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JCPP/Barham-Johnson/2 · File
Part of Personal Papers

The photographs in the album are as follows:

  1. Crossing Markerfljót

  2. The Deep

  3. Atmospheric Denudation

  4. Reydarvatn

  5. Pumice at Hekla

  6. Galtalækur

  7. Group at Galtalækur

  8. The Foss

  9. Hekla & Wool Drying

  10. Rangá from Island

  11. Ranga & Upper Island

  12. Corded Lava, Hekla

  13. Hekla, the lava hand

  14. En route, summit in cloud

  15. New SW from Hekla

  16. 1846 lava, Hekla

  17. Traveller on Snow

  18. Guides

  19. Hekla 9.50pm

  20. Biotfell 9.30pm

  21. Ponies swimming

  22. Thjorsá Ferry

  23. Helgatherm, a boss in a liparite layer

  24. Brattholt Gorge

  25. Hruni

  26. Family at Brattholt

  27. The Dyke

  28. Basalt in Gorge

  29. Gullfoss

  30. Gullfoss Lower Fall

  31. Edges of Fall into Gorge

  32. Gorge below Gullfoss

  33. Geysir from Havkadal

  34. Geysir from Tungufljót

  35. Geysir Mound

  36. Geysir and sinter from Blesi

  37. Geysir in Eruption [1]

  38. Geysir in Eruption [2]

  39. Geysir Tube after an Eruption

  40. Lower Set Hot Springs

  41. Blesi

  42. Cooking in Blesi

  43. Little Geysir, Quiet

  44. Litle Geysir, Erupting

  45. Strokkur

  46. Austurhlid

  47. Millenial Card

  48. Funeral Board, Laugarvatn

  49. The Stepping Stones

  50. Road to Geysir

  51. Brúará up from Bridge

  52. Skógar by Brúará

  53. Brúará down from Bridge

  54. Brúará

  55. An Iceland 'Laundry'

  56. Laugarvatn Farm

  57. Washing in Hot Springs, Laugarvatn

  58. Skógar woods Hot Spring and Hekla

  59. Kalfstindar

  60. The Hornito

  61. Pack train descending Hrafnagjá

  62. Hrafnagjá

  63. Kaldarhofdti south of Thingvallavatn

  64. Hengill south of Thingvallavatn

  65. Thingvallavatn from Hrafnagj

  66. Ropy Lava Thingvellir

  67. Thingvellir, Parsonage

  68. Thingvellir from Parsonage

  69. Thingvellir, Upper fall of Oxera

  70. Nikolasagjá

  71. Thingvellir, Hrafnabjòrg, Church, Parsonage

  72. Thingvellir, Rift in lava near hotel

  73. Thingvellir, Alamnagjá & hotel

  74. Thingvellir, the Bridge

  75. Thingvallavatn from Alamnagjá

  76. The Murderesses' Pool

  77. Alamnagjá, down

  78. Alamnagjá, up

  79. Lava sheet near Rekjavik

  80. Surface of lava

  81. Native pack train

  82. Ellidaá (the salmon river)

  83. Waterfalls emerging from under a lava stream near Gilsbakki

  84. Snorri's bath, Revkholt

  85. Ice curtain in Surlshellir

  86. Glymur

  87. Isafjördur

  88. The creeping of the sea fog Yopnafjördur

  89. Akureyri & Eyjafjördur

  90. Sevdisfjörlur

  91. Crossing Láng Jökull

  92. 'Ceres' weighing anchor

  93. North Eastern Kjalfell in distance [a panoramic photograph folded and inserted between the pages]

  94. Láng Jökull S.E. side [a panoramic photograph folded and inserted between the pages]

Slotted between the pages of this album is a letter to John C. Watt, Jesus College Cambridge, from Walter H. Tribe, Egland, Honiton, dated 30 Nov 1900, in which he encloses eighteen of his own photographs of their visit to Iceland. The photographs have been extracted and are enclosed in the same box. The photographs are inscribed in pencil on the reverse:

