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Come live with me
JCPP/Hurford/1/1/77 · Item · late 1940s or earlier
Part of Personal Papers

"Come live with me", words by Christopher Marlowe, for soprano and keyboard in G major.

Hurford, Peter (1919-1930) ), British organist and composer
JCPP/Hurford/1/1/4 · Item · c. 1940
Part of Personal Papers

Song for tenor and piano or organ. Lyrics: poem by A. E. Housman (1859–1936), taken from "A Shropshire Lad" (1896) "With rue my heart is laden". Key: G major.
On the reverse there is a draft of a song for voice and keyboard in ink containing lyrics, and at the end five bars written in pencil with a comment that reads: Dowland "I saw my lady weep" "English Ayres" (although the bars do not seem to be related with Dowland's piece).

Hurford, Peter (1919-1930) ), British organist and composer
Ha'nacker Mill
JCPP/Hurford/1/1/72 · Item · mid to late 1940s
Part of Personal Papers

"Ha'nacker Mill". Words by Hilaire Belloc. For tenor and piano in G minor.
Two drafts: one in ink and one in pencil.

Hurford, Peter (1919-1930) ), British organist and composer
76., 8 lines
JCPP/Hurford/1/1/19 · Item · late 1940s
Part of Personal Papers

Piece for organ and voices. Incipit of lyrics: "For thee, O dear, dear country..." [Lutheran Hymn]. On the last page there is a choral piece: 10 4. 10 4. 10 10. ("Lead, birdly light, amid the enriching gloan").

Hurford, Peter (1919-1930) ), British organist and composer
JCPP/Hurford/1/1/21 · Item · mid 1940s
Part of Personal Papers

Organ sketch in F major that ends at the end of the reverse page, which also includes a choral sketch in G major.

Hurford, Peter (1919-1930) ), British organist and composer
JCPP/Hurford/1/1/8 · Item · mid 1940s
Part of Personal Papers

Piece for keyboard in D minor.

Hurford, Peter (1919-1930) ), British organist and composer
The Church's one foundation
JCPP/Hurford/1/1/42 · Item · late 1940s
Part of Personal Papers

"The Church's one foundation" for organ and voices in unison. Key: E major.

Hurford, Peter (1919-1930) ), British organist and composer
Untitled [Agnus Dei]
JCPP/Hurford/1/1/5 · Item · May 1941
Part of Personal Papers

Agnus Dei for three voices written in treble, alto and bass clefs. Two short sketches on the reverse page. Sketch 2 with lyrics in German: two staves in bass clef. Sketch 3: four voices (soprano, alto, tenor, bass).

Hurford, Peter (1919-1930) ), British organist and composer
For thee, O dear country
JCPP/Hurford/2/3/8 · Item · 1946-47
Part of Personal Papers

"For thee, O dear country". For soprano and tenor voices, and organ in E major. Words: Bernard of Morlaix c. 1140.
Hillands. Arranged by Peter Hurford.
Two copies: One has four pages, and the other one is reduced to fit in two pages.

Hurford, Peter (1919-1930) ), British organist and composer
Fugue (in organo pleno)
JCPP/Hurford/1/1/7 · Item · April 1948
Part of Personal Papers

Fugue for organ in D minor.

Hurford, Peter (1919-1930) ), British organist and composer
Choir recording
JCCA/JCAD/11/2/2/1953 · 1949-1953
Part of College Archives

Recording made by University Recording Co., 16 Burleigh Place, Cambridge, of three choir pieces: "Drop, Drop, Slow Tears" by Gibbons; Let thy merciful ears, O Lord" by Weelkes [actually Mudd]; and "Nolo mortem peccatoris" by Morley, the last marked as by "Jesus College Chapel Choir (unaccompanied)" [conducted by Peter Hurford]

Hurford, Peter (1919-1930) ), British organist and composer
Peter Hurford
JCPP/Hurford · 28 January 1950 - 12 June 1955
Part of Personal Papers

Consists of a notebook listing music played on the Chapel organ at services on a day by day basis. Names of musical pieces played and names of organ scholars given.

Hurford, Peter (1919-1930) ), British organist and composer
JCPP/Hurford/1/1/10 · Item · January 1950
Part of Personal Papers

Pages 1 to 3 (written in ink): FRCO Fugue for organ in G major (incomplete).
Pages 3 and 4 (upside down in pencil): incomplete piece for organ in G major. Note by the author page 4: part of original manuscript of Song 34 published by Oxford University Press in "5 short chorale preludes".

