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Butt Close

Butt Close covered an area now occupied by parts of Jesus Lane, King's Street and Manor Street and was acquired by the College in the mid 16th century.
The attached PDF by Freda Jones describes the history of this area in more detail.

6 Fair Street

These records include a workshop and garage leased to Mr Vic Davis on both sides of Fair Street. Leases cover different combinations of premises. See also JCAD/3/CAM/FAIR/GEN/1

Fair Street - General (corner of Fair Street/Willow Walk)

These records relate to an area of land on the corner of Fair Street and Willow Walk and behind No. 35 New Square. It increased in size over time to include more of the garden of No. 35 with increased frontage to Fair Street. Images of plans have been included to assist with clarity

When the area was sold to Woodhall Estates Limited in 1995 for development the College reserved a right to acquire land back when the garages had been constructed. That right was exercised and the garages were purchased in July 1997

Records relating to the garages, which were referred to in the files as the 'Willow Walk Garages' have been catalogued under Willow Walk. See JCAD/3/CAM/WILW/GAR

For a complete picture of the history of this area please also see:
Willow Walk JCAD/3/CAM/WILW and
35 New Square JCAD/3/CAM/NEWQ/35

Hills Road

Eastbourne Terrace (63-99 Hills Road)
1-19 Eastbourne Terrace now known as 99-63 Hills Road (odd numbers)

The portion of the road frontage where Nos. 63-99 Hills Road were built was first leased to Richard Reynolds Rowe (the College Agent). He did not take up his option and in 1865 he assigned his interest to Arthur John Gray (builder)

In 1870 a lease of 8 dwelling houses called Eastbourne Terrace was granted to Gray for 40 years. By 1884 (when the lease was due for renewal) he had built 11 more making 19 in total

He kept an interest in 6 houses (Nos. 1, 2, 5, 8, 10 and 11 Eastbourne Terrace) and after his death in 1898 he left his daughter, Elizabeth Jane Bennett, these houses (now called Nos. 79, 81, 85, 91, 97 and 99 Hills Road)

The name changed from Eastbourne Terrace to Hills Road around 1896

College Terrace (101-123 Hills Road)
This was next to Eastbourne Terrace and consisted of 12 houses. These are now 123-101 Hills Road (odd numbers)

Trumpington Inclosure (172-176 Hills Road)
For a history of Nos. 172-176 Hills Road see under 172 Hills Road

Results 1 to 50 of 1083