  1. Preparing cod fish

  2. Krisuvik

  3. Krisuvik

  4. Krisuvik

  5. Krisuvik

  6. Krisuvik

  7. Krisuvik

  8. Hecla

  9. Hecla

  10. Hecla

  11. Hecla

  12. Rekjavik

  13. Thórsmörk

  14. Thórsmörk

  15. Eyjafjalla Jökull

  16. A photograph of a river with an illegible inscription

  17. A photograph of one man sitting and another standing by a geysir

  18. A group of five men on a ship

Johnson, Geoffrey Barham
JCPP/Bawden/5 · Series · 1978-2000
Part of Personal Papers

Includes papers relating to Bawden's volunteering at St. Paul's Cathedral

Political correspondence
JCPP/Bawden/6 · Series · 1969-1973
Part of Personal Papers

Letters to and replies from Prime Ministers with regard to various complaints. Includes letter from Margaret Thatcher, 1970

College bequests
JCPP/Bawden/7 · Series · 2002-2007
Part of Personal Papers

Papers and correspondence relating to Bawden's bequest to the College including correspondence relating to a watercolour painting of the chimney by Hugh Casson.

JCPP/Bawden/8 · Series · 1949-2001
Part of Personal Papers

One folder containing correspondence with College staff and invitations to reunion dinners in 1967 and 1984 and an annual dinner in 2011.

JCPP/Brittain/1/1917 · Item · 1917
Part of Personal Papers

Diary entries are written in German script. There is a transcript on each page in another hand [Muriel Brittain's].

On the first page is a list of books read during the year.

On the back pages are lists of letters sent and received during the year.

Diary entries cover his duties on board the Egypt feeding patients and dressing their wounds. They sailed to Alexandria, Cairo, Bombay, Persian Gulf, Zanzibar, , Mombasa, Cape Town and Suez. Also describes his shore leave, languages he was learning, writing for the ship magazine The Egyptionian and on board entertainments in which FB took part, including the ceremony for crossing the International Date line.

JCPP/Brittain/1/1921 · Item · 1921
Part of Personal Papers

Diary entries are written in German script. There is a transcript of the diary entries in another hand [Muriel Brittain's] on most pages or on loose sheets.

On the first page is a list of books read during the year.

On the back pages are notes written under housekeeping, a list of books to buy, a list of books on Richard Jefferies and a list of the complete works of Richard Jefferies.

Diary entries describe his life as an undergraduate at Jesus College (end of his second year / beginning of his third year) including timetables of lectures, number of hours reading, details of debates attended at the Union, church services attended and involvement in rowing. Also details of his time at home during the vacations.

15 January - Had a meeting with the Dean to discuss starting a sung Mass in Chapel on Sundays "after some Protestant demur" settled on starting one on Tuesday at 11.15.

27 February - The Dean's gyp found that his door had been screwed down in the night and the heads of the screws filed off. He telephoned the Dean from the Porter's Lodge to tell him "he need not get up yet" and the door had to be opened by crowbars.

30 April - Foundation of the Cambridge University Pavement Club [members of this club were to meet at 12 noon on every fine Saturday of the Easter term for "the pursuit of entertainment, quiet conversation, and the reading of newspapers aloud. The Club will meet on some choice and central pavement, and the sole condition of membership, is that all members shall sit while meeting".] The first meeting was held in King's Parade Road which was soon blocked.

7 May - Meeting of the Pavement Club in Parker's Piece attended by about 1500 people having a picnic, listening to a jazz band and a few speeches.

54 hours reading for the week "my record so far!"

10 June - Meeting of the Pavement Club. About 500 people cycled from Senate House to Newnham College where a meeting was held [the last meeting].

17 June - Got a 2nd in the tripos.

20 June - Went to Senate House with 20 other supplicants to sign the register and pay the University degree fee of £4.

21 June - His mother saw him take his BA degree at Senate House.

20 October - Vote at Senate House as to whether women should have membership of the University or titular degrees. The vote in favour of membership was lost by 300, titular degrees carried by 100.

