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Painting Bill (Pg 1)

  • JCCA/JCAD/2/2/9/1833/61/1
  • Part
  • 7th November 1832 - 19th August 1833
  • Part of College Archives

Painting bill from Jesus College to John Goode & Son dated November 7th 1832 to August 19th 1833. Work on the Porter's Lodge includes varnishing tables, rubbing down of rooms, light sashes and frames painted, staircase painted, walls painted. Total of £10 4s 3d.

John Goode & Son

Reverse of Glazing & Plumbing Bill

  • JCCA/JCAD/2/2/9/1833/62/2
  • Part
  • 5th November 1832 - 22nd October 1833
  • Part of College Archives

Reverse of glazing and printing bill, continued courts and rooms work on 21 September and 10 Ocotber 1833 - including pounds of solder to the leads, installation of crown glass to staircase lamps.

Work on the Master's Lodge between 5 November 1832 and 22 October 1833 - Incldes installation of crown glass in the pantry, the hall, doors and windows, repairing water closet, new bucket & leathers to water closet pump, sheet lead for sink, crown glass, new bucket box and leathers to pump, repairing the pump. Total of £4 5s.

Total of the bill (chapel, hall & comination rooms, kitch, courts, Master's lodge) is £15 8s 2d.

Robert Ellis and Son

Porter's Bill

William Harvey's porter's bill for Christmas 1832. Includes looking after the lamps, the courts, the cloisters and audit. Total of £5 6s 4d. Signed by William Harvey.

Harvey, William

Bill for Carpentry Work at Hundon

  • JCCA/JCAD/2/2/9/1833/78/1
  • Part
  • 25th February 1832 - 27th August 1832
  • Part of College Archives

Bill to the Rev Master & Fellows of Jesus College Cambride for work done at Hundon Rectory by the order of Mr R. Cuthbert, to Thomas Knock, carpenter, for work done on 25th February, 8th March, 17th July, 24th July, 27th August 1832. Includes repairing boarding to barn and stable door, repairing and rehanging gates, stripping and taking down old rafters, putting up new rafters, repairing gates in the yard and repairing barn floor. Total of £3 19s 9d.

Knock, Thomas

Coal Receipt

Received of Rev Dr French to William & Thomas Bagge, dated 10th September 1832, Lynn's Regis. For 12 chaldrons of duck's coals and 16 chaldrons of blyth coals. Total of £33 6s.

Bagge, William & Thomas

Land Tax Receipt

Received of Jesus College by payment of Mrs Poulter the sum of 18 shillings for half a year's land tax due Lady Day last. Signed and dated by John Prince, collector.

Prince, John

Bill for Thatching Work at Hundon

1832 bill for thatching done at Hundon on the premises of Jesus College byt the order of Mr Cuthbert, done by George Rogers. Includes payment of Rogers and labourers, mending the building at the home farm, allowance for beer, 10 bunches of springels and bunch, 4 pounds of ropeyarn, 3 bunches of springels and bunch. Total of £1 16s 7d. Noted as paid January 1st.

Rogers, George

Courts Work Bill

  • JCCA/JCAD/2/2/9/1833/57/1
  • Part
  • 17th November 1832 - 7th September 1833
  • Part of College Archives

Invoice from the Master and Fellows of Jesus College to J. Webster for work done in the courts, dated 17 November 1832 to 7 September 1833. Includes a new side for a wheelbarrow, putting in fence next to the Common, making of a rafter for the lodge house, repairing the door, wall hooks to butterings in the cloisters. Total of £2 19s 10 1/2 d.

Webster, J.

Bill for Ironwork (Pg 3)

  • JCCA/JCAD/2/2/9/1833/60/3
  • Part
  • 29th October 1832 - 2nd October 1833
  • Part of College Archives

Third page of bill for ironwork in Jesus College to Shallow and Coleman.

Kitchen ironwork from 29th Ocotober 1832 to 2nd Ocotber 1833, includes 2 bars for the stove, mending and sharpening the beef hook, foot of salamander, straightening the bar to the range, oiling (?), new centre to worn spindle, mending dripping pan, plate under oven, mend latch on the repaired oven. In additional hand noted "deduct for Salamander", signed M. Willis. Total of £6 8s 2d.

