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Letter from P. Maddy to William French

Written from College, Ely. Hopes French's health is improving and says he will send a remedy recommended by one of his friends, Mr Fardall, He cured Dr. Wilson of Walthamstow. Hopes that his health recovers quickly, whether or not he takes his friend's remedy. Greatly felt the deans absence whilst the Bishop and Mrs Allen also aren't looking very robust. The son and daughter have just returned to, presumably, where they live. On 3rd November he must appear at the Chapel Royal.

Maddy, P.

Ironmonger's bill

Ironmonger's bill addressed to Mrs Feilding's account, from R. Underwood, 'General Ironmongery Establishment', on the High Street, Huntingdon. Total payment of 6s for two stone nails. Signed by O. Baines on behalf of R. Underwood. Year not given, presumably 1863 or 1864.

Baines, O.

Charter of Nigel granting nuns land

  • JCMR/Gray 1- . . . 383/Gray 1-10/1
  • Item
  • 1144-1145 (This is probably the earliest of the nuns' charters, written before Gray 2a: see Gray, Priory (Cambridge, 1898), p. 3, for discussion; also Nuns and goldsmiths, p.61, n.11.)
  • Part of Records of the Priory of St Mary and St Radegund

Nigel, Bishop of Ely, gives to the nuns of the newly founded cell outside the town of Cambridge a piece of land (4 acres) lying near to the said cell, free of all customs, for a rent of 12d per annum. Witnesses: Radulf Olaf; Petrus clericus (Peter the clerk); Gilebertus capellanus de horn[u]ningesheia (Gilbert the chaplain of Horningsea).

Nigel (d 1169) Bishop of Ely

Charter of King Stephen

  • JCMR/Gray 1- . . . 383/Gray 1-10/2a
  • Item
  • 1149-1150 ("[Given] during the siege of Mapperhall" (Apud Mapertes halam in obsidione), 1149-50. For the date, see appendix A in Nuns and goldsmiths.)
  • Part of Records of the Priory of St Mary and St Radegund

Stephen confirms to the church and nuns of St Mary the grant by William Monachus [le Moyne], goldsmith, of 2 virgates of land and 6 acres of pasture and 4 cottars with their holdings, at (Great) Shelford, in free alms, for the soul of Henry (I) and for all God's faithful. Witnesses: William Martell and Rainer de Warenne.

Stephen I (c 1096-1154) King of England

Grant of rent in free alms

Richard Wastinel addresses all his friends, French and English, and grants to the nuns in free alms a rent of 2 pence (duos nummos) of the service of Everad de Batford. No witnesses.

Wastinel, Richard

Gift with warranty

Stephen de Scalaris (Scaler, or Scales, see Gray 5) to Absalon, son of Roger of Cambridge 3 shops in Cambridge market, one a corner shop, rent 5s 8d; hagabel 4d; the adjoining one 4s and the third 3s 8d. Consideration: 100s ("ad magnun negocium meum perficiendum" - to accomplish his great work). Donor covenants to use no art or ingenuity to get out of this agreement. Witnesses: Geoffrey Poteckin, Richard, Eustace (?), brothers, Henry Elyot, John, son of Hugh, Roger Parleben, John, son of Henry le Tablur, Godfrid, son of William, __ Potekin, (Laurence?) Potekin, Ralph, son of Edmund(?) et multis aliis.

Scalaris, Stephen de

Grant of the Countess Constance

  • JCMR/Gray 1- . . . 383/Gray 1-10/3a
  • Item
  • August 1153-October 1154 (The grant includes prayers for the soul of Eustace and the good estate of King Stephen, so must be between Eustace's death in Aug. 1153 and Stephen's death in Oct. 1154.)
  • Part of Records of the Priory of St Mary and St Radegund

Grant of exemption from hagable and langable within and without the borough of Cambridge, also fishery and waters which belong to the said borough, as they were held by herself and her late husband Eustace, for the soul of the said Count Eustace, of all her ancestors, also for the soul of Queen Matilda, and for the good estate of King Stephen. Witnessed by N[igel], bishop of Ely, G[eoffrey] de Waterville, [Roger le Equaham?] with his brother Rodbertus (Robert), Radulf vicecomitus (Ralph the sheriff), Alexander pincerna (the butler), Eustace de Bans, William Monachus (le Moyne) of Shelford, Rodbertus (Robert) Grim, Gilbert son of Dunning, Herbert, Hervey son of Warin.

