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College Archives
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Mr Const's Opinion

Statement of the case, with the opinion of Mr Const of Pump Court, Temple

Const, Francis

Counterpart Lease

Lease by the College to nine named parishioners of a shop adjoining the north side of the steeple of the church and of a piece of waste land adjoining the south side of the church. Term 40 years, to be renewed every 40 years for 200 years; rent 4d per annum. The parishioners are to erect a shop on the waste ground, and to sublet the two shops, so that the rents will provide for an annual distribution of 13s 4d to the poor of the parish, the bequest of William Ridscall. The distribution is to be made at Christmas (5s) Easter (5s) and St Luke's Day (18 Oct.).

Untitled covering note to Master and Fellows

  • JCCA/JCAD/3/2/LIV/1/2/3
  • Item
  • 1796 (Undated, but must postdate the opinions it accompanies.)
  • Part of College Archives

Describes the problem (as arising from former college servants becoming paupers) and an intention to proceed in accordance with the legal advice given. With a list of current paupers and amounts paid.

Poor rate: counsels' opinions

There are four colleges in the parish, whose servants gain settlements and are a financial burden, the colleges pay very little. The opinion of counsel was sought to see if the colleges are liable to pay Poor Rate. The opinion was that they are not liable if they are extra-parochial. Parishes should ask the colleges to obtain for them a greater proportion of the money paid by the University to the colleges in lieu of rates.

Mr Raine's Opinion

Copy of the case, with the opinion of Mr T. Raine of Lincoln's Inn.

Raine, T

Memorial of the Church Enlargement Committee

  • JCCA/JCAD/3/2/LIV/1/3/2
  • Item
  • 20 Oct. 1852-18 Dec. 1852
  • Part of College Archives

A memorial from the Vicar, churchwardens and other parishioners, noting that the plan for enlargement of the old church had been agreed, but now suggesting that it would be preferable to build a new church in Jesus Lane, "in the vacant premises of the old Manor House". Endorsed with a copy of an encouraging reply asking for the name of the proposed architect.

Maddison, George

Letter to the Master

Conveys thanks for favourable receipt of Memorial; states that the hope is to employ George Gilbert Scott as architect; and asks for space for a schoolroom to be included.

Maddison, George

Letter of resignation

States that the living of All Saints is vacant now he has been instituted to Grantham.

Maddison, George

Letter to the Master

Asks College to make a grant towards a fund for new building.

Sharpe, W. C.

Letter to the Master

  • JCCA/JCAD/3/2/LIV/1/4/11
  • Item
  • 15 Jan. 1862 (Summary of reply is dated 17 Jan.)
  • Part of College Archives

Asks for a small expansion of the new building's site. Endorsed with summary of reply - negative.

Bodley, G F

Letter to the Master

  • JCCA/JCAD/3/2/LIV/1/4/12
  • Item
  • 31 Jan. 1862 (Reply note is dated 1 Feb. 1862)
  • Part of College Archives

Asks for expansion of site by 10 ft at west end. Endorsed with note of reply - negative.

Sharpe, W C

Letter to the Master

Acknowledges donation from the College towards a new organ, and notes that since the opening of the church the congregation has almost doubled.

Taylor, J W

Letter to the Master

Asks College to approve plans for new building; analyses expected costs and mentions "Mr Bodley" [G.F. Bodley] as architect. Encloses the following letter.

Sharpe, W C

Letter to the Master

Reports progress with digging foundations and that Mr Bodley "is coming down on Saturday". Encloses the following item.

Fawcett, William Milner (1832-1908), architect

Letter to the Master of Jesus [Corrie]

States that the conditions laid down in the last letter have already been met. Has purchased the remainder of Rectory House lease; only needs conveyance of Vicarage Houses for plan to proceed. Asks about terms and nature of payment required.

Whewell, William

Letter to the Master of Jesus [Corrie]

Asks for clarification of refusal to transfer lease -- is there still a chance that Trinity might acquire the Rectory House before its expiry?

Whewell, William

Draft letter to the Master of Trinity [Whewell]

Reports that the Fellows of Jesus will be ready to treat with Trinity over the Rectory House once this is the only property required to complete the scheme.

Corrie, Rev. Dr. George Elwes (1793-1885), Master of Jesus College, Cambridge

Cambridge Award Act

Letters concerning the union of the parishes of All Saints and St Radegund

About ground behind All Saints Church

Letter from James Kidd [old catalogue says 'letters' in plural - where are the rest?]

Also a plan relating to the widening of Trinity Street, and the compulsory acquisition of part of the churchyear of All Saints. Removed to the plan chest.

Kidd, James

Letter to Mr Shield

Further on Vicarage expenses; would like help in finding a new job, served for 25 years as a Chaplain in India.

Wynch, John W

Letter to Mr Shield

About legal arrangements for roadway to new vicarage site.

Francis, Thomas Musgrave

Letter to Mr Shield

Reminds the College that the conveyance needs to be executed before building begins

Wynch, John W

Results 151 to 200 of 14254