Showing 22752 results

Archival description
2328 results with digital objects Show results with digital objects
Freshmen 1927
JCCA/JCAC/1/6/Album 1/24 · Item · 1927
Part of College Archives

A photograph and list of names as follows:

E. Chitty; A. Cooke; P.N. Carpmael; L.H. Williams; L.A. Walton; C.N. Taylor; P.H. Keeling; G.M. Parbury; S.W. Hatton; E.M. Tregoning; A.C. Williams; E.D. Andrews; R.M. Bell; W.K. Rice; P. Christie; S.H. Brocklesby; R. Baker; W.P. Farnfield; E.M. Willatt; H.C.W. Sharp; E.G. Boothroyd; E.R. David; E.M. Phair; D.G. Young; A.D. Bovill; A.W. Anstey; D.R. Scott; W.M.G. Sandwith; D.H. Mays Smith; R.B. Beare; M.L. Furber; G.H. Smith; E.C. Hope-Gill; G.F. Raper; K.A.Mc K. Randles; H.M. Bullen; G.L. Foss; G.H. Hunter Brown; P.K. Spurrier; J.E. Magrane; G.K. Bantoft; C.F.C. Luxmore [actually Luxmoore]; J.F. Godwin; B.S. Armitage; D.L. Majumdar; J.E. Willé; F.T. Coulton; C.B. Palmer; R.L.D. Gilson; G.T. Sweet; L.J. Widdicombe; T.E.M. Meade; H.R.W. Butterworth; E.A. Marsh; W.G. Kennedy; S.H. [actually J.] Bronowski; J. Robinson; H. Godfrey; J.E. Comben; R.R. Cohen; R.W.M. Orme; F. Kesteven; B. Pares and C.P. Longland.

Freshmen 1928
JCCA/JCAC/1/6/Album 1/25 · Item · 1928
Part of College Archives

A photograph and list of names as follows:

F.C. Porter; A.N. Bardolph; C.N. Godwin; I. Lean; M.D. Elphinstone; J.E.W. Waddington; L.M.F. Sutton; R.D. Holloway; G.H.C. Giddins; A.F. Laird; E.H. Forrester; D.R. Macpherson; G.D. Garford-Bles; E.A. Milne; D.N. Bungey; T.J. Savill; S.T.R. Hemsted; A.H. Snell; E.E. Harris; H.D. Mackinnon; G.E.R. Wilson; P. Gomes; F.J. Tongue; W.N. Mitchell; P. [actually J.] W. Poole; B.J. Woodd; A.H. Armstrong; P.H.T. Williams; M. Williams; S.L. Baxter; B.G. Stow; T. Kirkpatrick-Wilson; D.R. Gregory; J.O. Greenwood; H.C. Mayers; R.D. Prestwich; N.E. Costar; J.V. Stephenson; H.H. Townsend; J. Frankenbury [actually Frankenburg]; A.D. Coplestone; L.N. Greenbaum [actually Grunbaum]; H.W. Brierley; G.B. Grant; W.P.L. Chappell; H.D. Cavaghan; J.E. Baldwin; W.H.C. Daniel; G.H. Stewart; E.W. Jones; J. Rowbotham and H.W. Griggs.

Freshmen 1935
JCCA/JCAC/1/6/Album 2/4 · Item · 1935
Part of College Archives

A photograph and list of names as follows:

G. Matthews; R.E.H. Drury; D.H. Tildesley; H.L.J. Wilson; P.P. Slowe; S.C.K. [actually S.C.R.] Welch; A.G. Murray; A.G. Peart; J.B. Higham; D.S. Carmichael; J.H.C. Phillips; H.H. Bibby; S.C. [actually L.C.] Eaton; I.E. Humphreys; B. Conor; B.H.R. Van-Cutsem; J.F.A. Fenton; C.M. Ruston; D.V. Harris; R.J. Purdy; D.E. Fairbairn; P.S. Brandon; N.V. Reed; O. Gill; N.R. Ryecart; L.L. Pyman; H.A. Goodwin; S.P. Steavenson; H.D. Jesudason; J.L. Ward; J.W.N. Bunbury; D.F.O. Shelford; P.P. Jefferys [actually Jeffreys]; H. Cooper; J.C. De la T. Davies; R.J.G. Dewar; E.C. Cornford; K.W.P. Gibbon; T.R. Thompson; J. Marshall; I.B. Fleming; R.J. Walsh; C.L. Walters; R.V. Brunsdon; E.M. Neill; A.J. Jardine-Paterson; I.S.D. Cowan; A.O. Sills; A.I. McGowan; H.P. Jerwood; L.D. Thorne; M.S. Palmer; J.E. Feetham; P.H. Fraser; T.B. Langton; E.B. Mitchell; G.I. Hamilton; S.N. Follwell; W. Fitzpatrick; R.F. Dennis; R.W. Vick; L. Bampton; K.H. Lim; T.P. Kirkpatrick; D.F.T. Barlow; C.T.H. Morris; B.T. Coulton; W.J.S. Parker; L.J. Basil; L.C. Artis; M.N. Chaudri; R.H.S. Randles; R.H. Smith; R.H.L. Lamb; F.E. Peall; N. Wallworth; W.H. Chambers; J.P. Harthan; J.M. [actually I.J.] Bland; D.A. Savage; W.H. Davison; G.L. Cadigan.

