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1 piece is Samian, 3 are 18th or 19th century. Samian sherd is 9g with rouletted decoration. Identified by K.Anderson, this is a fragment of a Central Gaulish 18R dish (1st-2nd century AD).


Some with green glaze. All Essex Red wares including graffito slip.


1 rim sherd. Mostly 14th and one 15th century Red ware


Some butchery. Proximal radius and one ageable mandible from an adult sheep/goat. One undiagnostic bird bone.


Some with green glaze. Late Roman and 16th century Surrey.


Romans and St Neots and 14th/15th century


Two sherds of Nene Valley colour coated ware and one Hadham oxidised ware. None of the sherds were diagnostic but the Hadham ware is dated mid 3rd-4th century AD and the Nene Valley ware is dates AD 150-300.


21 shards, including one Central Gaulish Samian dish dated mid 2nd century AS and four sherds from a Hadham oxidised ware vessel dated mid 3rd-4th century AD. A black slipped dog dish from this context dates to the 2nd-4th century AD and the remaining sherds are also probably of this date range.
Two sherds probably post-Roman are separated.


Primary flake with marginal retouch on the distal end


F.05: this contained two sherds of 16th to 19th century plain red coarseware (13g).


F.51: a mixed context. This contained three sherds of 18th century Chinese export porcelain (5g), a sherd of late 18th or early 19th century creamware (3g), a sherd of 16th to 18th century tin-glazed earthenware (6g), a sherd of 18th or 19th century lead-glazed earthenware (2g), a sherd of 18th century Staffordshire-type slipware (11g) and two sherds of 16th to 17th century German stoneware (107g).


F.24: this contained a single sherd of abraded grey coarseware (5g), which is most probably Roman in date.

Results 1 to 50 of 563