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Archival description
Freshmen 1927
JCCA/JCAC/1/6/Album 1/24 · Item · 1927
Part of College Archives

A photograph and list of names as follows:

E. Chitty; A. Cooke; P.N. Carpmael; L.H. Williams; L.A. Walton; C.N. Taylor; P.H. Keeling; G.M. Parbury; S.W. Hatton; E.M. Tregoning; A.C. Williams; E.D. Andrews; R.M. Bell; W.K. Rice; P. Christie; S.H. Brocklesby; R. Baker; W.P. Farnfield; E.M. Willatt; H.C.W. Sharp; E.G. Boothroyd; E.R. David; E.M. Phair; D.G. Young; A.D. Bovill; A.W. Anstey; D.R. Scott; W.M.G. Sandwith; D.H. Mays Smith; R.B. Beare; M.L. Furber; G.H. Smith; E.C. Hope-Gill; G.F. Raper; K.A.Mc K. Randles; H.M. Bullen; G.L. Foss; G.H. Hunter Brown; P.K. Spurrier; J.E. Magrane; G.K. Bantoft; C.F.C. Luxmore [actually Luxmoore]; J.F. Godwin; B.S. Armitage; D.L. Majumdar; J.E. Willé; F.T. Coulton; C.B. Palmer; R.L.D. Gilson; G.T. Sweet; L.J. Widdicombe; T.E.M. Meade; H.R.W. Butterworth; E.A. Marsh; W.G. Kennedy; S.H. [actually J.] Bronowski; J. Robinson; H. Godfrey; J.E. Comben; R.R. Cohen; R.W.M. Orme; F. Kesteven; B. Pares and C.P. Longland.

Freshmen 1928
JCCA/JCAC/1/6/Album 1/25 · Item · 1928
Part of College Archives

A photograph and list of names as follows:

F.C. Porter; A.N. Bardolph; C.N. Godwin; I. Lean; M.D. Elphinstone; J.E.W. Waddington; L.M.F. Sutton; R.D. Holloway; G.H.C. Giddins; A.F. Laird; E.H. Forrester; D.R. Macpherson; G.D. Garford-Bles; E.A. Milne; D.N. Bungey; T.J. Savill; S.T.R. Hemsted; A.H. Snell; E.E. Harris; H.D. Mackinnon; G.E.R. Wilson; P. Gomes; F.J. Tongue; W.N. Mitchell; P. [actually J.] W. Poole; B.J. Woodd; A.H. Armstrong; P.H.T. Williams; M. Williams; S.L. Baxter; B.G. Stow; T. Kirkpatrick-Wilson; D.R. Gregory; J.O. Greenwood; H.C. Mayers; R.D. Prestwich; N.E. Costar; J.V. Stephenson; H.H. Townsend; J. Frankenbury [actually Frankenburg]; A.D. Coplestone; L.N. Greenbaum [actually Grunbaum]; H.W. Brierley; G.B. Grant; W.P.L. Chappell; H.D. Cavaghan; J.E. Baldwin; W.H.C. Daniel; G.H. Stewart; E.W. Jones; J. Rowbotham and H.W. Griggs.

Jesus College Freshmen 1898
JCCA/JCAC/1/6/1898 · Item · 1898
Part of College Archives

Mounted photograph with names on board:

R.N.R. Blaker; N. Patterson; M.H.R. Fletcher; F.E.W. Baldwin; H. Hall-Hall; H.J. Mowll; R.G. Bisseker; E.S. Strachan; H.S. Barnes; J.B. Bannister; N.E. Menzies; J.A. Joicey; T. Mackie; B.W. Kissan; R. Hovil; W.S. Ostle; W.B. [actually W.D.] Copplestone; A.F. Smith; J.W. Sagar; T. Drysdale; A.B. Macnutt; H.B. Banning; E. Bruce; J. Hearfield; J. Gilmon; A.I. [actually A.T.] Isaac; F.G. [actually F.C.] Aldous; F.W. Fulford; J.O. Haldane; F.H. Ingles; G.W. Percevall actually Percivall] ; W.H.K. Smith.