Overall calcuations for all ironwork around the college comes to £19 4s 5d.

Shallow and Coleman

Plumbing & Glazing Bill

  • JCCA/JCAD/2/2/9/1833/62/1
  • Part
  • 25th November 1832 - 26th September 1833
  • Part of College Archives

Plumbing and Glazing bill from Jesus College to Robert Ellis and Son.

Chapel work on 19th April and 12th June 1833 - includes milled lead to east window, 1 1/2 day work, 3 sq crown glass, 10 small sq at 2 1/2. Total of £1 7s 11d.

The Hall and Combination work on 23 February, 4 April, 7 June, 26 September 1833 - includes cleaning windows of combination room, 3 ft of glass repaired, cleaning windows in the hall, 2 sq crown glass. Total of £1 8s 6d.

Kitchen work on 5 & 26 September 1833 - includes 2 sq of crown glass and cleaning the windows. Total of 9s.

The Courts and Rooms work from 25 November 1832 to 4 September 1833 - includes installation of crown glass on staircases and lamps, solder and work repairing pipes, installation of common glass in the stables, crown glass in the porter's lodge, repairing stable yard pump, installation of glass new leaded at the Rev Mr Graham's rooms. Total (carried over) £3 13s 3d.

Robert Ellis and Son

Reverse of Porter's Bill

Reverse of William Harvey's porter's bill for Christmas 1832. Rough claculations coming to £21 13s 10d. Possibly calcuations for porter's bills for the year.

Harvey, William

Letter Regarding Coal Sales

Letter from William Bagge, Thomas Bagge and Joseph Greene to Rev Dr French, dated 11th March 1832, King's Lynn. Apologises to French for allowing his note to go unanswered as it had gottten mislaid. Reports that the coal of nearly the whole of last year was not so good as they could have wished, owing to the extra demand occasionedb taking off the Duty, and to this intention by the stoppage of work amongst the pitmen nearly twelve months ago, the coal owners could hardly get them fast enough and did not pay their usual attention to quality. Bagge/Greene notes they did all in their power to have this remedied, but could not. Now the coals are much better. Signed William Bagge, Thomas Baggge and Joseph Greene.

Bagge, William & Thomas

Coal Receipt

Received of Dr French, o William & Thomas Bagge, dated 26th September 1832. For 23 chaldrons of ducks coals and 5 chaldrons of blyth coals. Total of £34 19s. Additional rough work at bottom of receipt, one of the total of £68 5s and the other £16 8s.

Bagge, William & Thomas

Estate Estimation Invoice

Invoice noted for Combination (Room?), dated 2 June 1832, 1 new ly(?), 5 new carters, new hem (?), Dining table. Rough work including 25/1 - Estates £2 8s, Combination 14s. Total of £3 2s. Noted as paid December 14.

Smith, Elliot

Carpentry Receipt

Addressed to the Master and Fellows of Jesus College. Receipt for 15 shillings to be paid to James Tibbit for carpentry work done on the college estate occupied by John Tew. Work carried out included a new gate, two posts, and two wing rales [sic].

James Tibbit

Gas Rental Invoice

  • JCCA/JCAD/2/2/9/1833/35/1
  • Item
  • 20th September 1832 - 25th March 1833
  • Part of College Archives

Invoice from Cambridge, to the Revd Master & Fellows of Jesus College, dues(?) to the Gas Company. Rental of gas from 20th September 1832 to 25th March 1833 by contract. Total of £15.

The Gas Company

Bill for Ironwork at Hundon

  • JCCA/JCAD/2/2/9/1833/76
  • Item
  • 21st March 1832 - 14th August 1832
  • Part of College Archives

Bill for ironwork addressed to the Fellows of Jesus College Cambridge, directed to John Angel by the order of Mr Robert Cuthbert. Work drom 21 March to 14th August 1832, includes the purchasse of nails, stapling, screwing nails to the door, one eye mended, mending of a latch. Total of 7s 8d. Settled by John Angel on 31st December 1832.

