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Exchange (indenture)
JCMR/Gray 1- . . . 383/Gray 274-360, 378/359 · Item · 12 September 1415 ("Dat' apud Cantebrigg' die Jovis proxima post festum Nativitatis beate virginis Anno regni Regis Henrici quinti post conquestum tercio".)
Part of Records of the Priory of St Mary and St Radegund

Prioress Agnes Seintelow and the nuns exchange 1/2 acre in Barnwell fields in le Middelfeld, formerly of John Whithobbe and before that of Peter Carbonel, between land of Thomas Cotton, formerly of Philip Cayle, on the west and the Prior of Barnwell on the east, one side abutting on Hynton way by lez Cleypettis, for 1/2 acre by Hynton Cross, between land of the Prioress of St Radegund's from the east and that of the Prior of Barnwell from the west, one side abutting on Hynton way. Term: 20 years. Witnesses: John Bilney, mayor of Cambridge, Stephan Neel, John Busshe and John Litstere, bailiffs, et aliis.

Seyntelowe, Agnes (fl 1415-1457) Prioress of St Radegund
Feoffment (Mortgage)
JCMR/Gray 1- . . . 383/Gray 31-49/47a · Item · 22 February 1347 ('Dat' apud Cantebr' die Jovis in festo quod dicit[ur] Cathedra s[an]c[t]i Petri Anno regni Regis Edwardi t[er]cii post conquestu[m] vicesimo p[ri]mo'.)
Part of Records of the Priory of St Mary and St Radegund

John de Tryppelowe, rector of Herdewyk, to John de Berneye, burgess and tailor (cissor) of Cambridge, a tenement in St Radegund Street, lying between a tenement of John de Tryppelowe and one of John of Lincoln, abutting on the highway and on a croft of the nuns called Eldested Croft. Witnesses: Philip Cayly, Mayor of Cambridge, Henry le Clerk, William de Lolleworth, Geoffrey de Warwyk, Richard de Thacsted, bailiffs, Edward de Ovington, William de Horwod, William de Brygham, John de Shadeworth et aliis.

Trippelowe, John de
Feoffment to uses
JCMR/Gray 1- . . . 383/Gray 274-360, 378/357a · Item · 27 February 1408 ("Dat' Cantebrigg' die lune proxima post festum sancti Petri in Cathedra Anno regni Regis Henrici quarti post conquestum nono".)
Part of Records of the Priory of St Mary and St Radegund

Hugh Ploughwryght of Cambridge and Thomas Colleman, executors of John Marchal, to Nicholas Morys, John Butgoyn, John Binley and Simon Deye 14 acres in scattered parcels in Cambridge and Barnwell fields, bequeathed by John Marchal to his wife Maud for life, after her death to be sold and the proceeds applied to pious uses. Lands described as follows: 2 selions containing 2 roods in Brandmere field towards Stepul Dole, adjoining land of St Radegund's and land of Barnwell Priory, abutting on a croft of John Smyth. 1 selion (3 roods) in the same furlong, abutting on Paye croft. 1 selion (1/2 acre) in Bradmere field near Bradmere, Coldham Green, lying between lands of the Prior of Barnwell. 2 selions (1 acre) in Bradmere field in Milkfurlong, between lands of the said Prior, abutting on Seven Acre Dole. 1 selion (1/2 rood) in Bradmere field between land of the Prior and land of the University, abutting on Horspath. 1 selion (1/2 acre) in Bradmere field, lying under the Old Mylne hill between lands of the Prior, abutting on Olde Wylne way. 1 selion (1/2 acre) in the croft of Middelfeld, between the Dole of St Mary's church and land of the Prior of St Edmund's Chapel, abutting on Hadstock way. 1 selion (1/2 acres) in the same croft, but the said dole, in the upper furlong next to land formerly of Robert Barbour, called Dallesacre and abutting on gravel pits on Hinton way. 1 selion (1/2 acre) lying in Midelfeld between land formerly of Philip Caily and land of the Prior of St Edmund's Chapel, abutting on land of the Prior of Barnwell. 1 selion (1/2 acre) in the same field between land of the Prior of Barnwell and Huntynglond, abutting on land of the said Prior. 1 selion (1/2 acre) in the same field between land of the said Prior and that of Philip Caily, abutting on land of the said Prior. 1 selion (1/2 acre) in the same field between land of the nuns of St Radegund's and that of the said Prior, abutting on Cranefurlong. 1 selion (1/2 acre) between land of Philip Caily and land of the said Prior, abutting on the Claypits on Hinton way. 1 selion (1/2 acre) between lands of the Prior of St Edmund's Chapel, abutting on Pisshel way. 2 selions (3 roods) at Hinton way, between land of Corpus Christi College and land of the Prior of Barnwell, abutting on Hinton fen. 1 selion (3 roods) between the nun's land and land of the Prior of St Edmund's Chapel, abutting on Hinton fen. 1 selion (3 roods) between the nun's land and land of the Prior of Barnwell. 1 selion (1/2 rood) between land of Richard Warbulton and land of the Prior of St Edmund's, abutting on headland of the Prior of Barnwell. 1 selion (1/2 acre) between lands of Robert Barbour, abutting on Hadstock way. 2 selions (1 acre) between the nuns' land and land of Thomas Cambridge, abutting on Hadstock way. 1 selion (1/2 acre) between land of St Mary's chantry in St Mary's church and land of the Prior of Barnwell, abutting on Hadstock way. 1 selion (1/2 acre) in Forthfeld between lands of Barnwell Priory, abutting on Mortymer's Dole. 1 selion (1/2 acre) between land of Dawes Scalle and land of Thomas Cambridge. 1 selion (1/2 rood) in the same furlong between land of Philip Caily and 1/2 rood belonging to the nuns. 2 selions (3 roods) on the other side of the nuns' 1/2 rood, adjoining land of the Prior of Barnwell. Witnesses: John Gaynessford, mayor of Cambridge, Thomas Beverle, John Eversdon, John Bussh, John Essex et aliis.

