Programme for a performance of Shakespeare's The Tempest in the Cloister Court on Sunday 10th June and Monday 11th June 1956 at 8.30pm
Programme for a performance of Britten's Saint Nicolas in the College Chapel on Monday 10th March 1958 at 8.30pm. The Jesus Singers, orchestra and boys of the Chapel Choir were conducted by Peter Fletcher
Saint Nicolas - Wilfred Brown
The Boy Nicolas - Anthony Tilley
The Pickled Boys - Kenneth Marshall, Richard Howes, Anthony Tilley
(The orchestra included Philip Ledger playing the piano)
Programme for Aristophanes, Thesmophpriazusae (The Judgment of Women) and John Blow, Venus and Adonis, performed in the Cloisters at Jesus College during May Week on 9th June 1958. The music was played by the College Orchestra conducted by John Turner
May Ball Photograph of attendees taken in 1926. Black and White.
Programmes for performances of Chester Miracle Plays in the College Chapel on Thursday 29th November, Friday 30th November and Sunday 2nd December 1956 at 8.30pm. No performers are listed. The programme includes The Fall of Lucifer, Adam and Eve, Abraham and Isaac, The Nativity, Herod and the Magi and Oblation of the Shepherd and Magi, interspersed with carols and motets
Played by Derek Bolt
Played by Gerald Studdert-Kennedy. Colour sketch of the costume; the actor's measurements; notes about the costume; and a pencil sketch of the costume with black and white fabric swatches
Played by Victor Magee. Coloured drawing of the costume; the actor's measurements and notes about the costume; and a pencil sketch of the costume with notes
Played by Janet Ellis. Colour sketch of the costume; the actor's measurements; notes about the costume; notes about alterations and a pencil sketch of the costume with green and white fabric swatches
Played by Bill Keith. Coloured drawing of the costume; the actor's measurements; and a pencil sketch of the costume with notes
Played by Charles Channon. Colour sketch of the costume; the actor's measurements and notes about the costume; and a pencil sketch of the costume with blue and white fabric swatches
Played by Tony Gibbs. Coloured drawing of the costume; the actor's measurements; and a pencil sketch of the costume with notes
Played by Dinah Evans. Coloured drawing of the costume; notes about the costumes; and a pencil sketch of the costume with notes
Played by Gerald Studdert-Kennedy. Coloured drawing of the costume; notes about the costumes; and a pencil sketch of the costume with notes
The incorrect number, 13, was assigned to this edition of Eliot's Face rather than the correct number, 15.
Played by Judith Linton. Coloured drawing of the costume; notes about the costumes; and a pencil sketch of the costume with notes
No names given.
Names on board read:
J. Phelips, G. M. Edmonds, F. Weller, G. Fairbairn, T. E. Hockin, C. Gurdon, E. A. Phillips, P. W. Brancker.
Names on board read:
L.l. R. Jones, A. M. Hutchinson, P. W. Atkin, W. W. Baillie.
Names on board read:
P. M. Lucas, H. Formby, H. B. Richardson, A. Ward, G. Eyerton, G. E. Poggi, D. J. Bailey, P. P. Phelps, J. Lees, E. Rice, A. Hutchinson, A. G. Parkyn, F. H. Ware, H. Buckland, A. E. G. Rhodes (absent).
No names given. On the back it says 'From Harry Buckland in residence about 1925. His father is in the group'.
Photograph showing, possibly, the winners of the varsity boat race in 1882. Steve Fairbairn can be seen in the photograph.
Names on rudder read:
J. E. Hayne, E. T. H. Brandon, H. Armytage, H. B. S. Fowler, F. Straker, A. M. Hutchinson, S. Fairbairn, P. Watkins, C. E. Tyndale-Biscoe.
Group photograph of Cambridge University crew beaten by Oxford University crew in University race, 1884. No names.
Names on board read:
C. Wanklyn, F. W. Hardy, H. A. Brownlow, F. W. R. Dewdney, J. Lees, J. A. Henderson, H. S. J. A. Sanford, E. P. Alexander, V. Vyvyan Williams.
Photograph of crew taken outside A staircase showing flag and mascot (?) dog. No names printed on board but names published in printed history of Boat Club suggests those in photograph are:
C. E. Dyer, L. P. Bevan, H. Armytage, H. B. S Fowler, J. W. Dickson, A. M. Hutchinson, S. Fairbairn, C. H. Bicknall and C. E. Tyndale-Biscoe.
Possibly shows Steve Fairbairn and other rower who both appear in JCCS/2/9/1885/2.
Photograph shows Steve Fairbairn and another crew member (possibly A. M. Hutchinson, see JCCS/2/9/1885/3) in a two man boat.
Names on the board read:
R. S. Thomas (bow); E. G. T. Rowcroft; E. R. de Little; H. Bedwell; E. B. H. Parkes; J. C. R. Darling; S. W. Day; R. N. Hodge (stroke); C. W. C. Ingles (cox).
No names given.
Names on board read:
T. C. Gill, C. B. Pharazyn, G. D. Shenton, P. H. Illingworth, W. M. Scott, A. R. T. Foster, W. H. Chitty, H. Osborne, E. A. Bugle.
Photograph shows Steve Fairbairn and another crew member in a two man boat.
Names on board read:
S. W. Burgess, A. H. Busby, W. L. Duckworth, A. T. Robinson, B. F. Robinson, D. R. Dangar, F. E. Allhusen, A. E. Williams.
Names on board read:
F. C. Castello-Child, E. M. Corbett, G. S. Jackson, W. L. H. Duckworth, A. E. Shuter, F. E. Allhusen, D. R. Dangar, A. Bogle, C. S. Ensell.
Names on board read F. E. Allhusen, W. J. F. Cruikshank, N. C. Coooper, A. O. Jones, T. T. N. Perkins, B. F. Robinson, A. Bogle, R. G. Neill, C. E. Fitch, P. H. Illingworth, B. D. Hill, A. H. Baker
Photograph showing Jesus College, Cambridge and Trinity College, Dublin boats on Thames at Henley Royal Regatta.
Names on board read:
C. D. B. Somerville, C. H. Shuter, L. E. Williams, C. de S. Teschemaker, J. L. Kinde, E. Osborne, L. C. A. Sami, W. H. Nichols, J. St. M. Podmore.
Names on board read:
S. W. Burgess, F. E. Allhusen, G. E. Harthen, C. M. Cowen.