Hurford, Peter (1919-1930) ), British organist and composer
JCPP/Hurford/1/1/9 · Item · January 1950
Part of Personal Papers

Firts Item: First two pages: Fugue in E minor (Chromatique!) for piano (?). Metronome marking: Andante espressivo.
Pages 3 and 4: Exposition and first middle entry group of FRCO fugue for String Trio (violin, viola and violoncello).
Second Item: Fugue in E minor (another hand written version of the first pages of the First Item with minor variations).

Hurford, Peter (1919-1930) ), British organist and composer
Agnus Dei
JCPP/Hurford/1/1/32 · Item · December 1951
Part of Personal Papers

Agnus Dei for two sopranos and organ in D major. Metronome marking: 84 beats per minute.

Hurford, Peter (1919-1930) ), British organist and composer
I will lift up mine eyes
JCPP/Hurford/1/1/34 · Item · 9th December 1956
Part of Personal Papers

"I will lift up mine eyes" (psalm 121) set for treble solo, two sopranos, alto, tenor, bass and organ. Key: A major. Metronome marking: 80 beats per minute.
Two manuscript copies: one in pencil and one in ink.

Hurford, Peter (1919-1930) ), British organist and composer
Ascendit Deus
JCPP/Hurford/1/1/33 · Item · 24th April 1957
Part of Personal Papers

Ascendit Deus. An Introit or short anthem for the feast of the Ascension. For voices (soprano, alto, tenor, bass) and organ. Key: D major. Metronome marking: dotted minim = 56.
Two copies: one complete, the other one an incomplete draft.

Hurford, Peter (1919-1930) ), British organist and composer
Five short chorale preludes
JCPP/Hurford/2/3/5 · Item · 1958
Part of Personal Papers

Five short chorale preludes. For organ. Edited by Oxford University Press.
I: Wem in Leidenstagen in G major. Melody by F. Filitz (1804-76). II: On a Rouen church melody in A major. III: Song 34 (The angel's song) in G major. Melody by O. Gibbons (1583-1625). IV: Schmücke dich in B flat. Melody by J. Crüger (1598-1662). V: Gott des himmels in D major. Melody by H. Albert (1504-51).

Hurford, Peter (1919-1930) ), British organist and composer
JCPP/Hurford/2/3/24 · Item · 1958
Part of Personal Papers

Diocesan Choirs Festival 1958. Cathedral and Abbey Church of St. Alban.
Vocal score (with organ accompaniment).


  • Psalm 148. By Charles V. Stanford
  • Psalm 149. By Charles V. Stanford
  • Psalm 150. By Charles V. Stanford
  • Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis in D. By E. J. Moeran
  • Above all praise and all majesty. Felix Mendelssohn
  • O how amiable (Anthem for the Dedication of a Church or other Festivals. Originally written for the Abinger Pageant, 1934). By Ralph Vaughan Williams
  • Hymn. Melody from Genevan Psalter (1551)
  • Hymn: Nun Danket. By J. Cruger (arrangement by Peter Hurford)
  • Amen
Stanford, Charles V.
JCPP/Hurford/1/1/53 · Item · 1958 - 1978
Part of Personal Papers

6 Chants for voices selected from many written between 1958 and 1978.

Hurford, Peter (1919-1930) ), British organist and composer
Litany to the Holy Spirit
JCPP/Hurford/2/3/9 · Item · 1958
Part of Personal Papers

"Litany to the Holy Spirit" for voices in unison and organ (or piano). In E major. Words by Robert Herrick.
Published by Oxford University Press. In the series:The Oxford Choral Songs.

Hurford, Peter (1919-1930) ), British organist and composer
JCPP/Hurford/1/1/84 · Item · 28th of June 1958
Part of Personal Papers

"Scherzo" for organ manuals only. [From the Suite for organ "Laudate Dominum"]. Metronome marking: minim = 120.

Hurford, Peter (1919-1930) ), British organist and composer
JCPP/Hurford/2/1/3 · Item · 5th February 1959
Part of Personal Papers

J. S. Bach: Präludium, Trio und Fuge B-Dur. Peter Hurford at the Organ of the Royal Festival Hall, London.
Vinyl record. 45 RPM.

Hurford, Peter (1919-1930) ), British organist and composer
Suite "Laudate Dominum"
JCPP/Hurford/1/1/24 · Item · August 1960
Part of Personal Papers

Suite "Laudate Dominum" for organ. I: "Processional", II: Rondo da Chiesa, III: "Meditation", IV: Scherzo, V: "French Carol", VI: "Exurgat Deus".
Two full drafts (one seems to be a more complete draft than the other).