6 November - Elected a member of the Roosters Club.

JCPP/Brittain/1/1929 · Item · 1929
Part of Personal Papers

On the first page is a list of book read during the year.

On the last pages are details of his income listing amount earned from lectures and supervision including a list of pupils.

14 February - Ice on the river. When walking with the Dean of King's College on Clare Bridge he saw about 20 men skating at King's and Trinity. The first time there had been skating on the Cam since 1895.

8 May - 'Slowly Forward. 366 Points for Oarsmen' published.

5 November - Went as a guest to a meeting of the Natives and ate 12 oysters. [The Natives Club was founded in 1877 by an undergraduate whose mother had sent him a barrel of oysters which he decided to share with 11 friends].

JCPP/Brittain/1/1933 · Item · 1 January 1933 - 31 December 1935
Part of Personal Papers

At the start of each year is a list of books read during that year.

There are a number of loose pieces of paper with notes on throughout the diary. These appear to be marking pages used by Muriel Brittain in 'Fifty Years at Jesus'.

6 Mar 1933 - Elected to the Footlights Club.

5 Jun 1933 - First performance of the Footlights May Week Revue 'No More Women'. (Bill Nicholas and I were encored for our Policewomen's turn). [FB helped write the script. In 1932 women had been included in the cast for the first time but the play was not a success. Women were not introduced again until 1964].

16 Jun 1933 - The College celebrated the 'quasi-centenary' of S.T. Coleridge's death. [Foakes-Jackson persuaded the College to celebrate it a year early as he was in England that summer].

30 Nov 1933 - The Roosters Annual Dinner was held in Hall for the first time.

10 Mar 1934 - Went to tea-dance and Cabaret at Footlights. Performed in 1st scene as Professoress of Domestic Economy teaching knitting etc to undergraduates.

18 Oct 1934 - Paid first visit to the new University Library.

12 Dec 1934 - Read Grace in Hall for the first time.

26 Mar - 15 Apr 1935 - Travelled with the Dean and Mrs Gardner-Smith through France and Spain.

6 May 1935 - King George V's Silver Jubilee. Went to Midsummer Common to see the procession of vehicles start and then to Jesus Green. In the evening watched fireworks from the Close.

24 May 1935 - Empire Day. Q said he detested Empire Day on account of the awful people and ideas with which it is associated.

27 Nov 1935 - Played the title role in 'The Silver King'.

JCPP/Brittain/1/1939 · Item · 1 January 1939 - 31 December 1941
Part of Personal Papers

There are a number of loose pieces of paper with notes on throughout the diary. These appear to be marking pages used by Muriel Brittain in Fifty Years at Jesus.

10 February 1939 - Took Trevor Jones to lunch. Went to Chapel with F. J. E. Raby [this is the first mention in the diaries of these two men. After they were elected Fellows they became FB's closest friends].

11 March 1939 - Went to the BBC in London. Interviewed for a voice test.

8 May 1939 - Went to the BBC and broadcast a talk on Latin hymns.

15 May 1939 - Went to the BBC and broadcast a talk on the Sequence.

3 September 1939 - "At 11.15am we sat in the saloon and heard the Prime Minister say that we had been at war since 11am".

7 September 1939 - RAF cadets arrived and were quartered in college.

20 October 1939 - Lectured at the Pitt Club as all our usual rooms have been taken by the RAF.

30 October 1939 - Lunched at the Pitt Club instead of in Hall as the College had temporarily taken it over.

7 December 1939 - Pantomime performed at the Guildhall to a huge audience of evacuee children.

24 December 1939 - No midnight mass as the church [in South Mymms] is not blacked out.

13 April 1940 - Received a telegram from Duckworth to say the Master had died last night.

16 April 1940 - Master's funeral. Acted as an usher. The coffin was wheeled on a bier afterwards into every court with family and Fellows following.

