"Come live with me", words by Christopher Marlowe, for soprano and keyboard in G major.
Hurford, Peter (1919-1930) ), British organist and composerSong for tenor and piano or organ. Lyrics: poem by A. E. Housman (1859–1936), taken from "A Shropshire Lad" (1896) "With rue my heart is laden". Key: G major.
On the reverse there is a draft of a song for voice and keyboard in ink containing lyrics, and at the end five bars written in pencil with a comment that reads: Dowland "I saw my lady weep" "English Ayres" (although the bars do not seem to be related with Dowland's piece).
"Ha'nacker Mill". Words by Hilaire Belloc. For tenor and piano in G minor.
Two drafts: one in ink and one in pencil.
Piece for organ and voices. Incipit of lyrics: "For thee, O dear, dear country..." [Lutheran Hymn]. On the last page there is a choral piece: 10 4. 10 4. 10 10. ("Lead, birdly light, amid the enriching gloan").
Hurford, Peter (1919-1930) ), British organist and composerOrgan sketch in F major that ends at the end of the reverse page, which also includes a choral sketch in G major.
Hurford, Peter (1919-1930) ), British organist and composerPiece for keyboard in D minor.
Hurford, Peter (1919-1930) ), British organist and composer"The Church's one foundation" for organ and voices in unison. Key: E major.
Hurford, Peter (1919-1930) ), British organist and composerAgnus Dei for three voices written in treble, alto and bass clefs. Two short sketches on the reverse page. Sketch 2 with lyrics in German: two staves in bass clef. Sketch 3: four voices (soprano, alto, tenor, bass).
Hurford, Peter (1919-1930) ), British organist and composer"For thee, O dear country". For soprano and tenor voices, and organ in E major. Words: Bernard of Morlaix c. 1140.
Hillands. Arranged by Peter Hurford.
Two copies: One has four pages, and the other one is reduced to fit in two pages.
Fugue for organ in D minor.
Hurford, Peter (1919-1930) ), British organist and composerRecording made by University Recording Co., 16 Burleigh Place, Cambridge, of three choir pieces: "Drop, Drop, Slow Tears" by Gibbons; Let thy merciful ears, O Lord" by Weelkes [actually Mudd]; and "Nolo mortem peccatoris" by Morley, the last marked as by "Jesus College Chapel Choir (unaccompanied)" [conducted by Peter Hurford]
Hurford, Peter (1919-1930) ), British organist and composerConsists of a notebook listing music played on the Chapel organ at services on a day by day basis. Names of musical pieces played and names of organ scholars given.
Hurford, Peter (1919-1930) ), British organist and composerPages 1 to 3 (written in ink): FRCO Fugue for organ in G major (incomplete).
Pages 3 and 4 (upside down in pencil): incomplete piece for organ in G major. Note by the author page 4: part of original manuscript of Song 34 published by Oxford University Press in "5 short chorale preludes".
Firts Item: First two pages: Fugue in E minor (Chromatique!) for piano (?). Metronome marking: Andante espressivo.
Pages 3 and 4: Exposition and first middle entry group of FRCO fugue for String Trio (violin, viola and violoncello).
Second Item: Fugue in E minor (another hand written version of the first pages of the First Item with minor variations).
Agnus Dei for two sopranos and organ in D major. Metronome marking: 84 beats per minute.
Hurford, Peter (1919-1930) ), British organist and composer"I will lift up mine eyes" (psalm 121) set for treble solo, two sopranos, alto, tenor, bass and organ. Key: A major. Metronome marking: 80 beats per minute.
Two manuscript copies: one in pencil and one in ink.
Ascendit Deus. An Introit or short anthem for the feast of the Ascension. For voices (soprano, alto, tenor, bass) and organ. Key: D major. Metronome marking: dotted minim = 56.
Two copies: one complete, the other one an incomplete draft.
Five short chorale preludes. For organ. Edited by Oxford University Press.
