Showing 2 results

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Lease Plan for 37 Jesus Lane
JCCA/JCAD/3/CAM/JESL/29/3/1875 · Item · 21 May 1875
Part of College Archives

Lease plan for 37 Jesus Lane. Gives the dimensions of the property and the names of the neighbouring lessees/tenants - Susan Webster (lessee of No. 36) and William Walker (tenant of No. 38)

Lease Plan For 51 Jesus Lane
JCCA/JCAD/3/CAM/JESL/44/2/1885 · Item · 1885
Part of College Archives

Lease plan for 51 Jesus Lane. Gives the dimensions of the property and the names of the neighbouring lessees - William Charles Dewberry (No. 50) and Executors of J. Fuller (No. 52)