28 May 1940 - Elected W.L.H. Duckworth as the next Master and he was duly installed.

2 June 1940 - Was elected Lord Protector of the Roost [for the duration of the war].

8 September 1940 - The great bombing raids on London are taking place every night this week.

6 November 1940 - No 5 The Avenue [the family home] was damaged today [by enemy action].

18 November 1940 - A Short History of Jesus College was published.

29 May 1941 - Had tea with Judo Club and was elected Treasurer.

7 August 1941 - Went to Ely for the enthronement of Edward Wynn as Bishop.

8 December 1941 - Bernard Manning died.

11 December 1941 - Bernard Manning's funeral.

[FB's memoir of this friend Bernard Manning which he wrote later was considered by many to be one of his best books].

JCPP/Brittain/1/1942 · Item · 1942
Part of Personal Papers

There are a number of loose pieces of paper with notes on throughout the diary. These appear to be marking pages used by Muriel Brittain in 'Fifty Years at Jesus'.

17 January - Memorial Service for Bernard Manning.

15 February - News arrived of the fall of Singapore. The Dean said "Can't say I think much of Churchill as a strategist".

27 February - Lunch was restarted in Hall as the Pitt Club was taken for a British Restaurant.

4 April - Clocks on another hour tonight [double summer time was used during the war].

19 May - First meeting of the John Mason Neale Society. Elected Treasurer.

17 July - Attended a meeting at Heffers about taking over editorship of the Cambridge Review [a post FB held for 6 years].

20 July - The Dean, Alan Percival and FB were appointed Assistant Tutors.

27 July - Air Raid at about 2am which caused a fire in the Union.

10 November - Memorial of Bernard Manning was published.

21 November - Q's 79th birthday. He called himself "a period piece, but not yet a museum piece".

JCPP/Brittain/1/1949 · Item · 1949
Part of Personal Papers

On the first pages are a list of the books read during the year.

5 April - Wrote a short story 'The Gypsy Queen'.

16 July - Had all the College employees and their guests to tea in Hall.

7 September - 24 September - Travelling in France.

5 November - Went to Peterborough for the Enthronement of the new Bishop, Spencer Leeson.

JCPP/Brittain/1/1959 · Item · 1959
Part of Personal Papers

On the first page is a list of books read during the year.

Entries cover the weather, his health, his social life, Rooster meetings, church services attended and what he was working on.

January - First entries referring to Muriel Cunnington appear.

January - February - He was ill with accute bronchitis.

25 July - Marriage of Freddie Brittain and Muriel Cunnington.

Spent much of the year working on the 'Penguin Book of Latin Verse'.

11 October - His father died.

14 December - 2 January 1960 - Admitted to the Evelyn Hospital with bronchitis, asthma and pneumonia.

JCPP/Brittain/1/1962 · Item · 1st January 1962 - 31st December 1962
Part of Personal Papers

On the first two pages is a list of the books read during the year.

Entries cover the weather, his health, his social life, Rooster meetings, church services attended and what he was working on.

15th March - Received news that enough money had been received to start printing the 'Jesus College Boat Club History'.

19th April - 'Penguin Book of Latin Verse' was published.

JCPP/Brittain/1/1966 · Item · 1st January 1966 - 31st December 1966
Part of Personal Papers

On the first two pages is a list of the books read during the year.

Entries cover the weather, his health, his social life, Rooster meetings, church services attended and what he was working on.

20th January - Started reading 'A Don's Life' aloud to Muriel for criticism.

14th February - The Council degreed that Muriel should be allowed to live in College with FB. [According to Muriel Brittain in 'Fifty Years at Jesus' this was the first time in either Cambridge or Oxford that a wife was allowed to share her husband's rooms in an all-male college. This was done on account of FB's poor health and the wish of the Council that FB should remain living in College for as long as possible].

