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Residence Books and Lists
JCCA/JCAC/2/2 · File · 1897 - 2003
Part of College Archives

Records students' presence or absence, to ensure they "kept" the necessary number of complete terms by residence.

Boundaries and party wall
JCCA/JCAD/3/2/LIV/1/10 · File · 23 April 1906 - 5 June 1908
Part of College Archives

Letters about the vicarage garden and its possible purchase by the neighbouring Clergy Training School; also agreement with the latter about party wall, and related letter.

JCCA/JCAD/3/2/LIV/1/11 · File · April 1911 - 26 February 1919
Part of College Archives

Discusses the donation of a piece of land by Jesus College to extend the vicarage site and the subsequent building of a wall.

Augmentation of living
JCCA/JCAD/3/2/LIV/1/13 · File · March 1922 - May 1923
Part of College Archives

Correspondence with the Ecclesiastical Commission and the Diocesan Board of Finance, negotiating an increase in the value of the living.

Augmentation of living
JCCA/JCAD/3/2/LIV/2/5 · File · 1931-1941
Part of College Archives

Correspondence with the Ecclesiastical Commissioners about augmenting the living on the ground of population. Most of the correspondence is from 1931, and includes statements of existing income and the decision of the Commissioners to make a grant of £119 per annum in augmentation of the living. There is a letter from the Revd Percy Sharp in Birmingham, interested in the living but unable to afford it (pre-augmentation), and an exchange of letters with the Clergy Pension Board about the effect of a pension for Canon Wood on the income of the living. In 1933 there is a letter from the Commissioners to the Revd J.T. Plowden-Wardlaw, informing him of an increase to the living, and in 1941 a formal statement that the benefice has become vacant by the resignation of J.T. Plowden-Wardlaw.

Repairs to chancel roof
JCCA/JCAD/3/2/LIV/2/6 · File · 1931-1936
Part of College Archives

Brief notes on necessary repairs in 1931 by Messrs Rattee and Kett: £25 to mend broken Tenons to the Purlins and add iron plates; and by Coulson &Son Lts in 1936: £56.13.6 to re-lathe and re-tile north side of chancel roof.

Cavendish Tithe Commutation
JCCA/JCAD/3/2/LIV/3/16 · File · November 1843-April 1845
Part of College Archives

Correspondence, on the working out of the Act for the Commutation of Tithes in England and Wales. Disagreement of what tithes are owed on land belonging to Earl Howe. See also file 17, with lengthy opinions of counsel.

JCCA/JCAD/3/2/LIV/4/8 · File · 1923-1933
Part of College Archives

Letters from the Vicar, A.R. Davies, about his financial difficulties, and possible schemes for augmenting the income. Also a few letters suggesting the union of the parishes of Comberton with Barton

JCCA/JCAD/3/2/LIV/5/1/1/2 · File · Michaelmas 1603
Part of College Archives

Copy of letters patent of Elizabeth I. Grant to George Lazenby who has been despoiled of his goods by order of the King of Spain in time of war, of the lease of the Rectory of Elmstede in Essex with all its appurtenances formerly belonging to the Monastery of St. Osyth, Essex, and formerly parcel of the possessions of George Harte by letters patent 18th July 1567 for term 21 years from Michaelmas 1582. Rent £9 6s 8d. Except for timber, wardships, marriages etc Court Leet and view of frankpledge, requisitions, profits of courts, etc and the advowson of the Church. Term of this lease Michaelmas 1603 for 31 years. Rent £9 6s 8d. Attached is list of documents removed from and returned to the Treasury of John Sherman and others.

JCCA/JCAD/3/2/LIV/5/1/5/1 · File · 3 November 1859
Part of College Archives

An exchange of a field and a strip of land in the occupation of William Parson Partridge, with a close of land in the occupation of Osmond Fisher, Vicar of Elmstead. The document includes a sketch map and schedules describing the lands.

Inclosure Commissioners
Petition about the pews
JCCA/JCAD/3/2/LIV/5/4/9 · File · 23rd December 1892 - 2nd May 1899
Part of College Archives

A petition signed by communicants and adult members of the congregation, explaining that the pews in the chance are unsatisfactory and seats and in their position with their backs towards the communion table. The whole church needs reseating: if the College with pay for the chancel pews, the parishioners will pay for the seating in the body of the church. With a covering letter signed by the Vicar and Churchwardens, and a letter from the Curate, R.H. Marsh, on the same subject, dated 1892.

JCCA/JCAD/3/2/LIV/6/6 · File · 1873-1923
Part of College Archives

John Bell: A brief sketch of the past history of the parish of Fordham 1873

Arthur W. Ivatt: A brief sketch ... by the Rev. John Bell, with supplement by the Rev. Arthur W. Ivatt, 1923

Registers for February 1917 (1 page)

The District Parish Magazine: Fordham (1 page, covers 1903-1922)

Photograph of the Church, on a postcard.

JCCA/JCAD/3/2/LIV/7/11 · File · March 1894-November 1896
Part of College Archives

Correspondence with the Rector, W.O. Cleave, and with Queen Anne's Bounty office, about whether to reinstate farm buildings destroyed by fire and insufficiently insured; also negotiations for he sale of the Rushden estate to a local builder.

JCCA/JCAD/3/2/LIV/7/12 · File · 1900-January 1900
Part of College Archives

A six-page report (typescript) by Charles Bidwell, of Bidwell & Sons, land agents and surveyors, with comments on the state of the land and its use. Also two handwritten notes, unsigned and undated, giving details of income, NB. W.O. Cleave was Rector until his death in August 1904.

