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Francis & Co File
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36 New Square

  • JCCA/JCAD/3/CAM/NEWSQ/36/3/2
  • File
  • 3rd October 1944 - 26th June 1944
  • Part of College Archives

Contains the following:
3rd October 1944 - from J. Carter Jonas & Sons informing the Bursar that they had made out an agreement to lease the property to Mrs Baker but the current lease was made out to Mr G. A. Baker who was away serving in H.M. Forces. As a surrender could not be signed they had made out the lease in Mr Baker's name

4th January 1945 - from J. Carter Jonas & Sons asking for permission from the Bursar to accept a quote for the repair of gates to the yard at the rear of the property which was leased by Mr L. A. Rich

7th June 1946 - letter from Francis & Co to the Bursar informing him that the tenant Mrs Baker had died (6th June) and had a number of debts. They said they were trying to get Mr Baker to sign a surrender of the Agreement and would then get access to the property to assess dilapidations

11th June 1946 - Letter from J. Carter Jonas & Sons to the Bursar stating that when Mrs Baker had signed the Agreement as agent for her husband she had said he was away serving in the Far East but in fact they had separated and he was living in Cambridge. She had rent arrears of £61. 8s. 0d. which her husband refused to pay but he had agreed to clear out the house so the College could gain possession

Specification for internal repairs and decorations and formation of a bathroom

26th June 1946 - estimate of £184 16s. 9d. from Rattee & Kett Limited for the above work

J. Carter Jonas & Sons