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Part I

The first part contains: 1) In primis post librum Elucidarij ... ; 2) Sermon of St Anselm: Ad interioris hominis custodiam; 3) Prologus beati Ieronimi presbiteri de nativitate beate Marie virginis et de vita eiusdem virginis; 4) notes on the Assumption, St John, Julian the Apostate, Theophilus, and stories of Joseph and Mary and the birth of Christ; 5) two quatrains: on the beauty of women and on the Fall; 6) brief notes on wine, long measure, a Christian death, and weights, measures and coins; 7) Liber Ricardi de Hampole de aedificatione spirituale (or: De emendatione peccatoris); 8) miscellaneous short tracts and notes, including: on the decalogue and the plagues of Egypt, on sins and confession, on the cross, on Judas, on King Charles of France and St Giles, etc.; 9) Abbathia de spiritu sancto; 10) extracts on diet and medicines; 11) De expositione iiiior partium anni [a forecast of the year depending on which day of the week Christmas day falls upon]; 12) brief notes on Adam, sin and the church, the character of a priest, and Pope John 22nd.

Part II

Sermons on the saints, by a Benedictine monk, containing: 1) a prologue, followed by sermons on 2) John the Baptist; 3) SS. Peter and Paul; 4) St Mary Magdalene; 5) St Peter; 6) St Mary; 7) The Cross; 8) In dedicacione; 9) St Victor (with indications that the author is a monk of St Victor at Paris); 10) All SS.; 11) St Martin; 12) St Andrew; 13) St Nicholas; 14) St Mary; 15) In Nat. Domini; 16) O quam pulchra; 17) St Benedict; 18) The armour of God; 19) St Mary; 20) Angels (incipit: circa rerum cardinem versamur); 21) Narrat divina hystoria quod Tobyas ... 22) Samson. There follow briefer notes, then "In pasca" and "Sermo in ieiunio", a sermon on the Assumption of St Mary, and more miscellaneous short sermons. At the end is a quatrain with English glosses.

Letter to the Master

Encloses a map of the glebe [removed to the map cabinet]. Sir Wiliam Marling wishes to purchases two pieces of land, asks permission to proceed.

Layng, Thomas

Document about dilapidations

Undated document endorsed "Mr Metcalfe's copy of what passed upon the subject of dilapidations in the Court of King's Bench". (apparently case of Wise v. Metcalfe)

Mr Const's Opinion

Statement of the case, with the opinion of Mr Const of Pump Court, Temple

Const, Francis

Letting of the Vicarage

Letter from the Vicar to the Master, that the Vicarage is to be let to Mr Worthy, one of the regular Trinity Hall lodging housekeepers, for £125 p.a.

Bouquet, A C

Statement of income 1913

Statement of money received during 1913, with covering letter from the Vicar to the Bursar.

Wood, Edmund G

Demolition of church spire

Long letter from the Vicar to the Master, describing the bad state of the spire, the damage done in recent storms, and the necessity of having it pulled down.

Wood, Edmund G

Conveyance by Lease and Release

  • JCCA/JCAD/3/2/LIV/3/12/1
  • Item
  • 24 October 1682-25 October 1682
  • Part of College Archives

John Smith to Robert Glover of Frostenden, the advowson and a piece of land; for a consideration of £100 and £20 per annum for life.

Smith, John

Letter to the Bursar

Official letter from the Tithe Commissioners, inviting the College to attend a meeting at the Half Moon Inn in Clare on 23 November, for the purpose of making an award.

Coates, Henry

Estimates for electricity

  • JCCA/JCAD/3/2/LIV/4/9/1
  • Item
  • 23 February 1939-14 July 1939
  • Part of College Archives

A batch of letters correspondence between the Vicar and the College about the details of where the electic points should be etc.

Vicar's allotments

Letter from T. Norfolk, surveyor, to the vicar, listing the lands and values. Note that a plan has been removed to the cabinet.

