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Archival description
Food bill
JCCA/JCAD/2/2/9/1816/26 · 21st January 1817
Part of College Archives

For Audit Dinner, College Tenant Dinner, and Rustat Dinners. Total of £34 19s 2d (including deductions for Commons) received for period 15th December 1815 - 2nd January 1817. Settled 21st January 1817, signed by John Willis.
Costs include: turbot in lobster sauce; mutton; boiled fowls; roast tongue and udder; mock turtle; round of beef; hare soup; pigsface; roast fowls in sauce; pig's jaw; ragout veal and sauce; stewed eels; turnips, carrots, potatoes, greens and beans; boiled turkey with oyster sauce; muffin pudding; macaroni; apple pie; custards; Italian cheese; jelly; tartlets; mince pies; Charlotte pudding; hare; jelly; beef and pickles, bream; oysters; apricot tartlets; celery; beef steaks and vegetables; mutton chops and vegetables; salmon and lobster sauce; sole and Dutch shrimp sauce; fricandeau veal sauce; pigeon pie; vegetables and butter; oyster patties; beef cutlets; sirloin beef; roast chickens; stewed spinach; blancmange; apricot tart; salad with mint sauce; radishes; Spring soup; cold beef, bread and ale; dinner in Hall; boiled chickens in sauce; salmon patties; White soup; beef cutlets; lamb curry; roast pike in sauce; hind of mutton; breast of veal; rhubarb tart; plum pudding; ducks in sauce; salad; new potatoes; asparagus; mutton chops and vegetables; lamb chops and potatoes; Mrs Jiggins for cleaning apples; boiled fowls with parsley and butter; hashed calf's head baron; loin lamb curry; veal and ham pie; green pea soup; stewed veal breast; roast fowls and sauce; cauliflower and carrots; new potatoes and peas; ducks and gravy; currant pie; sweetbreads; marrow pudding; trifle; German puffs and wine sauce; cucumbers; gooseberry pie with custards; goose with gooseberry sauce; vegetables and butter for servants; College Tenant's dish of boiled beef and vegetables, beef steaks and potatoes and mutton chops; extra dinner in Hall.

Willis, John
Bricklayer's bill
JCCA/JCAD/2/2/9/1816/33 · 27th November 1816
Part of College Archives

6s 2d received from Mr Hustler, Bursar, on 27th November 1816.
Costs from 26th March 1816 include 4 hods brick mortar; 26 bricks; half-day bricklayer; half-day labourer.

Turner, John
Advertising Bill
JCCA/JCAD/2/2/9/1823/24 · April 1823
Part of College Archives

To advertising in the Cambridge Chronicle Building Ground, Gravel Close,
Feb 20, March 7, 14, 21. 28, April 6 times at 7d
Ditto April
£2 9s

Hodson, James
Freshmen 1922
JCCA/JCAC/1/6/Album 1/19 · Item · 1922
Part of College Archives

A photograph and list of names as follows:

A.S. Green; B.M. Schofield; C.E.W. Johnson; G.E.P. Cox; B. Davey; R.G. Ritchie; N. Williams; F.H. Collier; A.B. Calkin; J.B. Woolley; G.W.B. Mitchell; H.J. Turner; L.T. Hilliard; W.E. Osborne; G.R. Osborn; G.C. Beck; R.H. Foster; F.H. Morrell; H.C. Jeaffreson; M.C. Hounsfield; R.G. Wrightson; C.A. Street; R. Clarke; J.W.A. Calver; J.W.A. Hanford; F.A. Wise; B. Rait Smith; E.L.S. Lillingston; H.M.A. Major; A.D. Maclaren; G.W. Brown [actually Browne]; R.A. Clapperton; R.P.M. Baker; D.G. Home; J.R. Malcon; E. Jordan; I.G.T. Clarkson; H.F. Bateman; A.G.G. Marshall; B.A. Brown; J.D. Rudd; M.R. Burwood; S. Benady; G. Benson; J.W.F. Footman; J.G. Sikes; E.H. Fryer; W.E. Croskill; E.S. Purbrick; R.H.H. Anderson; H.W. John; D.J.V. Hamilton-Miller; C.A. Fielding; J.F. Willatt and C.D. Waddams.