Angel, John

Court Work Bill (Pg 1)

  • JCCA/JCAD/2/2/9/1833/56/1
  • Part
  • 8th December 1832 - 12th Ocotober 1833
  • Part of College Archives

Bill from Master and Fellows of Jesus College to John Turner & Son for work done to Courts, obverse of first page from dates Dec 8 1832 to Oct 12 1833. Includes repaving, glazing, bricklaying, repairing plastering, whitewashing, emptying bault to servant's out offices, whitewashing and colouring 4 staircases & entrance to the porter's lodge. Total of £12 19s 5 1/2d.

John Turner & Son

Painting Bill (Pg 3)

  • JCCA/JCAD/2/2/9/1833/61/3
  • Part
  • 7th November 1832 - 19th August 1833
  • Part of College Archives

Continued painting bill for College staircases, including painting the staircase by the Porter's Lodge, painting of light sashes, window seat grained and varnished, H Staircase in clositers installation of skirting, H staircase 2 over white 49ft skirting 2 over Chocolate at 1 1/2d. Total of £4 2s 1 1/2d.

Courts work includes estimate fror scraping, clearing and puttying and painting 2 over the whole of the sashes frames bans(?) casemets and comices(?) in Cloister Court, great encrance gates to the Lodge Garden scraped, cleared, puttyed and painted 2 over best N. Green both sides 23 yards at 9d. Total of £8 7d carried over.

John Goode & Son

Bill for Rustat Fruit

  • JCCA/JCAD/2/2/9/1833/67/2
  • Part
  • 17th December 1832 - 2nd July 1833
  • Part of College Archives

Bill from Jesus College to William Wiseman, for dates December 17th 1832, April 11th 1833 and July 2nd 1833 for Audit day, Rustat Fruit, and Midsummer. Total of £7 13s.

Letter concerning the disposal of the next presentation to Hundon

Letter from E. Lockwood to Rev Dr French, dated 26th July 1832. Notes that Mr Perry of Great James Street has informed him through his son, a member of Jesus College, that the next Presentation to Hundon is to be disposed of. He state that he should be inclined to purchase it and inquires to the offering price. Lockwood states that he is acquainted with the place and its uncommonly great disadvantages and he should not be disposed to give the full value at which the living might be estimated as an annuity. Signed E. Lockwood.

Postscript notes that by the advice of Mr Perry Lockwood went to Jesus College on Saturday last where he had the mortification to learn that French was in Cromer.

Lockwood, Edward

Receipt for Coal Sales

Receipt dated 22nd February 1832, received of Masters Stockdale & Son for the total of £80 10s to account for one demand. For E. &. C. F. Foster, Bankers, Cambridge. Signed George Eden Foster.

Foster, George Eden

Coal Invoice

College coal invoice from Mr Graham, Steward to Dr French for Coals. Dated Michaelmas 1832. For the rooms of Mr Dickes, Mr Skinner, Mr Greenwood, Mr Perry, Mr Graham, Mr Gaskin, Mr Fendall, Mr Heathfield, Mr Venables. Also for the the Combination Room, the Hall, the Servant's Hall, the Lecture Room, the Butler's room and the Porter's lodge. Noted at 2s 1d per sack for purpils. Total of 234 coals for £24 7s 6d.

Graham, Mr.

Letter Regarding Invoice of Coal

Letter addressed to the Rev Dr French, bond of John Stockdale & Sons. For 1st and 18th September for 35 chaldrons of ducks coals and 35 chaldrons of clyth coals. For Edward Mason. Total of £84. Letter satates they beg to answer invoice of the coal order forwarded for Edward Mason's boats and hope that it arrives safely and proves to satisfaction. Signed John Stockdale & Son, dated 18th September 1832.

John Stockdale & Sons

Steward's Abstract

Steward's Abstract 1833, to the bursar Dr French.

