Coleridge Society meeting minutes, preceded by a list of secretaries from April 1888 and a note explaining how the society began as "The Literary and Philosophical Society". Minutes for 1888-89 were transcribed from an earlier notebook.
Ends with a resolution to keep going in spite of wartime. The rest of the volume is blank apart from a brief list of names of payers at the back.
Meeting minutes.
Includes photograph of the 1979 Jesus College University Challenge team. Christopher Artemiou, William Coales, John (David) Jeffcock, John Withrington with mascot 'Gladly', clothes in College colours for which were made by Gail Mills for the occasion.
Includes photograph of the 1st Lacrosse VI, 1930. Photograph taken in first court outside A and B staircases. Names on board read G. P. Russell, F. J. Tongue, P. J. Tetley, S. L. Baxter, G. H. C. Giddins, G. J. Sweet.
Minutes of meetings of the College Lacrosse Club 1926 - 1936. Includes list of competitions played in 1929 and copy of club rules at back of volume.
Includes photograph of the 1st Lacrosse VI, 1930. Photograph taken in first court outside A and B staircases. Names on board read G. P. Russell, F. J. Tongue, P. J. Tetley, S. L. Baxter, G. H. C. Giddins, G. J. Sweet.
Includes photograph of the Strafford Club dated May 1894. Names on board read J. H. O. Every, S. Tipping, D. Dewar (treasurer), J. H. Baynham, H. R. Yates, H. Robinson, W. Griffith, F. Barlow (president), C. D. B. Somerville (honorary secretary), A. G. Speke, E. Coupland, R. B. Croysdale. Absent F. S. Todd and J. M. Brydone
Names on the back: L. Makin (Captain), S. Ferrell, A. Fage, L. Harry, V. Robinson, J. Choulerton, C. Chalmers, N. Hatch, C. Crossley, A. Dewynter, M. Meadows
Names on the board read A. L. Frank, G. M. McCooey, R. J. Davies, Z. D. Rushby, F. E. K. Walker, E. J. Thompson, M. H. Kallkuist, M. K. Hirning, S. St. G. Davidson, L.M. Linklatter, I. J. Webber (Coach), A.L. Cutter, J. G. Berger, L. M. S. Turner, E. J. Soilleux (Captain), K. M. Enns, S. P. Belmonte, S. A. Morris, S. M. Aldrich, E. Meikle
in 1984-1985 Jesus College competed in the newly-formed Ladies' League and Cuppers competitions. First reference Women's Football in the Jesuan.
Includes menu, 20th March 1970
Includes dinner menu
Includes menu for squash club dinner May 1972 and photograph of Jesus College squash Club 1972. Names on board read M. Raghupathi, G. J. V. Volleymore, D. R. Dosseter, R. H. Briance, M. M. Brown, J. W. Field, E. H. Schumann, P. J. D. Allen, A. B. Beckingsale; J. F. Casson, R. D. Parker
Includes menu for 25th, 28th and 50th Reunion Dinners
Contains scores: full and chorus parts
Contains scores for: Bach - The peasant cantata; Gilbert & Sullivan - The Sorcerer; Script to Dioclesian; Script to The Great Amphibium; Script to Creation; further orchestral parts to Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme; Swale - This Endris Night. Also folder of assorted letters/ sheet music - not Jesus? [seems to be 1980-1 Christian Music Society from letters]
Bound scores
Contains orchestral scores and full score
Contains scores including: Monteverdi Madrigals; Burr - Christmas 1922; Mussorgsky - Oh the joy of living, loving; Pearsall - Sing we and chant it; Toch - Geographical Fugue; Lute book Lullaby; Congaudeat; Stanford - Heraclitus
Contains scores for: Stamitz - Concerto in Bb for 2 clarinets and orchestra; Chinese Hymn
Contains scripts for: A Chaste Maid in Cheapside; Magnificence; Score to 'The Sequel to: Who'll buy a heart' set by Mr Stanley
Contains vocal scores given by J.A. Parkinson (alumnus) 1959; early music including Angelus ad Virginem and pieces by Weelkes, Arcadelt, Lasso, Costeley, Praetorius, Buxtehude, Josquin and Passereau. Also Monthly Musical Record, Nov.-Dec. 1959: 'A Reconsideration of the Willow Song', reprinted from Jnl American Musicological Society, 1957