Hurford, Peter (1919-1930) ), British organist and composer
JCPP/Hurford/2/3/25 · Item · 1960
Part of Personal Papers

Diocesan Choirs Festival 1960. Cathedral and Abbey Church of St. Alban.
Vocal score (with organ accompaniment).


  • Psalm 145. By Peter Hurford
  • Office Hymn. By W. Knapp (arrangement and descant by Peter Hurford)
  • Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis. By C. P. P. Burton
  • O Praise the Lord. By Adrian Batten
  • Praise to God in the highest (Arranged from the Oxford Book of Carols No. 107). By S. S. Campbell
  • Coelites Plaudant (Rouen Church Melody)
  • Iste Confessor (Rouen Church Melody)
Burton, C. P. P.
JCPP/Hurford/1/1/94 · Item · March 1960
Part of Personal Papers

Five Verses on a melody from the Paderborn Gesangbuch (1765) for organ in A major.
Incomplete draft. It has verses 1, 2, 3 and the beginning of 4.

Hurford, Peter (1919-1930) ), British organist and composer
JCPP/Hurford/1/3/35 · Item · 13th August 1960
Part of Personal Papers

Typewritten broadcast script by Walter Emery and Peter Hurford with handwritten notes by Peter Hurford for a broadcast concert at the Royal Festival Hall, pre-recorded on the 28th of June 1960 and transmitted on the 13th of August 1960.

Emery, Walter
Five verses
JCPP/Hurford/2/3/6 · Item · 1960
Part of Personal Papers

Five verses on a melody from the Paderborn Gesangbuch (1765). For organ. Edited by Oxford University Press.
I: in A major. Metronome marking 72 beats per minute. II: B minor. Metronome marking 56 beats per minute. III: D major. Metronome marking 144 beats per minute. IV: Metronome marking: minim = 56. V: Metronome marking: minim = 60.

Hurford, Peter (1919-1930) ), British organist and composer
Festival Te Deum Op. 10
JCPP/Hurford/1/1/23 · Item · 6/8 December 1961
Part of Personal Papers

Festival Te Deum. Work for voices (soprano, alto, tenor, bass) and organ. Metronome marking: 132 beats per minute.
3 copies: Manuscript copy and photocopies with pencil markings.

Hurford, Peter (1919-1930) ), British organist and composer
Suite "Laudate Dominum"
JCPP/Hurford/2/3/7 · Item · 1961
Part of Personal Papers

Suite "Laudate Dominum". For organ. Edited by Oxford University Press.
I: Processional (Metronome marking: minim = 52). II: Rondo da Chiesa (Metronome marking: minim = 96). III: Meditation (Metronome marking: minim = 52). IV: Scherzo (Metronome marking: minim = 112). V: French Carol (Metronome marking: 144 beats per minute). VI: Exurgat Deus (Metronome marking: dotted crotchet = 100 approx.).

Hurford, Peter (1919-1930) ), British organist and composer
JCPP/Hurford/2/3/21 · Item · 1961
Part of Personal Papers

Meditation. For Organ. By Peter Hurford. Included in the book: "An Album of Preludes and Interludes" (page 14).
Published by Oxford University Press, London.


  • Sarabande. By Arnold Cooke
  • Prelude. By William Hunt
  • Intermezzo. By Christopher Morris
  • Berceuse. By Ernest Tomlinson
  • Meditation. By Peter Hurford
  • A Miniature. By Gordon Phillips
  • Chorale Prelude. By Paul de Maleingreau
  • Prelude. By C. S. Lang
Hurford, Peter (1919-1930) ), British organist and composer
Noël Nouvelet
JCPP/Hurford/2/3/11 · Item · 1962
Part of Personal Papers

"Noël Nouvelet", A Carol for Christmas and Epiphany, for voices (soprano, alto, tenor, bass). In E (metronome marking" 76 beats per minute). English translation by Wendy Marvin. French Carol (probably 16th century), arranged by Peter Hurford.
Published by Oxford University Press. In the series:The Oxford Choral Songs.

Hurford, Peter (1919-1930) ), British organist and composer
Three Short Anthems
JCPP/Hurford/2/3/15 · Item · 1962
Part of Personal Papers

Three Short Anthems for Boys' voices (unaccompanied). I: "Jesus, so lowly", Edith Williams. In F sharp minor (metronome marking: dotted minim = 40). II: "Sing a song of joy", Thomas Campian. in A major (metronome marking: dotted minim = 68). III: "The isle of dreams", Robert Herrick. In E (metronome marking: dotted crotchet = 48).
Published by Novello & Company Limited.