Christmas 1832, Coll: Sol & Stips (£48 17s 2d), Fellows (£18 15s 10d), Corn Money (£3 3s 3d) Sch. Com. (£4 19s 2d). Total of £75 15s 5d. Printing rate (£8 17s), Lamps & Court (£8 19s 6d), Chamber Rents (£136 15s), Coals (£18 15s), Master & Fellows (£18 8s 6d).

Lady Day 1833, Coll Sol & Stips (£49 4s 6d), Fellows (£16 10s 9d), Corn money (£3 14s 9d), Sch. Com. (£4 18s 4d). Total of £74 8s 4d. Printing rate (£8 17s), Lamps & Court (£9 1s), Chamber rents (£146), Coals (£23 5d), Coals (£23, 5d). Master & Fellows (£11 7s 5d). Total of £198 5s 10d.

Midsummer 1833, Coll Sol & Stips (£49 11s 10d), Fellows, (£16 13s 8d), Cash money, (£3 3s 3d), Sch. Com. (£3 12s, 6d). Total of £73 1s 3d. Printing rate (£9), Lamps & Court (£9 13s), Chamber Rents (£104, 10s), Coals (£11 2s 11d). Master & Fellows (£19 17s 4d). Total of £154 3s 3d).

Michaelmas 1833, Col Sol & Stips (£47 3s 2d), Fellows (£19 19s 7d). Total of £67 2s 9d). Printing rate (£13 7s), Lamps & Court (£9 11s 6d), Taxes (£54 2s 6d), Chamber Rent (£93 5s) , Masters & Fellows (£23 5s 6d). Total of £193 11s 6d.


Steward's Abstract

To the Bursar, Dr French. Christmas 1832, (£75 15s 5d), Lady Day 1833, (£74 8s 4d), Midsummer, (£73 1s 3d), Michaelmas (£67 2s 9d). From Lamps & Court, for Garden Fund, £12. Total of £302 7s 9d.

For Christmas 1832, (£191 15s), Lady Day 1833, (£74 8s 4d - £198 5s 10d), Midsummer, (£73 1s 3d - £154 3s 3d), Michaelmas (£193 11s 6d). Total of £737 15s 7d. Balance owed to Bursar (£435 7s 10s - £737 15s 70d).

Christmas 1832 [crossed out] (£2 15s), Lady day 1833 (£3), Midsummer (£3), Michaelmas (£3 7s). Garden gun, from lamps & court (£12), Total of (£24 2s 6d). Balance due (£9 5s 4d). Total of (£3 7s 10d).

Christmas 1832 [crossed out] (£8 5s), Lady day 1833 (£8 7s 10d), Midsummer (£8 7s 6d), Michaelmas (£8 7s 6d). Total (£33 7s 10d). To Bursar (£435 7s 10d). Garden fund (£9 5s 4d), Garden fund 1832 (£10 2s 9d). £19 8s 1d, total of £415 19s 9d.


Land Tax Receipt

Received of Jeus College by payment of Mrs Poulter the sum of 18s for half years land tac due Mick day last. Paid by cash settled. Signed Mrs Poulter, John Price collector.

Poulter, Mrs.

Trinity College Rent Receipt

Dated October 12th 1832, received of the master of Jesus College, 4d for one years rent due to Trinity College in Cambridge at St Michaelmas last past. Signed William Cattey.

Cattey, William

College Account Balance

Christmas Q2 1832:
Debit: Coll: Solvil[?]: & Commons (£39 6d), Stipends (£9 16s 8d) Mr Wright, Mr Tancred, Mr Ardy, Mr Brougham, Mr Walters, Mr Greenwood, Mr Perry, Mr Gaskin, Mr Fendall, Mr Heathfield, Mr Venables. Balance (£124 2s), Total (£191 15s).
Credit: Paving rate (£8 17s), Lamps & Court (£8 19s 6d), Chamber rents (£136 15s), Coals (£18 15s), the Master (£10 4s 5d), Mr Dicks (£6 3s 10d), Skinner (15s 9d), Mr Graham, £1 4s 6d. Total of £18 8s 6d.