Absent: G.C.M. Brown; A.B. Catley; W.Y. Chang; I.J. Good; D.L. Lamb; J.P. [actually L.J.P.] Palframan; C.A. Pitts; B.D. Priestman

Freshmen 1938
JCCA/JCAC/1/6/Album 2/7 · Item · 1938
Part of College Archives

A photograph and list of names as follows:

J.W. Savage; P.F. Dibben; M. Paine; J.A. Loveless; W. McFarlane; J. Horsley; A.R. Moy; D.L. Craig; P.W. Coggins; J. Marriott; R.G. North; J.L. [actually J.I.] Hendrie; J.E.G. Wardrop; G.H.C. Sprot; F.S. Scott; I.C. Peebles; C. Wilson; G.A. Peacock; F.C. Wickens; H. Elliott; R.J.S. Holliday; J.B. Morley; G.H. Thomason; J.E.A. Hopkins; J.V. Jardine-Paterson; T.M. Sugden; J.P. Patel; A.L. Strange; D.H.G. [actually H.D.C.] Hunter; G. Gilbertson; [T.F.W.] Harris; P.N. Floyd; D.C. Thom; J.C. Bartholomew; A.R. McDougall; T.K.W. Davies; J.R.D. Byfield; G.S. Fisher; R.C. Mills; G.A.K. Reuss; A. Fitch; R.F. Hettlinger; I.R. Stileman; K.W.S. Sonbry; L.W.H. Calverley; R.E. Goddard; J. Rudd; J. Glyn; D.G. Palmer; J.W. Earp; J.M. Robertson; I.M. Rylands; B.N. Cooper; T.B. Lim; M.G.R. Harvey; J.N Addison; A.D.R. Wilson; D.M. Calvert; I.R. Menzies; A.F. Pegler; J.D. Barker; R.J.C. McClure; A.P. Easter-Bruce; A.E. Hood; D.C.J. Collier; A.H.M. Bissett; E. Spalding; G. Denton; N.P. Myles; G.W. Butterworth; P.C.D. Cotton; A.P.H. [actually O.P.H.] Hill; P.S. Duncan; P.L. Graham; L. Michaels; P.T. Birk; D.D. Cohen; I.G. St C. Pringle; R. Frankenburg; E. Curry; J.A.T. Robinson; E. Haffenden; A.J.G. Carpenter; N.W. Newcombe; F.S. Snow; D.E. Parsons; F.H.C. Shrewsbury; R.B. Jones; J.E. Greeves; G.A.G. Bedward; P.K. Stevenson; J.O.M. Wadderburn [actually Wedderburn]; J.B. Douglas; G.N.S. Mackay; M.J. Skinner; G.I.L. Somerville; J.D. Graves; A.L. Flay; J.H.W. Jackson; W.A. Foster; G. Morris; K.C. [actually K.G?]Lim

Freshmen 1942
JCCA/JCAC/1/6/Album 3/5 · Item · 1942
Part of College Archives

A photograph and list of names as follows:

D. [actually R.] M.C. Davies; J.O. Ballard; D.A. Aboav; J.L.P. Casson; A.A. Overmass; W.B. Palmer; W.P.G. Clark; R.J. Johnson; J. Brown; M.G. Webster; H.O. Griffin; A.C. Daniel; J. [actually D.] V. Fletcher; W.J.O. [actually C.] Little; J.D.R. Townsend; J.C. Pike; J. Raby; J. [actually T.] E. Stockley; K.G.P. Mackenzie; J.F. Crewdson; D.K. Denton; J.F. Richmond; D.E. Bidgood; R. Richardson; L.E. Harrisson; J. Finch; J.O. Spalding; J.B.S. Brabham and C.A.B. Bernstein.