Hurford, Peter (1919-1930) ), British organist and composer
JCPP/Hurford/2/2/5 · Item · 1962
Part of Personal Papers

The Organs of St Albans Abbey by Peter Hurford.
Edited by Tythings Court Press (Minehead, Somerset), 1962.

Hurford, Peter (1919-1930) ), British organist and composer
JCPP/Hurford/2/3/18 · Item · 1962
Part of Personal Papers

"Passingala", for organ. (Metronome marking: quaver = 72).
Published by Novello & Company Limited. In: Original Compositions (New Series) No. 326.

Hurford, Peter (1919-1930) ), British organist and composer
Two Dialogues
JCPP/Hurford/1/1/89 · Item · 1963
Part of Personal Papers

"Two Dialogues" for Organ. No. 1 (metronome marking: 84 beats per minute) and 2 (metronome marking: minim = 76) in G major, written in ink. Dialogue 1 (in pencil, different from Dialogue 1 in ink) and Dialogue 2 (in pencil, the same as Dialogue 2 in ink).

Hurford, Peter (1919-1930) ), British organist and composer
Two Dialogues
JCPP/Hurford/2/3/19 · Item · 1963
Part of Personal Papers

Two Dialogues. For Organ. (in G).
I (metronome marking: 84 beats per minute). II (metronome marking: minim = 76).
Published by Novello & Company Limited. In the series: Novello's Organ Music Club (NOMC) No. 32.

Hurford, Peter (1919-1930) ), British organist and composer
JCPP/Hurford/2/3/27 · Item · 1964
Part of Personal Papers

Diocesan Choirs Festival 1964. Cathedral and Abbey Church of St. Alban.
Vocal score (with organ accompaniment).


  • Almighty Lord and God of Love. By Nathaniel Giles
  • Psalm 148. By T. A. Walmisley
  • Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis. By William H. Harris
  • O let me tread in the right path (Anthem for four voices). By John Ward
  • Behold now, praise the Lord (A Festival Anthem or Introit for voices (mainly unison) and organ). By Brian Brockless
  • Hymn. By Thomas Wood
  • Hymn. Arrangement of "Hast du denn, Jesu" by Peter Hurford
Giles, Nathaniel
JCPP/Hurford/2/3/28 · Item · 1966
Part of Personal Papers

Diocesan Choirs Festival 1966. Cathedral and Abbey Church of St. Alban.
Vocal score (with organ accompaniment).


  • Purge me, o Lord. By Thomas Tallis
  • Psalm 121. By J. Turle
  • Psalm 122. By S. Marchant
  • Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis in A major. By William H. Harris
  • O clap your hands (Anthem for choir and organ), op. 15. By John Gardner
  • Hymn. By C. V. Taylor
  • Hymn. "Praise my soul" (E.H. 470) Descant arrangement by Peter Hurford
Tallis, Thomas
JCPP/Hurford/2/3/29 · Item · 1968
Part of Personal Papers

Diocesan Choirs Festival 1968. Cathedral and Abbey Church of St. Alban.
Vocal score (with organ accompaniment).


  • God which hast prepared. By Mudd (Edited by Walter S. Collins)
  • Psalm 119 (vv. 33-40). By Alan Gray
  • Office Hymn. Bayeux Church Melody. Faux bourdon by Peter Hurford
  • Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis in A. BY Samuel Arnold
  • O God, enfold me in the sun. By Kenneth Leighton
  • Hymn (Quem pastores laudavere). Melody from a 14th century German manuscript
  • Hymn. By J. Darwall. Descant by Alan Gray
Fanfare on "Old 100th"
JCPP/Hurford/2/3/23 · Item · 1970
Part of Personal Papers

Fanfare on "Old 100th". By Peter Hurford. Included in the book: "Ceremonial Music for Organ "Fanfares and Trumpet Tunes" (pages 4-5).
Published by Oxford University Press, London.


  • Fanfare on "Gopsal". By David Willcocks
  • Fanfare on "Old 100th". By Peter Hurford
  • The Archbishop's Fanfare. By Francis Jackson
  • Trumpet Tune and Almand. By Henry Purcell
  • The Prince of Denmark's March. By Jeremiah Clarke
  • Trumpet Voluntary. By John Stanley
Hurford, Peter (1919-1930) ), British organist and composer
JCPP/Hurford/2/3/30 · Item · 1970
Part of Personal Papers

Diocesan Choirs Festival 1970. Cathedral and Abbey Church of St. Alban.
Vocal score (with organ accompaniment).


