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Sugar Bowl

  • JCAG/G/9
  • Item
  • 1823
  • Part of Silver

Samuel Howland, London

Subscription bill

Paid £3 3s for the College's subscription to the fund established for the relief of poor widows and orphans of clergymen in the diocese of Ely. Collected by Samuel Peed on behalf of Rev. J. Brocklebank, treasurer of the fund.

Peed, Samuel


Tr. 1: Lead stylus with one pointed and one flat end and used in a similar fashion to a pencil. Examples from Coppergate, York exist and are identical to Winchester Class 2 type styli and generally date from the 13th to 15th centuries (Ottaway & Rogers 2002, 2934). Length 104mm.


Paid £8 10s due for one year as one of Mr. Rustats pensioners to Henriette Vallarine for her mother Jane Vallarine.

Vallawine, Henriette


Paid £4 5s to Mary Carter due to her as one of Mr. Rustats pensioners. At the top a note attesting to Mary Carter's status as a widow, her residence in the parish of Stapleford in Hertford, and her good character and attendance in church, witnessed by Edward Smith, the rector of Stapleford.

Carter, Mary


Letter attesting to good character of the widow of the late Reverend Nimrod Jones and that she lives in Stevenage parish, witnessed by the curate Richard Bailey and the churchwardens Rowland Berkeley and John Hogard. Below, a request to pay the stipend of £8 10s to Mr. Richard Hoster signed by Mary Jones.

Bailey, Richard


Paid £8 7s 6d to Katherine Hingston, due to her as one of Mr. Rustat's pensioners. At the top a note from 29th December 1772 attesting to Katherine Hingston's status as a widow, her move to the parish of St. Andrew's Holborn in London, and her good character, witnessed by Thomas Taylor, a minister, and D. Richard and Cole, church wardens.

Hingeston, Katherine


  • JCCA/JCAD/2/2/9/1773/18
  • 14th October 1772-2nd April 1773
  • Part of College Archives

Two receipts of £5 paid to Mary Stone due to her as one of Mr. Rustats pensioners. Both also signed by Richard Fisher. For both, above, a note certifying her widowhood, good character, and residence in the parish of New Buckenham, Norfolk, witnessed by John Herrich, minister, and John Holland and one other witness, church wardens.

Stone, Mary


Paid £4 to Elizabeth Herring, as one of Mr Rustat's pensioners. Certificate signed by Charles Allen, vicar and Thomas Strover, church warden that Mrs. Herring is a person of chast and sober life and conversation.

Herring, Elizabeth


Paid £8 10s to Lucy Cradock due to her as one of Mr. Rustats pensioners. Received by James Smith. Above, a note certifying her residence in Rickinghall Superior and good character, witnessed by Jonathan Gibbs, rector, and H. Freeman and James Mabor, church wardens.

Cradock, Lucy

Steward's Abstract

Steward's Abstract 1833, to the bursar Dr French.

Christmas 1832, Coll: Sol & Stips (£48 17s 2d), Fellows (£18 15s 10d), Corn Money (£3 3s 3d) Sch. Com. (£4 19s 2d). Total of £75 15s 5d. Printing rate (£8 17s), Lamps & Court (£8 19s 6d), Chamber Rents (£136 15s), Coals (£18 15s), Master & Fellows (£18 8s 6d).

Lady Day 1833, Coll Sol & Stips (£49 4s 6d), Fellows (£16 10s 9d), Corn money (£3 14s 9d), Sch. Com. (£4 18s 4d). Total of £74 8s 4d. Printing rate (£8 17s), Lamps & Court (£9 1s), Chamber rents (£146), Coals (£23 5d), Coals (£23, 5d). Master & Fellows (£11 7s 5d). Total of £198 5s 10d.

Midsummer 1833, Coll Sol & Stips (£49 11s 10d), Fellows, (£16 13s 8d), Cash money, (£3 3s 3d), Sch. Com. (£3 12s, 6d). Total of £73 1s 3d. Printing rate (£9), Lamps & Court (£9 13s), Chamber Rents (£104, 10s), Coals (£11 2s 11d). Master & Fellows (£19 17s 4d). Total of £154 3s 3d).

Michaelmas 1833, Col Sol & Stips (£47 3s 2d), Fellows (£19 19s 7d). Total of £67 2s 9d). Printing rate (£13 7s), Lamps & Court (£9 11s 6d), Taxes (£54 2s 6d), Chamber Rent (£93 5s) , Masters & Fellows (£23 5s 6d). Total of £193 11s 6d.


Steward's Abstract

To the Bursar, Dr French. Christmas 1832, (£75 15s 5d), Lady Day 1833, (£74 8s 4d), Midsummer, (£73 1s 3d), Michaelmas (£67 2s 9d). From Lamps & Court, for Garden Fund, £12. Total of £302 7s 9d.

For Christmas 1832, (£191 15s), Lady Day 1833, (£74 8s 4d - £198 5s 10d), Midsummer, (£73 1s 3d - £154 3s 3d), Michaelmas (£193 11s 6d). Total of £737 15s 7d. Balance owed to Bursar (£435 7s 10s - £737 15s 70d).

Christmas 1832 [crossed out] (£2 15s), Lady day 1833 (£3), Midsummer (£3), Michaelmas (£3 7s). Garden gun, from lamps & court (£12), Total of (£24 2s 6d). Balance due (£9 5s 4d). Total of (£3 7s 10d).

Christmas 1832 [crossed out] (£8 5s), Lady day 1833 (£8 7s 10d), Midsummer (£8 7s 6d), Michaelmas (£8 7s 6d). Total (£33 7s 10d). To Bursar (£435 7s 10d). Garden fund (£9 5s 4d), Garden fund 1832 (£10 2s 9d). £19 8s 1d, total of £415 19s 9d.



Played by Bill Keith. Colour sketch of the costume; the actor's measurements; notes about the costume; and a pencil sketch of the costume with red, purple and white fabric swatches


  • JCAG/L/5a
  • Item
  • 1820
  • Part of Silver

William Eaton, London

Squash Club

Includes menu for squash club dinner May 1972 and photograph of Jesus College squash Club 1972. Names on board read M. Raghupathi, G. J. V. Volleymore, D. R. Dosseter, R. H. Briance, M. M. Brown, J. W. Field, E. H. Schumann, P. J. D. Allen, A. B. Beckingsale; J. F. Casson, R. D. Parker

Special Quotation for Wines and Spirits

Special quotation for red wines, white wines, burgundy, claret, port and brandy with price listings per dozen sent by Morel Bros, Coblett & Sons (Wine, Spirit, Cigar and Tobacco merchants, 22-24 Buckingham Palace Road, London) to the Steward of Jesus College (by post, with envelope dated 2nd November)

Morel Bros. & Cobbett & Son, Wine, Spirit, Cigar and Tobacco Merchants

Smith's bill

Paid to John Coe for work done on the new buildings, including payments for large spikens, small spikens, holdfasts, a pair of fire irons for the porter's lodge, eight straps and 16 bolts and keys and coterils, lead nails, hooks, two new pairs of joints. Signed by John Coe

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