Hugh Plowghwryght & Thomas Colleman
JCMR/Gray 1- . . . 383/Gray 31-49/47c* · Item · 16 August 1342-18 August 1347 ('..die veneris p[ro]x[ima] post festu[m] Assu[m]ptio...' Philip Cayly was Mayor in 1442 (33a) and in 1347 before November (43a))
Part of Records of the Priory of St Mary and St Radegund

To John de Tryppelowe, rector of Herdewik, ? messuages, tree cottages, and a garden, abutting on the Nun's croft and highway. Witnesses: Phillip C(ayly, Mayor of Cambridge) (47a), John Vanasour, bailiff. Same scribe as 33a, 43a etc.

John d(icitur)
Gift with royal licence
JCMR/Gray 1- . . . 383/Gray 31-49/33a · Item · 4 April 1342-7 December 1342 ('Dat' apud Cantebr' die Jovis in festo s[an]c[t]I Ambrosii Ep[iscop]i Anno regni Regis Edwardi t[er]cii post conquestu[m] sextodecimo'. There are two feasts of St Ambrose in the calendar.)
Part of Records of the Priory of St Mary and St Radegund

John de Tryppelowe, rector of Hardewyk (Hardwick), to the nuns 6 1/2 acres and 1/2 rood in Clayhangles next Nuns' land; 1 rood on Mylnway next their land; 1 rood towards Bradmere; 1 rood on Finningstone; 3 1/2 acres called Cranesdole in 12 selions, 1/2 acre abutting on Hadstock Way and 1 acre in Swyncroft next Greenditch, 1/2 acre in Pisshewel Way next the Claypits ditch. Witnesses: Philip Cayly, Mayor of Cambridge, Richard Tuyllet, John Pyttok, Edmund de Ovyngton, John Arnald et aliis.

Trippelowe, John de
Gift with warranty
JCMR/Gray 1- . . . 383/Gray 274-360, 378/350 · Item · 2 June 1369 ("Dat' apud Cantebrig' die Sabbati proxima post festum Sancte Trinitatis, Anno regni regis Edwardi tercii post conquestum quadragesimo tercio".)
Part of Records of the Priory of St Mary and St Radegund

John Stevenys (Stevens) of Barnwell to Geoffrey Castre of Cambridge 1 acre in scattered parcels in Cambridge and Barnwell fields, viz.: 3 roods in Milkfurlong between land of the nuns of St Radegund's and land of the Prior of St Edmund's Chapel, abutting on headland formerly of Richard Poul; 1 rood in le Clayhangels, between land formerly of Philip Cayley on one side and that of John Thorp on the other, abutting on land of the Prior of St Edmund's Chapel, Cambridge and on Hynton way. Witnesses: John Moriz, mayor of Cambridge, Robert de Brigham, Robert Brasier, John Norton, sen., of Cambridge, John le Smyth, John Cotes of Barnwell, John Blauncpayn et aliis.

Stevens, John
JCMR/Gray 1- . . . 383/Gray 260-264/261 · Item · 24 March 1341 ("Dat' apud Cantebr' die sabbati in vigilia Annunciacionis beate Marie virginis anno regni Regis Edwardi tercii post conquestum quintodecimo".)
Part of Records of the Priory of St Mary and St Radegund

Thomas, son of John de Cambridge, knight, to the nuns and to the use of his sister Elizabeth, for life a rent of 13s 4d out of a tenement called Dunnyngstede. Term: life of the said Elizabeth. Witnesses: Philip Cayly, mayor of Cambridge, John de Tryppelowe, clerk, William de Lavenham, John Pyttok, Richard Tuyllet, John de Toft at aliis.

Thomas, son of John