Jesus College Freshmen 1920
JCCA/JCAC/1/6/1920 · Item · 1920
Part of College Archives

No names given on this photograph but are for the photograph in Album 1 [JCAC/1/6/Album 1] as follows:

R.M. Inge; T.S. Nevill; P.F. Shenton; L.A .Parsons; T.B. Martin; S.D. Colwell; J.L. Docker; R.N. Leeston Smith; G.L.A. France; J.K. McConnel; R.C.C. Green; D. Jones; T.G. Stuart Smith; H. Chitty; D.P. [actually D.R.] Davies; R.E. Bland; H. [actually L.H.] Savill; J.E. Hughes Evans; B. Kelly; J.V.D. Deakin; G.C.B. [actually C.C.B.] Danvers; E.H. Caswell; R.H.W. Lowry; J. Litt; K.S. Storey; W.G. Wilcken; D.H. Pratt; J.S. Heber; G.F. Dales [actually Hales]; C.A.U. Cunningham; A. Chadburn; B. St G. Outerbridge; J.E.R. Young; H.S. Tegner; P.W. Davis; W.H. Thomas; D.P. Greenep; C.W. Ufford; J.B. Phelips; G.P. Vaughan Morgan; R.S. Fowler; G.G.C. Adami; C.C. Field; N.M.H. Lightfoot; L.J. Robbins; F.G.A. Marinari; A.F.W. Hall; A.G.M. Severn; A.J.S. Evans; E.F. Storey; R. Ravenscroft; C.A. Ray and P.G. Bentlif.

Jesus College Freshmen 1937
JCCA/JCAC/1/6/1937 · Item · 1937
Part of College Archives

Two mounted photographs and list of names together with a letter to W. Duckworth from Stearn & Sons regarding delivery of freshmen's group photos.

Names on board:

R.P.R. Habershon; J.B. Bennet; J.W. Seddon; J.A. Nathan; S.B. Harris; M.E. Bardwell; C.L.H. Dennis; A.E. Smith; F. Von-Oven; P.C. Weeks; B.R. Lowick; A.B. Howard; V.D. Clarke; B.M. Randles; G.T. Clark; I.M. Rennie; F.M. Von-Ech [actually Von Eck]; T.G. Miller; F.G. Payne; D.A. Edington; V.E. Camacho; T.B. Pownall; R.A.B. Lough; F.J.N. Forbes; H.B. Fraser; R.H. Sutton; M.E. Roose; E.C. de Chazel; J. Skinner; J.B. [actually J.P.] Newton; L.R. Fonder; R.C. Howard; B.L.B. Lawrence; A.J.H. Stannack [actually Stranack]; I. McNiel; R.C. Eden; P.B. [actually P.D.] Barlow; J.R. Barton; P.J. Goldsmith; O.S. Masefield; J.P. Pickersgill; R.L.E. Lowry; D.W. Pennick; B. Mitter; D.M. Dovey; K.D.M. Dauncey; J.F. Holmden; M.P. Curwen; A.D.N. Jones; R.E. Dennis; M.R. Young; P. Rhodes; G.L. Morgan; A.G. Short; H.G. Morgan; P.V. Guy; R.P. Bell; A.D. Tallents; H.M. Newton; H.W. Wind; R.G. Weir; D. Higgins; J.R. Aslett; H.A.K. Hood; O.H. Lawn; J.R. West; L.G. McAlpine; P.D. Holman; A. Hordern; W.H. Carr; P.P. Lewin; T.H. Wise; H.C. Byrne; D.T. Peters; D.C. Pepper; J.E. Lander; [F.E?] White

Stearn & Sons (Photographers), Bridge Street, Cambridge
JCCA/JCAC/1/6/1941/3 · Item · October 1941
Part of College Archives

Photograph with the title 'Jesus College Freshmen Oct 1941'. This is different to JCAC/1/6/1941/2 which has the same title. All individuals shown in both photographs matriculated in October 1941.

Names on board:

J.B.S. Harris; A.F.M. Morris; G.B. Faller; R.G.G. Baynham; H.G. Samek; P.J. Ezra; G.E. Graham; R.S. Harding-Klimanah [actually Harding-Klimanek]; A.P.S. Wynne-Jones; P.F.W. Foster; J.A. Whitwood; J. Burger; P.J.B. Paul and J.V. Rylands.

