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College Archives
JCCA · Collection · 12 June 1496-2022 (The date is that of the letters patent giving Bishop Alcock permission to close the nunnery and found the college. The actual foundation cannot currently be assigned a precise date, but the College had an administrative existence by 1497.)

Legal and administrative records.

Admissions register
JCCA/JCAC/1/1/1 · Item · 1618-1883
Part of College Archives

Copy of admissions entries extracted from the college register by Lynford Caryl (Master 1758-81) then continued, eventually, to become the primary record of admissions. The entries are grouped by year. Before 1790 they give surname, forename, county and college status (fellow-commoner, commoner or sizar); from 1790 they give surname, forename, father's profession, birthplace, birth date, place of education, and by whom recommended.

Also includes: a list of names [admissions] with counties (c.1806-1814); an index to the admissions register organised alphabetically by surname and giving date [of admission]; a certificate from the University Board for admitting and superintending non-collegiate students for Edwin Arthur Barraclough (Jun 1883); and notes about Reverend John Flamsteed and Robert Malthus.

Admissions register
JCCA/JCAC/1/1/2 · Item · 1883-1943
Part of College Archives

Entries grouped by year giving: surname, forename, father's profession, birthplace, birth date, place of education, and by whom recommended.

Admissions register
JCCA/JCAC/1/1/3 · Item · 1943-1962
Part of College Archives

Entries under each year giving: surname, forenames, [type of funding, scholarship or exhibition etc.], father's (or sometimes mother's) name, birth date, place of birth, place of education, and home address.

Mr Gray
JCCA/JCAC/1/3/1 · Item · October 1892 - June 1906
Part of College Archives

Consists of a ring bound diary [kept by Sylvia Hodgson/Fitzgerald] with some additional notes inserted. Includes notes of meetings, travel plans and visitors to the Salk Institute.

Jesus College Freshmen 1898
JCCA/JCAC/1/6/1898 · Item · 1898
Part of College Archives

Mounted photograph with names on board:

R.N.R. Blaker; N. Patterson; M.H.R. Fletcher; F.E.W. Baldwin; H. Hall-Hall; H.J. Mowll; R.G. Bisseker; E.S. Strachan; H.S. Barnes; J.B. Bannister; N.E. Menzies; J.A. Joicey; T. Mackie; B.W. Kissan; R. Hovil; W.S. Ostle; W.B. [actually W.D.] Copplestone; A.F. Smith; J.W. Sagar; T. Drysdale; A.B. Macnutt; H.B. Banning; E. Bruce; J. Hearfield; J. Gilmon; A.I. [actually A.T.] Isaac; F.G. [actually F.C.] Aldous; F.W. Fulford; J.O. Haldane; F.H. Ingles; G.W. Percevall actually Percivall] ; W.H.K. Smith.

Jesus College Freshmen 1919
JCCA/JCAC/1/6/1919 · Item · 1919
Part of College Archives

Names on board:

M.G. Fitzgerald; P.F. Randall; V.G. Willatt; D.T. Evans; H.G. White; W. Anon; W.H. Grindley; E.B O’Rorke; C.H. Hilliard; C.C. Skeete; F.E. Powell; J.M. Pattinson; R.S. Marsden; C.W. Snook; H.R. Leach; T.H. Goodwin; F.M. Porter; P.W.J. Fryer; N.C.B Carrick; G.H. Macadam; E.T Allen; P. Godfrey-Fausset; C.B. Craven; W.C. Brown; T.F. Everett; H.D. Martineau; Rev W.J.A Price; V.V.R.G Clinton-Baddeley; H.L. Green; T.W.E Royden; T.P.R Layng; C.L. Bennet; J. McConnell Williams; H.B. Jackson; C. Challen; T.W. Southam; W.V.B. Hughes; H.E. Le Bas; J.D. Fell; R.B. Meglaughlin; J.E. Holloway; S.I. Salmon; P.B.H. Ashwin; T.L. Harris; A.P. Penn; J. Stileman; F.G. Pyper; H.G. Goldsmith; V.B. Hazzard; F. Brittain; E.H. Warren; E.C. Matthews; W.R. Leathers; C.B. Briggs; E.L. Phillips; P.B. Seal; E.F. Baxter; H. Plaskitt; C.F. Hamilton; A.R.T Finch; J.C. Thompson

