- JCMR/Add./Add. Deeds 1-83/Add. Deeds 51/m
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Agnes, wife of William de North, releases to the nuns her rights in the land given to them by Maud Besturne.
North, Agnes le
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Agnes, wife of William de North, releases to the nuns her rights in the land given to them by Maud Besturne.
North, Agnes le
Peter de Frakenho and Ingeleys his wife to the nuns 2 acres of land in Wratting fields in Clenely (?), which lie by the common pasture and the scrubs.
Frakenho, Peter de
Ingeleys, daughter of Simon Bonus of Wratting, to the nuns 5 acres of land in her fields called Bebites field near the scrub abutting on Wilecroft and the road to Weston wood.
Yngelesia, daughter of Simon
Geoffrey Smith (Faber), son of Walter Smith of West Wratting releases to the nuns all rights in the messuage in West Wratting, which his father held of them. The messuage abuts on the Prioress' croft. Consideration: 5s.
Smith, Geoffrey
Richard, son of William de Scales, for the souls of his father and mother, gives the nuns 15 acres in Wratting, lying next to the nuns' land, of which 1 acre lies in Hocroft between lands of the Prior of Ely and Alexander Cokeman, 1 acre in Burstalles way between land of Simon de Merk and the land the nuns had from Robert de Rikespaud, 1 1/2 roods in Rotherweysend, between lands of Andrew, son of Edwin, and Roger Carpenter, 1 'forea' abutting on Wardlo way between lands of the said Simon and the said Prior, and 1 1/2 acres in Henhale, between lands of the said Simon de Merc (sic) and Peter le Newman, and 1 acre 1 rood between lands of the said Simon and Stephen de Oxecroft in Holedene, and 3 roods behind Cosserhill between lands of the said Simon, and 11/2 roods in Holedale between lands of William Burc and Simon Bric's wife, and 1 1/2 acres about the Bruar hill between lands of Stephen de Oxecroft and the said Simon.
Scalaris, de, family
Richard de Scales to his brother Stephen de Scales, all claim to the estate of his uncle Stephen de Scales.
Scalaris, de, family
William, son of Stephen de Scales, confirms his father's gift of land in Wratting, for the good of his soul and that of his wife Sibil and all his ancestors. Witness: Roger de Gurney et aliis.
Scalaris, de, family
Stephen de Scales and his wife, Juliana, give, with their daughter Sibil, 80 acres in West Wrattingwith a managium, free of all taxes except Danegeld. Witnesses: Durandus, monk of Ramsey, et aliis.
Scalaris, Stephen de
William Knapewell of Horsey to the nuns his body and the rent of 4s and services of William de le Hel of Horsey for the salvation of his soul and the souls of his ancestors and descendants.
Knapewell, William de
Robert, son of Ralph de Camps, to the nuns the rent of 1s payable by William le Harpur of Horsey.
Camps, Robert de
Alice, daughter of Robert, son of Sweyn, for her soul and for the souls of her ancestors to the nuns 2s: 1 s paid by Gilbert Chircheman and 1s by Smith (Faber) in lieu of services for 1 acre of land and after his death the land to revert to the nuns. Given with the consent of her heir, her daughter, Roesia, and Roesia's heirs.
Alice, daughter of Robert Sweyn
Part of Personal Papers
Undated posters for the following performances at Jesus College:
(1) The Infernal Bathing Machine, being a Jesus College Smoking Concert. This was performed from 8th - 12th February in the Junior Parlour. Estimated dates 1960s as two men mentioned on the poster Roger Gartland and Michael Cocking matriculated in 1963 [2 copies of the poster and a advert]
(2) Hand written poster for 'The Play of Daniel' in Upper Hall on Monday 2nd December at 9pm
Part of Archaeological Finds
Maud (Matilda), wife of Richard Besturne, to the nuns north half of a messuage assigned to her mother, Agnes, as dower, and 3 acres adjoining the said messuage, which lies between the lands of her mother Agnes and Roger de Oxecroft, and half of 3 roods abutting on Warlo way and Barlybrede, lying between lands of Robert Rikesbaund and Geoffrey Fluri, and half of another 3 roods abutting on the said way and lying between the lands of the Parson of Wratting and Stephen Algai, and half of another 3 roods called Westonland, abutting on the said way and on Westone fields on one side and land of Geoffrey Fluri on the other. In all cases the half is nearest to the sun.
Besturne, Maud
Personal letters and organ services at Jesus College
Part of Personal Papers
Personal papers about Peter Hurford as organ scholar at Jesus College.
Part of Personal Papers
Card from Peter Ilisch, in manuscript, dated from Münster on 22 June 1992, thanking IS for a nice evening in Cambridge and for all the books, mentioning ideas of how to proceed with MEC Germany, and promising to send the Hatz Festschrift, the Heinrich Ihl book on Lemgo and "some other things which might interest you".
Ilisch, Peter
Ingeleys, widow of Peter de Shelford, for her soul and the souls of her ancestors and descendants to the nuns 1 acre in West Wratting fields, abutting on Wardlo way and on Rugweybrade, lying between lands of John, son of William, and Osborn le Palmer, his brother.
Yngeleysa, widow of Peter de Shelford
Reference material relating to the College properties and estates in general
Part of College Archives
Part of College Archives
Contains items relating to the May Balls in general. Includes account book covering expenditure of May Balls 1908, 1911, 1914, 1920, 1923, 1926, 1929, 1932, 1934, 1936 and 1938.
Part of College Archives
Papers relating to the general administration of Trusts
Part of College Archives
Includes ledger containing listing and costs (for purchasing?) of furniture and interiors in College by room, 1910 - 1917 (mouldy); inventories of contents of Fellows Rooms listing furniture, carpets, curtains and other furnishings and list of rooms and which Fellows occupied them, December 1976; Inventory of office machinery including shredders, scriptomatic, electric typewriters, guillotine, telephones, adding machines, weighing machines, typewriters, photocopiers, January 1984; Inventory of furniture and furnishings in the Master's Lodge which are the property of the College, April 1984;
Grey, Gold and Silver Metal Shapes
Part of Works of Art
18¾ x 12¾
Laurenson, Sam
Part of Works of Art
Part of Works of Art
Lent Bumps 1922 Jesus College 4th Boat - Blade
Part of Works of Art
Lent Bumps 1884 Jesus College 4th Boat - Blade
Part of Works of Art
Part of Works of Art
Part of Works of Art
Salome Presenting head of John the Baptist to Herod
Part of Works of Art
14½ x 12
Iron Band that binds Green Heart
Part of Works of Art
103 x 369" As installed
Smith, Keir
Part of Works of Art