Constance (c 1126-post 1174) Countess of Toulouse from 1154

Confirmation of charter Gray 3a

King Stephen confirms the grant by his daughter-in-law the Countess Constance to the nuns of exemption from hagable and langable and of the entire fishery and waters belonging to the borough. Grant witnessed at Cambridge by Fulcus de Oilli, Robertus filius Unfris (Robert, son of Humfrey), Ricardus de Bada (Richard of Bath), Henricus de Novo Mercato (Henry of Newmarket).

Stephen I (c 1096-1154) King of England

Confirmation of charter Gray 2a

Bishop Nigel of Ely confirms grant by William Monachus [le Moyne] of Shelford to the Church of St Mary and St Radegund of 2 virgates of land etc. Witnesses: William [de Laventon] archdeacon [of Ely], Richard of St Paul, Richard de Pontcardon, Ricardus filius Ilberti (Richard fitz Gilbert), Magistrus Ernulfus (Master Ernulf), John of St Alban, Gilbert clericus (the clerk), Radulfus Dapiferus (Ralph the steward), Alexander pincerna (the butler), Henricus peregrinus (Henry the pilgrim).

Nigel (d 1169) Bishop of Ely


Stephen de Scales and his wife, Juliana, give, with their daughter Sibil, 80 acres in West Wrattingwith a managium, free of all taxes except Danegeld. Witnesses: Durandus, monk of Ramsey, et aliis.

Scalaris, Stephen de

Confirmation by Bishop Nigel of a grant by Stephen de Scalaris (Scaler, or Scales) and wife Juliana.

  • JCMR/Gray 1- . . . 383/Gray 1-10/5
  • Item
  • 1154-1158 (William [de Laventon] was the archdeacon of Ely 1154-1158. In the VCH, Cambs., II, 218, the grant is listed before King Malcolm's grants, i.e. before 1158. Some of the witnesses are known to have been active in 1160s.)
  • Part of Records of the Priory of St Mary and St Radegund

Nigellus [Nigel], Bishop of Ely, confirms the grant made by Stephen de Scalaris and his wife Juliana to the nuns of St Mary and St Radegund of 80 acres of land in (West) Wratting, to be held free of all customs except Danegeld. May be entry gift for their daughter Sybil (cum Sibilla filia sua). The original charter of the Scales has not survived, but it is known from a late medieval cartulary (Caryl T.25, item d). Witnessed by William [de Laventon] archdeacon of Ely; Augustus, Adam and Walter, monks; Roger the chaplain; Erm, Peter and Robert Crest: (maybe Robertus Crestien, see Miller, p. 286); John and Paian (Miller, ibid.), clerks; Martin (of Bottisham?, LE, p. 338), Radulf (Ralph, of Whaddon?, ibid.) and Richard, decani (deacons); Radulf Dapifer (the steward); Alexander pincerna (the butler); Stephen and Gaufrus (Geoffrey) de Scales; Robert de Cuninter (?) (possibly Robertus de Cunningetuna); Gaufrus filii Suani (Geoffrey son of Swein, vassal of Stephen de Scaler).

Nigel (d 1169) Bishop of Ely

First charter of King Malcolm IV of Scotland

King Malcolm of Scotland grants to the nuns of Cambridge 10 acres near Grenecroft in free alms and for the foundation of their church, for a rent of 2 shillings, which his minister will then offer on the altar of the said church. Witnessed in Huntingdon by Herbertus, episcopus de Glasgu (Herbert, Bishop of Glasgow), Walter Cancellarius (the chancellor), Hugo de Morevill, Fulcus de Lusures, Dd. Olifat, Walter de Lind[sey?].

Malcolm IV (1141-1165) King of Scotland


William, son of Stephen de Scales, confirms his father's gift of land in Wratting, for the good of his soul and that of his wife Sibil and all his ancestors. Witness: Roger de Gurney et aliis.