Stearn & Sons (Photographers), Bridge Street, Cambridge
Jesus College Freshmen 1920
JCCA/JCAC/1/6/1920 · Item · 1920
Part of College Archives

No names given on this photograph but are for the photograph in Album 1 [JCAC/1/6/Album 1] as follows:

R.M. Inge; T.S. Nevill; P.F. Shenton; L.A .Parsons; T.B. Martin; S.D. Colwell; J.L. Docker; R.N. Leeston Smith; G.L.A. France; J.K. McConnel; R.C.C. Green; D. Jones; T.G. Stuart Smith; H. Chitty; D.P. [actually D.R.] Davies; R.E. Bland; H. [actually L.H.] Savill; J.E. Hughes Evans; B. Kelly; J.V.D. Deakin; G.C.B. [actually C.C.B.] Danvers; E.H. Caswell; R.H.W. Lowry; J. Litt; K.S. Storey; W.G. Wilcken; D.H. Pratt; J.S. Heber; G.F. Dales [actually Hales]; C.A.U. Cunningham; A. Chadburn; B. St G. Outerbridge; J.E.R. Young; H.S. Tegner; P.W. Davis; W.H. Thomas; D.P. Greenep; C.W. Ufford; J.B. Phelips; G.P. Vaughan Morgan; R.S. Fowler; G.G.C. Adami; C.C. Field; N.M.H. Lightfoot; L.J. Robbins; F.G.A. Marinari; A.F.W. Hall; A.G.M. Severn; A.J.S. Evans; E.F. Storey; R. Ravenscroft; C.A. Ray and P.G. Bentlif.

Jesus College Freshmen 1921
JCCA/JCAC/1/6/1921 · Item · 1921
Part of College Archives

Names on board:

W.D. Evans; E.M.P. Fitzgerald; S.M. Spence; H.R. Tetley; M.R. Sinclair; H.F. Suren; C.F.M. Baines; J.L. Dalrymple; W.H. Thorpe; J. Wood; S.H. Heap; V.A. Arnold; C.A. Grant; T.R.A .Bevan; K.E.A. Bayley; L.R. Waddington; W.W. Farish; W.B.B. Rees; E.G. Robey; E.J.K. Gibbons; N. Cocchinaras; O.F. Tucker; R. Pearce; L.N. Battersley; W.C. Peter; E.L. Hayne; R.V. Goddard; A.H. White; C.H. Simson; I.D. Hayward; T.H.P. Molson; E. Greenhill; L. Del Peso; R.F. Bloom; W. Hadley [actually Hedley]; M.A.W. Jenks; B.L. Mitter; T.E.C. Barratt; F.M. Adami; P.A. Wright; J. Salmon; D.E. Davies; D.S. Macnutt; D. Taylor; A.D. Drayson; D.L.J. Jokelson [actually D.L. Jacobs-Johelson]; G.E. [actually R.V.] Goddard; G.V. Williamson and H.D. Hinde.

Stearn & Sons (Photographers), Bridge Street, Cambridge
Jesus College Freshmen 1923
JCCA/JCAC/1/6/1923 · Item · 1923
Part of College Archives

Names on board read:

N. Thomlinson; L.G. Brandon; I.L. Robinson; R.L.C. Southam; O. Michaelis; J.A. [actually R.C.] Stewart; S.R. Gardiner; B.O. Masse; W.A. Walker; A.J. Robotham; B.J.M. Wright; A.G. Banks; E.W. Davies; F.D. Rosebery; T.T. Leach; J.W. Evans; S.A .Kay; F. Allsop; K.R. Bowes; L.G.D. Croft; G.L.R. [actually W.E.] Thorne; J.H.S. Fea; T. Anstey; C.D.G. Nicholson; A.C. Faunce Brown; G.E.S. Gorer; A.S.G. Scott; W.A.H. Oswald; R. Parry; J.K. Willson Pepper; M. Aslam; A.N. Morgan; A.G.S. Hordern [actually A.A.S.] ; A.F. Goodall; F.M. Sandford; J.N. Deakin; J.E. Hedge; G.P.H. Pawson; R.L. Brown; F.C. Nottingham; J.L. Cooper; W.M. Baxter; R.H.P. Langton; G.W. Beaumont; H.R. Adamson; C.H. Benson; D.G.A. Dyson; A.E. Schur; P.K. Barker; M.A.C. Warren; A.A.W. Gray; J.L. Longland; R.C. Stewart; P.F. Allum; W.J. [actually S.J.] Baker; M.O. Willmore; J.R. Moreton; P. Wilson; C.A.C. Birkin; P.A.N.P. Anson; F.A. Cowdell; J.H. Smith; G.L.R. Tilley; H. Lakin; A.F.H. Ward; B.M. Melland; K.B. Hill; T.K.W. Fair; B.N. Mills; W.O’H. Giles; V.D. [actually I.D.] Scott; F.D. Harris and J.H. Hall.

