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Augustini quaedam

Works of Augustine; M. R. James's no. 16. Contains: (1) Augustinus in libro ii Retractionum, Contra donatistas auctoritate beatissimi episcopi et martyris cipriani; (2) Aurelii Augusti ypponensis episcopi contra Donatistas de Baptismo libri septem; (3) Augustinus in libro ii Retractionum, Uenit etiam tunc; (4) Aur. Augustini Doctoris ypponensis Ep. Liber de Natura et Gratia; (5) Epistola Prosperi ad B. Augustinum Ep. ; (6) Epistola S. Hylarii Arelatensis Ep. Ad S. Augustinum ypponensem Ep. ; (7) Aur. Augustini Doctoris ypponensis Ep. Libri duo de predestinatione Sanctorum et de Bono perseuerantie ad Prosperum et Hylarium. The text is well written, with coloured initials. Bound in two consecutive sheets of a psalter containing parts of psalms 34-38 and 43-49. A piece of a 15C table appears in the binding. The flyleaf has a 12C table of contents and a 15C pressmark: "Augustinus de baptismo et de natura et gracia et alia litera. B".

B. S. Evers

Two photographs showing Evers in military uniform during WWI.

Babylon Bruis'd and Mount Moriah Mended

  • JCPP/Manning/2/1
  • File
  • 1940-1968 (Copies of both original 1940 imprint and 1968 reprint.)
  • Part of Personal Papers

being a compendiou?e & authentick Narracioun of y? William Dowsing Societie in a Vi?itatione of all y? Pari??he Churches & College Chapells of Cambridge during a Longe Vacation; w?? Narration, latelie imprinted in y? Cambridge Review, is here newlie ?ett for the & edited by F. Brittain & Bern? Manning, Fellows of Je?us College in y? Univer?itie of Cambridge.

Printed and published by Will. Heffer & Sons, this is a collaborative effort from Bernard Manning and F. Brittain. It is in fact a reprint, the original being printed in 1739 and thus the language used resembles that of the 18th century.

It details the accounts of William Dowsing, a iconoclast who was appointed by Parliament between 1643-44 to visit 250 Churches around Cambridgeshire and Suffolk, removing/defacing ornaments that were deemed superstituous. This particular account involves several locations, including Jesus College.

Manning, Bernard L.

"Background Papers - Language in a Biological Frame"

  • JCPP/Bronowski/Bronowski/4/3/8/1
  • File
  • June 1963-16 September 1970
  • Part of Personal Papers

Comprises: notes made by Bronowski; copies of letters between Bronowski and William Etkin (Professor of Anatomy, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Yeshiva University) on the organisation of wolf packs and other related matters; a bibliography; a typescript of 'The Biological Foundations of Language' by Bronowski (dated June 1967 & July 1968); a note from Bronowski to Professor [Roman] Jakobson recommending Bernard Campbell's book on 'Human Evolution'; a letter from Felix Bronner (Department of Oral Biology, The University of Connecticut Health Center) commenting on Bronowski's work on language; and reprints and photocopies of articles by others on language and culture.

"Bampton Lectures"

  • JCPP/Bronowski/Bronowski/5/6/6/9
  • File
  • November 1968-September 1973
  • Part of Personal Papers

Comprises: annotated extracts from Bronowski's Bampton lectures on 'Magic, Science and Civilization'; a note [in Sylvia Fitzgerald's handwriting, of actions to prepare Bronowski's Silliman and Mellon lectures for publication]; a note [in Bronowski's writing] about Levi Strauss for the Bampton lectures; and 2 letters from Melvin J Lasky (Editor, Encounter) on subjects including Frances Yates' discussion of [Giordano] Bruno and 'Science and Literature' by Peter Medawar (annotated galley proofs included).

"Bampton Lectures (2)"

  • JCPP/Bronowski/Bronowski/5/6/6/4
  • File
  • October 1968-March 1969
  • Part of Personal Papers

Consists of annotated extracts from Bronowski's second Bampton lecture entitled 'Black Magic and White Magic', with an annotated reprint of 'Science as a Humanistic Discipline' by Bronowski (Oct 1968).

