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2335 results with digital objects Show results with digital objects

Part I

The first part contains: 1) In primis post librum Elucidarij ... ; 2) Sermon of St Anselm: Ad interioris hominis custodiam; 3) Prologus beati Ieronimi presbiteri de nativitate beate Marie virginis et de vita eiusdem virginis; 4) notes on the Assumption, St John, Julian the Apostate, Theophilus, and stories of Joseph and Mary and the birth of Christ; 5) two quatrains: on the beauty of women and on the Fall; 6) brief notes on wine, long measure, a Christian death, and weights, measures and coins; 7) Liber Ricardi de Hampole de aedificatione spirituale (or: De emendatione peccatoris); 8) miscellaneous short tracts and notes, including: on the decalogue and the plagues of Egypt, on sins and confession, on the cross, on Judas, on King Charles of France and St Giles, etc.; 9) Abbathia de spiritu sancto; 10) extracts on diet and medicines; 11) De expositione iiiior partium anni [a forecast of the year depending on which day of the week Christmas day falls upon]; 12) brief notes on Adam, sin and the church, the character of a priest, and Pope John 22nd.

Part II

Sermons on the saints, by a Benedictine monk, containing: 1) a prologue, followed by sermons on 2) John the Baptist; 3) SS. Peter and Paul; 4) St Mary Magdalene; 5) St Peter; 6) St Mary; 7) The Cross; 8) In dedicacione; 9) St Victor (with indications that the author is a monk of St Victor at Paris); 10) All SS.; 11) St Martin; 12) St Andrew; 13) St Nicholas; 14) St Mary; 15) In Nat. Domini; 16) O quam pulchra; 17) St Benedict; 18) The armour of God; 19) St Mary; 20) Angels (incipit: circa rerum cardinem versamur); 21) Narrat divina hystoria quod Tobyas ... 22) Samson. There follow briefer notes, then "In pasca" and "Sermo in ieiunio", a sermon on the Assumption of St Mary, and more miscellaneous short sermons. At the end is a quatrain with English glosses.


Contained ten sherds, nine of which are from one vessel. The vessel represented by nine sherds (206g) from [001] is in a hard, reduced fabric with common fine to medium sand and sparse voids from plant material. Most of the sherd edges are very fresh showing breakage upon excavation. Five of the sherds refit to form a substantial rim and wall fragment, 15cm high. A slight flaring of the vessel wall at the lower end suggests that the profile is complete almost the base. Wall width is generally 1.1cm. Too little of the rim diameter survives for accurate measurement, but it seems to be 20cm or more. The vessel can be described as a coarseware bowl of 'saucepan pot' type with an upright rim and slack shoulder. The rim profile varies along the sherd, at one end being of a simple rounded form, and at the other being irregularly thickened both internally and externally to give a slightly T-shaped profile. The upper surface of the rim is embellished with fingernail impressions, placed diagonally to give a 'cabled' effect. The outer surface of the pot has a rough feel, and at the shoulder is actually fairly irregularly formed.
The remaining sherd (6g) from [001] is a rim in a hard fabric with common fine to medium sand and sparse medium to coarse chalk. This is a simple upright flat-topped rim with no decoration. In form and fabric the bowl from [001] is characteristic of the later Iron Age (after c. 300 BC) of eastern England.


21 shards, including one Central Gaulish Samian dish dated mid 2nd century AS and four sherds from a Hadham oxidised ware vessel dated mid 3rd-4th century AD. A black slipped dog dish from this context dates to the 2nd-4th century AD and the remaining sherds are also probably of this date range.
Two sherds probably post-Roman are separated.


Probably a beaker. The recovery of Beaker pottery (in residual context) can only be considered a ‘background’ find and generally reflective of later Neolithic/Early Bronze Age activity on the riverside terrace.


"A sparse scatter of unstratified and residual worked flint across the site evinces 'background' activity from the late Mesolithic/early Neolithic and the later Neolithic"


1 piece is Samian, 3 are 18th or 19th century. Samian sherd is 9g with rouletted decoration. Identified by K.Anderson, this is a fragment of a Central Gaulish 18R dish (1st-2nd century AD).


F.05: this contained two sherds of 16th to 19th century plain red coarseware (13g).


Window glass with decoration - ivy leaf in red


1 rim decorated with diagonal fingernail slashes. 1 decorated body, 2 body with plaster-like residue on outer sides.
Sixteen sherds come from a single vessel that is smoothed internally as well as externally.

Results 1 to 50 of 22463