17th February - Humphrey Payford called to take the rowing collection away [FB's collection of rowing books is now housed at the Regatta headquarters].

11th May - Two women dined in Hall at the undergraduates' table for the first time.

4th October - Went to the housewarming of Lucy Cavendish College in Northampton Street.

JCPP/Brittain/1/1967 · Item · 1st January 1967 - 31st December 1967
Part of Personal Papers

On the first two pages is a list of the books read during the year.

Entries cover the weather, his health, his social life, Rooster meetings, and church services attended.

13th February - Attended the AGM of the Amalgamated Clubs and resigned from the office of Snior Treasurer [FB had held this post for 25 years]. Was elected to the new office of Vice President of the JCAC.

21st March - Was admitted to Barnet General Hospital.

28th March - Was annointed by the Rector of Barnet.

29th March - Had operation for prostatectomy.

11th June - The Rooster Club celebrated its Diamond Jubilee.

JCPP/Brittain/1/1968 · Item · 1st January 1968 - 31st December 1968
Part of Personal Papers

On the first page is a list of the books read during the year.

Entries cover the weather, his health, his social life, Rooster meetings, and church services attended.

10th January - Admitted to hospital with asthma, bronchitis and pneumonia.

15th January - 15th February - No diary entries.

16th February - Discharged from hospital.

4th March - Muriel Brittain took him out for the first time since he had been admitted to hospital. Describes the snowdrops as being "at their peak".

15th May - Loose insert - menu for the dinner of the May Ball Committee held in the Prioress's Rooms. Signed by members of the committee.

23rd May - Dined at Trinity Ascension Day Feast.

4rd June - Went to Cliffe Regis to open the church fete in aid of the repair to the church spire.

JCPP/Brittain/1/1969 · Item · 1st January 1969 - 10th March 1969
Part of Personal Papers

Most of the entries concern the weather, whom he went to tea with and a list of his callers. FB died in his rooms in Jesus College on 15th March.

JCPP/Brittain/2/1 · Item · 1945
Part of Personal Papers

Black and white photograph of Frederick Brittain as Proctor standing by the main gate of Jesus College

JCPP/Brittain/3/1 · File · 15th January 1924 - 10th December 1929
Part of Personal Papers

This folder of letters are addressed to Frederick Brittain and are from a variety of correspondents. They cover a number of different subjects including thank you letters from students who were tutored by FB. They also include:

18th October 1926 - Letter from M H Benbow about the Archdeacon's Horse [this letter was reprinted on page 66 of 'Fifty Years At Jesus. The Diaries of Frederick Brittain' edited by Muriel Brittain]

5th June 1927 - Reference from O. H. Prior, the Professor of French in the University of Cambridge, recommending FB for the Lectureship in French at Durham University. Attached is a cutting from the newspaper of the job advert.

6th March 1928 - Letter from Arthur Gray stating that Heffer had spoken to him about his (FB's) book on St Giles and that although he had not seen it yet he thought it would be very good based on what FB had written before. He ends the letter saying "I think your life's business should be literature, especially Italian".

JCPP/Brittain/3/2 · File · 3rd June 1930 - 15th October 1939
Part of Personal Papers

This folder of letters are addressed to Frederick Brittain and are from a variety of correspondents. They cover a number of different subjects but most are thank you letters for either visits, letters from FB, copies of the Roosters' Codex, copies of his book on South Mymms, or copies of his book on the use of Latin in Church.

They also include:

13th December 1932 - Letter from Arthur Gray thanking and agreeing with the Roosters' suggestion that there should be a portrait of Q.

14th March 1934 - Letter from FB to Sir Sydney Castle Roberts (Secretary of the Cambridge University Press, 1922-48) [this letter was reprinted on page 103 of 'Fifty Years At Jesus. The Diaries of Frederick Brittain' edited by Muriel Brittain]

25th May 1938 - Letter from Mrs Fairburn thanking FB for his "wonderful help and sympathy" over the death of her husband Steve Fairburn and the arrangements for his Memorial Service at Jesus College.

