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Part II
JCOL/Q/D/4/(2) · Item
Part of Old Library Manuscripts

Sermons on the saints, by a Benedictine monk, containing: 1) a prologue, followed by sermons on 2) John the Baptist; 3) SS. Peter and Paul; 4) St Mary Magdalene; 5) St Peter; 6) St Mary; 7) The Cross; 8) In dedicacione; 9) St Victor (with indications that the author is a monk of St Victor at Paris); 10) All SS.; 11) St Martin; 12) St Andrew; 13) St Nicholas; 14) St Mary; 15) In Nat. Domini; 16) O quam pulchra; 17) St Benedict; 18) The armour of God; 19) St Mary; 20) Angels (incipit: circa rerum cardinem versamur); 21) Narrat divina hystoria quod Tobyas ... 22) Samson. There follow briefer notes, then "In pasca" and "Sermo in ieiunio", a sermon on the Assumption of St Mary, and more miscellaneous short sermons. At the end is a quatrain with English glosses.

Part I
JCOL/Q/D/4/(1) · Item
Part of Old Library Manuscripts

The first part contains: 1) In primis post librum Elucidarij ... ; 2) Sermon of St Anselm: Ad interioris hominis custodiam; 3) Prologus beati Ieronimi presbiteri de nativitate beate Marie virginis et de vita eiusdem virginis; 4) notes on the Assumption, St John, Julian the Apostate, Theophilus, and stories of Joseph and Mary and the birth of Christ; 5) two quatrains: on the beauty of women and on the Fall; 6) brief notes on wine, long measure, a Christian death, and weights, measures and coins; 7) Liber Ricardi de Hampole de aedificatione spirituale (or: De emendatione peccatoris); 8) miscellaneous short tracts and notes, including: on the decalogue and the plagues of Egypt, on sins and confession, on the cross, on Judas, on King Charles of France and St Giles, etc.; 9) Abbathia de spiritu sancto; 10) extracts on diet and medicines; 11) De expositione iiiior partium anni [a forecast of the year depending on which day of the week Christmas day falls upon]; 12) brief notes on Adam, sin and the church, the character of a priest, and Pope John 22nd.