Lady Day Q2 1833
Debit: Coll. Solv:[?] & Commons (£39 7s 10d), Stipend (£9 16s 8d). Mr Wright, Mr Tancred, Mr Arby, Mr Brougham, Mr Walters, Mr Greenwood, Mr Perry, Mr Gaskin, Mr Heathfield, Mr Venables (£16 10s 9d). Balance £132 10s 7d. Total £198 5s 10d.
Credit: Paving rate (£8 17s), Lamps & Court (£9 1s), Chamber Rents (£146), Coals (£23 5d). The Master (£6s 4s 1d), Mr Dickes (6s 11d), Mr Skinner (£2 6s 11d), Mr Graham (£2 4s 10d), Fendall (4s 8d). Total £11 7s 5d. Balance £198 5s 10d.

Midsummer Q2 1833
Debit: Coll. Solv:[?] & Commons (£39 15s 2d], Stioends [£9 16s 8d]. Mr Wright, Mr Tancred, Mr Ardy, Mr Brougham, Mr Walters, Mr Greenwood, Mr Perry, Mr Gaskin, Mr Heathfield, Mr Otter. Total £16 13s 8d, £88 17s 9d. Balance £155 3s 3d.
Credit: Paving Rate (£9), Lamps & Court (£9 13s), Chamber Rents (£105 10s), Coals (£11 2s 11d), the Masters (£11 5s 8d), Mr Dickes (£2 4s 9d), Mr Skinner (£1 8s 11d), Mr Graham (£2 17s 8d), Mr Fendall (£1 18s 6d), Mr Venables (1s 10d). Total £19s 17s 4d. Balance £155 3s 3d.

Midsummer Q2 1833
Debit: Coll: Solv:[?] & Commons (£36 16s 6d), Stipend (£10s 6d 8d). Mr Tancred, Mr Ardy, Mr Skinner, Mr Brougham, Mr Walters, Mr Greenwood, Mr Perry, Mr Gaskin, Mr Heathfield, Mr Venables, Mr Oter. Total £19 19s 7d, £126 9d). Balance £193 11s 6d.
Credit: Paving rate (£13 7s), Lamps & Court (£9 11s 6d), Taxes (£54 2s 6d), Chamber rents (£93 5s), The Masters (£1 5s 5d), Mr Dickes (£14 5s 6d), Mr Wright (2s 8d), Mr Graham (£2 2s 4d) Mr Fendall ( £5 9d 7d). Total of £23 5s 6d. Balance £193 11s 6d.

Balances due to the Bursar:
Christmas Q2 1832: £124 2s
Lady Day Q2 1833: £132 10s 7d
Midsummer Q2 1833: £88 17s 9d
Michaelmas Q2: £126 8s 9d
Total: £471 19s 1d.

Letter concerning offer of Hundon tithes

Letter from W. Dyer to the Master, written from Kedington, Suffolk. He thanks the Master and Fellows of Jesus College for the first offer of Hundon, but since he already received the living of Ketton [?], Hundon ceases to be an object for his son William, as he will have at his father's death the vicarage and tithes of Little Waldingfield.

Dyer, W.

Bill for Work on Hundon Rectory Farm

  • JCCA/JCAD/2/2/9/1833/74
  • Item
  • 20th June 1832 - 5th July 1832
  • Part of College Archives

Bill from H. Cuthbert to John Howes for work done to Parsand's Farm for the use [?] of the landred for days June 20, July 3 and July 5 1832. Includes allowance for beer, bars of lime, bars of hair, bricks of earth, ails. Total of £1 5s 10d. Settled Februar 26 1833, signed by John Howes.

Cuthbert, H.

Courts, Kitchen, Buttery and Stables Work Bill (Pg 2)

  • JCCA/JCAD/2/2/9/1833/56/2
  • Part
  • 6th December 1832 - 26th Ocotober 1833
  • Part of College Archives

Brought over from previous page on courts work, dated October 26th 1833, for paving and bricklaying. Total court work is £13 14s 1 1/2d.

Next section is on work done to kitchens from December 6th 1832 to September 14th 1833. Includes cleaning, repairing the furnace, bricklaying, repairing copper stoves and repairing plasterning and whitewashing. Total kitchen work £4 15s 1/2d.