Stearn & Sons (Photographers), Bridge Street, Cambridge
JCCA/JCAC/1/6/1942/3 · Item · October 1942
Part of College Archives

Names on board:

Lord Strathcarron; C. Foster; P.A. Reid; D. Edwards; M.H. Quenoille; C.R. Cowlin; H.G. Baxter; V.D. Clout; G.H. Gilmour-White; J.B. Corfield; J.S. Todd; R.A.S. Calthorpe; K. Brewer; H.S. Evans; E.R. Boston; R.G. Nutt; S. Lucas; L.G. Wilmot; D.H. Shanks; A.G. Williams; P. Hudson; R.M. Holmes; G.P. Lee-Roberts; I. [actually T.] H. Furlong; W.R. Perkins and J.D. Naunton.

Stearn & Sons (Photographers), Bridge Street, Cambridge
JCCA/JCAC/1/6/1943/2 · Item · May 1943
Part of College Archives

Names on board:

A.M. Friedson; J. Gelley; D.W. Davie; R. Cropper; J.B. Furniss; J. Glen; J.M. Cutts; R.E. Williams; D.H. Douglas-Menzies; C. Staffurth; J.G. Cuss; D.M. Rostern; J.B. Lynn; G.B. Mackay-Forbes; J.K. Carpenter; K.H. Dedman; T.J. Eady [actually Easby]; B. [actually R.C.] Daglish; M. Paine; N.H. Perrin; J. Russell; A. White; F.P. Goddard; R.W. Crampton; A.W. Butler; J.H. Curry; D.A. Fuller; P.M. Crook; J. Cunningham; Dr C.C. Keet; R.S. Davies; E.P. Wildy; J.P. Kingston and B. Gait.

Stearn & Sons (Photographers), Bridge Street, Cambridge
JCCA/JCAC/1/6/1944/1 · Item · May 1944
Part of College Archives

Names on the accompanying sheet:

M.F. Boulesteix, G.L. Hollis, W.T. Wilson, I.E.C. Danvers, I.D. Angus, G. Thirtle, L.J. Hyde. M.A. Rich
G. Moore, I.C. Rule, E.M. Sproston, R.L.G. Carter, J.D. Brimacombe, A.Watt, A. Veale, A. Pearson, M.J. Fortune, R.J. Forster
A.G. Castell, P.F.R. Jackson, S.S. Prawer, A.M. Barry, D.R.A. Coleman, M.J. Henley, J.W. Bartle, J.H. Hicks

Stearn & Sons (Photographers), Bridge Street, Cambridge
Jesus College Freshmen 1945
JCCA/JCAC/1/6/1945 · Item · 1945
Part of College Archives

This is the first year that names were printed rather than handwritten. Names on board:

P.D. Solomonides; M.K.D. Patel; J.H.G. White; R.N. Parkinson; H.J. Perkin; J.L. Upton; T.P. Hornsey; D.L. Thomas; D.W. Hutchings; R.J. Gates; J.D.C. Buckley; R.N. Cadbury; S.E. Fargher; H.M. Gough; C.G.M. Skeete; K. Smith; J.E.M. Beale; T.W. Farthing; M.G. Smith; J.A.N. Goodman; H.J.C. Stovin; H.J. Skinner; L.R. Smith; G. Lawn; D.W. Winter; F.J. Heather; R.H. Springett; F.A. Nabi; D.L. Iles; D.S.M. Harriss; H.G. Johnson; S.J. Taub; J.B. Day; J.A. Kemp; P.H. Gorodi; R.H. Reynolds; R.J. Churchill; P.J. Terry; H. Beaufoy; B.D.L. Jackson; R.T. Warburton; R.G. Gosden; A.J. Weir; J. McCourt; A.A. Jamal; W.T. Deakin; D.T.G. Udy; R.M.T.D. Lindlar; J.F.K. McKeown; F.V. Simpson; P.H.S. Wettern; R.W. Tugwell; R.T. Carter; G. Ellis; F.N. Sanders; B.T. Godden; S.J.V. Arditte; C.B.R. Barton; S. Oreanu; H.E. Hallam; A.R. Wheeler; R.G. [atually B.G.]Marchant; J.P.A. Gould; K. Foister; P.F. Scott; S.N. Graves; D.W. Green; G.E. Bartlett; A.A. Nakeeb; R.E. Haigh; B.H.T. Gracey; M.F. Wigglesworth; G.B.J Hughes; M.H. Black; N.S. Rogers; B.N. Bebbington; M.G. Studdert-Kennedy; G.D. Downes; N.S. Murphy; R.O. Griffin; M.W. Jamson and P.I.C. Lawton.