Freshmen 1943 (May)
JCCA/JCAC/1/6/Album 3/10 · Item · 1943
Part of College Archives

A photograph and list of names as follows:

A.M. Friedson; J. Gelley; D.W. Davie; R. Cropper; J.B. Furniss; J. Glen; J.M. Cutts; R.E. Williams; D.H. Douglas-Menzies; C. Staffurth; J.G. Cuss; D.M. Rostern; J.B. Lynn; G.B. Mackay-Forbes; J.K. Carpenter; K.H. Dedman; T.J. Eady [actually Easby]; B. [actually R.C.] Daglish; M. Paine; N.H. Perrin; J. Russell; A. White; F.P. Goddard; R.W. Crampton; A.W. Butler; J.H. Curry; D.A. Fuller; P.M. Crook; J. Cunningham; Dr C.C. Keet; R.S. Davies; E.P. Wildy; J.P. Kingston and B. Gait.

Jesus College Freshmen 1898
JCCA/JCAC/1/6/1898 · Item · 1898
Part of College Archives

Mounted photograph with names on board:

R.N.R. Blaker; N. Patterson; M.H.R. Fletcher; F.E.W. Baldwin; H. Hall-Hall; H.J. Mowll; R.G. Bisseker; E.S. Strachan; H.S. Barnes; J.B. Bannister; N.E. Menzies; J.A. Joicey; T. Mackie; B.W. Kissan; R. Hovil; W.S. Ostle; W.B. [actually W.D.] Copplestone; A.F. Smith; J.W. Sagar; T. Drysdale; A.B. Macnutt; H.B. Banning; E. Bruce; J. Hearfield; J. Gilmon; A.I. [actually A.T.] Isaac; F.G. [actually F.C.] Aldous; F.W. Fulford; J.O. Haldane; F.H. Ingles; G.W. Percevall actually Percivall] ; W.H.K. Smith.

Jesus College Freshmen 1920
JCCA/JCAC/1/6/1920 · Item · 1920
Part of College Archives

No names given on this photograph but are for the photograph in Album 1 [JCAC/1/6/Album 1] as follows:

R.M. Inge; T.S. Nevill; P.F. Shenton; L.A .Parsons; T.B. Martin; S.D. Colwell; J.L. Docker; R.N. Leeston Smith; G.L.A. France; J.K. McConnel; R.C.C. Green; D. Jones; T.G. Stuart Smith; H. Chitty; D.P. [actually D.R.] Davies; R.E. Bland; H. [actually L.H.] Savill; J.E. Hughes Evans; B. Kelly; J.V.D. Deakin; G.C.B. [actually C.C.B.] Danvers; E.H. Caswell; R.H.W. Lowry; J. Litt; K.S. Storey; W.G. Wilcken; D.H. Pratt; J.S. Heber; G.F. Dales [actually Hales]; C.A.U. Cunningham; A. Chadburn; B. St G. Outerbridge; J.E.R. Young; H.S. Tegner; P.W. Davis; W.H. Thomas; D.P. Greenep; C.W. Ufford; J.B. Phelips; G.P. Vaughan Morgan; R.S. Fowler; G.G.C. Adami; C.C. Field; N.M.H. Lightfoot; L.J. Robbins; F.G.A. Marinari; A.F.W. Hall; A.G.M. Severn; A.J.S. Evans; E.F. Storey; R. Ravenscroft; C.A. Ray and P.G. Bentlif.