Freshmen 1924
JCCA/JCAC/1/6/Album 1/21 · Item · 1924
Part of College Archives

A photograph and list of names as follows:

J. Iliff; W.G.N. Walker; H.H.K. Rowe; F.M.K. [actually M.F.K.] Hughes; R. Day; A.P.C. Adamson; K. Barker; H.C. Norton; L.M. James; G. Limebeer; R.H. Price; H. Trevelyan; G.A.N. Mayne; R.H. Barton; E.W.S. Wilkin; G.M. Bolton; C.T. Kenward; M.R. Formby; A.R. le Fleming; R.T.G. Harrup; I.R.R. Richmond; W.E. Burgess; G.F. McHardy; J.H. Ogilvie; N.W. Alexander; W.A. White; E. Whitley; H.L. Harris; P.A. Delafield; P.C. Wong [also know as Cheong]; R.P. H-Mackenzie [Hodson-Mackenzie]; J.H. McL Christie; W.R. Brash; R.W. Greenhalgh; L.R. Smith; J.C. Brock; N.R. Hawthorne; F. O'Rorke [came up in April 1924]; D.F.L. Mills; A.P. Sinker; N.M. Assheton; H. Armstrong; A.H.R. Elton; H.T. Bramall; G.G. Edlin; R. Pickett; W.P. Baker; S.H. Clark; L.R. Mayall; H.W. Berry; P.F. White; R.M. Baldwin [came up in April 1924]; A.D.M. Buck; H.M.E. Morgan [came up in April 1924]; F.D. Griggs; J.G. Hall; G. Sinker [actually G. Sinha]; J.W. Stanton; F.W. Otter Barry; G.F. Eastwood; H.W. Whistler; J.G.M. Allcock; P.E. Abbott; K.B. Paice; W. Hadfield; K.A.C. Gross; O.O. Postgate; W.J.N. Dell; A.H. Grubb; E.W.H. Dobson [came up in April 1924] and L.W. Johnson.

Freshmen 1925
JCCA/JCAC/1/6/Album 1/22 · Item · 1925
Part of College Archives

A photograph and list of names as follows:

T.W. Mitchell; J.M. Barker; O.J. Firth; H.C. Stewart; O.J. Murless [actually O.F.] Murless; T.R. Parry; W.D. Bell; J. Turner; A.P. Bryant; W.D. Phillips; V.H. Tompkins; A.G. Bryon; P.G. Scott; O.J.G. McMullen; J.H. Brown; R.W. Hall; J.S. Purbrick; F.H. Aykroyd; T.J.G. Heath; R. Gillett; J.C. Bane; S.G. Miller; W.F. Buchanan; T.B.E. Jones; F.B.M. Reynolds; J.A. Lovejoy; E.A. Packer; T. Powell; A.J. Mornard; D.H. Rooke; K.W. Howarth; J. Fletcher; B.F. Cox; B.F. Stephens; J.D. Blandon [actually Bladon]; R. Greenep; J.H. Walker; G.I.H. Salmon; H.R. Hose; A.L.E. Hopkins; F.H.B. Woodd; C.M. Lee; R.J.C. Howes; C.B. Cook; G.C.D. Fuller; J.H. Cruse; W.D. Pawson; N. Mace; H.R.P. Harrison; J.W. Leigh Hunt; J.A. Coplestone; E.J. Frank; W.E. Barron; H. Yaffe; D.R.N. Macnutt [actually Macnult]; M. de W. Burr; R.O. Symon; J.E.H. Towndrow; W.R. Worthington; F.S. Hadland; E.S. Abbott; E.C. Fountaine; P.W. Brown; R. Brett and M.G. Pembroke.

Jesus College Freshmen 1923
JCCA/JCAC/1/6/1923 · Item · 1923
Part of College Archives

Names on board read:

N. Thomlinson; L.G. Brandon; I.L. Robinson; R.L.C. Southam; O. Michaelis; J.A. [actually R.C.] Stewart; S.R. Gardiner; B.O. Masse; W.A. Walker; A.J. Robotham; B.J.M. Wright; A.G. Banks; E.W. Davies; F.D. Rosebery; T.T. Leach; J.W. Evans; S.A .Kay; F. Allsop; K.R. Bowes; L.G.D. Croft; G.L.R. [actually W.E.] Thorne; J.H.S. Fea; T. Anstey; C.D.G. Nicholson; A.C. Faunce Brown; G.E.S. Gorer; A.S.G. Scott; W.A.H. Oswald; R. Parry; J.K. Willson Pepper; M. Aslam; A.N. Morgan; A.G.S. Hordern [actually A.A.S.] ; A.F. Goodall; F.M. Sandford; J.N. Deakin; J.E. Hedge; G.P.H. Pawson; R.L. Brown; F.C. Nottingham; J.L. Cooper; W.M. Baxter; R.H.P. Langton; G.W. Beaumont; H.R. Adamson; C.H. Benson; D.G.A. Dyson; A.E. Schur; P.K. Barker; M.A.C. Warren; A.A.W. Gray; J.L. Longland; R.C. Stewart; P.F. Allum; W.J. [actually S.J.] Baker; M.O. Willmore; J.R. Moreton; P. Wilson; C.A.C. Birkin; P.A.N.P. Anson; F.A. Cowdell; J.H. Smith; G.L.R. Tilley; H. Lakin; A.F.H. Ward; B.M. Melland; K.B. Hill; T.K.W. Fair; B.N. Mills; W.O’H. Giles; V.D. [actually I.D.] Scott; F.D. Harris and J.H. Hall.