Stearn & Sons (Photographers), Bridge Street, Cambridge
Cutlery bill
JCCA/JCAD/2/2/9/1814/27 · 24th January 1815
Part of College Archives

32 Ludgate Hill, London, 24th January 1815. Seal on reverse.

Two dozen French fiddle 4-pronged table forks; 2 fashion; engraving College Arms and inscription on the same; packing box.
Total £40 9s 4d (including a 5% discount).

13th February 1815: remitted a bill at 21 days for £40 9s 4d. Initialled W.H.

Note: "8th February 1815. Sir, We have the honour of sending you above an account for the silver forks and as you mentioned your kind intention of remitting us we beg to say in that event there will be a discount of 5 per cent for prompt payment. We remain, Sir, with great respect your obliges servants, Rundell, Bridge & Rundell".

Rundell, Bridge & Rundell
Chimney Sweep bill
JCCA/JCAD/2/2/9/1815/12 · 29th September 1815
Part of College Archives

Paid 15s to William Press for sweeping: kitchen chimneys, hall chimney, combination chimney, porters lodge chimney

Press, William
Newspaper subscription bill
JCCA/JCAD/2/2/9/1819/1 · Item · 15th January 1819
Part of College Archives

Bill from Thomas Kennedy to Rev. Dr. Turner for £4 19s 9d for 52 weeks of the Evening Mail.

Kennedy, Thomas
Chimney Sweeping Bill
JCCA/JCAD/2/2/9/1823/3 · 29th September 1823
Part of College Archives

The Master and Fellows of Jesus College to Robert Press for one year sweeping the college kitchen chimneys, hall chimneys combination room chimney, servants hall chimney and porters lodge chimney, for the total of £1 9s. Signed by Robert Press on 31st October 1823.

Press, Robert
Goldsmiths Bill
JCCA/JCAD/2/2/9/1823/21 · 19th February 1822
Part of College Archives

Jesus College. Bought of Rundell, Bridge & Rundell. Jewellers and Goldsmiths to his majesty His Royal Highness the Duke of York and all The Royal Family. 32 Ludgate Hill, London.
For Order of the Reverend William Hustler. 19th Feb 1822.

  • An oblong threaded inkstand with 3 glasses.
  • 16 inches fashion
  • Engraving arms & crest of college and latin inscription on the ink stand.
  • A packing box.
    Total of £11 1s 10d
Rundell, Bridge & Rundell
Game Notice
JCCA/JCAD/2/2/9/1823/26 · 7th September 1820
Part of College Archives

Qualified Persons are requested not to sport upon the manor of gravely, in the county of Cambridge:
And notice is hereby given , that all unqualified persons found trespassing thereon will be proceeded against according to law.
By order of the Lord of the Manor, James Ford. Keeper.
Hatfield, Printer, Gazette Office, Huntingdon.

Ford, James
Goldsmiths Bill
JCCA/JCAD/2/2/9/1823/50 · May 6th 1824
Part of College Archives

London May 6th 1824
Bought of Francis Lambert & Co
Goldsmith and Jeweller
No 12 Coventry Street corner of Panton Square
Dealer in second-hand plate for ready money only
4 handsome shell silver candlesticks - £31.16
2 Ditto - £15
Engraving long inscription crest and motto on each £1.10

Letter 1:
12 Coventry Street, London
May 7th 1824
To Calvert Esquire
Agreeable to your inscription claims we this day forwarded to the Reverend Dr French at Jesus College Cambridge a box containing the six silver candlesticks, which we hope will arrive safe and get your approval on the other side. We beg to have your account of them. The payment of which can be made through any banker in town. We beg to solicit your further favours.
Sir, your respectful servants,
Lambert and Rawlings

Letter 2:
12 Coventry Street London
May 14th 1824
Dr French,
We are this day in receipt of your favour of yesterday, we beg to inform you that we shall feel obliged by your desiring the amount of our dependent to be paid into the house of Bankers Charing Cross London and placed to the account of Lambert and Co.
Your respectful servants,
Lambert and Co.

