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JCARCH/JES98/010 · 15th/16th century
Part of Archaeological Finds

Window glass with decoration - ivy leaf in red

JCARCH/JES98/013 · 15th/16th century
Part of Archaeological Finds

Some butchery. Mostly sheep/goat and cattle. Both immature and adult individuals, and both meaty joints and waste elements.
Includes bird and fish bones.

JCARCH/JES98/017 · 15th and 16th century
Part of Archaeological Finds

Some with green glaze. All Essex Red wares including graffito slip.

JCARCH/JES98/019 · Late Roman and 16th century
Part of Archaeological Finds

Some with green glaze. Late Roman and 16th century Surrey.

JCARCH/JES98/028 · Prehistoric
Part of Archaeological Finds

Struck flake, possibly Palaeolithic with later working to turn it into a scraper.

JCARCH/JES98/029 · 14th/15th century
Part of Archaeological Finds

Some butchery. Proximal radius and one ageable mandible from an adult sheep/goat. One undiagnostic bird bone.

JCARCH/JES98/030 · 14th and 15th century
Part of Archaeological Finds

1 rim sherd. Mostly 14th and one 15th century Red ware

Part of Archaeological Finds

Butchered cattle proximal radius and ulna; long bone from an immature bird

JCARCH/JES98/036 · 2nd millenium BC
Part of Archaeological Finds

Primary flake with marginal retouch on the distal end

JCARCH/JES98/041 · 16th-18th century
Part of Archaeological Finds

2 pieces of the same bottle, green glass

JCARCH/JES98/053 · Prehistoric
Part of Archaeological Finds

Undiagnostic animal bone fragment found with a broken flake and one piece of burnt flint, suggesting a prehistoric date.