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F.18, <035>: contained a base fragment derived from a cylindrical bottle, or possibly a goblet. It weighs 4g, and is post-Medieval in date. Two fragments of window glass were also present in this context.


F.18: A mixed context. This contained two sherds of 19th century refined white earthenware (30g), a sherd of 19th century lead-glazed earthenware (8g), two sherds of 18th century Staffordshire salt-glazed stoneware (11g), a sherd of 18th century Chinese export porcelain (7g), a sherd of 18th century Westerwald stoneware (3g), a sherd of 18th century creamware (4g), seven sherds of 16th to 17th century German stoneware (including both Frechen and Raeren) weighing 85g, nine sherds of 16th to 17th century Babylon-type lead-glazed earthenware (44g), one sherd of 16th to 17th century bichromatic red earthenware (15g), 15 sherds of 16th to 17th glazed red earthenware (178g), 20 sherds of 16th to 17th century plain red coarseware (including plant pot) weighing 391g and six sherds of residual 13th to 15th century grey coarseware (50g).


(lower level interface with [017]), F.18: a mixed context. This contained two sherds of 16th/17th century Frechen Stoneware (87g) and a sherd of 13th to 15th century grey coarseware (9g).


F.19: a 16th or 17th century context. <051> contained 13 sherds of plain red coarseware (120g), two sherds of glazed red earthenware (20g), a sherd of Frechen stoneware (10g), a sherd of lead-glazed earthenware (<1g) and two sherds of residual 13th to 15th century grey coarseware (13g). <046> contained three sherds of glazed red earthenware (10g), a sherd of plain red coarseware (3g) and a sherd of residual 13th to 15th century Medieval Ely ware, which has a 14th century floruit (7g).


F.07: this contained a sherd of 16th to 17th century glazed red earthenware (66g).

Worked Bone (bone strip with applied ring dot decoration)

A single worked bone artefact was recovered from a stratified context at the site. This consisted of a fragmentary worked bone strip, with applied ring-dot decoration, which is most probably Medieval or early post-Medieval in date. F.07, [017]: a worked bone strip, which is pentagonal in section and consists of three broken fragments (only two of which rejoin). A single row of inscribed punch-dot decoration runs along its uppermost face. The strip measures 117mm+ long, 6mm wide and 4mm thick, and weighs 2g. There is no evidence of wear, and it does not appear sufficiently robust to have utilised as a spatula or eraser. It is therefore most likely to have been decorative, and was perhaps originally glued to a box or item of furniture (see for example MacGregor 1985).


F.51: a mixed context. This contained three sherds of 18th century Chinese export porcelain (5g), a sherd of late 18th or early 19th century creamware (3g), a sherd of 16th to 18th century tin-glazed earthenware (6g), a sherd of 18th or 19th century lead-glazed earthenware (2g), a sherd of 18th century Staffordshire-type slipware (11g) and two sherds of 16th to 17th century German stoneware (107g).


F.52: a mixed context. This contained a sherd of 19th century refined white earthenware (5g), a sherd of 16th to 19th century plain red coarseware (4g), a sherd of 13th to 15th century buff coarseware (3g) and six sherds of 13th to 15th century grey coarseware (97g).


F.16, <091>: contained a mixed assemblage. This included neck fragments derived from two hand blown phials or perfume bottles (4g and 1g respectively). These are probably 17th or 18th century in date. The context also contained three fragments of window glass and two intrusive fragments derived from 19th or early 20th century vessels.


F.16: a mixed context. This contained a sherd of 13th to 15th century grey coarseware (21g), and a sherd of 16th to 17th century German stoneware (45g).


F.41: an 18th century context. This contained a sherd of creamware (11g), two sherds of white-dipped Staffordshire salt-glazed stoneware (16g), a sherd of plain red coarseware (191g), plus two residual sherds of 16th to 17th century Babylon-type lead- glazed earthenware (2g) and two sherds of 16th to 17th century German stoneware (4g).


F.24: this contained a single sherd of abraded grey coarseware (5g), which is most probably Roman in date.


F.32: a 17th or early 18th century context. This contained two sherds of tin-glazed earthenware (9g), a sherd of Babylon-type lead-glazed earthenware (42g), two sherds of German stoneware (46g), a sherd of glazed red earthenware (30g) and a sherd of Westerwald stoneware (14g).

Clay Pipe

<006> 2 type 5 bowls c.1640-60. plus one fragment no earlier than c.1660-80 (plus 2 heel/spurs) MNI 4


[095], F.33: a 16th century or 17th century context. This was dominated by glazed red earthenware (34 sherds, weighing 494g), and also contained a quantity of Frechen stoneware (22 sherds, weighing 574g); three fragments bearing embossed decoration – including portions of two coats of arms – were identified. Also present were five sherds of bichromatic red earthenware (30g), six sherds of Babylon-type lead-glazed earthenware (71g), two sherds of tin-glazed earthenware (4g) and six sherds of plain red coarseware (216g), plus two residual sherds of 15th to 16th century Seigburg stoneware (33g), and two sherds of 13th to 15th century grey coarseware (15g).


F.33: a 16th or 17th century context. This contained three fragments of green-glazed fineware, one of which represents a small but substantially complete two handled jug of unusual design (86g – not manufactured at Ely) and another a rim fragment of pierced fretwork form (8g). Also present were 18 sherds of Frechen stoneware, weighing 1102g and representing a minimum of three vessels, plus a single sherd of Seigburg stoneware (41g) and four sherds of Babylon-type lead-glazed earthenware (61g), one of which bears embossed decoration in the form of a face. Finally, two sherds of plain red coarseware (51g), and two residual sherds of 13th to 15th century grey coarseware (40g) were also recovered.

Results 51 to 100 of 691