Francis Lambert & Co.
Tree carriage bill
JCCA/JCAD/2/2/9/1824/8 · Item · 30th April 1824
Part of College Archives

White Horse Inn, Cripplegate
Cambridge, Ely, Lynn Caravan & Waggon
Norwich, Thetford, Yarmouth Van and Waggon, Daily
Respectfully inform their Friends and the Public, they are not enabled (through their liberal support) to offer them a DAILY Conveyance, both by Caravan and Waggon, to the above places, and request the continuance of their kind patronage.

Fly Vans, Waggons & Boats, Daily
Leicestershire, Derbyshire, Lincolnshire, Nottinghamshire, Yorkshire, Northumberland, and North Britain
DEACON, MACK and COs Vans and Waggons to Norwich, and all parts of Norfolk.
DEACON and Co's VANS and WAGGONS to Cambridge, Ely, Lynn &c
HARGREAVE'S Boats and Waggons to Wigan, Carlisle and Cockermouth.
POWERS'S Waggons to Oxford, Chipping Norton, &c.

1 Load of Trees £0.3.0

Dr French
April 30th

Signed John Hincliffe
WM Tomkins
J Sharly
James Hibbert

Deacon, Mack & Co
Corn rental
JCCA/JCAD/2/2/9/1824/28 · Item · 6th November 1824
Part of College Archives

10s 6d paid for corn rentals.

Shield, Mr. W.
Rustat Audit bill
JCCA/JCAD/2/2/9/1824/32 · Item · 22nd April 1824
Part of College Archives

Lists amounts received at Rustat Audit including £1 for 2 examiners, £1 for 4 fellows, £2 for the bursar and 8s for 8 scholars. Additional balance by Chick for £12 2s. Bill total £16 10s

Audit dinner bill
JCCA/JCAD/2/2/9/1824/42 · Item · 19th December 1824
Part of College Archives

Paid £11 6d for Audit dinner. Includes payments for bread, cheese, butter, Audit Ale, Mild Ale, cup, eight bottles sherry in Hall, one bottle of port, two bottles sherry and eleven bottles port in Combination Room, tea, coffee, eight packs of cards.

Also paid £2 17s 6d for 18 at Audit supper. Includes payments for bread, butter, cheese, Audit Ale, Mild Ale, one bottle of port, one bottle of sherry, one bottle of brandy, lemons, biscuits, sugar, cup, candles, scullion, laundress.

Brett, Robert
College Lowance bill
JCCA/JCAD/2/2/9/1824/43 · Item · 4th December 1824
Part of College Archives

1 years College Lowance including 360 pints at £4 10s, College Tennants 13s 7d, Catley 4 quarter cards 10s

Brett, Robert
Surveyor's bill
JCCA/JCAD/2/2/9/1824/60 · Item · 10th February 1824
Part of College Archives

Paid Messrs Simmons and Simmons £8 12s 6d for a survey and map of an estate in the parish of Steeple Morden. Signed by S. K. Simmons

Simmons and Simmons
Goldsmith's letter
JCCA/JCAD/2/2/9/1824/63 · Item · 11th May 1825
Part of College Archives

Letter addressed to William French saying that their clerk, Thomas Johnson will be in Cambridge for business and so will stop at the College to collect the money owed to them on the College account.

Lambert & Rawlings
Horse hire bill
JCCA/JCAD/2/2/9/1824/65 · Item · c.1824
Part of College Archives

Paid to Edward Martin 10s for horse and gig hire, 2s 6d duty and 1s for the ostler.

Martin, Edward