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Bursar's Expenses

Calculations for Bursar's expenses for dates between 13 October 1832 and 28 May 1833. Horse to Willingham, Shelford, Willingham, London and Willingham, total of £6 2s 10d.

Also inclues labour payments for loan(?) on Curry(?) farm and labour. Total of £3 11s 3d. Settled by agent (?) November.

French, Rev. Dr William (c.1786-1849), Master of Jesus College

Butler audit and driver receipt

  • JCCA/JCAD/2/2/9/1771/54
  • 11th May 1771-29th November 1771
  • Part of College Archives

Paid 10s 3 1/2d to Beaumont Prior for his father for court keeping at Graveley, including bottles of port and brandy, tobacco, sugar, and bottles. Tucked inside a driver's receipt paid £1 1s to T. Barnes for a chaise to Graveley, saddlehorse and turnpike fees (11th May).

Barnes, Thomas

Butt Close

Butt Close covered an area now occupied by parts of Jesus Lane, King's Street and Manor Street and was acquired by the College in the mid 16th century.
The attached PDF by Freda Jones describes the history of this area in more detail.

Cambridge Chronicle bill

The Bursar of Jesus College
To James Hodson, printer of the Cambridge Chronicle

August 8th - printing 200 cards. Blank circles for ale. £0.6.0
September 6th - printing 200 cards. Ditto. £0.6.0
March 15th - printing 200 cards. Ditto. £0.6.0
July 18th - advertising farm Ellisley to let - £0.7.6
October 4th - printing 200 cards. Blank circles for ale - £0.6.0
Take changed to bursary - £0.7.6
Due from Coll - £1.4.0
Received 20th November 1824 - J. Hodson

Hodson, James

Cambridge University Crew, 1906

Names on board read:
G. D. Cochrane (3rd Trinity), J. H. F. Benham (Jesus), H. M. Goldsmith (Jesus), M. Donaldson (1st Trinity), B. C. Johnstone (3rd Trinity), R. V. Powell (3rd Trinity), E. W. Powell (2nd Trinity), D. C. R. Stuart (Trinity Hall), A. G. L. Hunt (Lady Margaret), S. D. Muttlebury (coach).

Cambridge University Tennis Club 1st and 2nd Sixes

Names on mount listed as:

H. Wesley-Smith (Trinity), P. G. Mayer (Trinity), G. C. N. Wardley (Trinity), E. N. Dexter (Jesus), A. A. Roberts (Trinity Hall), J. R. M. Lawrence (Pembroke), M. Woosnam (Trinity), A. C. G. Lonsdale (Trinity), A. J. Yencken (Corpus), C. N. Thompson (St. John's), E. D. Yencken (Corpus), H. A. Turner (Pembroke), B. R. Lawrence (Pembroke)

Cambridge University Trial Eight, 1900

Names on board read:
W. H. R. Streatfeild (Queens), W. H. Watney (3rd Trinity), E. J. Duncanson (Emmanuel), H. B. Grylls (1st Trinity), G. Parlcer (1st Trinity), R. C. Scott-Murray (1st Trinity), H. H. King (Pembroke), N. E. Menzies (Jesus), B. C. Cox (Trinity Hall), C. W. H. Taylor (1st Trinity), G. T. Atchison (Christs), W. Dudley-Ward (Trinity, coach), B. W. D. Brooke (1st Trinity, President), C. W. Tudor-Owen (Trinity Hall), P. C. Turnbull (1st Trinity), F. J. Escombe (Trinity Hall), C. Hartree (Caius), H. C. S. Wasbrough (Trinity Hall), A. E. O. A. Jamieson (1st Trinity), A. Landale (Trinity Hall).

Cambridge University Trial Eights, 1913

Names on board read:
A. C. Bell (Jesus), E. A. Fiddian (Emmanuel), E. A. Carrington (Christs), E. B. Pughe (1st Trinity), A. Swann (Trinity Hall), D. P. M. Phillips (Pembroke), K. G. Garnett (1st Trinity), H. C. Hatton-Hall (Trinity Hall), H. W. C. Vines (Christs), R. A. Dobb (Pembroke), R. Gould (Jesus), E. A. S. Oldham (Jesus), E. N. Showell-Rogers (Caius), G. E. Tower (3rd Trinity), S. E. Swann (Trinity Hall), A. C. J. Garnett-Botfield (3rd Trinity), P. C. Livingston (Jesus), J. A. Ritson (1st Trinity), J. W. Payne (Emmanuel), N. J. Rich (1st Trinity).

Candles Receipt

Receipt addressed to the Revd Master & Fellows of Jesus College to H. Rowe, dated Sept 7 for 8 (?) candles by Mr Dicks at 5s 4d. Noted as received through Mr Dicks.

Rowe, H.