"Bampton Lectures (3)"

  • JCPP/Bronowski/Bronowski/5/6/6/5
  • File
  • December 1967-March 1969
  • Part of Personal Papers

Comprises annotated extracts from Bronowski's third Bampton lecture entitled 'The Strategy of Scientific Knowledge', with [source material].

[Source material] consists of: a reprint of 'Science in the New Humanism' by Bronowski; annotated speech notes for 'Science as a Humanistic Discipline' by Bronowski (Dec 1967) and an annotated reprint (Oct 1968); a photocopied page of handwritten notes; press cuttings about the periodic table, Alexander Pope and Atheism; copies of correspondence with E H Gombrich (Mar 1969); and a photocopy of a page from an encyclopaedia with an entry for "Theism" highlighted ("a morbid condition caused by excessive tea drinking").

"Bampton Lectures (3)"

Comprises notes, source material (reprints and photocopies), and a reading list from Bronowski's Silliman memorial lectures on 'The Origins of Knowledge and Imagination' (1967).

"Bampton Lectures (4)"

  • JCPP/Bronowski/Bronowski/5/6/6/7
  • File
  • January 1969-November 1970
  • Part of Personal Papers

Comprises annotated extracts from Bronowski's fourth Bampton lecture entitled 'Human Plans and Civilized Values', with a copy of letters from Kristeller (Institute for Advances Studies, Princeton, School of Historical Studies), a cutting of 'Two Views of Responsible Man' by Anthony Flew, notes of quotes in French, and a press cutting about Josef Mengele (Nazi war criminal) receiving Paraguayan citizenship.

"Bampton Lectures (4)" [source material]

  • JCPP/Bronowski/Bronowski/5/6/6/8
  • File
  • 1965-March 1969
  • Part of Personal Papers

Comprises reprints, press cuttings, photocopies of articles by other authors, and correspondence with Professor Knut Erik Tranöy (Professor of Philosophy, University of Bergen and University of Maryland) on shared interests and Tranöy sending his paper on 'Moral Presuppositions and Implications of Modern Science' (included).

"Bampton Lectures in America"

  • JCPP/Bronowski/Bronowski/9/4/8
  • File
  • 4 March 1968-14 May 1969
  • Part of Personal Papers

Comprises correspondence, mainly with Columbia University in the City of New York, on Bronowski delivering a series of 4 lectures on 'Magic, Science and Civilization' for the Bampton Lectures at the University (19-27 Mar 1969).

Also includes: typescript extracts from Bronowski's lectures on 'Magic, Science and Civilization'; a list of people to invite to the lecture and dinner; a short biography of Bronowski; a leaflet from the 1968 Bampton Lectures by Sir John Summerson on 'Victorian Architecture'; a draft itinerary for Rita and Jacob Bronowski's visit to New York (to deliver the lectures); an invitation for a dinner hosted by Dr and Mrs Andrew Cordier; a Columbia University press release about Bronowski delivering the lectures; leaflets for Bronowski's Bampton lectures; and a "speaking engagement" information sheet [made for the file].

"Bampton lectures" [lecture 1]

  • JCPP/Bronowski/Bronowski/5/6/6/2
  • File
  • January 1969-March 1969
  • Part of Personal Papers

Comprises annotated extracts from Bronowski's first Bampton lecture entitled 'Interpretations of Nature', with an invitation to Bronowski's Bampton lectures and [source material].

[Source material] consists of a photocopy of a page of poetry by E H Cummings, a leaflet on 'A Program for Science in Harvard College: Why it Must Succeed' with a passage about modern science being considered magical underlined, and a letter to Rita Bronowski from Gilbert Seldes sending a quote by T S Elliot.

Bankruptcy Declaration

Documents issued by the County Court in relation to the bankruptcy of William Cole who had been granted a yearly tenancy of 1 Salisbury Villas

Cambridgeshire County Court

Barankin, Edward W (Reprints)

Consists of 3 reprints of articles: 'Statistics and its place in science', 'Probability and the East' and 'Probability and Behavior and Eastern Thought', with an envelope listing one of the articles.

"Barnard, George A. (Reprints)"

Consists of reprints of 2 articles (one with G M Jenkins and C B Winsten), with an envelope listing the contents.