JCPP/Brittain/3/6 · File · 31st August 1965 - 22nd September 1967
Part of Personal Papers

Folder of letters concerning donations to a fund to have a portrait of Frederick Brittain painted by W. E. Narraway and then letters accepting invitations to attend the presentation of the portrait. Also includes the original letter sent to potential subscribers dated August 1965 and a copy of the presentation speech given by the Venerable J Du Boulay Lance, Archdeacon of Wells on 21st March 1966.

JCPP/Brittain/3/12 · File · 22nd January 1926 - 11th June 1983
Part of Personal Papers

Three letters by F.B. that were all contained together in an envelope along with a covering letter addressed to Muriel Brittain from Irvine Gray dated 11th June 1983, saying she had found these letters amongst her papers and asking Muriel to add them to a Freddy Brittain Archive. The letters are:

22nd January 1926 - Letter from F.B. addressed 'To Sir' about UGBED

13th October 1926 - Letter from F.B. about the Archdeacon's Horse

11th January 1930 - From F.B. to Gray mainly about his visit to Egypt and the Coptic Church whilst serving during the war

Reviews I
JCPP/Brittain/4/1 · File · 1923 - 1937
Part of Personal Papers

Newspaper cutting and reviews of the following publications by Frederick Brittain:

The Decadence of Europe by Francesco Nitti, translated by Frederick Brittain, 1923

They Make a Desert by Francesco Nitti, translated by Frederick Brittain, 1924

Saint Radegund Patroness of Jesus College Cambridge, 1925

The Lyfe of Saynt Radegunde, 1926

Notes on the First Twenty Years of the Roosters, 1928

Saint Giles, 1928

The Jesus College Boat Club, Cambridge, 1928

Slowly Forward, 1929

Oar, Skull and Rudder, 1930

South Mymms. The Story of a Parish, 1931

Latin in Church, 1934

The Medieval Latin and Romance Lyric, 1937

Occasional Articles III
JCPP/Brittain/4/8 · File · 1962 - 1993
Part of Personal Papers

A scrapbook containing a variety of newspaper cuttings, letters and published pamphlets including:

A letter from John Betjeman to FB dated 26th March 1965, saying that he had enjoyed "your gorgeous report on St Albans by William Dowsing". He addresses FB as "Dear and golden Doctor" and concludes by saying "you are one of the great men of the age".

Copy of the funeral service for FB held at St Giles's Church, South Mymms, 19th March 1969

A copy of the Memorial Service and the address given in Jesus College Chapel by the Venerable J. du B. Lance, Archdeacon of Wells, 26th April 1969

Obituaries of F.B. that appeared in The Times, The Church Times, Hertfordshire Countryside and various church newsletters

Reviews of 'It's a Don's Life'

Programme for the Dedication of the Brittain Memorial Doors of Jesus College, 10th November 1973

At the back of the volume, loose, are various articles published after his death which refer to FB

Medieval Latin I
JCPP/Brittain/4/9 · File · 1929 - 1940
Part of Personal Papers

The title on the first page is 'Medieval Latin Literature and Language'.

Newspaper cuttings about Latin including the use of Latin in Church and Latin poetry

Copies of the Medieval Latin section of exam papers

JCPP/Brittain/4/16 · File · 24th November 1928 - 20th December 1962
Part of Personal Papers

Three articles by A. S. Oswald about Jesus College published in 'Country Life' Magazine. Two are dated 1928 and the third is about the dedication of the War Memorial at Jesus College and the opening of the Memorial Library in 1952.

Three articles by Christopher Hussey about Godinton Park in Kent dated 1962 and six loose black and white postcards of the interior and exterior of Godinton Park.

JCPP/Brittain/4/21 · File · 4th June 1938 - December 1950
Part of Personal Papers

Scrapbook containing newspapers cutings relating to The Intercollegiate University

[whilst editor of 'The Cambridge Review' 1942-1948 he ran a campaign in the magazine against bogus degrees and bogus universities].