Stearn & Sons (Photographers), Bridge Street, Cambridge
Jesus College Freshmen 1932
JCCA/JCAC/1/6/1932 · Item · 1932
Part of College Archives

Names on board read:

G.B. Bowles; J.O.G. Barrett; J.P. Hunter-Brown; R. Seddon; A.D. Brockenshaw; I.W. Danby; D. Jardine-Paterson; T.A. Martin; A.T. Stockings; J.R. Hunter; P.H. Shorthouse; G.V. Snell; J.B. Luddington; R.S. Alexander; L.J.H. Hard; F.C. Newton; J.C. Bridgman; G.A.W. Smith; C. Shepley-Cuthbert; B.H. Bevan; E.G. Sheffield; D.D. Morgan; H.L.L. Morriss; A.F. Pickles; M.D. Platt-Higgins; J.O. Atkinson; F.N. Leonard; G.H. Dazely; C.H. Beeby; J.W. Lawton; M.F. Landon; D. Rice; D.L. Reeves; J.A. Bamford; M. Zinkin; H.A. Broad; K.F. Ford North; G.H. Durrant; J.B. Firth; B.D.G. Little; J.C.P. Higgins; J.O. Atkinson; F.N. Leonard; G.H. Dazeley; C.H. Beeby; J.W. Lawton; M.F. Landon; D. Rice; Prem Chand; A.G. Bridges; G.E. Holmes; J. Watson; J.M. Hamer; T.C. Gough; H.V. Livermore; N.W. Collett; P.G. Masefield; W.H. Melish; J.D. Usher; P.H.H. Irving; R.L. Hale; A.L. Percival; T.F. McGaffin; E.H.F Gros; J.P. Thorp; G.W. Duke; P. Kinsey; P.D. Vaux; I.A.N. Atchison; D.G.R. Martin; J.M. Gould; A.G. Stock; J.F. [actually I.W.] Danby; R.F.A.L. Reed; P. Eastman; A. Eastman; J.F. Howorth; A.S. Trapnell; L.B.G. Bennett; E.A. Szilaggi; P.J. Gold; M.K. Sullivan; B.C. Walker; A.H. Ridge; K. Cameron; S. Bonham-Carter; D.M. Lea; D.A. Curry; R.F. Moloney; P.A.H. Meats; I.J. Stoyel; W.N.M. Miles; R.G. Wilberforce; F. Clark. Absent: J.H.O. Craven; A.P.K. O’Connor [see 1933]; E.C.M. Palmer

Stearn & Sons (Photographers), Bridge Street, Cambridge
Jesus College Freshmen 1933
JCCA/JCAC/1/6/1933 · Item · 1933
Part of College Archives

Names on board:

