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JCCA/JCAD/2/2/9/1768/25 · Item · 29 February 1768
Part of College Archives

Bill for 'smithwork' in college, including: locking the master's 'cloose' (close) (6d); locking a gate (6d); locking the master's gate (6d); casement for the pump house (2s); locking the fellow's garden (6d); new wire and hanging porter's bell (2s 8d); mending and laying by 'ban/bar[?]' to the Hall (3s); laying out 'plain' in the Hall (6d); spade for the porter (1s); mending the lock in the master's stable (9d); hinge and screws for the master's coach house (2s 4d); five hooks and tens staples of the master's coach house (2s 6d); lock and pin chain (1s); locking the college bog (6d); casement for the master's lodge (3d); lock and staple for 'Garlick gate' (9d); 'new work' to the coal basket (4s); 3 staples to the master's stables (6d); spade for the porter (1s); new tumblers (1s); mending 2 locks in the master's garden (1s).

Coe, Thomas
JCCA/JCAD/2/2/9/1768/24 · Item · 9 May 1768
Part of College Archives

Bill for various items of 'smith work', including: a new lock and key for the College's coalhouse (2s); 'laying the pump' (2s); 3 keys for the garden, library and 'bog' (4s 6d); laying the parlour 'pooker' [poker] (1s); bog key for the porters (6d); a new parlour shovel (2s); 'master pump hoope' (6d); two pins 'to top College pump' (6d); replacing old screws in a post at 'End Colleg Walk' (2s); laying a matlock for the porter (8d); two keys and fixing the master's stable (4s); mending a hinge (6d); a lock on the master's garden (6d); staples in the master's stable (2s); a lock and key for 'Cooks' coal house (1s); a new rake handle for the fellow's garden (1s); 12 strong nails, 2 staples and a 'harp hook' for the master's stable (1s 6d); long hooks to hang a door (8d); hooks and 'home maid nales' (2s); mending the parlour's poker (6d); a large hinge and screws (2s); 'new duck hook & handell' for the porter (2s 6d). Signed by Glin [possibly Elin] Ricely and Thomas Coe.

Coe, Thomas