Scalaris, de, family

Gift with warranty

Ingeleys, widow of Peter le Bof, to Hervey le Messager 3 acres in Batailles croft in town of Wratting, lying between the land of William Bux and the road. Free of all services to the donor, but charged with scutage of 20s 1d to the King, more or less. Rent: 8d. Gersuma: 16s. Witnesses: Geoffrey Fluri, William, his son, Philip Rikespand, William de Oxecroft, John Rangeill, William, his son, William de Bossco, Ralph Bruning, Alan de Blund et multis aliis.

Bof, Ingeleis le

Grant of rent in free alms

William, son of Robert fitz Walter gives to nuns a rent of half a mark (6s 8d) for his soul and the soul of his wife Margaret. Witnesses: Seher de Quinci, William Bardulf, William son of Rocelin, William de Blunville, Robert son of Rocelin, John the clerk, Gilbert son of Dunning, Gerard de Wechesham, Milon de Riveshal

Robert, William son of

Confirmation of charter Gray 4b (charter of King Malcolm)

  • JCMR/Gray 1- . . . 383/Gray 1-10/4c
  • Item
  • July 1162-summer 1163 (Before Gray 4d. Given between Thomas' election to the Archbishopric of Canterbury in 1162 and the death of King Malcolm of Scotland in 1165; he is referred to simply as 'rex Scocie'. See Nuns and goldsmiths, p. 61 n. 12.)
  • Part of Records of the Priory of St Mary and St Radegund

Archbishop Thomas Becket confirms the grant by King Malcolm IV of 10 acres of land at Grenecroft to the nuns, along with general confirmation of their lands. Witnesses: Robertus Archidiaconus Oxineford' (Robert, the Archdeacon of Oxford), Magister Philippus de Caun' (Master Philip de Calne?), Magister Herbertus de Boseham (Master Herbert de Boseham), Rob(ertus) capell(anus) et Williamus capell(anus) (Robert the chaplain and William the chaplain), Williamus de Leigrecest'

Becket, Thomas (c 1118-1170), Archbishop of Canterbury

Second grant of King Malcolm IV

  • JCMR/Gray 1- . . . 383/Gray 1-10/4b
  • Item
  • June 1163-August 1163 (Engelram was the chancellor until 1164, when he became Bishop of Glasgow, and Nicolas was the Chamberlain from 1160/61 to 1165. See Barrow, Regesta Regum Scottorum pp. 106, 240. For the date see Nuns and goldsmiths, p. 61 n. 12.)
  • Part of Records of the Priory of St Mary and St Radegund

King Malcolm of Scotland confirms his earlier grant to the nuns of St Mary and St Radegund of 10 acres of land at Grenecroft, and frees the nuns from having to pay the 2 shillings rent on this land. Witnessed in Huntingdon by Engelram Cancellarius (the Chancellor), Nicolas Camerarius (the Chamberlain), William Burdet, Hugo Ridel.

Malcolm IV (1141-1165) King of Scotland

Grant in free alms with warranty

Reginald, son of Henry de Trumpington, to nuns of St Mary and St Radegund of Cambridge with his daughter Margaret, a rent of 2s due to him from Thomas of Trumpington for 9 acres of land which Thomas holds of him. Thomas is to do the services due to the King for the said 9 acres. Witnesses: Henry de Orewell, William de Trumpington, Everard, his son, Ralph de Cailly, Simon, his son, William de Orewell, Robert, his son, Richard le Francies, William, his son, Robert le Vavasur, Roger de Herbeton, Alberic de Ca(p?)eles, Albin de Orewell, Ralph(?) de Trumpington, Master (Magister) Peter, medic (?), Fulk Crocheman.

de Caily of Trumpington,

Grant of services

Rannulf, son of Robert de Gosebrekirg to the nuns of St Radegund in free alms the services of Odo and Ivette, his wife, for a tenement formerly held by Ascer, father of the said Ivette, from the father of the donor, the tenement being situate at Hippighil. Rent: in lieu of service 12d on St Botolph's day. Witnesses: William Pera, John de Ria, Philip and Gilbert, his brothers, Peter, clerk, Hugh, chaplain, William, his brother, William Burger, Walter Cobinot, Maurice, Hugo and Hamo, his sons, Geoffrey de Digebi, Roger, clerk, John Bude et multis aliis.

