- JCARCH/JES93/498
Part of Archaeological Finds
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Part of Archaeological Finds
Part of Archaeological Finds
Part of Archaeological Finds
Part of Archaeological Finds
Part of Archaeological Finds
Part of Archaeological Finds
Part of Archaeological Finds
Part of Archaeological Finds
Part of Archaeological Finds
Part of Archaeological Finds
Part of Archaeological Finds
Part of Archaeological Finds
Part of Archaeological Finds
Part of Archaeological Finds
Part of Archaeological Finds
Part of Archaeological Finds
Part of Archaeological Finds
Part of Archaeological Finds
Part of Archaeological Finds
Part of Archaeological Finds
Part of Archaeological Finds
Jesus College Hall and Kitchens
Part of Archaeological Finds
Part of Archaeological Finds
Some butchery. Mostly sheep/goat and cattle. Both immature and adult individuals, and both meaty joints and waste elements.
Includes bird and fish bones.
Part of Archaeological Finds
Some with green glaze. Late Roman and 16th century Surrey.
Part of Archaeological Finds
Tool with bone handle and fitted bone lid, probably a fork
Part of Archaeological Finds
Some butchery. Proximal radius and one ageable mandible from an adult sheep/goat. One undiagnostic bird bone.
Part of Archaeological Finds
Part of Archaeological Finds
Part of Archaeological Finds
Part of Archaeological Finds
Part of Archaeological Finds
Romans and St Neots and 14th/15th century
Part of Archaeological Finds
1 piece is Samian, 3 are 18th or 19th century. Samian sherd is 9g with rouletted decoration. Identified by K.Anderson, this is a fragment of a Central Gaulish 18R dish (1st-2nd century AD).
Part of Archaeological Finds
Part of Archaeological Finds
1 plant pot, 1 blue and white early 19th century sherd, 1 abraded sandy-Roman.
Part of Archaeological Finds
Part of Archaeological Finds