Barnett, S. A. (Reprints)

Consists of 6 reprints of articles: 'The behaviour and needs of infant animals', 'The biology of aggression', 'Pavlov today', 'Questions on the social dynamics of rodents' (with C. S. Evans), 'Social stress' and 'Instinct'.

"Baron, Robert J. (Reprints)"

Consists of 2 typescripts (preliminary copy, and pre-publication) of articles about models of brains and memory by Robert J Baron (Clarkson College of Technology). With an envelope listing details of the articles.

Bartholomew Gosnold

Includes copies of signature, family tree and images of places connected to Gosnold, found in Suffolk record office, 2007

"BBC - Adrian Malone"

  • JCPP/Bronowski/Bronowski/6/1/3
  • File
  • 28 July 1969-28 July 1973
  • Part of Personal Papers

Comprises correspondence between Adrian Malone (director) and Bronowski or Sylvia Hodgson/Fitzgerald.

Subjects include: discussion of content, scripts and suggestions of additions and edits ("treatments" of the scripts); updates on a meeting at the BBC about 'The Ascent of Man'; Bronowski visiting London (1970); Bronowski sending expanded scripts, "treatments" of scripts, and "sync pieces"; arrangements for filming including travel and clothing; and reactions to 'The Ascent of Man' being shown on television.

Also includes: transcriptions of tapes made by Adrian Malone about locations research in Turkey and Samos (Greece); copies of notes for a meeting between Malone and Peter Roebeck at Time-Life Films; and notes, scripts with columns for vision, footage and sound [sync scripts], and a transcription of the soundtrack, all for programme 6 'The Starry Messenger'.

"BBC - Aubrey Singer & Robert Reid"

  • JCPP/Bronowski/Bronowski/6/1/8
  • File
  • 28 July 1969-19 November 1974
  • Part of Personal Papers

Mainly comprises Bronowski's correspondence with Robert (Bob) Reid (Head of Science and Features, Television, BBC) and Aubrey Singer (Head of Features Group, Television, BBC). Other correspondents are: Sylvia Hodgson/Fitzgerald, Caroline Budd, Noble M Wilson (Assistant Head of Features Group, Television, BBC), Vera Grimmett (secretary to Aubrey Singer) and Alan Sleath (Senior Assistant to Head of Features Group, Television, BBC). Also includes one letter to Rita Bronowski from Singer after Bronowski's death.

Subjects in correspondence with Reid (Aug 1969-Jun 1971) include: sending Reid a copy of 'A Happy New Year from Dr Bronowski' film (1969); arranging a meeting with Reid, Singer, Adrian Malone and Time-Life Films in New York (Oct 1969); Reid's comments, suggestions and notes on programme outlines; relations between the BBC and the Indian Government making it difficult to film in India; ideas for other BBC science programmes; and comments on "sync rushes" [film of Bronowski speaking to camera for inclusion in 'The Ascent of Man' programmes].

Subjects in correspondence with Singer (Jul 1969-Nov 1974) include: sending Singer copies of Bronowski's book 'Nature and Knowledge' (1969), outlines of the Mellon lectures [on 'Art as a Mode of Knowledge', 1969] and information on the Salk Institute; arranging a meeting in New York with Reid, Adrian Malone and Time-Life Films (Oct 1969); tax issues (Bronowski's); Singer visiting Bronowski in San Diego in Oct 1970, with John Stringer (BBC) in Oct 1972, and in May 1973; scheduling 'The Ascent of Man' to be shown on television, and repeats; planned previews, publicity and launch at the Royal Society; finding sponsors and selling 'The Ascent of Man' series in the United States; 'The Ascent of Man' series being shown in Canada; publication dates for 'The Ascent of Man' book; Bronowski becoming ill in April 1973 and not be able to travel for the launch; the BBC entering 'The Ascent of Man' series to the Europalia Festival in Brussels (Belgium) Sep-Oct 1973; a proposed television programme about the Salk Institute; Jacob and Rita Bronowski's plans to travel to London (Oct 1973); Sylvia travelling to London to finalise book proofs; a film of an interview with Leo Szilard by the BBC being sent to Bronowski and being included in the Salk Institute's archives; Singer's promotion to Controller of BBC-2; Bronowski's death and arranging the BBC's tribute to him.