Gosebrekirg, Rannulf son of Robert de

Confirmation of Grant

Reginald, son of Hugh Clencwaret(on) to the nuns an annual rent of 3 combes of salt (12 bushels) due on St Margaret's day, out of a salt works at Linn, called Heveckescote, which rent was granted by his father Hugh to the nuns in free alms for his soul and the souls of all his ancestors. Witnesses: Geoffrey, priest of North Lynn (Nordlinn), Ernest, priest of Lynn, John, son of Alan de Ingaldestorp, Peter, son of Ralph de Alen, William, his brother, Godfrid de Grimeston, Simon and Bartholomew, his sons, Richard (?)Cecurteis, Gilbert, his brother, Geoffrey _odo, Richard Wulfard, Geoffrey, his brother, William de Wigenhale, Adam Huriel et pluribus aliis.

Clencwaret(on), Reginald

Gift in free alms

Simon of Tunderley, for his soul and that of Cecily his wife, to the nuns of St Radegund 2 acres in Tunderley, namely: 1 acre 3 roods in Eldefeld, called Benelond; 1 rood in Kersewelle field in front of the house formerly belonging Ailwina le Want'. Witnesses: Robert de Tundreley, Robert de Rochef[ord?], Robert forester, his son, Hugh de Watevile, Robert de Watevile, his brother, Thomas de Enefield, John Clerk, Ralph, his brother, Bernard Grim, Hervey, son of Edward, Sturemi, Richard Grislim, Geoffrey, chaplain, who wrote this charter.

Tunderley, Symon de

Gift with warranty

John de Rocheford to the nuns of St Radegund homage and services owed to him by Roger, chaplain of Burrwell and his heirs for the tenement of Lecherosecroft in Berden for the salvation of his soul and that of his wife Matilda and of the soul of his daughter Beatrix, who is buried there, that is at the light before the altar of St Radegund. Witnesses: Baldwin de Felsted, William de Rocheford, Geoffrey de Rocheford, Eustace de Rocheford, William, chaplain of Norhanton (Norhampton?), Simon Petitconscil et multis aliis.

Rocheford, John de

Gift in free alms

Simon de Turre gives to nuns of St Mary and St Radegund one acre of meadow land in Hunimade held by Robert de Rotewelle, lying next to that of Simon's man Henry, and half an acre of meadow land in Chabligwelle, lying next to the land of Robert le Heighley. Witnesses: Peter chaplain, Roger chaplain, Everard Myle, Robert son of above, Roger de Caudecote, William clerk of Caudecote, Henry son of Helys, Ralph minister, Roger son of Gilbert, Robert de Guiz, Simon reeve, et pluribus aliis.

Turre, Simon de

Grant of Rent Charge in Exchange for Land

Alice, daughter of Jordan, to Gilbert, her nephew and heir, clerk, the annual rent of 8d, which Godefrid Claud owes her for the land lying between land of Albert and land of Azo, mercer, in the town of Ely, in the parish of St Mary, and which she sold to the said Godfrid. Consideration: 3 butts of land in Prestmedue (Priest medow). Witnesses: Sir (Dominus) Baldwin, vicar of St Mary's, Sir Everard, priest, Sir Droco, priest, William, son of Elias, Solomon, goldsmith, Richard, mercer (mercator), Richard de Monasterio, Robert, porter, et multis aliis.

Alice, daughter of Jordan

Grant of Rent in Free Alms with Warranty

Gilbert, priest, of Ely, for the sake of his soul and the souls of his ancestors grants to the monastery of St Mary and St Radegund of Cambridge an annual rent of 3s 2d, viz: from Stephen Marshall (1s 2d) out of a certain messuage in St Mary's parish; from Robert __schales 6d, from a messuage of the same fee in the same parish; from God(frey) Baker (bercarius) 16d for a messuage in the same fee; from Hugh, son of Wauclin, 6d for a messuage of the same fee. Witnesses: Baldwin, priest, vicar of St Mary's, Drogo, priest, Richard, priest, Elias, servant (or serjeant), Richard of Swaveton, clerk, Peter, clerk, Martin, clerk, et multis aliis.