D.W. Burnford; G.M. Woodman; D.L. Williams; K.G. Irving; G.E.L. Walker; L.T. Morris; L.E. Coward; S.B.P. Hawkins; V.H. Rhodes; T. Soutry; C.D. Beaumont; I.G. [actually I.B.] Westmacott; H.S. Kenyon; D.E. [actually D.C.]Trench; C.D. Pike; W.J.S.D. Cole; F.G.W. Jones; J.M. [actually J.N.] Hartley; J.N. Booth; E.D. Briggs; P.W. Allen; D.R. Rose; M.R. Lance; C.D.T. Cassidy; E.H. Hemstead; I.H. Phillips; A. Morton; K.D. Bell; I.A.H. Banks; F.N. Bantoft; W.H.P. Hills; T.B. Willsallen; A.S. Tanner; R.A. Russell; B. Morton; J.I.M. Meikle; R.H. Elphinstone; P.M. Whitehead; P.G. Tait; M.B. Hewitt; L.W. Harding; C.P. Marriott; A.T. Bardwell; N.K. [actually N.T.?]Peck; L.A. Searle; G.N. Ross; I.R. Moyle; J.B. Black; R.L. Brigden; C.E.B. Cranfield; A.W. Ellison; D.B. Wright; W.B. Baxter; W.J. Ricketts; U.E. Forestier-Walker; H.W. Whittingham; N.M.L. Watson; G.D. Wilkie; A.F. Weaver; F.W. Kennington; T. Agoston; A. Wells; H.J.B. [actually H.J.P.] Crawford; N.I. Edleshain [actually Edelshain]; R. Hutchinson [actually Hutchison]; W.D. Arthur; E.C. Read; D.L. Caldwell; C.C. Thomas; C.F. Cooper; A.G. Bartlett; E.M. Rhodes; R.E. Lever; Ali Zafarah [actually Z. Tayabali]; R.T. Coulton; C.A.F. Meekings; C.H. Wilson; A.M. [actually A.D.] Stewart; W.B. Galloway; A.P.K. O'Connor; A.N.P. Woodard; T.S. Cree; P.M. Thomas; F.E. Bright; A. Morton; D.L. Gardiner-Crewe [listed in the Admissions Register as D.L. Crewe}; M.K.R. [actually K.M.R.] Arnott; J.T. Todd; J.H. McConnell

Stearn & Sons (Photographers), Bridge Street, Cambridge
Jesus College Freshmen 1934
JCCA/JCAC/1/6/1934 · Item · 1934
Part of College Archives

Names on board:

G.O Probert; H.E. Cardy; E.P.G. Miller-Mundy; R.V.C. Montgomerie-Charrington; J.S. Dudding; S. Strange; P.E. Holmes; J.R. Hyde; B.D.F. Maclaren; A.C. Wood; R.M. Cooper; P.A. Peters; D.L.W. Mac Farlane; J.E. Marnham; A.A. Easton; I.H. Hay; C.S. Ogilvy; S.P. Bourne; W.E. Martin; R.W. Gill; R.C. Howard; J.B. Mossop; E. Martens; A.A. Bushnaq; E.H.L Fisher; The Hon. F.C.L. Lamb; H.E.P. Powell; M.E. Cooper; J.S. Moore; R.H. Howorth; N.C. Elliot; D.H.P. Bowles; E.D.T. Martin; B.L.L Reuss; I.J. Wallace; A.G. Shaw; H.D. Yates; H.B. Cox; G.R. Hedley; I.R. Salmond; F.B. Plumptre; A.G. Patterson; S.M. Forbes; C.W.N. Miles; V.C. Martin; D.N. Gill; V.A. Cox; B.O.B. Gidden; R.H. Belchen; A.H.L. Ryde; E.J. Kahn; M.D. Holloway; T.G.E. Powell; B.S. Anand; S.J. Vaughan; R. Jardine-Patterson; J.L. Hall; T.M. Gay; E.O.B. Grant; J.S. Manifold; E.S. Birk; S.H. Gordon; P.W.D White; I.A.G. Davy; G.C. Lever; T.R. Tiller; J.S. Sawyer; W.S. Hemp; R. Corbett-Ward; R.H. Walken; H.D. Shuttleworth; N.F. Chawner; C.J. Mitchell; F.S. Tanner; H.W. Parsons; J.M.S. Alexander; D.M. Fisher; A.McP. Johnston; I.S.C. Henderson; B.C. Faulds; J.T.H. Foottit; W. Cowley; W.T. Williams; R.A.E. Ellis; H.S. Gillies; J.W.B Hext; J.C.D. Vanrenen; J.D. Low; E.F. Kirwan; D.R. Walden-Jones

Stearn & Sons (Photographers), Bridge Street, Cambridge
Jesus College Freshmen 1935
JCCA/JCAC/1/6/1935 · Item · 1935
Part of College Archives

Names on board:

G. Matthews; R.E.H. Drury; D.H. Tildesley; H.L.J. Wilson; P.P. Slowe; S.C.K. [actually S.C.R.] Welch; A.G. Murray; A.G. Peart; J.B. Higham; D.S. Carmichael; J.H.C. Phillips; H.H. Bibby; S.C. [actually L.C.] Eaton; I.E. Humphreys; B. Conor; B.H.R. Van-Cutsem; J.F.A. Fenton; C.M. Ruston; D.V. Harris; R.J. Purdy; D.E. Fairbairn; P.S. Brandon; N.V. Reed; O. Gill; N.R. Ryecart; L.L. Pyman; H.A. Goodwin; S.P. Steavenson; H.D. Jesudason; J.L. Ward; J.W.N. Bunbury; D.F.O. Shelford; P.P. Jefferys [actually Jeffreys]; H. Cooper; J.C. De la T. Davies; R.J.G. Dewar; E.C. Cornford; K.W.P. Gibbon; T.R. Thompson; J. Marshall; I.B. Fleming; R.J. Walsh; C.L. Walters; R.V. Brunsdon; E.M. Neill; A.J. Jardine-Paterson; I.S.D. Cowan; A.O. Sills; A.I. McGowan; H.P. Jerwood; L.D. Thorne; M.S. Palmer; J.E. Feetham; P.H. Fraser; T.B. Langton; E.B. Mitchell; G.I. Hamilton; S.N. Follwell; W. Fitzpatrick; R.F. Dennis; R.W. Vick; L. Bampton; K.H. Lim; T.P. Kirkpatrick; D.F.T. Barlow; C.T.H. Morris; B.T. Coulton; W.J.S. Parker; L.J. Basil; L.C. Artis; M.N. Chaudri; R.H.S. Randles; R.H. Smith; R.H.L. Lamb; F.E. Peall; N. Wallworth; W.H. Chambers; J.P. Harthan; J.M. [actually I.J.] Bland; D.A. Savage; W.H. Davison; G.L. Cadigan.

Absent: G.C.M. Brown; A.B. Catley; W.Y. Chang; I.J. Good; D.L. Lamb; J.P. [actually L.J.P.] Palframan; C.A. Pitts; B.D. Priestman

Stearn & Sons (Photographers), Bridge Street, Cambridge
Jesus College Freshmen 1936
JCCA/JCAC/1/6/1936 · Item · 1936
Part of College Archives

Names on board:

S.C. [actually L.C.] Moss; R.A. Crossley-Holland; J.A.T. Sharp; I.L. McKelvie; G.M. Allen; L.M. Cooper; G.H. Urquhart; A.P.H. Randle; D.S. Wilson; C.M. Ghorpade; D.R. Taunt; F.C. Ellis; T. Renold; R.A. Halstead; N.K.S. Sullivan; W.C.S. [actually W.C.L.] Humphrey; M.K. Ban; E.C. Gardner; J.H.B. Bell; E.M.C. du Santoy; W.R. Assheton; D.P. Brearley; A.P.S. Wood; J.F. O'Donovan; T.M. Saad; G.L. Piatt [actually Platt]; W.J.C. Thompson; M.R. Raymer [actually Rayner]; F.D. Webber; C.J.G. Hockman; M.M. Brown; J.O. [actually T.O.] Kelly; D.S. Johnson; R.S. Merrritt [Merrett?]; R.C. Piercey [actually Piercy]; G.C. Davies; A.P. Cox; R.M. Tindall; F.A. Barnsdale; H.C. Doherty; L.C. Smith; J.W. Barton; C.V. Smith; K.H. Yates; B.W. Beckingsale; J.V.T. Gostling; C.J. Everidge; K.C. Curry; D.G. Waller; P.J.A. Wrenford; J.W. Crisp; B.C. Aldis; D.F. Braham; T.L. Lewis; W.E. Lloyd; H.F. Gruneberg; A.E. Wooll; J.L.L. Savill; W.E.S. Bain; M.J. Kidner; Prince U.S. Gaekwad ; B. Rose; H.B. Candle; B.F. [actually B.P.] Pantin; A.R. Langton; W.E. Barbour-Mercer; A.P.S. [actually F.P.S.] Scott; A. Burrough; H.L. Haslim [actually Hashim]; J.S. Jewitt; A.G. Robinson; A.F. Porcher; A.S. [actually A.R.] Smith-Cranmoor; J. McWhae; P. Fraser.

Absent: P.J.N. Adshead; D.L. Irwin; J.A. Orr-Ewing; W. Scott; E. Webster; G.J. Wright

Stearn & Sons (Photographers), Bridge Street, Cambridge
Jesus College Freshmen 1937
JCCA/JCAC/1/6/1937 · Item · 1937
Part of College Archives

Two mounted photographs and list of names together with a letter to W. Duckworth from Stearn & Sons regarding delivery of freshmen's group photos.