Draft lease

Agreement between Charles Wing and Joseph Rushbrook of Graveley, William Rushbrook of Lavenham, and George Wing of Mildenhall, farmers,on the one part, and F [orT] Jackson of Middleton, on the other, for the lease of the Rectory farm, for 11 years, with covenants for good husbandry. The tenant undertakes the outside repair of the parsonage house.

Letter from Land Agents

Messrs Looker & Theakston to O,P, Fisher, setting out the terms for employing Mr Herbert as tenant farmer.

Letter from the Bishop

Letter to the Master, announcing commencement of the process for the union of the parishes of Gravely and Yelling.

White-Thomson, Leonard

Letter to the Master

Letter from the Vicar, asking for a grant from the Proby Fund to build a new vicarage, the present one was described by the surveyor as 'only a cottage of a very ordinary description'.

Wilson, Rev. John R.

Estimate for repairs

Survey my Charles Humfrey, of the repairs necessary to the parsonage house, the barn, stable etc., and to the church, amounting to £380.19.8.

Bike shed

Correspondence, estimates and draft sketches relating to construction of a new bike shed for the College (of unknown location, although possibly south east corner of College site by Jesus Lane). Estimates provided by Boulton and Paul of Norwich, W. Seymour and Sons, Richard Mallon of Swaffham and J. Roots of East Dereham. 1896; Also plan and elevation by Rattee and Kett, August 1896.

Insall's Report - Jesus College, Cambridge: A Report upon the Condition of the College Buildings, with Recommendation for Repair and Conservation

The first systematic survey of the condition of the college buildings, "Prepared for the Master and Fellows of Jesus College by Donald W. Insall & Associates Ltd., Chartered Architects and Planning Consultants, in association with Davis, Belfield and Everest, Chartered Quantity Surveyors and Hannah, Reed and Associates, Consulting Civil and Structural Engineers."


For accounts relating to the organist, please see choir accounts JCAD/11/2/7

Notes respecting the erection of the New Buildings ... 1869-71

Account book containing: account for the erection of the Waterhouse Building; provision for meeting the expenditure, 1869-71; plan for repayment of the Rustat Bursar; details of rebuilding of the chimnies by M. Rickman, with raising of plinth; accounts for funding alterations to the Hall ("etc."), 1875; details of purchase and installation of organ at the West end of the Chapel, 1887-90, with later note by Arthur Gray; accounts for the Waterhouse Building and Building Fund; details of the erection of two houses [North House and East House] and the formation of Chapel Court, 1882-85; details of new windows and repairs to "Old Wing", and connection to Cloister Court; alterations to offices and W.C. block; accounts for repair and decoration of the Master's Lodge, 1885.


Programme for a performance of early music and texts selected from the Chester and Coventry medieval plays in the College Chapel. No performers are listed and the date is not given. As in the 1948 performance, the programme includes scenes from the Pageant of the Company of Shearmen and Tailors in Coventry interspersed with motets, chant and instrumental interludes


Programme for two plays, Beaumont and Fletcher's Bonduca and Shadwell's The Libertine, performed in the Cloisters at Jesus College during May Week on 8th June 1953. The music was played by the College Orchestra conducted by Richard Lloyd


Programme for a concert by the Jesus College Music Society, conducted by Reginald Elson. They performed works by Boyce, Mozart and the Lalande Dixit Dominus


Programme for a performance of Shakespeare's The Tempest in the Cloister Court on Sunday 10th June and Monday 11th June 1956 at 8.30pm

Master and Fellows, 1497-

A register of the Master and Fellows compiled by Dr Lynford Caryl (Master 1758-83), containing: a list of Masters down as far as Arthur Gray (1912-40); a list of Fellows, 1499-1553; lists of Fellows, 1554-1923. The Fellows are listed in classes as by Sherman in Aborigines Jesuani (JCHR/3/1/1). After Caryl's time, the lists were continued by various hands.

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