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"Zygon article"
JCPP/Bronowski/Bronowski/5/1/32 · File · June 1971-18 June 1974
Part of Personal Papers

Comprises correspondence with Ralph Wendell Burhoe (Editor of Zygon, journal of Religion and Science) on discussion of "philosophical issues of physical and biological laws" in Zygon, and suggesting that Eugene Wigner, Rene Dubos and Theodosious Dobzhansky contribute. Also includes a volume of Zygon (vol. 6, no. 2, Jun 1971).

JCPP/Bronowski/Bronowski/3/6/49/1 · File · 2 December 1971-9 May 1974
Part of Personal Papers

Comprises correspondence with Ralph Wendell Burhoe (editor) on: asking Bronowski to write for Zygon; requesting Bronowski's advice on a proposal to establish a Center for Advanced Study in the Religion and Science; and asking for his opinion on 'Problems of rationality in biology' by Henry Skolimowski which challenged Bronowski's article on 'Evolution of Complexity'.

Also includes articles by Burhoe, related reports and a list of essays that had appeared in Zygon (1966-1970).

Zhao Jue County City
JCPP/Picken/4/2/6/57 · Item · 1944
Part of Personal Papers

This county is located to the east of Xi Chang. The county only has four houses, a single tree and nothing else.

Ysaias, Tobit, Ruth, Glosati
JCOL/Q/G/2 · File · 1100-1300
Part of Old Library Manuscripts

Glosses on Isaiah (ff. 1-116), Tobit (ff. 117-129) and Ruth (ff. 129-34); M. R. James's no. 50. Parts of two leaves from a large 13C missal are attached to the covers. The gloss on Isaiah is in a different hand from the other two and has "a good rough initial".

JCPP/Bronowski/Bronowski/7/1/169 · File · November 1965
Part of Personal Papers

Consists of a reprint of 'The organization of a memory system' by Young (Department of Anatomy, University College London), with an envelope listing the lecture.

Young King
JCCA/JCCS/5/1/1956/4/5/9 · Item · 1956
Part of College Archives

Coloured drawing of the costume; notes about the costumes; and a pencil sketch of the costume with notes

Yi people's village
JCPP/Picken/4/2/6/61 · Item · 1944
Part of Personal Papers

notice that the stones are put above the roof top to avoid strong winds blowing away wooden roof top.

Yi people
JCPP/Picken/4/2/6/55 · Item · 1944
Part of Personal Papers

who are working on the urgent construction of Xichang airport.

JCCA/JCAD/3/CAM/JESL/22/3/1 · File · 16 December 1936 - 30 August 1938
Part of College Archives

(1) Notes from an Audit Meeting, 16 December 1936, concerning the terms on which No. 31 Jesus Lane could be taken on an annual tenancy.

(2) Letter from the Bursar to the Trustees of the Methodist College confirming that the lease dated 23 October 1929 had been terminated at Michaelmas 1936 and by mutual consent would continue on an annual tenancy at a rent of £105 per annum.

(3) Receipt for the sum of £52 10s 0d received from the Bursar of Jesus College for a half year's rent of 32 Jesus Lane, 15 October 1937

JCCA/JCCS/26/5 · File · 1994-1996, 2000-2005
Part of College Archives

Contains photographs, summaries of clubs and society achievements during the year and general notes on College life during the academic year which the yearbook pertains.

JCPP/Bronowski/Bronowski/5/6/2/1 · File · 29 September 1965-8 June 1966
Part of Personal Papers

Comprises correspondence with: Professor Arthur Galston and Dr Alan Garen (Department of Biology, Yale University) on Bronowski visiting Yale in 1966; and with Serge Chermayeff (Professor of Architectural Design, Yale University) inviting Bronowski to give a lecture and seminars.

Wu Po Copper Mine
JCPP/Picken/4/2/6/80 · Item · 1944
Part of Personal Papers

The largest copper mine in Big Liang Mountain and Small Liang Mountain area. During the Tongzhi era of Qing dynasty, money was raised to mining copper here but the threaten from Yi bandits forced it to stop.

Wu Jiao Town
JCPP/Picken/4/2/6/70 · Item · 1944
Part of Personal Papers

The first town we meet when entering Fu Bo county area, about 5 km from the county city.

Written invoice
JCCA/JCAD/2/2/9/1926/248 · Item · 30th April 1926
Part of College Archives

Invoice written on a sheet of paper for £1 5s 0d for Jesus College

Dawson, Mr.
Part of Personal Papers

Drafts of speeches, pocket diaries and other non-academic writing.

Writing bill
JCCA/JCAD/2/2/9/1838/65 · Item · 14th December 1838
Part of College Archives

Paid £4 4s to Rowe for making out the College corn rental and house rental for a year ending Michaelmas 1838. Signed by Rowe.

Rowe, Richard
Wray's Almshouses
JCCA/JCAD/3/CAM/KING/45/4/1877 · Item · c. 1877
Part of College Archives

Plan showing cottages, frontage and dimensions. Accompanies particulars of lease: JCAD/3/CAM/KING/45/3/1877

"World Publishing Company"
JCPP/Bronowski/Bronowski/3/4/32 · File · 10 October 1963-3 May 1967
Part of Personal Papers

Comprises correspondence mainly relating to Meridian Books (World Publishing Company) publishing paperback versions of 'The Face of Violence' and 'The Poet's Defence'.

Also includes correspondence with other publishers on the paperback versions; a press release about 'The Face of Violence'; letters asking Bronowski to serve on an editorial board, about Kenneth Douglas leaving Meridian Books and from C J Friedrich (Harvard University) thanking Bronowski for a copy of 'The Face of Violence'.