Carpenter's Bill

Invoice from the Rev Master & Fellows of Jesus College to T. Chapman for work done around the college from 20th November 1833, includes repairing porter's ladder, a nife(?) board for the porter's lodge, a new panel to the pupils'(?) out office foor. Total of 6s 6d. On 7th December received of Dr French, signed by John Winter.

Chapman, Thomas

Carpenter's Bill

Invoice from the Rev Master & Fellows of Jesus College to T. Chapman, lodge account, for work done around the college from January 10 to July 18 1833. Includes new sash light and fusing(?) in the butler's pantry, wainscotting in the entrance hall, new pair of shutters, repairing window seat, 2 new latches and doors in the farden, 2 new sells to doors in laundr, new floor in butler's pantry, easing front gates, mending windows in butler's pantry. Total of £2 17s 9d. December 7th, received of Dr French from John Winter.

Chapman, Thomas

Carpenter's bill

Paid £1 11s for repairing chopping block in kitchen, curtain line in the Combination Room, bunch of shavings for the Combination Room, fasting up chimney piece in buttery, repairing the barn in the coal yard, work to the Chapel, bore made for the gas piping, repairing the stock in the coal yard, repairing the doors in the bogs, fastening door frame and new handle to Thorn Place ?, two dozen tenns and nails, shelf in the porters lodge for the gas.

Chapman, Thomas

Carpentry Bill

1833 invoice from Jesus College to J. Webster for carpentry. Includes Rhadegund ground, Master's lodge, courts, staircase & laundry, kitchen. Total of £31 11s 14.

Webster, J.

Carpentry Receipt

Addressed to the Master and Fellows of Jesus College. Receipt for 15 shillings to be paid to James Tibbit for carpentry work done on the college estate occupied by John Tew. Work carried out included a new gate, two posts, and two wing rales [sic].

James Tibbit

Carriage bill

25th June 1814, carriage of 2 mats; 10th July 1814 carriage of 3 cases. Total costs: £1 6s 6d.
Signed by J. Salmon.

Printed text on reverse:
Thomas Newsam & Co.'s (late J. Henson & Co.) London, Cambridge and Ely wagons.
Set out from the Bricklayer's Arms Inn, St Andrew's Street, Cambridge, every Monday, Thursday, and Saturday noon; arrive at the Catharine Wheel Inn, Bishopsgate Street, London, on Monday, Wednesday and Saturday mornings, and return the same days at 4 o'clock in the afternoon; also a wagon arrives at the Four Swans Inn, Bishopsgate Street, on Wednesday, and returns the same day. The wagons arrive at Cambridge on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
The Yorkshire wagons arrive at Cambridge every Tuesday and Saturday morning, and return the same days.
Wagons to Ely Wednesday and Saturday, and return to Cambridge Monday and Thursday.
N.B. The Proprietors will not be accountable for Plate, Watches, jewels, Writings, China or Glass above the value of £.10 unless entered as such and paid for accordingly.

Salmon, J.

Chapel Printing Receipt

Receipt for printing work carried out for Jesus College chapel by Jonathan Palmer (23 Jesus Lane) on behalf of Rev E.H. Morgan. Includes 200 copies of 'Subscription List of Window Fund', 4pp, L post, cream laid, including corrections (Nov 1875). 200 copies reprinted in March 1876 with corrections, and again in May with additions. Total cost £2 10s.

Palmer, Jonathan

Charter of King Stephen

  • JCMR/Gray 1- . . . 383/Gray 1-10/2a
  • Item
  • 1149-1150 ("[Given] during the siege of Mapperhall" (Apud Mapertes halam in obsidione), 1149-50. For the date, see appendix A in Nuns and goldsmiths.)
  • Part of Records of the Priory of St Mary and St Radegund

Stephen confirms to the church and nuns of St Mary the grant by William Monachus [le Moyne], goldsmith, of 2 virgates of land and 6 acres of pasture and 4 cottars with their holdings, at (Great) Shelford, in free alms, for the soul of Henry (I) and for all God's faithful. Witnesses: William Martell and Rainer de Warenne.

Stephen I (c 1096-1154) King of England

Charter of Nigel granting nuns land

  • JCMR/Gray 1- . . . 383/Gray 1-10/1
  • Item
  • 1144-1145 (This is probably the earliest of the nuns' charters, written before Gray 2a: see Gray, Priory (Cambridge, 1898), p. 3, for discussion; also Nuns and goldsmiths, p.61, n.11.)
  • Part of Records of the Priory of St Mary and St Radegund

Nigel, Bishop of Ely, gives to the nuns of the newly founded cell outside the town of Cambridge a piece of land (4 acres) lying near to the said cell, free of all customs, for a rent of 12d per annum. Witnesses: Radulf Olaf; Petrus clericus (Peter the clerk); Gilebertus capellanus de horn[u]ningesheia (Gilbert the chaplain of Horningsea).

Nigel (d 1169) Bishop of Ely

Results 451 to 500 of 2335