JCMR/Add./Add. Deeds 1-83/Add. Deeds 71-83/Add. Deeds 78
Part of Records of the Priory of St Mary and St Radegund
John Martin to Nicholas le Moyne 1/2 acre of land in Shelford fields, lying between the roads in Dunefeld, between land of Sir John le Moyne and land of Stephen de Shelford, abutting on Horningsei street at one head and on land of Gregory at the other. Rent: 1/2d; gersuma: 3s. Witnesses: Sir (Dominus) John le Moyne, knight (miles), John le Moyne, Master (magister) Adam de Shelford, John de Paris, William Costentin, John Godefrey, Andrew Brond, John clerk, Adam, son of Ele of Stapelford, Stephen de Shelford, clerk, et multis aliis.
Martin, John (13-14c) sometime mayor of Cambridge