Stearn & Sons (Photographers), Bridge Street, Cambridge
JCCA/JCAD/1/4/1973 · 1973
Part of College Archives

Photograph taken in the Fellows garden. Names on board read G. Ll. Williams, S. C. Heath, A. W. Cuthbert, D. S. Whitehead, G. M. Sheldrick, G. A. Gresham, B. Ralph, R. A. Donkin, J. A. Hudson, H. H. Erskine-Hill, I. P. Davies, R. F. Tuck, G. G. N. Mackenzie, C. J. S. Clarke, C. A. Croxton, J. C. Inkson, R. M. Jacobi, N. Stone, P. R. Glazebrook, J. Cameron Wilson, J. T. Killen, E. R. Hardy, A. G. Sharpe, K. L. Johnson, M. I. Finley, C. J. Adkins, D. McKie, R. H. Williams, B. W. Sparks, J. E. Roseblade, I. Gershevitch, T. D. Jones, W. I. B. Bereidge, C. H. Wilson, W. H. Thorpe, L. A. Pars, R. Y. Jennings, The Master Denys Lionel Page, Sir. C. Elliott, P. Gardner-Smith, A. L. Percival, L. E. R. Picken, D. J. V. Fisher

JCCA/JCAD/2/2/9/1758/1 · Item · 15 January 1758 - 14 October 1758 (15 Jan, 5 Apr, 6 Jul, 14 Oct)
Part of College Archives

Proves that Ann Badcock, widow of Rev. Mr John Badcock is still living. Signed by Thomas Casburn, Church Warden. Also signed by Ann Badcock confirming receipt of pension of £2 from Mr Huten. January receipt also signed by H. Lushington, curate.

Badcock, Widow Ann
Clock Bill
JCCA/JCAD/2/2/9/1777/44 · Item · 30th September 1777
Part of College Archives

Paid 16s to Sarah Holliday for looking after the clock. Received by father (John Harrison).

Harrison, John
Oil Bill
JCCA/JCAD/2/2/9/1777/72 · Item · 1st October 1777
Part of College Archives

Paid £ 17s 6d to Mary Munn for oil.

Munn, Mary
JCCA/JCAD/2/2/9/1781/62 · Item · 31st October 1781
Part of College Archives

Paid £3 7s 6d to the Butler for Commencement: 3 bottles of madeira, 4 bottles of sherry, 6 bottles of Parlour Port.For the Cook 1 bottle port. For the pensioners: 1 bottle of port, 1 bottle of sherry, tea and coffee for eleven. Sizings, lemons, sugar, candles.
Signed by (J. or T?) Prior on behalf of his father (Beaumont Prior).

Prior, Thomas
Bill to the chimney sweeper
JCCA/JCAD/2/2/9/1781/90 · Item · 29th September 1782
Part of College Archives

Paid £0 7s 8d to the chimney sweeper for one year's sweeping the kitchen chimney and Hall.
Signed by William Press.

Press, William
Silver bill
JCCA/JCAD/2/2/9/1824/31 · Item · 6th April 1824
Part of College Archives

Purchase of a rectangular silver inkstand with three glasses for £9 9s, engraving College Arms and Latin inscription theron for 15s and 1s 6d for a packing box. Total including carriage and discount £9 17s 8d. Note to say that the inkstand had been put on that days coach . Signed Rundell Bridge & Rundell.

Rundell, Bridge & Rundell
Insurance bill
JCCA/JCAD/2/2/9/1824/44 · Item · 25th June 1824
Part of College Archives

Paid £17 10s for annual insurance. Signed Richard Comings

Sun Fire Office
Chimney sweep bills
JCCA/JCAD/2/2/9/1824/59 · Item · 29th September 1824
Part of College Archives

Paid £1 5s for sweeping the chimneys in the kitchen, oven and flu, servants hall, hall, porter and combination room.

Press, Robert
Silver repair bill
JCCA/JCAD/2/2/9/1824/62 · Item · 11th February 1825
Part of College Archives

Paid 5s 6d for repairing candlesticks by Felix Vaughan and 5s 6d for candlesticks by Thomas Wakefield. Signed Samuel Hill for Thomas Wilson.

Wilson, Thomas