These record tuition fees, room rents, and charges for meals and other items.
Records of tutors, the praelector and tutorial offices; for bursarial records relating to students see ACC 8 - ACC 15.
Superseded by accounts kept in looseleaf form.
Notebook containing "Examination, Keller's Prizemen, Previous examination".
Miscellaneous accounts by Hugh Shield, Bursar.
Ledger, with alphabetical index.
Accounts of receipts, 1722-1758 (arrangement: receipts from tradesmen, quit rents, payments to vicars, to school keeper and organ keeper); with [worked from back of book] note of payments due from Bursar to Steward and Bursar's accounts (arranged as in earlier audit books: quit rents, fees, chapel, kitchen, buttery, undergraduates' table, chamber rents, necessary expenses); also [in later part of book] Hundon [trust] accounts for 1721-1745