Jesus College Freshmen 1934
JCCA/JCAC/1/6/1934 · Item · 1934
Part of College Archives

Names on board:

G.O Probert; H.E. Cardy; E.P.G. Miller-Mundy; R.V.C. Montgomerie-Charrington; J.S. Dudding; S. Strange; P.E. Holmes; J.R. Hyde; B.D.F. Maclaren; A.C. Wood; R.M. Cooper; P.A. Peters; D.L.W. Mac Farlane; J.E. Marnham; A.A. Easton; I.H. Hay; C.S. Ogilvy; S.P. Bourne; W.E. Martin; R.W. Gill; R.C. Howard; J.B. Mossop; E. Martens; A.A. Bushnaq; E.H.L Fisher; The Hon. F.C.L. Lamb; H.E.P. Powell; M.E. Cooper; J.S. Moore; R.H. Howorth; N.C. Elliot; D.H.P. Bowles; E.D.T. Martin; B.L.L Reuss; I.J. Wallace; A.G. Shaw; H.D. Yates; H.B. Cox; G.R. Hedley; I.R. Salmond; F.B. Plumptre; A.G. Patterson; S.M. Forbes; C.W.N. Miles; V.C. Martin; D.N. Gill; V.A. Cox; B.O.B. Gidden; R.H. Belchen; A.H.L. Ryde; E.J. Kahn; M.D. Holloway; T.G.E. Powell; B.S. Anand; S.J. Vaughan; R. Jardine-Patterson; J.L. Hall; T.M. Gay; E.O.B. Grant; J.S. Manifold; E.S. Birk; S.H. Gordon; P.W.D White; I.A.G. Davy; G.C. Lever; T.R. Tiller; J.S. Sawyer; W.S. Hemp; R. Corbett-Ward; R.H. Walken; H.D. Shuttleworth; N.F. Chawner; C.J. Mitchell; F.S. Tanner; H.W. Parsons; J.M.S. Alexander; D.M. Fisher; A.McP. Johnston; I.S.C. Henderson; B.C. Faulds; J.T.H. Foottit; W. Cowley; W.T. Williams; R.A.E. Ellis; H.S. Gillies; J.W.B Hext; J.C.D. Vanrenen; J.D. Low; E.F. Kirwan; D.R. Walden-Jones

Stearn & Sons (Photographers), Bridge Street, Cambridge
Jesus College Freshmen 1937
JCCA/JCAC/1/6/1937 · Item · 1937
Part of College Archives

Two mounted photographs and list of names together with a letter to W. Duckworth from Stearn & Sons regarding delivery of freshmen's group photos.

Names on board:

R.P.R. Habershon; J.B. Bennet; J.W. Seddon; J.A. Nathan; S.B. Harris; M.E. Bardwell; C.L.H. Dennis; A.E. Smith; F. Von-Oven; P.C. Weeks; B.R. Lowick; A.B. Howard; V.D. Clarke; B.M. Randles; G.T. Clark; I.M. Rennie; F.M. Von-Ech [actually Von Eck]; T.G. Miller; F.G. Payne; D.A. Edington; V.E. Camacho; T.B. Pownall; R.A.B. Lough; F.J.N. Forbes; H.B. Fraser; R.H. Sutton; M.E. Roose; E.C. de Chazel; J. Skinner; J.B. [actually J.P.] Newton; L.R. Fonder; R.C. Howard; B.L.B. Lawrence; A.J.H. Stannack [actually Stranack]; I. McNiel; R.C. Eden; P.B. [actually P.D.] Barlow; J.R. Barton; P.J. Goldsmith; O.S. Masefield; J.P. Pickersgill; R.L.E. Lowry; D.W. Pennick; B. Mitter; D.M. Dovey; K.D.M. Dauncey; J.F. Holmden; M.P. Curwen; A.D.N. Jones; R.E. Dennis; M.R. Young; P. Rhodes; G.L. Morgan; A.G. Short; H.G. Morgan; P.V. Guy; R.P. Bell; A.D. Tallents; H.M. Newton; H.W. Wind; R.G. Weir; D. Higgins; J.R. Aslett; H.A.K. Hood; O.H. Lawn; J.R. West; L.G. McAlpine; P.D. Holman; A. Hordern; W.H. Carr; P.P. Lewin; T.H. Wise; H.C. Byrne; D.T. Peters; D.C. Pepper; J.E. Lander; [F.E?] White

Stearn & Sons (Photographers), Bridge Street, Cambridge
JCCA/JCAC/1/6/1941/3 · Item · October 1941
Part of College Archives

Photograph with the title 'Jesus College Freshmen Oct 1941'. This is different to JCAC/1/6/1941/2 which has the same title. All individuals shown in both photographs matriculated in October 1941.

Names on board:

J.B.S. Harris; A.F.M. Morris; G.B. Faller; R.G.G. Baynham; H.G. Samek; P.J. Ezra; G.E. Graham; R.S. Harding-Klimanah [actually Harding-Klimanek]; A.P.S. Wynne-Jones; P.F.W. Foster; J.A. Whitwood; J. Burger; P.J.B. Paul and J.V. Rylands.