Photocopies of pages of music for:
(1) Ye that Know the Lord is Gracious by David Billingham
(2) I cannot Tell
(3) Psalm 121
(4) Morning has Broken
(5) I Want to Walk as a Child of the Light
(6) He Lives
(7) Wonderful Grace of Jesus
(8) A Tender Shoot
(9) Deo Gratias
(10) Cry Out and Shout
"The score of the celebrated ode in honour of Great Britain called Rule Britannia"
Score for Angelius ad Virginem
Contains scores for: Tom Thumb; Angelus ad Virginem; Instrumental parts for Sumerian Hymn; Alabaster - Sonnet; Allbright - Te lucis ante terminum; Bach - overture to Suite no.1; orchestral parts to Ave Verum Corpus; Caccia - Tosto che l'alba; Handel - Alcina suite
Contains scores for: Fayrfax - Windsor Mass; Byttering - Nesciens Mater; Machaut - Messe Notre Dame; Perotin - Viderunt; Hac in Anni Janua; Tollite Portas; Beata Progenies; Beata Viscera; Hail Mary; Glad & Blithe
Article on the Music Society written by John Adkins for 'The Life of a Cambridge College' Granta Editions, 2007
Administrative file created by Roger Bowers [Director of Music Studies] relating to the activities of the Music Society including: notices on performances; notes on concert organisation; correspondence about equipment being left in the music practice rooms; irregularities in music room bookings; notes about rock bands in the College; notice about the hours when amplified music could be practised; and a list of Music Society Committee Members and an outline of their roles and responsibilities
File of administrative records relating to the Music Society from Michaelmas Term 2000 to Lent Term 2004:
(1) Income and Expenditure Accounts
(2) Balance Sheets
(3) Requests for and allocation of budget
(4) Receipts for expenditure
(5) JCMS Committee Minutes
Bank statements
Income and expenditure account and balance sheets for years ending 30th June 2001, 2002, 2003
Typescript accounts for musical and drama productions by the Music and Literary Societies. Comprises: summary receipts and expenses 1952-62, general expense account for 1962-63 and detailed expenses for 1962-63
Advisory production notes for Jesus College plays covering logistics of putting on the productions within College - liaison between the Music and Literary Societies; gaining permission from Senior Tutor and Dean; stewards and seating; posters and programmes; photographs; press; dressing rooms; make-up; lighting; finance; wardrobe room; prompter and call-boy; and storage of scenery. Separate notes for Miracle Plays; and May Week productions
Black binder containing advisory production notes for Jesus College plays (covering logistics of putting on the productions within College). Annotation on the front by LP 'To be returned to Dr Picken after each production'.
Includes: A Nativity Festival (1948); King Arthur (1949); Bonduca, and, The Libertine (1953); Toad of Toad Hall (1954); Christus Nobis Natus Est (1954); Puer Natus Est (1957); Miracle Plays (1958); The Old Wives Tale (1959); Miracle Plays (1959); Trial by Jury (1959); Happy as Larry (1960); Pantagleize (1963); Veni Creator - Mystery Plays (1964)
Black and white photographs of an unidentified production in the Chapel. One shows an Ark and dove but others show skeleton costumes, jesters and men and women in medieval costumes
Black and white photographs of an unidentified production in Cloister Court:
(1) Shows man in costume standing and man not in costume sitting with a pencil and script - looks like a rehearsal
(2) 4 women in costume behind the scenes
(3) One woman in costume applying make up
(4) One man in costume crouched by a wall watching
(5) The audience in raincoats at night
Black and white photographs of an unidentified production in Cloister Court taken at night