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JCMR/Gray 1- . . . 383/Gray 169-176/174a · Item · 1210-1230 ("Letitia was Prioress at the time of Bishop Eustace's composition respecting All Saints' Church and St. John's Hospital, which was not later than 1213; she occurs in Pedes Finium, 1228" (Gray, p.30).)
Part of Records of the Priory of St Mary and St Radegund

Prioress Letitia and the nuns to Margaret, widow of Thomas le Merver (Mercator), a messuage in St. Benet's parish, lying between land formerly belonging to Walter, son of Master Geoffrey, and the land of Margaret, wife of Suneman; also a messuage in Milne Street, in St John's parish, lying between land of the nuns in the tenure of Nicholas, chaplain, and the land of Alan Wiclof. Rent: 7s and 2 capons; gersuma: 3 marks. Witnesses: Hervey, son of Eustace, Robert Saman, Adam, son of Eustace, Walter Corde, Ralph, son of Henry, Geoffrey, son of Ralph, Thomas, son of Joachim, Michael, son of Hervey, John, his brother, Geoffrey Moyne, Michael Bernard, William Pilate et multis aliis.

Letitia (fl 1213-1230) Prioress of St Radegund
Gift with warranty
JCMR/Gray 1- . . . 383/Gray 169-176/174b · Item · 1210-1230
Part of Records of the Priory of St Mary and St Radegund

Margaret, widow of Thomas le Mercer, to her son, Walter, the messuage in St John's parish (174a). Rent: to the nuns 4s and 2 capons. Witnesses: Robert Seman, Adam, son of Eustace, Hervey, son of Martin, Michael and John, his sons, Ralph, son of Henry, Thomas, son of Joachim, Richard, son of Yvo, Michael Bernard, Geoffrey Moyne, William Pilat et multis aliis.

Margaret, widow of Thomas Mercer
Release and quitclaim
JCMR/Gray 1- . . . 383/Gray 239-250/239b · Item · 1190-1220
Part of Records of the Priory of St Mary and St Radegund

Walter, son of William de St Edmund's, releases his rights in the advowson of St Clement's and confirms the grants made of it to the nuns of St Mary and St Radegund by his ancestor, Hugh, son of Absalon, and his uncle Walter. Witnesses: Sir (Dominus) Philip de Stanton, Everard de Trumpington, Henry de Colembe, Henry Muscher, John le Moyne, knights (milites), Thomas Toilet, Robert de St Edmund's, Robert Hubert, William Pilate, Stephan de Haukestone, William To(ilet?) et multis aliis.

St Edmunds, Walter de
Charter of King Stephen
JCMR/Gray 1- . . . 383/Gray 1-10/2a · Item · 1149-1150 ("[Given] during the siege of Mapperhall" (Apud Mapertes halam in obsidione), 1149-50. For the date, see appendix A in Nuns and goldsmiths.)
Part of Records of the Priory of St Mary and St Radegund

Stephen confirms to the church and nuns of St Mary the grant by William Monachus [le Moyne], goldsmith, of 2 virgates of land and 6 acres of pasture and 4 cottars with their holdings, at (Great) Shelford, in free alms, for the soul of Henry (I) and for all God's faithful. Witnesses: William Martell and Rainer de Warenne.

Stephen I (c 1096-1154) King of England
JCMR/Gray 1- . . . 383/Gray 1-10/2b · Item · 1154-1158 (Witnessed by William [de Laventon] archdeacon of Ely 1154-1158.)
Part of Records of the Priory of St Mary and St Radegund

Bishop Nigel of Ely confirms grant by William Monachus [le Moyne] of Shelford to the Church of St Mary and St Radegund of 2 virgates of land etc. Witnesses: William [de Laventon] archdeacon [of Ely], Richard of St Paul, Richard de Pontcardon, Ricardus filius Ilberti (Richard fitz Gilbert), Magistrus Ernulfus (Master Ernulf), John of St Alban, Gilbert clericus (the clerk), Radulfus Dapiferus (Ralph the steward), Alexander pincerna (the butler), Henricus peregrinus (Henry the pilgrim).

Nigel (d 1169) Bishop of Ely
Gift with warranty
JCMR/Add./Add. Deeds 1-83/Add. Deeds 52-62/Add. Deeds 54 · Item · 1190-1220
Part of Records of the Priory of St Mary and St Radegund

Haidan, son of Ailowe, to Adam de Litlington, chaplain, for his homage and service, 1 acre of land in the West field of Litlington next to the land of the said Adam and that of Alexander le Moyne, abutting on Dune way. Gersuma: 14s; rent: 1d. Licence to alienate to anyone except to a religious house. Witnesses: Sir (Dominus) Philip de Abinget(on). Luke, his brother, Elias, parson of Litling(ton), Luke de Abinget(on), clerk, Elias de Litling(ton), clerk, John, son of Simon, R. le Moyne, John Bibois, Ralph Gray, et multis aliis.