Gilbert of Ely, priest

Gift with warranty

Hugh, son of William, to Gudman Mercer (Mercator), a messuage lying between Holy Trinity church and the house of Isabel Sephare. Rent: 16d, Gersuma: 6d. Witnesses: Hildebrand, Alan, his son, John Crocheman, Robert, his son, Geoffrey Horger, Michael Malerbe, Philip Incisor (Carver?), Gregory, son of Edward, Reginald de Saldeford, Henry Butcher (Carnifex), Hugh Mercator et multis aliis.

Hugh, son of William

Grant of Rent Charge in Exchange for Land

Alice, daughter of Jordan, to her nephew and heir Gilbert, clerk, son of Azo, a rent of 8d, payable yearly by Godefrid Claud from the land in the town of Ely, which she sold to the said Godefrid. Alice swears for herself and her heirs that they will bring no suit against Gilbert concerning the said rent. Consideration: Gilbert gives Alice 3 butts of land lying in Prestmedue (Priest medow). Witnesses: Baldewin, dean of St Mary; Samson, goldsmith, W(illiam?), son of Elias, H. clerk, R(ichard), mercer (mercator), G. porter (ianitor), R. Till et multis aliis.

Alice, daughter of Jordan

Grant of rent with warranty

Matilda (Maud), daughter of Jordan, to her nephew Gilbert, son of Azo, clerk, 16d rent, viz: 8d from the land which Godefrid Claud bought of her, 2d due from Azo le Norrais, and 6d from Hugh, son of Wakelin, due from the third part of a selion of land lying beyond Bele. Consideration: 1 mark; Witnesses: Baldwin, dean, Salomon, goldsmith, William, son of Elias, Hugh, clerk, Richard Mercer (mercator), Geoffrey Porter, Ralph Tyll, et multis aliis.

Maud, daughter of Jordan

Gift with warranty

Hervey Nuncius (le Messager) to Ralph de Orliens one rood of land and a messuage in Bataliscroft, the house, lying next Ralph's house, and the rood next his land. Gersuma: 7s. Rent: 2d. Scutage: 20s 1/2d. Witnesses: Philip de Rikespad, Jordan Carpenter, Ernold Alger, Ralph de Orliens, John Alger, Garin de Trellave, William Miller, William Barker or Tanner ("bercarius" - tanner) et aliis.

Hervey (le Messager)

Gift in free alms with warranty

Peter de Riveria (Rivers) and Roheis (Rose?) de Heliun to the nuns to find a lamp for their infirmary, 2s rent service from Adam de Horstede their man out of land held of them by him in Minor Chetham, which is a feod of Robert de Crevequer. Witnesses: William de Heliun, Alberic de Capellis, Symon de Sarespede, Gilbert, son of Adam, Gilbert de Heliun, William, his brother, Nicholas, Evaed and Walter Cunrey, et multis aliis.

Riveria, Peter de

Grant of rent

Henry, son of Salomon Goldsmith, to Gilbert, son of Azo, clerk, a rent of 4d due from Stephen, son of Nicholas, from land in the town of Ely, which Henry sold him. Warranty: Henry swears not to raise controversy over the ownership of the rent; consideration: 4s. Witnesses: Henry Pilat, John and Richard, chaplains, Walter de Ely, Drogo de Ely, Bernard de Feltewell, Henry and Everard Draco et aliis.

Henry, son of Salomon Goldsmith

Grant in exchange

Prior Robert and the convent of Barnwell to Henry Mele a messuage in Cambridge, held of them by Robert Futigar, and another in Barnwell, held by Nicholas, with 3 acres adjoining it, in exchange for a messuage, which the said Henry held of them in Pesecroft. Rent: 4s and 4 capons so long as the said Henry Mele remains a parishioner of Barnwell, if he reside elsewhere the rent increased by 3s 4s, viz.: 12d and 2 capons for the messuage in Cambridge, 3s and 2 capons for Barnwell messuage. Witnesses: Wibert of Barnwell, Andrew, his son, Richard, son of the said Andrew, Walter, son-in-law of Wibert, Andrew, his son, Geoffrey de Wenden, William de Cumberton, Gilbert Cook (Cock - Coque), Brihtmar, Roger, his son, Robert, son of the said Brihtmar, Ralph Brihtred, Richard Percehaie, Ralph Parmentar, Richard Coque, Alan de Harleton, Simon Parmentar, William Mason (Cementarius), Robert Carpenter, Simon, his son.

