Includes documentary archive relating to excavation, mainly site drawings. Includes site plans, sections of trenches, context locations and descriptions.
Pig skull fragment, cattle max. fragment
Romans and St Neots and 14th/15th century
Iron objects
Undiagnostic animal bone fragment found with a broken flake and one piece of burnt flint, suggesting a prehistoric date.
Broken flake, possibly Palaeolithic
1 Roman?
Iron lumps
Flake with a marginal retouch
English stoneware
2 pieces of the same bottle, green glass
16th century pancheon with lug
Plus crumbs. Cattle and pig
Primary flake with marginal retouch on the distal end
Very abraded Ely ware
Glazed 15th/16th century Essex Red ware
Butchered cattle proximal radius and ulna; long bone from an immature bird
1 rim sherd. Mostly 14th and one 15th century Red ware
Some butchery. Proximal radius and one ageable mandible from an adult sheep/goat. One undiagnostic bird bone.
Struck flake, possibly Palaeolithic with later working to turn it into a scraper.
Oyster shell
Tool with bone handle and fitted bone lid, probably a fork
Includes horn core and vertebrae
Some with green glaze. Late Roman and 16th century Surrey.
Iron nail and amorphous lumps
Some with green glaze. All Essex Red wares including graffito slip.
With white mortar on one side
With white mortar on one side