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Willow Place
JCCA/JCAD/3/CAM/WILP · Subseries
Part of College Archives

Willow Place was a continuation of Willow Walk to the east of Fair Street. The south side of Willow Place was built upon Ropemaker's Close which was allotted to the College by the Barnwell Inclosure Award. The north side of Willow Place was part of the south verge of Newmarket Road and belonged to various owners.
The name survives to denote a passage leading to the service roads at the back of the Grafton Centre, but the site of these houses is now under the western car park

Butt Close
JCCA/JCAD/3/CAM/BUTT · Subseries
Part of College Archives

Butt Close covered an area now occupied by parts of Jesus Lane, King's Street and Manor Street and was acquired by the College in the mid 16th century.
The attached PDF by Freda Jones describes the history of this area in more detail.