Barnwell, Prior Robert of

Gift in free alms

William, son of Hugh de Trumpington, to the nuns two crofts at Howes. Witnesses: R(obert), Prior of Barnwell, Hugh, priest, Geoffrey, priest, William de St George, Ralph de Chailz, Robert Grim, Hervey, son of Warin, Richard Grim, Baldwin Blandternon, John, clerk, Aigar.

Trumpington, William de

Gift in free alms

Philip, son of Alan de Cestertune (Chesterton), with the consent of his mother Albrida, gives to the nuns with his sister Margaret a messuage held by Andrew Carter. Also 3 acres 1 rood in Cambridge fields held by Theobald, brother of Alcelin. Witnesses: Robert, Prior of Barnwell, Walter and Gilbert, monks of Ely, William, monk of Tiletey, Master (magister) Hugh, son of Absalon and William, his brother, Henry Pilat, Joachim, son of Simon de la Holm, et multis aliis.

Chesterton, Philip de


Acelina de Caxton and Rois (Rose), her daughter, to Sir (Dominus) Eun, chaplain of Caxton, all rights which they have in a messuage which James, smith (Jacobus Faber), holds of them in Caxton. Rent: 12d to the church of St Radegund of Cambridge, which rent together with another rent of 12d they gave to the house of St Radegund in free alms. Gersuma: 5s. Witnesses: Master (Magister) Gentilius, parson of Caxton, Johele, clerk, Robert, son of Godiwa, Edmund de Caxton, Simon de Brunne, Geoffrey, reeve, Henry Newman (Novus hominus) et multis aliis.

Caxton, Acelina

Gift in free alms with warranty

Eustace Smith of Madingley, for the sake of his soul and for the soul of his ancestors and his descendants, to the church of St Mary and St Radegund of Grenecroft 2 acres 1 rood 1/2 parcel of land in Madingley fields, viz. 1 acre lying in Hollewelle between lands of the Prior of Barnwell, and 1/2 acre in the wood between lands of William of Bardeley, held by Roger Alfr, 2 roods in Litlewelleslade next the land of John, son of Robert, on one side, and the land of Anketin of Henlowe on the other, 1 1/2 roods in the Longmersh meadow, between meadow land of Gilbert, son of Alice, and meadow land of the Abbess of Chatteris. Witnesses: William de Bardeley, John, son of Robert, Roger Sprot, John de Speningen, Albert, son of Eustace, Hugh, son of Anger, Ankenin de Henlowe, Warin, son of Tangar, William, son of Tangar, William, son of Edward, Adelard, son of Orgar, Geoffrey Potekin, Henry, son of Elias, Adam Wiriel, Maurice Russ (Ruffus), Ivo, son of Absalon, William, son of Scholastice, et multis aliis.

Smith, Eustace

Gift in free alms

Reginald de Argent[en] and his wife Margery to the church of St Mary and St Radegund of Grenecroft all the lands which he bought of Hugh Pilate in Grenecroft, except a piece of herb garden (erberium) of Walter Pilate. Rent: 2s to the church of St Giles in Barnwell (Barnwell priory). Witnesses: Master Geoffrey, official (of the Bishop of Ely), Baldwin Blangernon, Alber(ic?) Russ, Algar Nobil (le Noble), Bernard Grim, William, son of Apsolon et multis aliis.

Argenton, Reginald de

Gift in free marriage

Adam Sadler to Henry Hubert, in marriage with his sister, Edusa, a shop in St Edward's parish lying between land of Baldwin Blancgernon and land formerly in the tenure of Bartholomew Taillur, to Henry as his heirs by Edusa. Rent: 3s. Witnesses: Thomas, son of smith, Geoffrey Potekin, John, his son, Robert Nadun, Simon de St Botolph's, Robert Weragon, William Lane, Hosbert Cambridge, Richard Formager et multis aliis.

