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Archival description
Old Library Manuscripts
JCOL · Collection · 1000-2000

Medieval ms. volumes and some later material.

JCMR · Collection · 1144-1496 (The earliest dated document comes from 1144; there are also undated items from around that time.)

The collection comprises property deeds and some administrative records of the Benedictine nunnery that formerly occupied the Jesus College site.

JCAF/8 · Collection · 2017
Part of Antiques, Furniture and Objects

Plastic reusable hot drinks cup in College colours and bearing the College crest, College name and College website address.

College Archives
JCCA · Collection · 12 June 1496-2022 (The date is that of the letters patent giving Bishop Alcock permission to close the nunnery and found the college. The actual foundation cannot currently be assigned a precise date, but the College had an administrative existence by 1497.)

Legal and administrative records.

Miscellaneous Items
JCAF/7 · Collection · c. 1350 - 2018
Part of Antiques, Furniture and Objects


Seal of Michaelhouse, c. 1350

Fragment of wallpaper reportedly from the Master's Lodge, c. 1850

Cardboard box for a Super all square die plate dater once used in the College Library, c. 1950

Maroon and a black hard cover folder of type that formerly held committee, Council and Society minutes, c. 1960. Minutes were held in these style folders from the mid 1940s until about 2015

Newspapers found in wall of the foyer at the bottom of stairs to hall by Brittian doors during kitchen renovations 3 March 2022 viz Cambridge Daily News, 18 July 1962, Daily Herald, 20 July 1962 and Evening Standard 20 July 1962. Probably left in the wall at the time the stairs and entrance to hall were created in 1962

Digital photograph of a 1965 Audit Ale bottle

Front cover for 'Jesus College Cambridge Conference pad', c. 1990

Cardboard mask with feathers in College colours

Two clay pig ornaments dressed as porters and in College colours and a small cockerel on an egg ornament, all given by Peter Bacon, former head porter, on his retirement in 2001

Pages from the Sun newspaper dated 20 August 2007 found under the dais in Hall in January 2022 when the floorboards of the dais were lifted as part of wider renovation works

Wrappers for College branded chocolate after dinner mints. c.2000, 2017 and 2018

Fragments of 'wood effect' wallpaper from the Porters Lodge found during renovations in August 2018

College branded paper napkins, 2019

Postcard left anonymously under the Rustat Memorial in he wake of the Church Court decision not to remove the memorial from the Chapel. Writing on back in Haitian.