Stearn & Sons (Photographers), Bridge Street, Cambridge
JCCA/JCAC/1/6/1942/3 · Item · October 1942
Part of College Archives

Names on board:

Lord Strathcarron; C. Foster; P.A. Reid; D. Edwards; M.H. Quenoille; C.R. Cowlin; H.G. Baxter; V.D. Clout; G.H. Gilmour-White; J.B. Corfield; J.S. Todd; R.A.S. Calthorpe; K. Brewer; H.S. Evans; E.R. Boston; R.G. Nutt; S. Lucas; L.G. Wilmot; D.H. Shanks; A.G. Williams; P. Hudson; R.M. Holmes; G.P. Lee-Roberts; I. [actually T.] H. Furlong; W.R. Perkins and J.D. Naunton.

Stearn & Sons (Photographers), Bridge Street, Cambridge
JCCA/JCAC/1/6/1943/2 · Item · May 1943
Part of College Archives

Names on board:

A.M. Friedson; J. Gelley; D.W. Davie; R. Cropper; J.B. Furniss; J. Glen; J.M. Cutts; R.E. Williams; D.H. Douglas-Menzies; C. Staffurth; J.G. Cuss; D.M. Rostern; J.B. Lynn; G.B. Mackay-Forbes; J.K. Carpenter; K.H. Dedman; T.J. Eady [actually Easby]; B. [actually R.C.] Daglish; M. Paine; N.H. Perrin; J. Russell; A. White; F.P. Goddard; R.W. Crampton; A.W. Butler; J.H. Curry; D.A. Fuller; P.M. Crook; J. Cunningham; Dr C.C. Keet; R.S. Davies; E.P. Wildy; J.P. Kingston and B. Gait.

Stearn & Sons (Photographers), Bridge Street, Cambridge
JCCA/JCAC/1/6/1944/1 · Item · May 1944
Part of College Archives

Names on the accompanying sheet:

M.F. Boulesteix, G.L. Hollis, W.T. Wilson, I.E.C. Danvers, I.D. Angus, G. Thirtle, L.J. Hyde. M.A. Rich
G. Moore, I.C. Rule, E.M. Sproston, R.L.G. Carter, J.D. Brimacombe, A.Watt, A. Veale, A. Pearson, M.J. Fortune, R.J. Forster
A.G. Castell, P.F.R. Jackson, S.S. Prawer, A.M. Barry, D.R.A. Coleman, M.J. Henley, J.W. Bartle, J.H. Hicks

Stearn & Sons (Photographers), Bridge Street, Cambridge
Jesus College Freshmen 1945
JCCA/JCAC/1/6/1945 · Item · 1945
Part of College Archives

This is the first year that names were printed rather than handwritten. Names on board:

P.D. Solomonides; M.K.D. Patel; J.H.G. White; R.N. Parkinson; H.J. Perkin; J.L. Upton; T.P. Hornsey; D.L. Thomas; D.W. Hutchings; R.J. Gates; J.D.C. Buckley; R.N. Cadbury; S.E. Fargher; H.M. Gough; C.G.M. Skeete; K. Smith; J.E.M. Beale; T.W. Farthing; M.G. Smith; J.A.N. Goodman; H.J.C. Stovin; H.J. Skinner; L.R. Smith; G. Lawn; D.W. Winter; F.J. Heather; R.H. Springett; F.A. Nabi; D.L. Iles; D.S.M. Harriss; H.G. Johnson; S.J. Taub; J.B. Day; J.A. Kemp; P.H. Gorodi; R.H. Reynolds; R.J. Churchill; P.J. Terry; H. Beaufoy; B.D.L. Jackson; R.T. Warburton; R.G. Gosden; A.J. Weir; J. McCourt; A.A. Jamal; W.T. Deakin; D.T.G. Udy; R.M.T.D. Lindlar; J.F.K. McKeown; F.V. Simpson; P.H.S. Wettern; R.W. Tugwell; R.T. Carter; G. Ellis; F.N. Sanders; B.T. Godden; S.J.V. Arditte; C.B.R. Barton; S. Oreanu; H.E. Hallam; A.R. Wheeler; R.G. [atually B.G.]Marchant; J.P.A. Gould; K. Foister; P.F. Scott; S.N. Graves; D.W. Green; G.E. Bartlett; A.A. Nakeeb; R.E. Haigh; B.H.T. Gracey; M.F. Wigglesworth; G.B.J Hughes; M.H. Black; N.S. Rogers; B.N. Bebbington; M.G. Studdert-Kennedy; G.D. Downes; N.S. Murphy; R.O. Griffin; M.W. Jamson and P.I.C. Lawton.

