Menus and attendance list from the Alumni Dinner, June 2010, menu for the Medics & Vets 3rd year dinner, 11 June 2010
Also a Medical and Veterinary Society Newsletter, 2016
Menus and attendance list from the Alumni Dinner, June 2010, menu for the Medics & Vets 3rd year dinner, 11 June 2010
Also a Medical and Veterinary Society Newsletter, 2016
Besides introducing the quarterly report, the letter concludes with, "We regret we have up to now been unsuccessful in obtaining the rent due from Mr. White, but hope to receive same shortly."
St. Quintin Son & StanleyTote bag with Jesus College crest and 'Jesus College Cambridge' printed on in colour.
Designed by Edward Sage, Junior Probationer, Year 4.
A pair of silver candlesticks commissioned by the College to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the admission of women.
Black coloured branded reusable cup.
Mounted colour photograph. Names on board read:
Rev. C. H. Crossley, Willingham Rectory, Cambridge postcard receipt to J. H. H. Goodwin, Jesus College, Cambridge.
Crossley, C. H.List of names and corresponding payment owed and written on an unposted post card. Listed names are Gates, Christian, Catling, Homes, Boyce, Johnsons, Saunders. "Morlin taken over. Aldens ground and has paid the rent."
Mead, A. M.Biographical information about James Lumley, 1773-1862
Mounted colour photograph. Names on board read:
Copy of programme
Lists teams for the Plate Final Jesus v Gonville & Caius and for the Cup Final Fitzwilliam/Sidney Sussex v St John's.
Three items of tupperware, branded with the College coat of arms, originally available for sale in the Roost cafe.
Black coloured keep cup. Replaced the red branded version when Keep Cup decided to no longer make the red version.
Keep CupCopy of programme
Printed signatures inside of members of the choir.
Includes copy of poster, programme, captions from exhibition, photograph of organising committee and letters to members of the committee.
Photograph shows Astrid Godfrey, Sorcha Keenan, Rose Asquith, Alice Buckley, Alex Vardill, James Tybulewicz, Mojola Akinyemi, Olivia Emily, Alex Hadyn-Williams.
Colour photograph. This was taken during Covid and each person was photographer separately and then the group photo was put together. Names on board read:
Contains a newspaper article about his time as a Japanese prisoner of war
Contains biographical information about George Neville compiled by Roger Bowers. Includes notes relating to his involvement in Benin and West Africa at the end of the 19th century.
Includes copy of poster, submissions poster and programme
Includes May Ball poster, programme, ticket, local resident information flier, wristbands, card notice asking attendees not to remove flowers from tables as souvenirs as they are to be donated to the Arthur Rank Hospice, information flier detailing information about the Heofon Light Maze installation by Ben Busche.
Music list and list of services for Michaelmas Term, 2019
Music list and list of services for Lent Term 2020
List of services for Michaelmas Term 2020
List of services for Easter Term 2021
Music list and list of services for Michaelmas Term 2021
Music list and list of services for Lent Term 2022
Music list for Easter Term 2022
List of services for Michaelmas 2022
Music list and list of services for Lent Term 2023
Music list and list of services for Easter Term 2023
Music list and list of services for Michaelmas Term 2023
Music list and list of services for Lent Term 2024
List of attendees at the JCCS Special Reception held in celebration of the Master, Professor Ian White and Mrs Margaret White
Handwritten manuscripts of three lectures as part of "Three lecture recitals" given by Peter Hurford at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology on the 19th, 20th and 21st of October.
Hurford, Peter (1919-1930) ), British organist and composerIncludes notes by Peter Glazebrook concerning the development of New Square and the Barnwell Enclosure.