"BBC - Dick Gilling"

  • JCPP/Bronowski/Bronowski/6/1/6
  • File
  • 12 November 1969-10 October 1973
  • Part of Personal Papers

Comprises correspondence between (Christopher Richard) Dick Gilling (producer) and Bronowski, Sylvia Fitzgerald or Kathleen Murray/Verlander.

Subjects include: Gilling meeting Bronowski when visiting the United States in 1969; locations and subjects to film; Bronowski sending Gilling scripts; Gilling visiting San Diego then Taiwan in 1970; Bronowski visiting London in 1970; filming grunion; planning the filming schedule; locations research; sending the BBC a film that Bronowski made for the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation on Einstein ['The Nature of Things, 1960's]; re-recording commentary about bees in programme 12 after the first broadcast; and Bronowski requesting Gilling arrange introductions for Slava and Zella Luria to Doris Lessing, Ann Jellicoe and Reg Butler when the Lurias were visiting London.

Also includes: a note from Philippa Copp (BBC) sending Dick Gilling's research notes on Wayana Indians in French Guiana (notes included); a list of issues Bronowski discussed with Gilling by phone (16 Sep 1970); copies of letters to Gilling from Shirley Marks (Computer Sciences Department, Rand Corporation) on technical issues around getting film from a video display; and copies of correspondence with Dr Robert Briggs (Department of Zoology, Indiana University) about commentary on an experiment by Dr King and Briggs used to illustrate cloning in 'The Ascent of Man'.

"BBC - Jane Callander & Betty Jowitt" [and Philippa Copp]

  • JCPP/Bronowski/Bronowski/6/1/4
  • File
  • 18 May 1970-9 October 1973
  • Part of Personal Papers

Comprises mainly correspondence between Sylvia Fitzgerald or Bronowski and: Jane Callander (secretary/assistant to Adrian Malone, then assistant to Philip Daly) on work done on scripts and programmes, locations, insurance, hotel reservations and travel plans; Betty Jowitt (Assistant to Dick Gilling) on travel plans and mail for Dick Gilling, plans and expenses for Bronowski travelling to Peru, transcripts of sync pieces from Oak Ridge, a film of grunions, part of a programme disappearing, Jowitt's illness, and thanking Bronowski for sending the book of 'The Ascent of Man'; and Philippa Copp (secretary to Bronowski whilst he was working on 'The Ascent of Man' in the United Kingdom) on transcripts, travel plans for Bronowski, and asking for help to get a job in California.

"BBC - Mick Jackson"

  • JCPP/Bronowski/Bronowski/6/1/5
  • File
  • 3 August 1970-16 February 1973
  • Part of Personal Papers

Comprises correspondence between Bronowski and Mick Jackson (assistant producer) on ideas and issues about locations and subjects to film, promotional activities, launching the television series and transcripts to prepare for publication.

Also includes: a letter from Lucy Castley about working on scripts for 'The Ascent of Man'; a letter from Willem van der Reijden on issues around producing "back-up material for the physics included in programmes IV, IX and X"; and a list of programme points by Bronowski (26 Oct 1970).

"BBC - Projected mini-series on the Salk Institute"

  • JCPP/Bronowski/Bronowski/10/2/11/73
  • File
  • 2 October 1972-4 July 1973
  • Part of Personal Papers

Comprises correspondence between Bronowski or Sylvia Fitzgerald and people from the British Broadcasting Corporation, relating to a proposed television programme or series about the Salk Institute. Subjects also include 'The Ascent of Man'.

Correspondents are Aubrey Singer (Head of Features Group, Television), Bruce Norman, and Alec Nisbett (Producer).

Additionally includes memoranda for the file on meetings and planning for the series.

"BBC - Voyage Round a Twentieth Century Skull"

  • JCPP/Bronowski/Bronowski/5/1/29/2
  • File
  • 17 July 1972-3 April 1974
  • Part of Personal Papers

Comprises correspondence, mainly with George Steedman (Head of BBC Transcription), on a series of 12 radio interviews of Bronowski conducted by Steedman (1974).