Stearn & Sons (Photographers), Bridge Street, Cambridge
Fellows Lists
JCCA/JCAC/1/7 · 1990-1993
Part of College Archives

Lists of Fellows (covers titled Jesus College Cambridge) showing their subjects and personal interests. Probably compiled for prospective students or new students so they new who to contact about various issues.

Residence Books and Lists
JCCA/JCAC/2/2 · File · 1897 - 2003
Part of College Archives

Records students' presence or absence, to ensure they "kept" the necessary number of complete terms by residence.

3rd series
JCCA/JCAC/2/4/3/8 · 1950 (Typescript says "to the present day ... in the College Office")
Part of College Archives
JCCA/JCAC/5/1/1 · Item · 1971
Part of College Archives

Copy of deed dated 28 December 1675, which recites that Lady Margaret Boswell of Bradbourn, Sevenoaks, Kent, settles on trust Halliwell Farm, Burnham, Essex, containing 106 acres with 60 acres of salt marsh, to pay two scholars each £12 p. a. until the expiration of one year after they have taken the degree of M. A. The scholars are to be chosen from Sevenoaks School, or, if there are none fit, from Tunbridge School, with those born at Sevenoaks having the preference. No taxes are to be deducted from the amount. Scholars are to be examined by one or two examiners sent by Jesus College, who are to be paid £3 for expenses plus £5 if there be one examiner, £6 if there be two, to buy a piece of plate in memory of Sir William Boswell.

Master and Fellows
JCCA/JCAD/1/4/2011 · 2011
Part of College Archives

Photograph taken by Chapel Court gateway entrance under Eric Gill sculpture. Names on board read Dr. Q. Federle, Professor, I. Patterson, Mr. A. Bowen, Professor J. B. Thompson, Dr. S. T. C. Siklos, Mr. N. J. Ray, Professor H. L. Moore, Dr. R. Mengham, Rev Dr. T. D. Jenkins, Dr. J. P. T. Clackson, Dr. D. I. Wilson, Dr. T. D. Wilkinson, Professor J. M. Bacon, Dr. M. J. Edwards, Dr. M. R. Laven, Dr. C. E. Chambers, Dr. K. S. Lilley, Professor H. le B. Skaer, Dr. F. W. Bursa, Dr. S. Clarke, Dr. C. M. Burlinson, Mr. R. J. P. Dennis, Mr S. Tor, Dr. F. Green, Professor A. H. Brand, Dr. R. D. Bowers, Dr. M. F. Gill, Professor S. A. T. Redfern, Professor P. D. A. Garnsey, Dr. D. J. Kelly, Professor I. H. White, Dr. S. B. Hladky, Dr. B. Walton, Dr. M. L. S. Sorensen, Professor M. M. Arnot, Dr. J. W. Ajioka, Dr. O. Carmello, Mr. M. T. Williams, Dr. N. G. Berloff, Professor J. J. Baumberg, Professor J. M. Soskice, Dr. B. M. B. Post, Dr. D. E. Hanke, Dr. R. M. A. Alberts, Dr. R. J. Weir, Dr. C. Mascolo, Professor J. A. Dowdeswell, Dr. M. A. Moram, Dr. J. E. Roseblade, Dr. C. J. Adkins, Professor R. Freeman, Dr. S Evans, Professor K. L. Johnson, Sir Alan Cottrell, Professor R. J. Mair, Dr. M. R. Minden, Dr. G. T. Parks, Dr. O. A. Scherman, Professor S. C. Heath, Professor D. A. S. Compston, Dr. G. N. Wells.

JCCA/JCAD/2 · Series · 1556-2018
Part of College Archives

Includes accounts and trusts

Silversmith's bill
JCCA/JCAD/2/2/9/1790/2 · 1790
Part of College Archives

Mr Mathew to J. Harwood, 23rd July 1790.
2 silver salt ladles and engraving, 7s 6d. Received old silver value 3s 9d. Total 3s 9d.

16th November 1790 received the contents. Signed by J Harwood.

Harwood, J.