Names on board:

R.P.R. Habershon; J.B. Bennet; J.W. Seddon; J.A. Nathan; S.B. Harris; M.E. Bardwell; C.L.H. Dennis; A.E. Smith; F. Von-Oven; P.C. Weeks; B.R. Lowick; A.B. Howard; V.D. Clarke; B.M. Randles; G.T. Clark; I.M. Rennie; F.M. Von-Ech [actually Von Eck]; T.G. Miller; F.G. Payne; D.A. Edington; V.E. Camacho; T.B. Pownall; R.A.B. Lough; F.J.N. Forbes; H.B. Fraser; R.H. Sutton; M.E. Roose; E.C. de Chazel; J. Skinner; J.B. [actually J.P.] Newton; L.R. Fonder; R.C. Howard; B.L.B. Lawrence; A.J.H. Stannack [actually Stranack]; I. McNiel; R.C. Eden; P.B. [actually P.D.] Barlow; J.R. Barton; P.J. Goldsmith; O.S. Masefield; J.P. Pickersgill; R.L.E. Lowry; D.W. Pennick; B. Mitter; D.M. Dovey; K.D.M. Dauncey; J.F. Holmden; M.P. Curwen; A.D.N. Jones; R.E. Dennis; M.R. Young; P. Rhodes; G.L. Morgan; A.G. Short; H.G. Morgan; P.V. Guy; R.P. Bell; A.D. Tallents; H.M. Newton; H.W. Wind; R.G. Weir; D. Higgins; J.R. Aslett; H.A.K. Hood; O.H. Lawn; J.R. West; L.G. McAlpine; P.D. Holman; A. Hordern; W.H. Carr; P.P. Lewin; T.H. Wise; H.C. Byrne; D.T. Peters; D.C. Pepper; J.E. Lander; [F.E?] White

Stearn & Sons (Photographers), Bridge Street, Cambridge
Jesus College Freshmen 1938
JCCA/JCAC/1/6/1938 · Item · 1938
Part of College Archives

Names on board:

J.W. Savage; P.F. Dibben; M. Paine; J.A. Loveless; W. McFarlane; J. Horsley; A.R. Moy; D.L. Craig; P.W. Coggins; J. Marriott; R.G. North; J.L. [actually J.I.] Hendrie; J.E.G. Wardrop; G.H.C. Sprot; F.S. Scott; I.C. Peebles; C. Wilson; G.A. Peacock; F.C. Wickens; H. Elliott; R.J.S. Holliday; J.B. Morley; G.H. Thomason; J.E.A. Hopkins; J.V. Jardine-Paterson; T.M. Sugden; J.P. Patel; A.L. Strange; D.H.G. [actually H.D.C.] Hunter; G. Gilbertson; [T.F.W.] Harris; P.N. Floyd; D.C. Thom; J.C. Bartholomew; A.R. McDougall; T.K.W. Davies; J.R.D. Byfield; G.S. Fisher; R.C. Mills; G.A.K. Reuss; A. Fitch; R.F. Hettlinger; I.R. Stileman; K.W.S. Sonbry; L.W.H. Calverley; R.E. Goddard; J. Rudd; J. Glyn; D.G. Palmer; J.W. Earp; J.M. Robertson; I.M. Rylands; B.N. Cooper; T.B. Lim; M.G.R. Harvey; J.N Addison; A.D.R. Wilson; D.M. Calvert; I.R. Menzies; A.F. Pegler; J.D. Barker; R.J.C. McClure; A.P. Easter-Bruce; A.E. Hood; D.C.J. Collier; A.H.M. Bissett; E. Spalding; G. Denton; N.P. Myles; G.W. Butterworth; P.C.D. Cotton; A.P.H. [actually O.P.H.] Hill; P.S. Duncan; P.L. Graham; L. Michaels; P.T. Birk; D.D. Cohen; I.G. St C. Pringle; R. Frankenburg; E. Curry; J.A.T. Robinson; E. Haffenden; A.J.G. Carpenter; N.W. Newcombe; F.S. Snow; D.E. Parsons; F.H.C. Shrewsbury; R.B. Jones; J.E. Greeves; G.A.G. Bedward; P.K. Stevenson; J.O.M. Wadderburn [actually Wedderburn]; J.B. Douglas; G.N.S. Mackay; M.J. Skinner; G.I.L. Somerville; J.D. Graves; A.L. Flay; J.H.W. Jackson; W.A. Foster; G. Morris; K.C. [actually K.G?] Lim