Fairbairn and Rowing
JCPP/Brittain/4/28 · File · 29th July 1924 - January 1933
Part of Personal Papers

Collection of photocopied articles from newspapers by Steve Fairbairn about rowing:

29th July 1924 - 'Style at the Expense of Life. Present Coaching at Fault', The Morning Post

7th July 1931 - 'Rowing Styles, Old and New. Reflections on Henly. Leander Crews Missed', The Morning Post

1932 - 'Thoughts on Henley. Reactions after a race. Mr Fairbairn's Memories to the Editor of the Times'

January 1933 - 'Letters to the Editor. Rowing Styles. Mr S. fairbairn's Views', The Tiems

Promotional leaflet for 'Oar, Skull and Rudder. A Bibliography of Rowing complied by F. Brittain, with an introduction by Steve Fairbairn'

It's a Don's Life Reviews
JCPP/Brittain/4/32 · File · 29th June 1971 - 14th October 1973
Part of Personal Papers

Folder of Newspaper cuttings of reviews of 'It's a Don's Life'. Some are originals and some are photocopies

Valentine's Day Card
JCPP/Brittain/5/4 · Item · (Undated)
Part of Personal Papers

This appears to be a Valentine's Day Card addressed to F.B. It is 4 pages sewn together rather than a traditional card and has 'Frederico Brittain. Prosperum iter fecit faceat' on the cover. On the first page is a handrawn and coloured heart with a Rooster on top. The verse appears to be written in a mixture of Latin and medieval French. Undated.

JCPP/Brittain/5/5 · File · 8th January 1953 - 17th January 1953
Part of Personal Papers

This production was held at the Parish Hall, South Mymms on 8th, 9th and 10th January 1953. Items are:

Programme for the performance listing F.B. as Mrs Twankey

Review from 'The Herts Advertiser', 16th January 1953 which said "Dr. Brittain made an astonishing success in his part"

7 other newspaper cuttings of reviews of the performance including a photos of all the cast and one of F.B. in costume as Widow Twankey

The Troubadours
JCPP/Brittain/5/7 · File · (Undated)
Part of Personal Papers

Handwritten notes entitled The Troubadours. Either research notes or possibly notes for a lecture

JCPP/Brittain/5/14 · Item · 1922
Part of Personal Papers

Black and white printed drawing of a house with a typed written poem underneath. It has brown tape around the edges to make it look like a frame. It has hanging fixtures on the back. Also on the back is handwritten "Lants 1922. In the Great Bumping Hall"

JCPP/Bronowski/Bronowski/1/4/1 · File · c. 1890-1963
Part of Personal Papers

Consists of: photographs [copies from original negatives] of Whitechapel, London (c.1890-1963); correspondence with Mrs Annie Wynick (sister of Isaac Rosenberg) sending a catalogue of a Rosenberg exhibition held at Leeds University (1959); correspondence with the Borough Librarian of Stepney Public Libraries [included Whitechapel Library] and others about the librarian who first helped Bronowski at Whitechapel and others who remembered Isaac Rosenberg visiting the library (1957-1961).

JCPP/Bronowski/Bronowski/1/5/2 · File · November 1928-Spring 1931
Part of Personal Papers

Consists of all 7 editions of a literary magazine edited by Bronowski and Hugh Sykes, annotated with 'B' on the front covers.

Numbers 2, 4, 5 and 7 contain poems and an essay by Bronowski which are annotated. There are two copies of number 5 which are annotated differently.

JCPP/Bronowski/Bronowski/1/5/5 · File · 1928-24 November 1965 (1928-1940 & 24 Nov 1965.)
Part of Personal Papers

Consists of a typescript (with a few annotations) of Bronowski's published poems from 1928-1940, organised by date order with a preface and a contents list.

