: Sursum Corda (for use with Eucharist Prayers A and B). In G (doric mode). VI: Sanctus and Benedictus. In F major (metronome marking: 72 beats per minute). VII: The Acclamation. In F major (metronome marking: minim = 66). VIII: Our Father. In F major (metronome marking: 96 beats per minute). IX: Christ our Passover. In F major. X: Agnus Dei (I). In D minor (metronome marking: minim = 48). XI: Agnus Dei (II). In D minor (metronome marking: minim = 48). XII: The Dismissal. In F major.
James Litton, Editor. Published by Hinshaw Music, Inc.

Hurford, Peter (1919-1930) ), British organist and composer
JCPP/Hurford/1/1/53 · Item · 1958 - 1978
Part of Personal Papers

6 Chants for voices selected from many written between 1958 and 1978.

Hurford, Peter (1919-1930) ), British organist and composer
O mortal man, remember well
JCPP/Hurford/2/3/12 · Item · 1977
Part of Personal Papers

"O mortal man, remember well", A Carol for mixed chorus (soprano, alto, tenor, bass) unaccompanied. In E minor (Metronome marking: minim = c. 54). Words: traditional.
Published by Basil Ramsey, publisher of music.

Hurford, Peter (1919-1930) ), British organist and composer
Bristol Suite
JCPP/Hurford/2/3/3 · Item · 1977
Part of Personal Papers

"Bristol Suite" for organ. Published by Novello (in Novello Modern Organ Repertory series) in D major. Mertronome marking: minim = 76. I: Recitative, II: Contra, III: Dance, IV: Division, V: Ground, VI: Epilogue.

Hurford, Peter (1919-1930) ), British organist and composer
O Mortal Man, remember well
JCPP/Hurford/1/1/79 · Item · August 1976
Part of Personal Papers

"O Mortal Man, remember well", words traditional, for four voices in E minor.

Hurford, Peter (1919-1930) ), British organist and composer
Christ hath a garden
JCPP/Hurford/1/1/80 · Item · 1976
Part of Personal Papers

"Christ hath a garden", words by Isaac Watts, revised by Robert Bridges. For four voices (soprano, alto, tenor, bass) in C minor.

Hurford, Peter (1919-1930) ), British organist and composer
Two Carols for Equal Voices
JCPP/Hurford/2/3/13 · Item · 1976
Part of Personal Papers

"Two Carols for Equal Voices". I: Blake's cradle song. For female voices and keyboard in Bb flat major (metronome marking: 66 beats per minute). II: Come, love we God! For solo or semi-chorus. Words from Shann MS (16th century). In F major (metronome marking: 120 beats per minute).
Published by Basil Ramsey, publisher of music.

Hurford, Peter (1919-1930) ), British organist and composer
JCPP/Hurford/1/1/38 · Item · 31st December 1976
Part of Personal Papers

A musical setting of appropriate sections of The Order of the Holy Communion (Series III) in the Church of England and of The Holy Eucharist (Second Service) in the Protestant Episcopal Church of the United States of America. For voice and organ. Keys: F major, D minor. Gloria, Responses to the Gospel, The Creed, Sursum Corda, Sanctus and Benedictus, The Acclamations [sic], The Final Ascription, Our Father, Agnus Dei (American use), Agnus Dei (English use), The Dismissal, Kyrie Eleison.

Letter from James H. Litton, general editor Hinshaw Music, asking Peter Hurford to produce a translation of Benedictuses Domine and Kyrie Pantokrator (copy of the texts included), dated December 30, 1976.

Hurford, Peter (1919-1930) ), British organist and composer
JCPP/Hurford/2/3/22 · Item · 1976
Part of Personal Papers

Trio. For Organ. By Peter Hurford. Included in the book: "The Cathedral Organist, 1975-1976" (pages 17-19).
Published by J. B. Cramer & Co. Ltd., London.


  • Michael Nicholas: Divertimento
  • Christopher Dearnley: Dominus Regit Me
  • Clifford Harker: Rouen Processional
  • John Sanders: A Soliloquy
  • Peter Hurford: Trio
  • Harry Grindle: Prelude on "University"
  • Noel Rawsthorne: Sortie
  • Arthur Wills: Sarabande Sacrae
Hurford, Peter (1919-1930) ), British organist and composer
A Prelude upon Nicaea
JCPP/Hurford/1/1/95 · Item · 27th October 1975
Part of Personal Papers

"A Prelude upon Nicaea" for organ. Metronome marking: 72 beats per minute.
Full draft in ink, and pencil sketch of a fragment in pencil.

Hurford, Peter (1919-1930) ), British organist and composer
Sunny Bank
JCPP/Hurford/2/3/14 · Item · 1975
Part of Personal Papers

"Sunny Bank". Traditional Words. For voices (soprano, alto, tenor, voice) and piano or organ. In G major (metronome marking: dotted crotchet = 88).
Published by Oxford University Press. In the series: Oxford Carols.

Hurford, Peter (1919-1930) ), British organist and composer
Sunny Bank
JCPP/Hurford/1/1/97 · Item · June 1974
Part of Personal Papers

"Sunny Bank"song for voices and piano or organ in G major. Metronome marking dotted crotchet = 88.

Hurford, Peter (1919-1930) ), British organist and composer
JCPP/Hurford/2/3/32 · Item · 1974
Part of Personal Papers

Diocesan Choirs Festival 1974. Cathedral and Abbey Church of St. Alban.
Vocal score (with organ accompaniment).


  • We wait for Thy loving kindness, O God. By William McKie
  • Psalm 112. By Bairstow
  • Truly The Lord Is In This Place. By Peter Hurford
  • Evening Service in B minor, op. 6 (Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis). By T. Tertius Noble
  • Lift up your heads, great gates. By Francis Jackson
  • Moseley 77.77.77. By John Joubert
  • Ladywell - D.C.M. By W. H. Ferguson
McKie, William
Blake’s Cradle Song
JCPP/Hurford/1/1/1 · Item · August 1974
Part of Personal Papers

Song for female chorus (mostly in unison) and piano or organ. Lyrics: poem by William Blake. Key: B flat major. Metronome marking: 66 beats per minute.

Hurford, Peter (1919-1930) ), British organist and composer