BBC brochure for 'The Ascent of Man' television series

  • JCPP/Bronowski/Bronowski/6/9/2
  • File
  • c. 1973-14 June 1974
  • Part of Personal Papers

Comprises a brochure for the series featuring drawings by Feliks Topolski, with a typescript of an introduction for the brochure written by Bronowski and a copy of a letter from Kathleen Verlander to Alan Sleath (BBC) requesting copies of the brochure.

"BBC Film of the Salk Institute"

  • JCPP/Bronowski/Bronowski/10/2/11/74
  • File
  • 19 February 1973-4 July 1973
  • Part of Personal Papers

Consists of copies of letter from Bronowski 10/2/6/73 with a note of Fellows that the material had been circulated to.

"BBC, The Ascent of Man, Corrections, 2nd printing"

  • JCPP/Bronowski/Bronowski/6/8/4
  • File
  • 8 February 1974-6 June 1974
  • Part of Personal Papers

Comprises copies of pages from 'The Ascent of Man' book annotated with corrections to be made. Also includes 2 letters from Peter Campbell (BBC) to Sylvia Fitzgerald thanking her for corrections, and a packing slip for copies of the 2nd edition of 'The Ascent of Man'.

"BBC, The Ascent of Man, Corrections, 3rd printing"

  • JCPP/Bronowski/Bronowski/6/8/5
  • File
  • c. 1974-3 July 1974
  • Part of Personal Papers

Comprises copies of pages from 'The Ascent of Man' book annotated with corrections to be made, a list of corrections to be made, and a packing slip for copies of the 3rd edition of 'The Ascent of Man'.

Beda super Genesim et Exodum

Bede on Genesis and "on Exodus"; M. R. James's no. 14. Two separate works, in different hands of similar date. Item (2) is Bede's "De tabernaculo"; it ends abruptly while discussing Exodus 26. James judged the writing "beautiful"; there is a fine decorated initial at f. 1v. Attached to the binding at the beginning and end are partially erased leaves from another copy of Bede on Genesis, of about the same date.

Bedae martyrologium

Bede's Martyrology; M. R. James's no. 31. At the front are some 14-15C calendar notes, with one folio missing. The Martyrology is followed by: 1) a form of cursing sacrilegious persons; 2) a statement of what a parish priest ought to know and do; 3) verses on the months; 4) the hymn "Saluatoris mater pia" with music on a four-line stave; 5) De beata Maria - eight sets of three lessons.

"Being Born and Growing Up"

  • JCPP/Bronowski/Bronowski/5/1/30/7
  • File
  • c. 1973-c. 1974
  • Part of Personal Papers

Comprises annotated drafts of chapters 2 and 3, and a detailed outline, for volume 3 of 'The Ways of Man' series.


Performance of Handel's oratorio Belshazzar in the College Chapel on Thursday 7th March 1963 at 8.30pm

Benefices Act declaration

Declaration by the Master and Fellows under the Benefices Act 1898 (amendment) Measure 1923: that the advowson and right of patronage will, when registered with the Diocese, become incapable of sale.


  • JCPP/Bronowski/Bronowski/9/4/9
  • File
  • 27 July 1965-15 February 1966
  • Part of Personal Papers

Comprises correspondence and press cuttings relating to an address on 'The Place of Science' that Bronowski gave at the inauguration of Edward Bloustein as President of Bennington College (Vermont, 9 Oct 1965).

Also includes: an itinerary for Bronowski's visit to Bennington College; an annotated typescript and annotated galley proofs of Bronowski's address; an annotated copy of 'The Bennington Review' containing Bronowski's address; a typescript of an address on 'Science, Education and Democratic Leadership', given by Max Tishler at the ground-breaking ceremony for Upsala College Hall of Residence, which quoted from Bronowski's address; information on a course entitled 'Physics as Inquiry' sent to Bronowski from Professor Kent D Lawson (Science Department, State University College, Oneonta, New York); and a "speaking engagement" information sheet [made for the file].

Benson the College Cat

Four photographs showing Benson the College cat (c. 1992 - c. 2000); article from the Cambridge News concerning a hunt for the cat following its disappearance, 21st October 2000;

Results 301 to 350 of 4385