Haldan, son of Aillowe
JCMR/Add./Add. Deeds 1-83/Add. Deeds 52-62/Add. Deeds 57 · Item · 1210-1230
Part of Records of the Priory of St Mary and St Radegund

William, son of Augustine, to Alexander le Muine (Moyne), son of Peter le Muine, the homage and service of Adam de Litlington, chaplain, and all rights he may have in the land in Litlington, which he has sold to the said Adam. Consideration: 2s. Witnesses: Sir (Dominus) Henry le Eveske', Sir Hugh de Colevil, Sir Philip de Stant(on), Sir Philip de Abingeton, Luke, his brother, Peter de Ashwell, John, son of Simon, William his brother, Richard Bibois et aliis.

William, son of Augustine
Confirmation with warranty
JCMR/Add./Add. Deeds 1-83/Add. Deeds 52-62/Add. Deeds 58 · Item · 1210-1230
Part of Records of the Priory of St Mary and St Radegund

Alexander le Muine (Moyne), son of Peter le Muine, to Adam de Litlington, chaplain, for his homage and service, all the land which the said Adam bought of William, son of Augustine, in Litlington. Consideration: 20s; rent: 12d. Witnesses: Sir (Dominus) Henry le Eveske, Sir Adam de Bassingburn, Henry de Coln', sheriff of Cambridge, Robert de St Edmind's, Peter de Ashwell, Reginald le Muine, John, son of Simon, William, his brother et aliis.

Muine, Alexander le
Gift in free alms
JCMR/Add./Add. Deeds 1-83/Add. Deeds 52-62/Add. Deeds 59 · Item · 1213-1230 (Letitia was Prioress some time around 1213 and 1228.)
Part of Records of the Priory of St Mary and St Radegund

Adan de Litlington to the Church of St Mary and St Radegund for the salvation of his soul and the souls of his ancestors and descendants all his lands in Litlington, Bassingburn and Mordun, in free alms, the nuns to render service to the lords of the fee, viz. to Hamo de Valoniis (Valence) and his heirs 2s per annum; to Alexander le Moyne and his heirs 12d; to Lady Mary de Bassingburn and her heirs 4d; to the heirs of Elias de Litlington, clerk, 4d; to the heirs of Peter de Ashwell 2d; to Haldan and his heirs 1d; to the heirs of Richard Doget 1d. Donor covenants to give the charters to the Prioress Letitia, with the Livery of seisin. Witnesses: Sir (Dominus) Richard, Dean of Cambridge, Sirs Richard, Peter and Arnold, chaplains, Robert Saman, Adam, son of Eustace, Ralph, son of Henry, Thomas, son of Joachim, Anger, son of Edric, Childman, Nicholas, his son, William Pilate et aliis.

Litlington, Adam de
JCMR/Add./Add. Deeds 1-83/Add. Deeds 52-62/Add. Deeds 61 · Item · 1220-1250
Part of Records of the Priory of St Mary and St Radegund

Rose le Moyne, widow of Alexander, to the nuns all her rights of dower in 12 acres of arable land and 12d annual rent in Litlington, that she claimed before the Royal Justiciar at Westminster. Consideration: 1 mark. Witnesses: Master (Magister) Nicholas de Merston, official of Huntingdon, Dean of Huntingdon, Ciprian de ___, (one missing), Thomas de Crempesham, George de Crempesham, Peter deWanet', clerk, who wrote the charter.

Moine, Rosia le
JCMR/Add./Add. Deeds 1-83/Add. Deeds 71-83/Add. Deeds 72 · Item · 1210-1230
Part of Records of the Priory of St Mary and St Radegund

Prioress Letitia and the nuns to John, son of William le Moyne, all their land which Richard, reeve of Shelford, holds for his life together with the meadowland, viz.: at Dune, 1 acre between land of the bishop and land of St Radegund's; 2 acres on the Hill between land of St Radegund's and land of Henry le Hey; 2 acres across Wytewell between land of the bishop and land of St Radegund's; 2 acres of meadow between meadowland of John le Moyne at Lacheford and meadowland of John Sevare. Term: for life. Rent: 2s. Warranty: to the said John for life, after his death the land to return to the nuns. Witnesses: Sir (Dominus) Baldewin de F(re)vile, Sir Everard de Trumpington, Sir John de Cailli, Sir Geoffrey de Banks, Sir Alan de Bassingburn, Sir Phillip de Stanton, Henry de Colne, sheriff of Cambridge, John de Selford (Shelford), son of Reginald, William de Cailli, et aliis.