Next section is on work done to buttery from June 29th 1833 to September 31st 1833. Includes repairing and plastering wine bring(?), bricklaying, limewashing cellar and fixing stove and whitewashing. Total buttery work £1 11s 3d.

Next section is on stables work on July 12th 1833. Includes repairing, paiting and plastering. Total 11s 9d.

John Turner & Son

Reverse of Courts Work Bill

  • JCCA/JCAD/2/2/9/1833/57/2
  • Part
  • 17th November 1832 - 7th September 1833
  • Part of College Archives

Reverse of bill for work done to the college courts from the Master and Fellows of Jesus College to J. Webster. Includes repairing a fence, mending a gate. Total of £4 8s 5d (including the obverse). Received the amount for the bill, december 7th 1833, signed J. Webster.

Webster, J.

Bill for Ironwork (Pg 1)

  • JCCA/JCAD/2/2/9/1833/60/1
  • Part
  • 31st October 1832 - 12th June 1833
  • Part of College Archives

First page of bill from Jesus College to Shallow and Coleman for ironwork from 31st Ocotober 1832 to 13th June 1833.

Ironwork done to the Master's Lodge includes a "good" padlock, putting 2 staples to cellar door, and laye(?) lock to outer door. Total of 10s 6d.

Ironwork done to Courts includes bar to window (?) Master's garden, lead fixings, mending barrows, purchase of screws, lock fixed on stable gate, mending of ladder, fixed gate of Close, 6 men for putting up the front gate, new eye to the top hinge of the front gate, as well as more modifications to the front gate. Total of £3 18s 8d.

Shallow and Coleman

Painting Bill (Pg 4)

  • JCCA/JCAD/2/2/9/1833/61/4
  • Part
  • 7th November 1832 - 19th August 1833
  • Part of College Archives

Contined painting work on courts, including great iron gates in entrance to college, scraped, cleared and painted over lead colour 31 yards at 6d, 2 lamps in great court, 9 sash squares in each & posts 2 & 3 times best Green, 20 bars and 10 (?) to windows looking into Lodge garden 2 over white. Total of £9 4s 7d.

Sundries, including pensioners privy cleared, scraped, painted and (?) 2 over green inside & out 35 yards at 9d, pack(?) case in lodge garden painted three times, stove 6 yards at 10 1/2d, chimney piece in porter's lodge. Total of £1 13s.

Total of painting bill (lodge, staircase, courts and sundries) is £37 5s 3d.

John Goode & Son

Painting Bill (Pg 2)

  • JCCA/JCAD/2/2/9/1833/61/2
  • Part
  • 7th November 1832 - 19th August 1833
  • Part of College Archives

Continuation of painting bill in Lodge, including painting the bannister, new moulding round parlour door, passage to garden ceiling whitened, doors repaired and varnished, new woodwork in lobby, scraping and painting front door. Garden door & ease 2 over best erby Green 3 yardds at 9d. Total (carried over) £22 5s 6 1/2d.

John Goode & Son

Coal Transport Receipt

Receipt dated 23 March 1833 from John Mortlock & Sons, who have placed £30 15s to the credit of Mes. Everard and Sons. Signed J. Baton.

John Mortlock Esq. & Sons

List of Degree Certificates

List of students due to receive their BAs and MAs, and the costs attached to (presumably) their degree certificates. Those due to graduate with a BA are Bishop, Fisher, Roots, Stoddart, Tuck, Williamson, Hurt, Barlow, Thomson, Fawssett, Casse, Cheetham, Wallace, Dawson, Mitton, Edwards, and Norris, and the attached cost is £3 1s. Those due to graduate with an MA are Coates, Rowe, Ingram, and Lake, and the attached cost is £6 2s. Total cost £24 8s.

Rustat Widows

Certification that Elizabeth Collett, widow of the late Peter Collett, rector of Denton in the County of Sussex, the orthodox clergyman of the Church of England is now living in Bromley College in the county of Kent of good life and conversation. Signed Thomas Scott, chaplain of Bromley College, 25th March 1833.