I: Wem in Leidenstagen in G major. Melody by F. Filitz (1804-76). II: On a Rouen church melody in A major. III: Song 34 (The angel's song) in G major. Melody by O. Gibbons (1583-1625). IV: Schmücke dich in B flat. Melody by J. Crüger (1598-1662). V: Gott des himmels in D major. Melody by H. Albert (1504-51).
Diocesan Choirs Festival 1958. Cathedral and Abbey Church of St. Alban.
Vocal score (with organ accompaniment).
- Psalm 148. By Charles V. Stanford
- Psalm 149. By Charles V. Stanford
- Psalm 150. By Charles V. Stanford
- Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis in D. By E. J. Moeran
- Above all praise and all majesty. Felix Mendelssohn
- O how amiable (Anthem for the Dedication of a Church or other Festivals. Originally written for the Abinger Pageant, 1934). By Ralph Vaughan Williams
- Hymn. Melody from Genevan Psalter (1551)
- Hymn: Nun Danket. By J. Cruger (arrangement by Peter Hurford)
- Amen
6 Chants for voices selected from many written between 1958 and 1978.
Hurford, Peter (1919-1930) ), British organist and composer"Litany to the Holy Spirit" for voices in unison and organ (or piano). In E major. Words by Robert Herrick.
Published by Oxford University Press. In the series:The Oxford Choral Songs.
"Scherzo" for organ manuals only. [From the Suite for organ "Laudate Dominum"]. Metronome marking: minim = 120.
Hurford, Peter (1919-1930) ), British organist and composerJ. S. Bach: Präludium, Trio und Fuge B-Dur. Peter Hurford at the Organ of the Royal Festival Hall, London.
Vinyl record. 45 RPM.
Suite "Laudate Dominum" for organ. I: "Processional", II: Rondo da Chiesa, III: "Meditation", IV: Scherzo, V: "French Carol", VI: "Exurgat Deus".
Two full drafts (one seems to be a more complete draft than the other).
Diocesan Choirs Festival 1960. Cathedral and Abbey Church of St. Alban.
Vocal score (with organ accompaniment).
- Psalm 145. By Peter Hurford
- Office Hymn. By W. Knapp (arrangement and descant by Peter Hurford)
- Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis. By C. P. P. Burton
- O Praise the Lord. By Adrian Batten
- Praise to God in the highest (Arranged from the Oxford Book of Carols No. 107). By S. S. Campbell
- Coelites Plaudant (Rouen Church Melody)
- Iste Confessor (Rouen Church Melody)
Five Verses on a melody from the Paderborn Gesangbuch (1765) for organ in A major.
Incomplete draft. It has verses 1, 2, 3 and the beginning of 4.
Typewritten broadcast script by Walter Emery and Peter Hurford with handwritten notes by Peter Hurford for a broadcast concert at the Royal Festival Hall, pre-recorded on the 28th of June 1960 and transmitted on the 13th of August 1960.
Emery, WalterFive verses on a melody from the Paderborn Gesangbuch (1765). For organ. Edited by Oxford University Press.
I: in A major. Metronome marking 72 beats per minute. II: B minor. Metronome marking 56 beats per minute. III: D major. Metronome marking 144 beats per minute. IV: Metronome marking: minim = 56. V: Metronome marking: minim = 60.
Festival Te Deum. Work for voices (soprano, alto, tenor, bass) and organ. Metronome marking: 132 beats per minute.
3 copies: Manuscript copy and photocopies with pencil markings.
Suite "Laudate Dominum". For organ. Edited by Oxford University Press.
I: Processional (Metronome marking: minim = 52). II: Rondo da Chiesa (Metronome marking: minim = 96). III: Meditation (Metronome marking: minim = 52). IV: Scherzo (Metronome marking: minim = 112). V: French Carol (Metronome marking: 144 beats per minute). VI: Exurgat Deus (Metronome marking: dotted crotchet = 100 approx.).
Meditation. For Organ. By Peter Hurford. Included in the book: "An Album of Preludes and Interludes" (page 14).
Published by Oxford University Press, London.