Sadler, Adam

Gift in free alms with warranty

Simon de Kayli (Cailly in 17) to the nuns of the church of St Mary and St Radegund, for his soul and the soul of his wife Matilda (Maud), who is buried there, 1 acre of land at Wyxtones ditches, viz.: the acre lying next land of Gwarin (Warin), son of Asketin, and abutting towards le Banlond. Witnesses: Master (magister) Thomas de Whatleye, Bartholomew, dean, Roger and Peter, chaplains, William de Trumpington, Reginald, his brother, Henry, parson, Joce, his vicar, William de Kayli, Henry, son of Reginald, Ernulf of Trumpington, John, his son, John de Litlebury et multis aliis.

de Caily of Trumpington,

Institution of the Nuns to the Rectory of All Saints

  • JCMR/Gray 1- . . . 383/Gray 79-99/Gray 79, 81-87/79b
  • Item
  • 13 November 1180-13 November 1180 ('Facta e[st] aut[em] hec i[n]stitutio et vicarie [con]cessio anno ab incarnatio[n]e verbi mo co lxxxo feria va (quinta) inf[ra] octav' s[an]c[t]i Martini')
  • Part of Records of the Priory of St Mary and St Radegund

Geoffrey, Bishop of Ely, institutes the nuns to the rectory, with the consent of the former patron, Sturmi, there present, who confirms his charter (79a). The nuns are to pay Richard, the chaplain, stipend of 20s. p.a. and to pay the episcopal dues. After the resignation or death of the said Richard they are to have the right of presentation to the living. Witnesses: Robert the Prior and William, canon of Barnwell; Edmund, chaplain to the Bishop of Ely; Godfrey de Insula, Godfrey de Wisbech, Adam de St Edmunds, Master Bartholomew, clerk of Brandon; Alan, the almoner; Roger, dean; Master Robert Christien, Jonathan, priest; Nicholas of St Boloph's, Robert of St John and Hugh, his brother; Simon and Walter, chaplains, Everard de Becham, William, son of Hugh, sheriff; John de Daviner, Peter de Bechem, John de Caisnet, Amand, clerk.

Ridel, Geoffrey (d 1189) Bishop of Ely

Grant of a rent in free alms in exchange for tithe and right of sepulture

Hervey, son of Eustace, to the nuns a rent of 12d p.a. to be paid by Absolon, the son of the priest, out of land next the lane leading from St Edward's church to St John's church, to recompense them for any loss which may accrue to All Saints' church out of the common land on which is situated the Hospital of St John, and in return the said Hospital is to have the right to bury where it will, saving to the same Hospital its free chantry in perpetuity. Witnesses: Lord (Dominus) E(ustace), Bishop of Ely, R. Barre, archdeacon of Ely, William, prior of Barnwell, H., parson of the church of Bodekesham (Bottisham), Master (magister) John Grim, Master Geoffrey Grim, Master John de Malketon, Fulk, son of Theobald, Robert Picott, William de Trumpiton, Baldwin Blancgemon, Robert Seman, Maurice Russ et multis aliis.

Hervey son of Eustace (fl 1200-1231)

Grant of a rent in free alms in exchange for tithe and right of sepulture

Maurice Russ to the nuns a rent of 12d out of land in St John's parish in the tenure on Simon, son of Reginald, next the land of Goding de Cesterton, to recompense them for any loss which may accrue to All Saints' church out of the common land on which is situated the Hospital of St John, and in return the said Hospital is to have the right to bury where it will, saving to the same Hospital its free chantry in perpetuity. Witnesses: Lord (Dominus) E(ustace), Bishop of Ely, R. Barre, archdeacon of Ely, William, prior of Barnwell, H., parson of the church of Bodekesham (Bottisham), Master (magister) John Grim, Master Geoffrey Grim, Master John de Malketon, Fulk, son of Theobald, Robert Picott, William de Trumpiton, Baldwin Blancgemon, Robert Seman, Maurice Russ et multis aliis.

