Includes photograph of picture
Coloured drawing of the costume; notes about the costumes; and a pencil sketch of the costume with notes
(1) Notes from an Audit Meeting, 16 December 1936, concerning the terms on which No. 31 Jesus Lane could be taken on an annual tenancy.
(2) Letter from the Bursar to the Trustees of the Methodist College confirming that the lease dated 23 October 1929 had been terminated at Michaelmas 1936 and by mutual consent would continue on an annual tenancy at a rent of £105 per annum.
(3) Receipt for the sum of £52 10s 0d received from the Bursar of Jesus College for a half year's rent of 32 Jesus Lane, 15 October 1937
Contains photographs, summaries of clubs and society achievements during the year and general notes on College life during the academic year which the yearbook pertains.
Bequest of £500 by Dr Yarborough, to build a Rectory House..
Tenants for these properties were Smith H. (per Hickson & Son), White. L, Chasfield A., Charrington & Company Ltd., Goodman B., J.J. Churchill, British Shoe Company Ltd.
St. Quintin Son & StanleyPhotograph of the portrait by James Wood, 1943, in Jesus College.
Invoice written on a sheet of paper for £1 5s 0d for Jesus College
Dawson, Mr.Paid £4 4s to Rowe for making out the College corn rental and house rental for a year ending Michaelmas 1838. Signed by Rowe.
Rowe, RichardFour houses next the street in Walls Lane, annual value: £36. Eight houses at the back occupied by Wray's Charity Alms people, annual value: £45
Plan showing cottages, frontage and dimensions
Plan showing cottages, frontage and dimensions. Accompanies particulars of lease: JCAD/3/CAM/KING/45/3/1877
Three invoices stating a sum is due to Coulson & Son for works done. Totals were £73 17s, £6 14s 6d, and £58 17s respectively (from earliest to latest).
J. Carter Jonas & SonsIncludes minutes, agendas, correspondence, photographs, postcards, publications and related ephemera. Also papers relating to the JCSU art committee including insurance documents, 1959.
Contains exhibition captions, research notes nad exhibition guide.
Willmoth, FrancesPaid £3 to E. Harris for a barrel of ale.
Harris, E.Receipt for £10 8s 1d from the Master and Fellows of Jesus College to J. Turner for work done in the Gentlemen's rooms.
Turner, J.The sum of £15 13s 9d due to J Wentworth for work on students rooms.
17th August 1939 = Halliwell's new building: repairing paper, paper, paste & labour,
Late Constable new building: preparing bedroom for paper, sizing walls, glue/paste, brown paper lining, paper & labour
Staircase: preparing large room for paper, sizing walls, glue/paste, brown paper lining, paper & labour
K Cloisters - Lork: preparing large room for paper, sizing walls, wall hook, tacks, glue/paste, brown paper lining, paper & labour
Late Westmoreland new building: preparing bedroom for paper, sizing walls, glue/paste, brown paper lining, paper & labour
Ridley new building: preparing large room for paper, sizing walls, glue/paste, brown paper lining, paper & labour
23rd August 1839= K. Cloisters - Rutherford: repairing passage - cartridge paper, paste & labour
31st August 1839= K. Cloisters - Rutherford: preparing large room for paper, sizing walls, glue/paste, brown paper lining, paper & labour, tacks
preparing bedroom for paper, sizing walls, glue/paste, brown paper lining, paper & labour, tacks
Receipt of payment for two days work in grove (16s)
Hunt, Mr. J. J.Receipt of payment for one day work in grove (8s)
Hunt, Mr. J. J.Receipt of payment for cutting holmlock down in grove (one day: 8s)
Hunt, Mr. J. J.Receipt of payment from the Bursar of Jesus College for 2 days of work in grove carried out by Mr Hunt (16s)
Hunt, Mr. J. J.Receipt of payment from the Bursar of Jesus College for 2 days of work in grove carried out by Mr Hunt (extra labour) (16s). See also JCAD/2/2/9/1921/63
Hunt, Mr. J. J.Receipt of payment for two days work in grove (16s)
Hunt, Mr. J. J.Receipt of payment for one day work in the grove (8s)
Hunt, Mr. J. J.Receipt of payment for cutting down holmlock in grove (one day work: 8s)
Hunt, Mr. J. J.Paiment received from the Bursar of Jesus College for two days work in grove (16s)
Hunt, Mr. J. J.Receipt of payment for one day work in grove (8s)
Hunt, Mr. J. J.Receipt of payment for one day work in grove (8s)
Hunt, Mr. J. J.Receipt of Payment for cutting holmlocks around the grove (one day: 8s)
Hunt, Mr. J. J.Receipt of payment for two days work in grove (16s)
Hunt, Mr. J. J.Receipt of payment for one day work in grove (8s)
Hunt, Mr. J. J.Receipt of payment for one day of work on road round the field (8s)
Hunt, Mr. J. J.For work done in the Chapel July 19. 1 day fixing door and other jobs, price of nails
5s 4p
Total of £15 13s 4d paid for:
August 23rd = preparing and fixing dado (deal) in Mr Gibson's, Mr Howlett's and Mr Bingham's room. Stone Pitch, Stone Holdfasts
August 29th = getting out coppicing for Dado, preparing window linings in Mr Distens's room (deal), preparing dado in Mr Homer's room, preparing boarding around Mr Disten's window, fixing dado in Mr Gibson's, Mr Ashby's, Mr Langford's and Mr Howlett's rooms, wall hooks, nails, preparing moulding, clasps, casing staircase letter N, floor brads
September 5th = fixing & pitching dado in Mr Homer's room, fixing boarding around Mr Disten's windows, repairing floor, fixing dado in Mr Daubaney's room & preparing dado in Mr Homer's room
September 12th = fixing dado in Mr Homer's room, deal for Mr Landslow's fireplace, Boarding to fireplace in Mr Ashby's room, , dadoing Mr Daubaney's room, making sash for Mr Wortham's room
September 19th = fitting in and hanging sash in Mr Wortham's room, Screws
Paid to James Webster the sum of: £17 13s 4.5d for work done in Gentleman's Rooms:
Mr Woods=
3 August 1939: repairing floor, putting down new step boarding and battening hall, deal, nails
10 August 1939: repairing floor, deal, floor brads, nails
Mr Rutherford's =
3 August 1939: preparing new dado, deal
10 August 1939: deal, nails, stone pitch
17 August 1939: putting up dado, deal moulding, clasp nails, nails
24 August 1939: putting shelf to chimney piece, deal, nails, putting up dado, moulding
Mr Hilton's=
24 August 1939: preparing and fixing of boarding, deal, nails
Mr Westmoreland's=
24 August 1939: preparing and fixing of dado, deal, brads
H. Hurrell to Joseph Austin. Work one at the Great Shelford Farm.
15 January: mortar.
9 February: bricklayer.
21 Feb bricklayer half day.
22 Feb: ditto, all day.
28 Feb: ditto
1 March: ditto
2 March: ditto
3 march: ditto
19 September: self and bricklayer.
21 Sep: self, bricklayer, labourer
22 Sep: bricklayer and labourer
23 Sep: ditto
24 Sep: ditto
26 Sep: ditto
27 Sep: bricklayer
28 Sep: ditto
30 Sep: ditto
1 October: ditto
7 Oct: 2 bricklayers and labourer.
8 OCt: bricklayer and labourer.
10 Oct: bricklayer a quarter.
14 Oct: bricklayer half day.
31 Oct: bricklayer, a quarter.
3 Nov: bricklayer.
4 Nov: bricklayer and labourer, half day.
Paid 1 Dec 1859 Joseph Austin.
Austin, JosephPaid £30 12s 6d by Mr C. Deeks to Charles Cuthbert for work done between March and September 1879.
Cuthbert, CharlesBill for 1835 and 1836
For work done at the end of Elm Street
7th November - 1 day 2 men preparing and putting up 10 oak parts 8p, oak materials 1p7s6d
total: 1s15s5d
Received the 10th day of Dec. 1836 of the Master and Fellows of Jesus College receipt of payment
Webster, J.Bill for £10 8s 1d from the Master and Fellows of Jesus College to J. Turner for work done in the Gentlemen's rooms, including: M. Dew, M. Pardow, M. Constable, M. Sutton, M. Winter, M.Dallas, M. Venables, M. Stockdale.
Master and Fellows, Jesus CollegeReceipt of Payment for cutting holmlocks around the field (one day: 8s)
Hunt, Mr. J. J.Receipt from the Masters and Fellows of Jesus College to James Tibbit for bar fences (?) work, gate amendements and other work amendements for the sum total of 9s.
James TibbitPaid £11 7s 1d to Edward Favell for work done in College. Includes payments for chimney piece black in the room late in occupation of Brett; cleaning and stopping, clear, colour and painting woodwork in Hill junior's room; clear, colour and paint gyp (jip) room and new boards in passage in Hilton's room; clean and stopping, to wainscot room gum and clear colour, to door wainscot and four plates to door in Bowness' room; cleaning and stopping, bedroom clear colour and painted, new work, painting finger plates on doors in Wood's room; cleaning and stopping and clear colour and paint gum great room of Bramah; clearing and stopping, greta room flatted twice once white, new dado four times once white, bedroom flatted twice once white, new work, to entrance passage in Rutherford's room; cleaning and stopping, clearing, colour and painting woodwork in Wortham's room; cleaning, papering and stopping, clear, colour and paint woodwork in Distin's room.
Favell, EdwardContains: a letter from Charlesworth & Co (solicitors) asking if the College would be prepared to buy back the lease of the property which had 6 ½ years remaining following the death of the lessee Rayne Elizabeth Beedham; a plan showing the outline of the property; a note from Francis & Co (College solicitors) stating that there did not appear to have been a building agreement for this property and enclosing a letter from Dr Corrie dated 22nd May 1877 giving his instructions for the lease
Letter to the Jesus College Bursar (B. L. Manning) by Woodstone Carving Works Cambridge, enclosing account of settlement for the works done in connection with the rain water pipes and the new buildings in Chapel Court (170p and additional costs) - enclosed document missing -
Wood & Stone Carving Works CambridgeInvoice from J. Webster to the Master and Fellows of Jesus College for preparing and carting of wood at Caxton, dated from April 9 1831 to June 11 1831. Includes taking down fences, taking down timber, loading and carting of timber, paid lawyer at sundry times, morturing, painting, installing gates. Total of £21 1s.
Receipt dated 9th of december 1831 from the Master and Fellows of Jesus College to J. Webster, the sum of £21 1s. Signed by J. Webster.
Webster, J.Account of trees sold by by auction at Christs College Pieces Cambridge by Elliot smith. Elm and Ash Timber from Newmarket Road. Also advertisements, printing bills and selling commission. Total of £39 5s 6d.
Smith, ElliotPaid £200 from Dr. Westmoreland for works of restoration of Jesus College.
Rattee & KettPaid £300 from Dr. Westmoreland for works in hand to the Westwing building south front Jesus College.
Rattee & Kett