Stearn & Sons (Photographers), Bridge Street, Cambridge
Jesus College Freshmen 1939
JCCA/JCAC/1/6/1939 · Item · 1939
Part of College Archives

Names on board:

T.J. Hancock; W.J. Mellows [actually Mellors]; H.V. Gilding; D.B.W. [actually B.D.W.] Morley; E.A.L. Maguire; R.P. Read; J.M.R. Eddison; P.E.F. Crewdson; R.G. Martin; A.W. Southall; J.A. Parkinson; R.F. Morgan; P.D. Mitchell; J.O. Davies; W.S.G. Davies; R.S. Aitchison [actually Atchison]; D.A.H. Sime; E.R. Whiteley; M.C. Paine [actually Pain]; E. Swinbank; D.L.H. Allan; I.L. Pope; S. Mullick; J.L. Goldsmith; F.J.G. Matthews; G.T. Matthews; J.A. Jones; R.J.E. Owen; D.H. Hurry; J.C. Woolley; J.H. Folley; R.H. Scutt; A.G.K. Crass; G.A.R. Wood; L . Perkins; P.D.G. Pugh; J.M. Burnford; K.E.E. Read; M.L. Graeme; R.W. Anderson; J.D.W. Stobart; W.J. Reader; J.M. Thomson; J.E.A. Sharwood-Smith; R.N. Jackson; J. Macphail; D.C. Gray; R.J.L. Eborall; K.C. Wood; F.L. Coleman; V.A. Vale; M.T. Clarke; D.W. Pound; A.E. Gordon; D.E. Mann; G.M. Trevethan; J.L. King; H.N. Marlow; A.W. Jackson; J.D. Edmondston; A.H.F. Falkner; K.H. Lim; F.S. Broad; R.E.M. Hughes; F.N. Hicks; P.K. Dennis; L.J. Eastwood; C.C.H.M. Morgan; A.H. Strickland; S.M. Hilton; J.G. Briant; D.O.S. Canals [actually Canales]; D.G. James; J.S. Robinson; J.R.M. Kemp; A.S. Garnett; J.P. Whalley; J.F. Bell; D.A.T. Atkins; R.G.W. Plutte

Stearn & Sons (Photographers), Bridge Street, Cambridge
JCCA/JCAC/1/6/1940/1 · Item · 1940
Part of College Archives

Names on board:

G.A. Hutchison [actually Hutchinson]; Z.A. Silberston [actually Silbertson]; D.N. Carr; E.J. Lovell; H.Y. Loh; D.W. Pitt; R.M. Gundry; O.W.B. Sampson; A.K.G. Spencer; M.I. Zohdi; D.L. Andrews; R.P.J. Perrott; W.N. Jeeves; K.T. Heather; P.W.L. White; I.N. Kendal; E.E. Warburg

Stearn & Sons (Photographers), Bridge Street, Cambridge
JCCA/JCAC/1/6/1940/2 · Item · October 1940
Part of College Archives

Names on board:

D. Hamilton; B.M. Hardman; T.F. Pearson; J. Stockley; J.H.S. Ashworth; A.G. Sharpe; N.N. Davies; M. Webster; P.F. Boreham; D.J.C. Wood; H.N. Métivier; G.A. Webb; J.F. Rutter; C.J. Forrester; P.R. Francis; D.W. Goodwin; A. Hall; B.I.T. Llewelyn-Davies; J.H. Gough; T.A.C. Goldsmith; D.H. Wilkinson; P. Thorne; D.J. Furley; L.P.N. Stokes; M.M. Severne; T.M. [actually J.M.] Bargman; C.L. Kirby; D.F. Parkinson; P.W. Meakin; R.C. Hannam; J.O. Isard; J.M. Palmer; A. Leach; A. Butterworth; N.K. Dryden; N.V. Redman; J. Gloster

Stearn & Sons (Photographers), Bridge Street, Cambridge
JCCA/JCAC/1/6/1941/1 · Item · 1941
Part of College Archives

Names on board:

J.G. Le Gros; J.F. Rooney; E.G. Hancock; R. Harris; R.M. Holman; P.A. Hellyer; J. Birkett; J.B.S. Brooke; H.C. Denham; E. Fallows; D.R. Dicks; A.D. Eytan-Jones; K.T. Lindsay; J.E. Richardson; M.H.P. Le Gos; R.H. Priestnall; M.A. Rahman; H.J. Jones; A.G. Turner; M.J. Way; C.L. Walton; F.R. Wilkinson; J.K.R. McMillan; A.K. Wright

Stearn & Sons (Photographers), Bridge Street, Cambridge
JCCA/JCAC/1/6/1941/2 · Item · October 1941
Part of College Archives

Photograph with the title 'Jesus College Freshmen Oct 1941'. This is different to JCAC/1/6/1941/3 which has the same title. All individuals shown in both photographs matriculated in October 1941.

Names on board:

B.J. Arnold; G.L. Glover; J.A.G. Tindall; V.G.A. Baker; D.J. Morgan; J. Gayer-Anderson; R.G. Bickerton; D.J. Leapman; N.A. Lockington; J.P.C. Russell; M.H. Yeomans; J.W. Stone; D. Lloyd George; H.H. Hirst; J.R. Myhill; K.F. Rooney; J.D.F. Davison; G.D. Craig; R. Stoddart; D. Howorth; P.D.C. Hayes; G.K.V. Clarke; J.S. Mallinson; T.A. Mercer; M.H. Stainer-Hutchins; P.J. Higgins; A.L.W. Jenkins-Jones; W.B. Pennington; E.V. Southam; J.G. Mackie; V.M. Thomas; N.S. Dunthorne; E. Yates; J.L. Harris; R.N. Walters; H. Laing; J.B. [actually C.] Bottoms; E.E. Godfrey and G. [actually Q.] A. Geering.

Stearn & Sons (Photographers), Bridge Street, Cambridge
JCCA/JCAC/1/6/1941/3 · Item · October 1941
Part of College Archives

Photograph with the title 'Jesus College Freshmen Oct 1941'. This is different to JCAC/1/6/1941/2 which has the same title. All individuals shown in both photographs matriculated in October 1941.

Names on board:

J.B.S. Harris; A.F.M. Morris; G.B. Faller; R.G.G. Baynham; H.G. Samek; P.J. Ezra; G.E. Graham; R.S. Harding-Klimanah [actually Harding-Klimanek]; A.P.S. Wynne-Jones; P.F.W. Foster; J.A. Whitwood; J. Burger; P.J.B. Paul and J.V. Rylands.

Stearn & Sons (Photographers), Bridge Street, Cambridge
JCCA/JCAC/1/6/1942/1 · Item · January 1942
Part of College Archives

Names on board:

J.F. Veale; J.E. Portelly; E.O. Field; R.E. Davies; J.H. Coles; E.J. Miller; W.A. Barker; N.F. Curwen; P.A.H. Salter; G.A.R. Giri; Stanley S. Mitchell; H. [actually K.] L. Perkins; C. Leach; R.C. Lansberry; B.D. Till; E.H. Robinson and E.P. Tredinnick.

Stearn & Sons (Photographers), Bridge Street, Cambridge
JCCA/JCAC/1/6/1942/2 · Item · April 1942
Part of College Archives

Names on board:

W.N. Monkman; A.G. Gordon; T. Andrews-Uthwatt; B.R.I.D. [actually B.R.D.J.] Hogg; W.C.E. Loftus; R.P. Bulman; J.B. Watkins-Baker; P. Lockett; B.H. Coleman; G. Tuck; R.J.W. Passmore and B.H. Threadgold.

Stearn & Sons (Photographers), Bridge Street, Cambridge
JCCA/JCAC/1/6/1942/3 · Item · October 1942
Part of College Archives

Names on board:

Lord Strathcarron; C. Foster; P.A. Reid; D. Edwards; M.H. Quenoille; C.R. Cowlin; H.G. Baxter; V.D. Clout; G.H. Gilmour-White; J.B. Corfield; J.S. Todd; R.A.S. Calthorpe; K. Brewer; H.S. Evans; E.R. Boston; R.G. Nutt; S. Lucas; L.G. Wilmot; D.H. Shanks; A.G. Williams; P. Hudson; R.M. Holmes; G.P. Lee-Roberts; I. [actually T.] H. Furlong; W.R. Perkins and J.D. Naunton.

Stearn & Sons (Photographers), Bridge Street, Cambridge