Russ, Maurice

Grant of advowson

Hugh, son of Absalon of Cambridge, on the advice of the late Eustace, Bishop of Ely, for the salvation of his own soul and the souls of his ancestors, grants to God and the Almoner of St Radegund of Cambridge the advowson of the church of St Clement in free alms. Witnesses: Bartholomew, official of the Archdeacon of Ely, Fabian, chaplain, Hugh, his brother, Peter, chaplain, Master (Magister) Robert de Neutun, Robert, chaplain of St Clement's, Robert Seman, Fulk Crocheman, John, his brother, Ailgar de Welles, Hervey, son of Martin, Michael, his son, Richard de Bernewell, Peter and Richard, his sons, Richard, son of Osbern, William, his son, William, son of Master Geoffrey, Robert, clerk, John, his brother, Walter de Lindsia, Robert Porter, Robert Blund et multis aliis.

Hugh, son of Absalon


Nicholas le Moyne (Monachus) de Selford (Shelford) in response to the petition of his father and with the consent of his heirs confirms to the nuns of St Mary and St Radegund of Cambridge 55 acres of land which his father gave them, also 1 1/2 acres of meadow and 1 acre of land for building barns. The five acres of land which they have asked for he will give. He gives this land for the souls of King Henry and his heirs and for the souls of his own father and mother and for the remission of his sins and those of his heirs. To hold as King Henry gave it to le Moyne's father and his heirs. Witnesses: Jonathan, priest, Nicholas and Jocelin, priests, Peter, clerk of Shelford, Hervey, son of Warin, John, his son, Norman.

Le Moyne family

Release and quitclaim

Walter, son of William de St Edmund's, releases his rights in the advowson of St Clement's and confirms the grants made of it to the nuns of St Mary and St Radegund by his ancestor, Hugh, son of Absalon, and his uncle Walter. Witnesses: Sir (Dominus) Philip de Stanton, Everard de Trumpington, Henry de Colembe, Henry Muscher, John le Moyne, knights (milites), Thomas Toilet, Robert de St Edmund's, Robert Hubert, William Pilate, Stephan de Haukestone, William To(ilet?) et multis aliis.

St Edmunds, Walter de


Hugh, son of Stephen, son of Alveve, to the nuns his father's gift of 5 acres 3 roods in Cambridge fields. Witnesses: Sir (Dominus) Hervey Alderman, Robert Seman, Fulk Crocheman, Geoffrey Potekin, Roger Parleben, Adam Werial, John and Walter, his sons-in-law, John Creving, Reginald de Fordham, Childman et quibusdam aliis.

Hervey son of Eustace (fl 1200-1231)

Gift in free alms with warranty

Avice Bacun of (Long) Stanton, for her soul and the souls of husbands, ancestors and descendants, for the nuns to the use of the infirmary, 10 acres in the fields of Stanton, with appurtenances, viz: the croft of Felice, lying between the land of William, son of Austin, and that of Simon, son of Herbert. Also 4 selions under Hel', between the land of Sir William de Cheney and the land formerly of Richard de Evesham. Also 6 selions abutting on the boundry of Hokiton, between land held by William Cole and land formerly of Richard Evesham. Also 4 selions under Michelhowe, between the land of Robert Kyng and that of Richard Levesson. Also 1 acre formerly belonging to Constance, daughter of William Chaplain, lying between the land of Lady Avice de Stanton and the land held by William Sygar in Medwedich. Also 4 selions in Oxemedwe, between land of Richard Guve and land of Henry Grene. Also 2 selions abutting on Wivrlingemere, lying between land of Sir William de Cheney and land of William Bolle. Also 4 selions at Windelond, between land of Simon, son of Seberg, and land of Stranton Church. Also 3 selions at Hawey between land of William Cole and land of Robert, son of William, reeve of the Berewe (Bury?). Service of 1d to the altar of the church of St Mary, Stanton, due from the acre formerly belonging to Constance. Witnesses: Sir (Dominus) Henry de Nafford; Sir Philip de Stanton, Henry de Colne, sheriff, Henry de Colevile, Sir Herbert, parson of Stanton, John de Oure, Werric de Kam, Adam, son of Eustace of Cambridge, Eustace, son of Hervey, Robert Seman, William Pilate, Anger Russ (Ruffus) et aliis.

Stanton, Avice Bacun of

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