Part of Archaeological Finds
Showing 563 results
Archival descriptionPart of Archaeological Finds
Part of Archaeological Finds
Part of Archaeological Finds
Part of Archaeological Finds
- JCARCH/JCH10/036
Part of Archaeological Finds
<081> 112g, with traces of MR, Context 36, Feature 11
Part of Archaeological Finds
- JCARCH/JCH10/127
Part of Archaeological Finds
Trench 2: a number of fragments derived from a large onion bottle (of 17th/18th century date) were identified, along with the stems and the base of the bowls of two 18th century wine glasses. The stem of a 19th century wine glass was also identified, along with a near complete small rectangular 19th century bottle marked ‘Judson / London’. Finally, a minimum of two 19th century Codd bottles were present, each marked with the name of a Cambridge manufacturer (Woods, 1858+ and Ekin, c. 1841-57) as well as two local Lincoln beer bottles (1870+).
(partially discarded)
Part of Archaeological Finds
Part of Archaeological Finds
Part of Archaeological Finds
Part of Archaeological Finds
Part of Archaeological Finds
Part of Archaeological Finds
Part of Archaeological Finds
Part of Archaeological Finds
- JCARCH/JCH10/<122>
Part of Archaeological Finds
Part of Archaeological Finds
[015] (lower interface with [17]), F.18, <044>: two fragments, each of which bears a dark
green glaze. The first example measures 23mm thick and weighs 90g, whilst the second
measures 30mm thick and weighs 154g.
Part of Archaeological Finds
Part of Archaeological Finds
Part of Archaeological Finds
Part of Archaeological Finds
Part of Archaeological Finds
Part of Archaeological Finds
- JCARCH/ECB4578/062
Part of Archaeological Finds
- JCARCH/ECB4578/077
Part of Archaeological Finds
- JCARCH/ECB4578/083
Part of Archaeological Finds
- JCARCH/ECB4578/085
Part of Archaeological Finds
- JCARCH/ECB4578/087
Part of Archaeological Finds
- JCARCH/ECB4578/090
Part of Archaeological Finds
- JCARCH/ECB4578/093
Part of Archaeological Finds
- JCARCH/ECB4578/094
Part of Archaeological Finds
- JCARCH/ECB4578/095
Part of Archaeological Finds
- JCARCH/ECB4578/097
Part of Archaeological Finds
- JCARCH/JCH10/010
Part of Archaeological Finds
F.05: this contained two sherds of 16th to 19th century plain red coarseware (13g).
- JCARCH/JCH10/033
Part of Archaeological Finds
F.51: a mixed context. This contained three sherds of 18th century Chinese export porcelain (5g), a sherd of late 18th or early 19th century creamware (3g), a sherd of 16th to 18th century tin-glazed earthenware (6g), a sherd of 18th or 19th century lead-glazed earthenware (2g), a sherd of 18th century Staffordshire-type slipware (11g) and two sherds of 16th to 17th century German stoneware (107g).
- JCARCH/JCH10/053
Part of Archaeological Finds
F.24: this contained a single sherd of abraded grey coarseware (5g), which is most probably Roman in date.
Part of Archaeological Finds
Part of Archaeological Finds
Part of Archaeological Finds
Part of Archaeological Finds
Part of Archaeological Finds
Part of Archaeological Finds
Part of Archaeological Finds