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Indulgence of Thomas Arundel, at that time Bishop of Ely

  • JCMR/Gray 11-17/Gray 11-17/16
  • Item
  • 2 April 1376 (Dated 'Apud Dodyngton s[e]c[un]do die Aprilis, Anno Domini mill[es]imo CCCmo Septuagesimo sexto et nostro consecracionis s[e]c[un]do'.)
  • Part of Records of the Priory of St Mary and St Radegund

The Bishop grants indulgence of 40 days to all who contribute to the relief of the nuns on the occasion of the destruction of their dwellings and goods by fire. Written in Doddington.

Arundel, Thomas (1353-1414) Archbishop of Canterbury

Freshmen 1919

A photograph and list of names as follows:

M.E. [actually M.C.] Fitzgerald; P.F. Randall; V.G. Willatt; D.F. [actually D. T.] Evans; H.G. White; W. Aron; W.N. [actually W.H.] Grindley; E.B. O'Rorke; C.H. Hilliard; C.C. Skeete; F.E. Powell; J.M. Pattinson; R.S. Marsden; C.W. Snook; H.R. Leach; T.H. Goodwin; F.M. Porter; P.W.J. Fryer; N.C.B. Carrick; G.H. Macadam; E.T. Allen; R. Godfrey Fawcett [actually P. Godfrey-Faussett]; C.B. Craven; W.C. Brown; T.F. Everett; H.D. Martineau; W.J.A. Price; R.G. Clinton Boddeley [actually VC Clinton-Baddeley] ; H.L. Green; T.W.E. Royden; T.P.R. Layng; C.L. Bennet; J. Mc C. Williams; H.S. Jackson; C. Challen; T.W. Southam; W.V.B. Hughes; H.E. Le Bas; J.D. Fell; R.B. Meglaughlin: J.E. Holloway; S.I. Salmon; F.B.H. Ashwin; T.L. Harris; A.R. Penn; J. Stileman; F.G. Pyper; H.G. Goldsmith; V.B. Hazzard; F. Brittain; E.H. Warren; E.C. Matthews; W.R. Leathes; C.B. Briggs; E.L. Phillips; F.B. [actually P. B.] Seal; E.C. [actually E.F.] Baxter; H. Plaskitt; C.F.H. Hamilton and A.B.T. [actually A.R.T.] Finch.

Glazed floor tile

[016], F.19, <054>: a fragment near identical to those described above, with a similar dark
green glaze. It measures 30mm thick, and weighs 146g.

Contribution to vicarage at Great Shelford

Received of the Rev. Dr French the sum of £13 6s 8d due to the vicarage of Great Shelford, Michaelmas 1833. Signed by Rev Finch [?], incumbent.

Finch, Rev. Henry

Worked Stone

A single worked stone fragment was recovered from a stratified context. This consisted of a fine-grained bluish grey vesicular quernstone fragment that is identifiable as Niedermendig Műlstein lava (also known as Rhenish or Mayen lava) from the Eifel region in Germany (Kars 1983). Although such querns were frequently used during the Roman period, and are common finds on Middle and Late Saxon sites, they are much rarer in the Medieval period as their use was controlled following the Norman Conquest and many people were instead compelled to use centrally regulated mills (Watts 2002, 38-42). Therefore, although it occurred residually in a later context, this example is likely to be pre-12th century in origin.

[016], F.19, <058>: a Niedermendig Műlstein lava quern fragment. It measures 105mm by 96mm in extent and 30mm thick, and weighs 414g.

Chimney sweeping bill

Total of 15s received for one year of sweeping the kitchen chimneys, the Hall chimney, the coronation chimney and the Porters' chimney.
Signed by William Press.

Press, William

Indulgence of William Courtenay, Archbishop of Canterbury

  • JCMR/Gray 11-17/Gray 11-17/17
  • Item
  • 6 April 1390 (Dated 'in manerio nostro de Croydon sexto die mensis Aprilis Anno d[o]m[ini] mill[es]imo CCCmo Nonogesimo Et nostre translacio[n]is nono'.)
  • Part of Records of the Priory of St Mary and St Radegund

The Archbishop grants indulgence of 40 days to persons contributing to the relief of the nuns whose buildings have been ruined by violent storms. Written in the Manor of Croydon.

Courtenay, William (1342-1396) Archbishop of Canterbury

Cheque for Clergy Joint [?]

Cheque placing three guineas to the credit of the clergy joint [?] for John Mortlock Esq. and Sons. Signed off by J. Patrick [?]

Patrick, J.

Joiner's bill

Paid to William Newling for work done on the new building, including payments for 8 sash windows on the first storey, 8 sash windows on the second storey, double lines and pulleys. Signed by William Newling

Newling, William

Garden bill

Paid £4 7s 9d to John Harrison for 117 ash trees 14 to 20 feet tall.

Harrison, John

Chimney cleaning bill

£1 12s. 0d.
For sweeping the kitchen chimney, the servants' hall chimney, the porters and hall chimney, seventh hall chimney, and cleaning the copper and oven flue

Press, Robert


Paid £8 10s to Lucy Cradock due to her as one of Mr. Rustats pensioners. Received by James Smith. Above, a note certifying her residence in Rickinghall Superior and good character, witnessed by Jonathan Gibbs, rector, and H. Freeman and James Mabor, church wardens.

Cradock, Lucy

Freshmen 1920

A photograph and list of names as follows:

R.M. Inge; T.S. Nevill; P.F. Shenton; L.A .Parsons; T.B. Martin; S.D. Colwell; J.L. Docker; R.N. Leeston Smith; G.L.A. France; J.K. McConnel; R.C.C. Green; D. Jones; T.G. Stuart Smith; H. Chitty; D.P. [actually D.R.] Davies; R.E. Bland; H. [actually L.H.] Savill; J.E. Hughes Evans; B. Kelly; J.V.D. Deakin; G.C.B. [actually C.C.B.] Danvers; E.H. Caswell; R.H.W. Lowry; J. Litt; K.S. Storey; W.G. Wilcken; D.H. Pratt; J.S. Heber; G.F. Dales [actually Hales]; C.A.U. Cunningham; A. Chadburn; B. St G. Outerbridge; J.E.R. Young; H.S. Tegner; P.W. Davis; W.H. Thomas; D.P. Greenep; C.W. Ufford; J.B. Phelips; G.P. Vaughan Morgan; R.S. Fowler; G.G.C. Adami; C.C. Field; N.M.H. Lightfoot; L.J. Robbins; F.G.A. Marinari; A.F.W. Hall; A.G.M. Severn; A.J.S. Evans; E.F. Storey; R. Ravenscroft; C.A. Ray and P.G. Bentlif.


Parties: (1) Jesus College, (2) Nathaniel Holliday. To keep covenants

Results 551 to 600 of 2335