JCCA/JCAD/3/CAM/HIL/91/2/1 · File · April 1935 - 15 May 1935
Part of College Archives

(1) Schedule of Dilapidations
(2) Letter from J. Carter Jonas & Sons setting out the division of costs between landlord and tenant for the work listed in the specification of dilapidations (landlord £29 7s 3d and tenant £55 3s 0d)
(3) Handwritten notes concerning the remainder of the lease, costs, rents due and amount of dilapidations
(4) Letter from the Bursar to Francis & Co (College solicitors) informing them that the College Council had agreed to the surrender of the lease by Miss A. Briggs, to relieve her of her liability for dilapidations, to pay her £20 and to pay for the legal costs of the transaction
(5) Letter from the Bursar to H. M. Inspector of Taxes confirming that following the surrender of the lease the premises were let to Messrs Greene King & Sons Limited for 21 years from Ladyday 1932. He confirms that he has no knowledge of Messrs Austin & Co in connection with the premises but assumes they may be sub-tenants of the lessees

Compulsory Purchase
JCCA/JCAD/3/CAM/HIL/129/3/4 · File · 5 July 1907 - 25 May 1908
Part of College Archives

(1) Notice served by the Great Northern Railway that they intended to apply to Parliament for the compulsory purchase of land held by the College. The land listed in the schedules was as follows: office and premises; house, forecourt, garden and outbuildings; yard, buildings, weighbridge, stables and sheds

(2) Plan of the area

(3) Letter from Francis & Co (College solicitors) to J. H. H. Goodwin (Bursar) saying that they had received Mr Jonas's statement of the College Claim to the Great Northern Railway Company which set the compensation at £3500

(4) Letter from J. Carter Jonas & Sons (land agents) to Goodwin confirming that they had verbally settled the compensation for Beale's coal yard at £1,800

JCCA/JCAD/3/CAM/HIL/TRUMP/3/2 · File · March 1881 - 12 February 1890
Part of College Archives

(1) March 1881 - Report upon property near Brooklands Cambridge the property of the Master and Fellows of Jesus College
(2) 1886 - Report on the Brooklands Field in the parish of St Andrew the Less Cambridge and Trumpington and allotment on the Hills Road, the property of the Master and Fellows of Jesus College
(3) 12th February 1890 - letter to the Bursar confirming there was a Land Tax charged on land in the occupation of Mr George Foster. He had been paying the tax but had now declined to claiming that the land that was liable actually belonged to Jesus College

Level Crossing
JCCA/JCAD/3/CAM/HIL/TRUMP/3/7 · File · 7 November 1895 - 14 October 1897
Part of College Archives

Correspondence between Hugh Shield (Bursar), the Great Eastern Railway Company and the London & North Western Railway concerning permanently closing the level crossing [the railway companies wanted this due the high level of traffic on the line and the College needed to access the field it owned to the west of the line]

JCCA/JCAD/3/CAM/HIL/TRUMP/3/8 · File · 17 March 1896 - 6 June 1896
Part of College Archives

Correspondence concerning the sale of the land to the west of the railway line to Trinity College for £2,000

JCCA/JCAD/3/CAM/HIL/TRUMP/3/12 · File · 25 September 1911 – 30 July 1917
Part of College Archives

Contains: a letter from Charlesworth & Co (solicitors) asking if the College would be prepared to buy back the lease of the property which had 6 ½ years remaining following the death of the lessee Rayne Elizabeth Beedham; a plan showing the outline of the property; a note from Francis & Co (College solicitors) stating that there did not appear to have been a building agreement for this property and enclosing a letter from Dr Corrie dated 22nd May 1877 giving his instructions for the lease

40 and 42 Hobson Street
JCCA/JCAD/3/CAM/HOB/1/2/1 · File · 8th October 1812
Part of College Archives

Includes: complaints of encroachment by new building of Cambridgeshire County Council and surrender of Messrs Morley's lease

JCCA/JCAD/3/CAM/JESL/GEN/3/13 · File · 30 June 1908 - 6 October 1914
Part of College Archives

File containing:

(1) letter from Thomas Porter (Surveyor to the College) to J.H.H. Goodwin (Bursar) giving a report on his inspection of the roadway at the back of Rhadegund Buildings
(2) Report as to the improvement of the roadway at the back of Rhadegund Buildings and the requisite repairs to two pairs of iron folding gates , 12 July 1910
(3) 7 letters complaining about the roadway, 23 March 1908 - 6 October 1914

Glebe land transfers
JCCA/JCAD/3/2/LIV/8/3 · File · 1900-1911
Part of College Archives

Correspondence about an exchange of land agreed with a neighbour, and a requisition by Cambridgeshire County Council.

JCCA/JCAD/3/2/LIV/9/3 · File · 6 June 1604
Part of College Archives

Licence granted to acquire lands to the annual value of £200 including the Rectory of Harlton, Cambs.

In Latin. Ornamented capital letter, with a portrait of the King in pen and ink. With a great seal, green wax with red and white silk cords.

In Steel Press, shelf 10.

JCCA/JCAD/3/2/LIV/9/4 · File · 6 February 1636-16 April 1636
Part of College Archives

Grant by Richard Duport to the College of his right and interest in the patronage of Harlton Rectory, and an official confirmation of the grant.

Duport, Richard
JCCA/JCAD/3/2/LIV/9/5 · File · undated
Part of College Archives

A document described at the end as "A copy of a terrier in Mr Hawby's [?] hands of the glebe land belonging to the Rectory of Harlton". Four lists of land in the 'Brook Feild' [sic], the 'Windmill Feild', the Home Feild', and the 'Low Field'.