Also includes a press cutting about the governance of City University of New York, 1965 (from inside the same envelope).

"JB Poetry"
JCPP/Bronowski/Bronowski/1/5/9 · File · 24 March 1939-December 1970 (1939 & 1946-1970.)
Part of Personal Papers

Comprises handwritten and typescript poems by Bronowski, including a poem for Rita (1939). Also includes 2 Christmas cards and a list of Christmas poems (up to 1969).

This file additionally includes a page of notes by Bronowski on 'Christmas in Ritual and Tradition' by Clement A. Miles (1912), dated 1946.

Christmas poems
JCPP/Bronowski/Bronowski/1/5/13 · File · 1957-1973
Part of Personal Papers

Consists of handwritten and typescripts drafts of Christmas poems (1957 & 1965-74); a list of Christmas poems with notes of publication (1939-1973); a proof of the inside of a Christmas card including poem (1969/70); a Christmas card with poem by Jacob Bronowski and print by Rita Bronowski (1971/72).

Christmas cards 2
JCPP/Bronowski/Bronowski/1/5/15 · File · 1939-1973
Part of Personal Papers

Comprises poems and illustrations [preparation for Christmas cards by Jacob and Rita Bronowski], drafts and orders for prints of the cards.

JCPP/Bronowski/Bronowski/1/5/20 · File · Undated [c.1940-1955]
Part of Personal Papers

Consists of a play for theatre by Bronowski.

JCPP/Bronowski/Bronowski/1/5/26 · File · 1928-1939
Part of Personal Papers

Consists of press cuttings, proofs (some annotated) and typescripts reviews of: various books of poetry and criticism on poetry; 'Limitations of Science' by J W N Sullivan; 'The Human Parrot and other essays' by Montgomery Belgion; 'The Diabolical Principle' and 'Hitler' by Wyndham Lewis; 'The General's Ring' by Selam Lagerof; 'Ten Years Ago' by R H Mottram.

Also includes articles by Bronowski on: 'The Popularity of D H Lawrence' in a Festival Theatre programme; 'Notes on some plays of W B Yeats' written with 'E.R' [Eirlys Roberts]; 'Criticism for Lancelot Andrewes' by T S Elliot; 'Poetry at the Universities'; 'Postscript' published in 'Experiment' (1930); pages from a book on literature compiled, edited and introduced by Bronowski; and a letter to the editor of 'The Cambridge Review' on 'A Defence of Poetry'.

"Passion-Play of Bohemia"
JCPP/Bronowski/Bronowski/1/5/28 · File · January 1940-March 1940
Part of Personal Papers

Comprises original script of 'Nuntius' (in German) and a translation by Bronowski.

JCPP/Bronowski/Bronowski/1/6/7 · File · 1935-1953
Part of Personal Papers

Includes: correspondence with G H Hardy, J A Todd, L Roth and Professor Wiener (with notes for a joint paper, 1953); reprints and typescripts of papers by Bronowski comprising 'Some Uses of Statistics in the Building Industry' (1949), 'The Base for Algebraic Curves on an Algebraic Surface' (1947), 'On Cubic Primals with Many Nodes' (1947), 'Plastic Properties of Coking Coals' (1953), 'An Inequality Relating Means' (1944), 'the Figure of Six Points in Space of Four Dimensions' (1942), 'The Variance of the Measure of a Two-Dimensional Random Set' with J Neyman (1945), 'The Fixed part of the Canonical System' (1942), 'On Triple Planes (III)' (1942) and 'Sketch of the Modern Theory of Curves (notes for a paper) read to Hull Mathematical Club' (1936).

Also includes handwritten notes by Bronowski, reprint of 'Some Manifolds Generated by Normal Rational Curves' by Robert Jones (1943), examination papers written by Bronowski for the University of London (1942), reprint of 'The variance of the overlap of geometrical figures with reference to a bombing problem' by F Garwood (1947) and a mathematical paper in Italian on algebraic surfaces (1935).