- Sarabande. By Arnold Cooke
- Prelude. By William Hunt
- Intermezzo. By Christopher Morris
- Berceuse. By Ernest Tomlinson
- Meditation. By Peter Hurford
- A Miniature. By Gordon Phillips
- Chorale Prelude. By Paul de Maleingreau
- Prelude. By C. S. Lang
"Noël Nouvelet", A Carol for Christmas and Epiphany, for voices (soprano, alto, tenor, bass). In E (metronome marking" 76 beats per minute). English translation by Wendy Marvin. French Carol (probably 16th century), arranged by Peter Hurford.
Published by Oxford University Press. In the series:The Oxford Choral Songs.
Three Short Anthems for Boys' voices (unaccompanied). I: "Jesus, so lowly", Edith Williams. In F sharp minor (metronome marking: dotted minim = 40). II: "Sing a song of joy", Thomas Campian. in A major (metronome marking: dotted minim = 68). III: "The isle of dreams", Robert Herrick. In E (metronome marking: dotted crotchet = 48).
Published by Novello & Company Limited.
The Organs of St Albans Abbey by Peter Hurford.
Edited by Tythings Court Press (Minehead, Somerset), 1962.
"Passingala", for organ. (Metronome marking: quaver = 72).
Published by Novello & Company Limited. In: Original Compositions (New Series) No. 326.
"Two Dialogues" for Organ. No. 1 (metronome marking: 84 beats per minute) and 2 (metronome marking: minim = 76) in G major, written in ink. Dialogue 1 (in pencil, different from Dialogue 1 in ink) and Dialogue 2 (in pencil, the same as Dialogue 2 in ink).
Hurford, Peter (1919-1930) ), British organist and composerTwo Dialogues. For Organ. (in G).
I (metronome marking: 84 beats per minute). II (metronome marking: minim = 76).
Published by Novello & Company Limited. In the series: Novello's Organ Music Club (NOMC) No. 32.
Diocesan Choirs Festival 1964. Cathedral and Abbey Church of St. Alban.
Vocal score (with organ accompaniment).
- Almighty Lord and God of Love. By Nathaniel Giles
- Psalm 148. By T. A. Walmisley
- Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis. By William H. Harris
- O let me tread in the right path (Anthem for four voices). By John Ward
- Behold now, praise the Lord (A Festival Anthem or Introit for voices (mainly unison) and organ). By Brian Brockless
- Hymn. By Thomas Wood
- Hymn. Arrangement of "Hast du denn, Jesu" by Peter Hurford
Diocesan Choirs Festival 1966. Cathedral and Abbey Church of St. Alban.
Vocal score (with organ accompaniment).
- Purge me, o Lord. By Thomas Tallis
- Psalm 121. By J. Turle
- Psalm 122. By S. Marchant
- Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis in A major. By William H. Harris
- O clap your hands (Anthem for choir and organ), op. 15. By John Gardner
- Hymn. By C. V. Taylor
- Hymn. "Praise my soul" (E.H. 470) Descant arrangement by Peter Hurford
Diocesan Choirs Festival 1968. Cathedral and Abbey Church of St. Alban.
Vocal score (with organ accompaniment).
- God which hast prepared. By Mudd (Edited by Walter S. Collins)
- Psalm 119 (vv. 33-40). By Alan Gray
- Office Hymn. Bayeux Church Melody. Faux bourdon by Peter Hurford
- Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis in A. BY Samuel Arnold
- O God, enfold me in the sun. By Kenneth Leighton
- Hymn (Quem pastores laudavere). Melody from a 14th century German manuscript
- Hymn. By J. Darwall. Descant by Alan Gray
Fanfare on "Old 100th". By Peter Hurford. Included in the book: "Ceremonial Music for Organ "Fanfares and Trumpet Tunes" (pages 4-5).
Published by Oxford University Press, London.