Letitia (fl 1213-1230) Prioress of St Radegund
Gift with warranty
JCMR/Add./Add. Deeds 1-83/Add. Deeds 71-83/Add. Deeds 73 · Item · 1200-1235
Part of Records of the Priory of St Mary and St Radegund

William Compere to Agnes, widow of Nicholas le Moyne of Shelford and her assigns 3 acres of land in Shelford and 1/2 acre of meadowland, viz: 1 acre lying on the (H)evereshowe road next land of John Wik. 1 acre abutting on Portway between lands of John le Moyne. 1 acre at Chalpet lying next land of the said John le Moyne. 1/2 acre of meadow lying next to meadowland of the Bishop of Ely at the entry to Rademadue. Rent: 12d, gersuma 20s. Witnesses: Ralph de Hoylond, John de Marins, John le Moyne, John de Shelford, Richard, clerk of Stapelford, Wichtle Gous, Peter de Buf, Robert Quassare, John at church (ad ecclesiam), William Lunerade, John Brond, Peter, son of Stephan de Stapelford, William, clerk, scribe of this charter, et multis aliis.

Compere, William
Gift with warranty
JCMR/Add./Add. Deeds 1-83/Add. Deeds 71-83/Add. Deeds 74 · Item · 1200-1220
Part of Records of the Priory of St Mary and St Radegund

William le Compere (Cumpere) to Agnes, widow of Nicholas le Moyne of Shelford and her assigns or legatees and their heirs 7 roods of land in Shelford, viz.: 2 roods lying next to his courtyard between his house and the house of Hugh Viellator (Vidler) abutting on the road; 5 roods lying outside the court in a croft; and any right the donor has or can claim in these lands. Rent: 12d. Gersuma: 6s 8d. Witnesses: Ralph de Hoylond, Gilbert de Tudenham, Thomas de Tudeham, John le Moyne (Monachus), John de Shelford, Walter Chaplain (capellanus), Peter le Buf, Stephan Clerk, et multis aliis.

Cumpere, William le
Gift with warranty
JCMR/Add./Add. Deeds 1-83/Add. Deeds 71-83/Add. Deeds 76 · Item · 1230-1250
Part of Records of the Priory of St Mary and St Radegund

Bartholomew Trussehare of Shelford to Nicholas le Moyne of Shelford for his services 4 acres of land and 1 acre of meadow in Shelford, viz.: 2 acres lying between the land of Sir Parson (of Shelford) and the land of William Selvestre and abutting on land of William Semer and Gilbert Crisp. 2 acres under Grenehow abutting on land of the Bishop (of Ely) and land of Sir John le Moyne; 1/2 acre of meadow lying at Portmelne between meadowland of the Bishop (of Ely) and land of Andrew Brond; 1/2 acre of meadow at Aldework between land of the Bishop (of Ely) and land of Andrew Brond, with liberty of fold as his ancestors had. Rent: 3d; gersuma: 6 marks and 12d. Witnesses: Sir (Dominus) John le Moyne, Master (Magister) Adam de Shelford, John, son of John le Moyne de Shelford, John de Kayly de Trumpington, Henry de Henechech, Henry de Kayly de Trumpington, Richard Haregar, Andrew Brond, John Godefrey, Leo Dunning, William Lunell et aliis.

Trussehare, Bartholomew
Gift with warranty
JCMR/Add./Add. Deeds 1-83/Add. Deeds 71-83/Add. Deeds 77 · Item · 1230-1250
Part of Records of the Priory of St Mary and St Radegund

Simon Gore of Shelford, with the consent of his wife Matilda (Maud), to Nicholas le Moyne of Shelford part of three messuages of his in Shelford with a house and land 4 ft wide, which parcel of land lies between his own house and the wall which is between his land and the land of the Bishop of Ely, and it lies between Grenewaye lane and another part of his house. The dimensions of the site are 4 rods: 6 ft in length and 1/2 acre in breadth. Consideration: 8s which Nicholas le Moyne gave him for his business. Witnesses: Sir (Dominus) John le Moyne, William Costentin, John Godefrey, John de Paris, John de Shelford, clerk, William de Berthon, Andrew Brond, Stephan de Shelford, clerk, et multis aliis.