This is to certify that Ann Holgate, widow of the late Revd George Holgate, Rector of Stowting in the County of Kent, a vicar of Theydon Bois in the County of Essex, an orthodox clergymen of the Church of England, is still widow of good life and conversation. Signed Thomas Scott, chaplain of Bromlet College, Kent, March 25th 1833.

Scott, Thomas

Quit Rent Receipt

Quitrent receipt from Caius College, dated April 12 1833. Received of Jesus College, 16s 6d for quitrent to Michaelmas 1832. Signed A Thurtell, bursar.

Thurtell, Alexander

Cheque for Clergy Joint [?]

Cheque placing three guineas to the credit of the clergy joint [?] for John Mortlock Esq. and Sons. Signed off by J. Patrick [?]

Patrick, J.

Bookseller Receipt

Eustace Reveley Mitford Esq's receipt for James Johnson, Booksellers and Stationer, Sidney Street, Cambridge.

1 August 1833, Platonis Opera 10 Vols. £2 17s
Livy Drakenborch 4 Vols. 16s

Oct 25 1833, Or(?) by Case 3/0/=, £3 13s
Samuel Johnson, £3

Mitford, Eustace Reveley

Land Rate Receipt

Received of the Master and Fellows of Jesus College Cambridge by payment of Mr Samuel Amey the sum of £2 15s being the amount of the second rate and interest under the Cacton Inclosure (?). Signed William Gill, clerk to the comm (?).

Amey, Samuel

Bookseller Receipt

Bookseller's receipt, dated March 5 1833, 7 Fleet Street, London. Received of Chapman Eve (?) the sum of £10 as per bill annexed on act of Henry Butterworth, law bookseller & publisher. Signed Henry Butterworth.

Butterworth, Henry

Candles Receipt

Receipt addressed to the Revd Master & Fellows of Jesus College to H. Rowe, dated Sept 7 for 8 (?) candles by Mr Dicks at 5s 4d. Noted as received through Mr Dicks.

Rowe, H.

Examination Printing Invoice & Receipt

Invoice from University Press to Jesus College dated May 1833, to printing examination papers for the Revd. G. Skinner and J. Gaskin. Esquire.

25 copies of Oedipus Tyrannus, 2 pages (19s)
25 copies of Oedipus Tyrannus, a sheet (£1 13s)
25 copies of Philoctetes, a sheet (£1 13s)
25 copies of Apology of Socrates, a sheet (£1 13s)
25 copies of the Gospel of Matthew, 2 pages (18s)
100 copies of Euclid, 1 page (12s)
100 copies of Mathematics, 1 page (12s)
100 copies of Algebra, 1 page (12s)
60 copies of Comic Sections, 1 page (11s)
100 copies of Algebra & Logarithims, 1 page (12s)
100 copies of Differential Calculus, 2 pages (£1 3s)
100 copies of Trigonometry, 2 pages ( £1 1s)
100 copies of Mechanics, 2 pages (£1 1s)

Total of £13.

Attached is a receipt for the above invoice, dated 7th of December 1833, received of the Revd Dr French, Master of Jesus College the sum of £13 for examination papers printing for the print press for the College in 1833. Signed J. Smith.

Smith, J. (19th century printer)

College Grounds Maintenance Invoice

Receipt for the Bursar to Joseph Langram dated April 1st 1833 for 1 day cutting trees, 1/2 day mending quick. Received by cash and settled by Joseph Langram on April 1st 183. Total of 11s 3d.

Langram, Joseph

Porter's Bill

Porter's bill from the Bursar to William Harvey for Midsummer 1833, for lamps, courts, cloisters, and windows cleaning. Total of £6 7s 10d. Signed by William Harvey.

Harvey, William

Porter's Bill

Porter's Bill for Lady Day 1833, from the Bursar to William Harvey for lamps, courts, cloisters and evergreens. Total of £4 19s 4d. Signed by William Harvey.

Harvey, William

Results 351 to 400 of 2335