- Fanfare on "Gopsal". By David Willcocks
- Fanfare on "Old 100th". By Peter Hurford
- The Archbishop's Fanfare. By Francis Jackson
- Trumpet Tune and Almand. By Henry Purcell
- The Prince of Denmark's March. By Jeremiah Clarke
- Trumpet Voluntary. By John Stanley
Diocesan Choirs Festival 1970. Cathedral and Abbey Church of St. Alban.
Vocal score (with organ accompaniment).
- O Lord, we beseech thee. By George Barcrofte (edited by Ian Harwood)
- Psalm 34. By H. G. Ley
- Office Hymn (Nous Allons) French Carol melody. Harmonized by Martin Shaw
- Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis. By Sydney Watson
- Rejoice, the Lord is King! (Anthem for SATB and organ). By Bryan Kelly
- Holy Spirit, ever dwelling. By Herbert Howells
- Monkland. Arrangement by Peter Hurford
- The Queen's Hymn
Diocesan Choirs Festival 1970. Cathedral and Abbey Church of St. Alban.
Vocal score (with organ accompaniment).
- O Lord, we beseech thee. By George Barcrofte (edited by Ian Harwood)
- Psalm 34. By H. G. Ley
- Office Hymn (Nous Allons) French Carol melody. Harmonized by Martin Shaw
- Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis. By Sydney Watson
- Rejoice, the Lord is King! (Anthem for SATB and organ). By Bryan Kelly
- Holy Spirit, ever dwelling. By Herbert Howells
- Monkland. Arrangement by Peter Hurford
- The Queen's Hymn
Carols from St. Albans. Sung by the Choir of the Cathedral and Abbey Church of St. Alban. Directed by Peter Hurford. Organ: Simon Lindley.
Vinyl record. 33 1/3 RPM.
Side A:
- De Virgin Mary had a baby boy (arranged by Malcolm Sargent)
- Love came down at Christmas (John Rutter)
- Bethlehem, of Noblest Cities (arranged by Peter Hurford)
- There is no rose (Simon Preston)
Side B:
- Tomorrow shall be my dancing day (arranged by David Willcocks)
- Puer Natus (Alun Hoddinott)
- Sir Christemas (William Mathias)
"Magdalen, cease from sobs and sighs" for unaccompanied voices (soprano, alto, tenor, bass). In F major. Words of "Pone luctum, Magdalena", translated by G. R. Woodward. Melody of "Nicht ruhen Magdalena kundt" (Köln, 1623), arranged by Peter Hurford.
Published by Oxford University Press. In the series:The Oxford Choral Songs.
"Bethlehem, of noblest cities", Australian folk melody and a melody from "Psalmodia Sacra", Gotha, 1715. Words by Prudentius (b. 348) tr. E. Caswall. Arranged by Peter Hurford. For soprano, alto, tenor and bass in E major. Published in "The Oxford Choral Songs".
Four copies. Each of them has some few pencil markings (by Peter Hurford) that differ from one another.
"Truly the Lord is in this place" for tenors, basses and organ and "Through Christ Jesus" for voices (soprano, alto, tenor, bass) and organ in G major. Sentences from the series III Order for Holy Communion.
Hurford, Peter (1919-1930) ), British organist and composerDiocesan Choirs Festival 1972. Cathedral and Abbey Church of St. Alban.
Vocal score (with organ accompaniment).
- O Almighty God. By George Barcrofte
- Psalm 98. By Henry Lawes
- Office Hymn. By William Boyce
- Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis. By Charles Wood
- The Lord's Praier. By Robert Stone
- Christ the Lord is risen again. By John Rutter
- [Untitled. "O Lord, all the world belongs to you..."]. Music by Peter Hurford
- Paderborn Gesangbuch. Descant arrangement by Peter Hurford
Two Sentences from an Order for Holy Communion Series 3 for SATB (soprano, alto, tenor, bass) with divisions and Organ. I: "Truly the Lord is in this place", in G major. II: "Through Christ Jesus", in G major (metronome marking: minim = 64).
Published by Novello & Company Limited.
The Responses set for 4-6-part boys' voices.
Hurford, Peter (1919-1930) ), British organist and composer