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Showing 22752 results
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Rustat Pension certificate and receipt
Rustat Pension certificate and receipt
Caius College Quit Rent
Caius College Quit Rent
Bill to the Smith (Coe)
Bill to the Smith (Coe)
Letter from P. Maddy to William French
Letter from P. Maddy to William French
Ironmonger's bill
Ironmonger's bill
Copper alloy Roman coin
Copper alloy Roman coin
Confirmation of charter Gray 3a
Confirmation of charter Gray 3a
Grant of the Countess Constance
Grant of the Countess Constance
Confirmation of charter Gray 3a
Confirmation of charter Gray 3a
Confirmation by Bishop Nigel of a grant by Stephen de Scalaris (Scaler, or Scales) and wife Juliana.
Confirmation by Bishop Nigel of a grant by Stephen de Scalaris (Scaler, or Scales) and wife Juliana.
First charter of King Malcolm IV of Scotland
First charter of King Malcolm IV of Scotland
Second grant of King Malcolm IV
Second grant of King Malcolm IV
Confirmation of charter Gray 4b (charter of King Malcolm)
Confirmation of charter Gray 4b (charter of King Malcolm)
Institution of the Nuns to the Rectory of All Saints
Institution of the Nuns to the Rectory of All Saints
Gift with warranty
Gift with warranty
Grant of rent in free alms
Grant of rent in free alms
Confirmation and quitclaim
Confirmation and quitclaim
Confirmation of Grant
Confirmation of Grant
Gift with warranty
Gift with warranty
Gift with warranty
Gift with warranty
Grant in free alms with warranty
Grant in free alms with warranty
Gift with warranty
Gift with warranty
Grant of rent in free alms
Grant of rent in free alms
Grant of services
Grant of services
Gift with warranty
Gift with warranty
Gift in free alms
Gift in free alms
Grant of advowson
Grant of advowson
Beda super Genesim et Exodum
Beda super Genesim et Exodum
Tractatus de Astronomia etc
Tractatus de Astronomia etc
SS. Ambrosii et Hieronymi quaedam
SS. Ambrosii et Hieronymi quaedam
Selecta ex Augustino
Selecta ex Augustino
Expositio missae, etc.
Expositio missae, etc.
S. Hieronymus ad Demetriadem, etc.
S. Hieronymus ad Demetriadem, etc.