  • O Lord, we beseech thee. By George Barcrofte (edited by Ian Harwood)
  • Psalm 34. By H. G. Ley
  • Office Hymn (Nous Allons) French Carol melody. Harmonized by Martin Shaw
  • Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis. By Sydney Watson
  • Rejoice, the Lord is King! (Anthem for SATB and organ). By Bryan Kelly
  • Holy Spirit, ever dwelling. By Herbert Howells
  • Monkland. Arrangement by Peter Hurford
  • The Queen's Hymn
Barcrofte, George
JCPP/Hurford/2/3/30 DELETE · Item · 1970
Part of Personal Papers

Diocesan Choirs Festival 1970. Cathedral and Abbey Church of St. Alban.
Vocal score (with organ accompaniment).


  • O Lord, we beseech thee. By George Barcrofte (edited by Ian Harwood)
  • Psalm 34. By H. G. Ley
  • Office Hymn (Nous Allons) French Carol melody. Harmonized by Martin Shaw
  • Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis. By Sydney Watson
  • Rejoice, the Lord is King! (Anthem for SATB and organ). By Bryan Kelly
  • Holy Spirit, ever dwelling. By Herbert Howells
  • Monkland. Arrangement by Peter Hurford
  • The Queen's Hymn
Barcrofte, George
Carols from St. Albans
JCPP/Hurford/2/1/4 · Item · 24th of December 1971
Part of Personal Papers

Carols from St. Albans. Sung by the Choir of the Cathedral and Abbey Church of St. Alban. Directed by Peter Hurford. Organ: Simon Lindley.
Vinyl record. 33 1/3 RPM.

Side A:

  • De Virgin Mary had a baby boy (arranged by Malcolm Sargent)
  • Love came down at Christmas (John Rutter)
  • Bethlehem, of Noblest Cities (arranged by Peter Hurford)
  • There is no rose (Simon Preston)

Side B:

  • Tomorrow shall be my dancing day (arranged by David Willcocks)
  • Puer Natus (Alun Hoddinott)
  • Sir Christemas (William Mathias)
Hurford, Peter (1919-1930) ), British organist and composer
JCPP/Hurford/2/3/10 · Item · 1971
Part of Personal Papers

"Magdalen, cease from sobs and sighs" for unaccompanied voices (soprano, alto, tenor, bass). In F major. Words of "Pone luctum, Magdalena", translated by G. R. Woodward. Melody of "Nicht ruhen Magdalena kundt" (Köln, 1623), arranged by Peter Hurford.
Published by Oxford University Press. In the series:The Oxford Choral Songs.

Hurford, Peter (1919-1930) ), British organist and composer
Bethlehem, of noblest cities
JCPP/Hurford/2/3/2 · Item · 1971
Part of Personal Papers

"Bethlehem, of noblest cities", Australian folk melody and a melody from "Psalmodia Sacra", Gotha, 1715. Words by Prudentius (b. 348) tr. E. Caswall. Arranged by Peter Hurford. For soprano, alto, tenor and bass in E major. Published in "The Oxford Choral Songs".
Four copies. Each of them has some few pencil markings (by Peter Hurford) that differ from one another.

Hurford, Peter (1919-1930) ), British organist and composer
JCPP/Hurford/2/3/31 · Item · 1972
Part of Personal Papers

Diocesan Choirs Festival 1972. Cathedral and Abbey Church of St. Alban.
Vocal score (with organ accompaniment).


  • O Almighty God. By George Barcrofte
  • Psalm 98. By Henry Lawes
  • Office Hymn. By William Boyce
  • Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis. By Charles Wood
  • The Lord's Praier. By Robert Stone
  • Christ the Lord is risen again. By John Rutter
  • [Untitled. "O Lord, all the world belongs to you..."]. Music by Peter Hurford
  • Paderborn Gesangbuch. Descant arrangement by Peter Hurford
Barcrofte, George
Two Sentences
JCPP/Hurford/2/3/16 · Item · 1972
Part of Personal Papers

Two Sentences from an Order for Holy Communion Series 3 for SATB (soprano, alto, tenor, bass) with divisions and Organ. I: "Truly the Lord is in this place", in G major. II: "Through Christ Jesus", in G major (metronome marking: minim = 64).
Published by Novello & Company Limited.

Hurford, Peter (1919-1930) ), British organist and composer