Gore de Selford, Matilda
Gift with warranty
JCMR/Add./Add. Deeds 1-83/Add. Deeds 71-83/Add. Deeds 78 · Item · 1230-1270
Part of Records of the Priory of St Mary and St Radegund

John Martin to Nicholas le Moyne 1/2 acre of land in Shelford fields, lying between the roads in Dunefeld, between land of Sir John le Moyne and land of Stephen de Shelford, abutting on Horningsei street at one head and on land of Gregory at the other. Rent: 1/2d; gersuma: 3s. Witnesses: Sir (Dominus) John le Moyne, knight (miles), John le Moyne, Master (magister) Adam de Shelford, John de Paris, William Costentin, John Godefrey, Andrew Brond, John clerk, Adam, son of Ele of Stapelford, Stephen de Shelford, clerk, et multis aliis.

Martin, John (13-14c) sometime mayor of Cambridge
Gift with warranty
JCMR/Add./Add. Deeds 1-83/Add. Deeds 71-83/Add. Deeds 79 · Item · 1250-1290
Part of Records of the Priory of St Mary and St Radegund

John, son of Martin de Shelford, to Nicholas le Moyne, son of the late Nicholas le Moyne 2 1/2 acres of arable land in Shelford fields, viz.: 1 1/2 acres against Reverdune in le Dunfeld. 1/2 acre extends to the head of the other and abuts on Breuera (brewery?) and on the road which leads to Hington (Hinxton), between land of Stephen Clerk and that of Baldewin Hardgar. 1/2 acre lies in the same field between land of John le Moyne, son of Sir John le Moyne, knight, and land of Richard Bude abutting on the nearest furrow 1/2 acre lies in the West field between land of the said Richard Bude and that of William, son of Silvester, abutting on the boundary of Trumpington. Rent: 4d; gersuma: 2 marks. Witnesses: Sir (Dominus) John de Shelford and Sir John le Moyne, knights (milites), John le Moyne, son of Sir John le Moyne, William de Shelford, John Godefrey, John Brond, Andrew Brond, Bartholomew Trussehare, John, clerk of Shelford, et multis aliis.

John, son of Martin of Shelford
Gift with warranty
JCMR/Add./Add. Deeds 1-83/Add. Deeds 71-83/Add. Deeds 80 · Item · 1250-1290
Part of Records of the Priory of St Mary and St Radegund

John, son of Martin of Shelford to Nicholas le Moyne, son of Nicholas le Moyne of the same, 1 acre of land, viz.: 1/2 acre in le Dunfeld between land of John le Moyne, son of the late Sir John le Moyne, knight, of Shelford, and land of Robert Samar; 1/2 acre lying in le West field between land formerly of Robert Samar and that of Geoffrey Mercer (mercator). Rent: 1d; gersuma: 10s. Witnesses: Sir (Dominus) John le Moyne, knight, of Shelford, John Godefrey, Andrew Brond, Bartholomew Trussehare, William Loverade, Henry de Henechach, John, clerk of Shelford, et multis aliis.

John, son of Martin of Shelford
Agreement (indenture)
JCMR/Add./Add. Deeds 1-83/Add. Deeds 71-83/Add. Deeds 81 · Item · 1290-1340
Part of Records of the Priory of St Mary and St Radegund

Agreement between Sir John le Moyne and Alice le Moyne, his sister. Alice quitclaims to John annual rents in Badburgham (Babraham), Whitlesford, Havekeston and Sheldford, which the aforesaid John granted for her life. John is to pay Alice 32s annually from his income. She to have right to distrain on his property wherever it may be situated in England, John to pay 5s costs of distraint. Witnesses: John le Moyne, son of the said Sir John le Moyne; Nicholas le Moyne, John de Paris, William, son of Thomas de Berton, John de Shelford, clerk, Hubert de Stapelford, Henry de Waddon in Trumpington, Nicholas de Sandon, clerk, et multis aliis.

Moine, Sir John le
Confirmation with warranty
JCMR/Add./Add. Deeds 1-83/Add. Deeds 71-83/Add. Deeds 82 · Item · 28 October 1246-27 October 1247 ("Anno regni regis Henrici filii Regis Johnis tricesimo primo".)
Part of Records of the Priory of St Mary and St Radegund

John le Moyne, son of Nicholas le Moyne to the nuns of St Mary and St Radegund of Cambridge, 50 acres of land in Shelford touching which a plea was brought by the King's writ before the itinerant Justices at Cambridge 1246-47. Witnesses: Sir (Dominus) Adam de Walland, the King's Justice at that time at Cambridge; Sir Everard de Trumpington, knight (miles), Alan de Bassingburn, knight, John, son of Reginald, knight, John le Moyne, knight, Henry de Colevile, knight, Hugh de Brai, knight, Peter de Bramford, Robert de Boilund, Herbert de Havekston, Henry, son of Asteline of Trumpington, Walter, son of William de St Edmund's, John de Ry, chaplain, Robert de St Edmund's clerk, et multis aliis.

Moyne, John le (fl 1246-1247)