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Indulgence of Thomas Arundel, at that time Bishop of Ely

  • JCMR/Gray 11-17/Gray 11-17/16
  • Item
  • 2 April 1376 (Dated 'Apud Dodyngton s[e]c[un]do die Aprilis, Anno Domini mill[es]imo CCCmo Septuagesimo sexto et nostro consecracionis s[e]c[un]do'.)
  • Part of Records of the Priory of St Mary and St Radegund

The Bishop grants indulgence of 40 days to all who contribute to the relief of the nuns on the occasion of the destruction of their dwellings and goods by fire. Written in Doddington.

Arundel, Thomas (1353-1414) Archbishop of Canterbury

Indulgence of William Courtenay, Archbishop of Canterbury

  • JCMR/Gray 11-17/Gray 11-17/17
  • Item
  • 6 April 1390 (Dated 'in manerio nostro de Croydon sexto die mensis Aprilis Anno d[o]m[ini] mill[es]imo CCCmo Nonogesimo Et nostre translacio[n]is nono'.)
  • Part of Records of the Priory of St Mary and St Radegund

The Archbishop grants indulgence of 40 days to persons contributing to the relief of the nuns whose buildings have been ruined by violent storms. Written in the Manor of Croydon.

Courtenay, William (1342-1396) Archbishop of Canterbury

Charter of King Stephen

  • JCMR/Gray 1- . . . 383/Gray 1-10/2a
  • Item
  • 1149-1150 ("[Given] during the siege of Mapperhall" (Apud Mapertes halam in obsidione), 1149-50. For the date, see appendix A in Nuns and goldsmiths.)
  • Part of Records of the Priory of St Mary and St Radegund

Stephen confirms to the church and nuns of St Mary the grant by William Monachus [le Moyne], goldsmith, of 2 virgates of land and 6 acres of pasture and 4 cottars with their holdings, at (Great) Shelford, in free alms, for the soul of Henry (I) and for all God's faithful. Witnesses: William Martell and Rainer de Warenne.

Stephen I (c 1096-1154) King of England

Seal of white and brown wax

  • JCMR/Add./Add. Seals 1-7/Add. Seals 3
  • Item
  • 1328-1349 (On the membrane strip attached to the seal is written (s xiv 2/4 handwriting) "... Rector de Reymerst..." The membrane must have belonged to John de Tryppelowe. He was rector of Reymerston between 1328 and 1342 and then rector of Hardwick until 1349.)
  • Part of Records of the Priory of St Mary and St Radegund

Seal of white and brown wax, central (brown) part bears impression of a human figure (St Radegund? a bishop?)

St Radegund's Priory (?)

Sculpture in the Close 1992

Includes organisational correspondence, guides, A3 poster for exhibition, costs associated with holding the exhibition and correspondence with potential financial supporters.

Featured artists were Antony Gormley, Michael Archer, Richard Bray, Richard Long, David Mach, Diane MacLean and Nina Saunders.

Opened by Nicholas Serota.

Plumber's receipt

Paid to John Burgis for part leading the new building. Signed by John Burgis

Bricklayer and plasterer's bill

Paid to Joseph Woodcock for work done on the new building, including payments for pointing windows, mortar, plastering the chimney, alterations made to the Master's lodgings next to the new building, loads of lime, bricks, to labourers, a journeyman, loads of sand, lathes and nails, bushels of hair and scaffolds. Signed by Joseph Woodcock

Bricklayer and plasterer's bill

Paid to Joseph Woodcock for work done on the new builidng, including payments for journeymen, labourers, lime, sand, tiles, lathes and nails, bricks, trowelmen. Signed by Joseph Woodcock

Smith's bill

Paid to John Coe for work done on the new buildings, including payments for large spikens, small spikens, holdfasts, a pair of fire irons for the porter's lodge, eight straps and 16 bolts and keys and coterils, lead nails, hooks, two new pairs of joints. Signed by John Coe

Plumber's receipt

Paid to John Burgis for plumbing work done on the new building. Signed by John Burgis

Summary list of bills

List of incomes to help pay for the new building including payments from Dr. Dawson, Mr. H. Brearey's gift, income from Lewis' chamber, from the Proby fund, borrowed from the treasury, Dr. Shelton's gift, Mr. Elton's gift, income from Pemberton's chamber, income fromToundrow's chamber. Also list of expenditures to the glazier, Rhandal the carpenter, Burgis the plumber, Woodcock the mason, Grumbold the "free stone mason", Mr. Newling the joiner, John Coe the smith, Woodcock, Kirby the glazier, Dalton.

June Event 1994

Includes programme, poster and some organisational correspondence and papers.Proceeds to the Cystic Fibrosis Trust.

Coroner's certificate

Addressed to the minister of All Saints parish, Cambridge, certificate declaring Theophilus Newman, deceased, as a lunatic and his body now ready for Christian burial. Signed by Lawman.

The Roosters' Bicentenary

I. E. Gray, S. D. Colwell, D. J. V. Hamilton-Miller, R. S. Marsden, J. B. Woolley, L. R. Waddington, S. M. Spence, R. J. Bloom, C. C. B. Danvers, M. A. Oldham, J. Salmon, T. E. Barratt, J. V. D. Deakin, H. C. Jefferson, W. E. Osborne, Mr B. S. Manning, Mr E. Abbott, L. N. Battersby, J. E. R. Young, F. Brittain, The Master (Arthur Gray), Mrs Gray, Miss Joyce Shillington Scales, G. W. Browne, P. A. Adamidi, T. B. Martin, S. Beuady, E. H. Warren, W. H. Grindley, W. H. Thomas, L. Robbins, F. J. T. Mew, Dr Shillington Scales

Prospero as Milan

Played by Tony Spearing [A.C. Spearing]. Colour sketch of the costume; the actor's measurements and notes about the costume; notes about alterations; and a pencil sketch of the costume with red, white and black fabric swatches

Edmund Henry Morgan

Includes copy of caricature print of Edmund Henry Morgan which appeared in Vanity Fair on 19th January 1889 under his nickname 'Red Morgan'; Photographs of Morgan, c. 1880;

Black King

Played by Geoff Bagaley. Coloured drawing of the costume; the actor's measurements and notes about the costume; and a pencil sketch of the costume with notes and a yellow fabric swatch


Played by Watson Weekes. Two coloured drawing of the costume; and pencil sketch of the costume with notes

Angel (male)

Played by Charles Channon, John Parry, Tony Greaves and Mark Lovell. Coloured drawing of the costume; the actor's measurements; notes about the costumes; and a pencil sketch of the costume with notes and white and orange fabric swatches


Illustrated poster for a May Week production of Aristophanes, Thesmophpriazusae (The Judgment of Women) and John Blow, Venus and Adonis in Cloister Court on 8th and 9th June 1958 at 9pm


Poster for a concert of mainly medieval music by The Cockerel Consort in the College Chapel on Sunday 2nd November 1975 at 8.30pm

Painter, carpenter and carpeter's bill

Paid to F. R. Leach for work done in SCR, including payments for whiting ceiling, painting woodwork panels, unpacking cabinet and brasswork, fixing sconces with brass screws, repairing carpet, carriage of empty case to Hollands' (London) and for polishing the top of a large new table. Signed by Leach.

Upholsterer's bill

Paid to Morris and Company for work done in the SCR, including payments for supplying an Axminster carpet, supplying two pairs of stamped velvet curtains with frings on centre and bottom edges, two pairs of silk and worsted loops, mahognay pole with rings, supplying a standard grate, design for fireplace and instructions, lustre sunflorren tiles, red hearth, four sets of finger plates pierced and engraved, two sets of oval door handles, two single door handles, six roses for the door handles, four key hole plates, plated screws, red merino, a second visit to Cambridge and expenses

Fabric bill

Paid to A. Lasenby Liberty and Co for work done in the SCR, including payment for pre coloured silk

Sculpture in the Close 1988

Includes organisational correspondence, guides, costs associated with holding the exhibition

Featured artists were Keir Smith, Veronica Ryan, Denise de Cordova, Richard Long, Barry Flanagan and David Nash.

Opened by Marina Vaizey.


Played by Myrna Stoneman. Colour sketch of the costume; the actor's measurements and notes about the costume; notes on alterations; and a pencil sketch of the costume with a purple fabric swatch


F.05: this contained two sherds of 16th to 19th century plain red coarseware (13g).


F.51: a mixed context. This contained three sherds of 18th century Chinese export porcelain (5g), a sherd of late 18th or early 19th century creamware (3g), a sherd of 16th to 18th century tin-glazed earthenware (6g), a sherd of 18th or 19th century lead-glazed earthenware (2g), a sherd of 18th century Staffordshire-type slipware (11g) and two sherds of 16th to 17th century German stoneware (107g).


F.24: this contained a single sherd of abraded grey coarseware (5g), which is most probably Roman in date.

Results 1 to 50 of 2116